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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Jul 1972, p. 10

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I 1 PAGE 10- PLAINDEALER-WED NE SDAY, JULY 19. a o y CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE BUSINESS SERVICES WANTED WANTED, Plymouth with 6 cylinder slant motor, private, McHenry Plaindealer, Box 430, McHenry, Illinois. 7-19/7-21 AUTOS PICK UP TRUCK 1954, Ford y2 ton, good running condition. 385-4859. 7-19/7-21 CORVETTE Hardtop, will fit a '63 to '67, $150 or best offer, 385-8921. 7-19/7-21 AUTOS AUTOS 1971 PLYMOUTH Duster, 6 cylinder 3 speed on column, must sell, drafted, $1600. 385-2803. 7-19/7-21 1969 PONTIAC TEMPEST, $1200. Call after 6: P.M. 385-7964. 7-19/7-21 327 Chevy ENGINE, rebuilt, 2500 miles, $125.00 drives it away. 385-7899. 7/14-7/21 1970 OPEL GT, red with black vinyl sports top, chrome lug­ gage carrier, 9,000 act­ ual miles, mint condition, must sell. $2,300.00. 385- 7415. 7-19/7-21 '67 MUSTANG, excellent con­ dition, best^figjM'. 385-1441. TF12 FTAWTIMOWFRSI and ! GARDEN TRACTORS IADAMS REPAIR SH0P| | 3102 N. Chapel Hill | McHenry, III. 385-0434 • 7/5Tm • AUTOS TAIL PIPES & MUFFLERS BRAKE SHOES -- U JOINTS OIL & AIR FILTERS B & D AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY INC. \Vi miles East of McHenry on Rte. 120 385-2034 7/5TF12 SUPPLY Automotive Qualified Counter Saturday BUSINESS SERVICES GENERAL HAULING, crushed road gravel, grade 9 for drive­ ways. Black dirt for lawns, pea gravel and sand, etc. John Ficken, Jr. Call 385-4835. 7/5TF12 LEE'S ROOFING - We specialize in shingles, storm damage and repairs. For free Estimates call 385-4108 and ask for Lee. 7/5TF12 HIGH PRICES paid for copper, brass, aluminum lead, etc. A. Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd., McHenry. Call 385-6236. 7/5TF12 BART YEGGE FURNITURE CRAFTSMAN •REPAIRING •REFINISHING •CANING •UPHOLSTERING 3810 W. Main Street McHenry, IIL 815-385-0159 7/5TF12 CRYSTAL LAKE PAVING SUMMER SPECIAL ON Driveways, Parking Lots and Seal Coating 25% to 40% cheaper than any other contractor, free estimates 24 Hour Service. Call now and save. 459-5757 7-19/8-4 K0TTKE ENTERPRISE LANDSCAPING SNOjlVPLOWING 815-385-4160 j VACATION L ,™I_CARE j 7-19/8-11 5-24TF1-2 BUSINESS SERVICES REYNOLDS for th'ttcr building pnnim ts in ALUMINUM • American Classic™ Siding • Classic Shingle-Shakes™ Roofing & Sidewalls • Gutters In Colors • Soffit & Fascia • Shutters For No Ob I i g a t i o n Estimate ^ Call: McHENRY SIDING CO. 815-385-0600 7/7TF12 A NEW ROOF? ...Get it done right. Call Richard Sagers 385-5839 •Roofing Repairs •Roofing Call Saturday, Sunday or After 5:00 on Weekdays. Your Dollars Get %lore Mileage Thru Want Ads BUSINESS SERVICES ADDITIONS REMODELING HOME IMPROVEMENTS IWORCO 815-385-58541 7-14/7-21' B & G's SEAL COATING DRIVEWAYS - PARKING AREAS $10 and up Free estimates Call 385-4017 6-28TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES MEYER'S BLACKTOP SERVICE NEW PARKING LOTS & DRIVEWAYS INSTALLED. COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL. ALSO PATCHING, SEAL COATING, TAR & CHIPPING. 20% DISCOUNT. CALL ANYTIME 312-223-2031 Grayslake Serving your area. 7/5TF12 815-385-5843 |jSSSS| SUNNYSIDE GARAGE DOOR Free Estimates • or SALES AND SERVICE RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC DOOR OPENERS COMPLETE SPRING SERVICE no n All work Guaranteed 6/28-8/9 • WHARTON BIACKTOP PAVING | I SERVING YOUR AREA - 20 Years Experience I | We are now taking orders Residential & j I Commercial. Deal direct with owner and save! | -- Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE -- L---IS--EJ12BA3J6347/5T1,12 J MEYER'S LAWN SERVICE • Roto Tilling •Lawn ^Cutting • Power Vacuuming - •Power Sweeping Daytime 815-3854140 7/5TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES irs THE EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ltoi ̂ $$$ ENROLL IN 'THE EXECUTIVE COURSE" - COMPLETE PROGRAM Sawy€r College ̂ Busine^s j SECRETARIAL COURSES 210 N. GINKSKC STRICT WAUKI6AN. ILLINOIS 40MS _ MAIL THIS COUPON, OR CALL 6234701 PLEASE SEND FREE CATALOG: * I NAME -ASTC • ytDORESS • rC»TV.... STATE *•*•-- ' UWQNE - • 'EXECUTIVE * LEGAL • MEDICAL 'TYPING 'SHORTHAND 'OFFICE PROCEDURES •BUSINESS ENGLISH •BUSINESS LETTERS •REPORT WRITING •BOOKKEEPING •MONTHLY TUITION PLANS PD 7/12TF1 • DAYS . . . EVENINGS • -- JUST 25 MINUTES FROM McHENRY I NEED | IMPROVEMENT! j IN YOUR HOMEl Interior or Exterior Painting FREE ESTIMATES Call 385-6173 or •385-7144 after 5:30 p.m^ ^-21TF12l REMODELING CONTRACTOR Full Additions Basements Finished Free Estimates. Expert Work Done. CALL AFTER 6 P.M. OR WEEKENDS TOM MCMILLAN 815-653-4276 FOR SALE COLD SPOT air conditioner, 8000 BTU. Good condition. $85.00. 385-3889. 7-19/7-21 MINI BIKE $70, 3.5 HP. shocks, runs good. 385-1755 7-19/7-21 M 30 Kodak Super 8 Movie camera (zoom lens) with case. Used, in perfect condition. $60 00. 385-6016. 7-19/7-21 305 YAMAHA. $100.00. Hontb 50 CCi $50.00. Needs work. Snow plow in excellent condi­ tion. $50,00. 385-6107. 7-19/7-21 PORTABLE STEREO, guitar, together or separate. Call 385-1137. 7-19-72 1971, 8y2 ft. pick up camper, self contained, excellent con­ dition. $1,300.00. Call 385- 6059. 7-19/7-21 .22 WESTERNFIELD semi­ automatic. Like new cond. Call 815-678-7081 between 9 a.m. & 4:00 p.m. Ask for Bill Jr. * TF12 PULVERIZED black dirt, $10 yard. 385-5636. 7/5TF12 HONDA 250 (frame, etc. only, no motor) $35, Car radio $12, Bucket seat (Impala) $20, Lawn mower $15. 385-4292. _ 7/7TF TYPE BALLS for IBM Com­ poser Typewriter. Sell new for $35.00 each, will sell for $20.00., All in excellent con­ dition. Write for type style sample or can be seen at Mc­ Henry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., Mcflenry, Illinois 60050,, 5/3TF12 BEFORE YOU BUY SHOP AND • COMPARE ISLAND LAKE FURNITURE MART Route 176 Island Lake, Illinois 312-526-2210 7/5TF12 COIN COLLECTION Indian Head Cent -1857 to 1909-includes small and large letter 1858's - nickel copper - copper & "L" 1964's and 1908's and 1909S for sale $500. cash. Franklin half dollars - 1948 to 1963 set extra fine or uncirc. condition $195.00 cash. Liberty half dollars - 1937 to 1947 set nice collection - $165.00 cash Call 815-385-1248 7-19 I WE CELEBRATE OUR I I FIRST OLD FASH- | I0NED DAY SALE | | JULY 22nd I • Jewelry, knick knacks & j lots of other things. V i 20% OFF ON | I EVERYTHING * | Free coffee & homemade I Italian Cookies. | OPEN 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. | THE BURRAFATO'S J IDISCOUNT GIFT SHOPA f 4821 W. Crystal LakeRd. ' | McHenry, Illinois 7-19J 7rl9/7-21 GARAGE SALE UNUSUAL Garage Sale, 1970 Buick LaSabre/alr, new radial tires Ex. cond. Baby items and unusual misc. 3115 W. Miller Dr. McHenry Shores, 20-21-22. 7-19 GARAGE SALE: Lawn sweep­ er tires, coffee table, books, clothing - men's and ladies, boy's infants through 4, strol­ ler, swing, large quan­ tity of misc. items. July 20 & 21. 9 to 6. 4303 W. Crest- wood (Cooney Heights) Mc­ Henry. 7-19 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE I I THURS.-FRI.-SAT., _ " JULY 20-21-22 Living room set; rug; I I I clothes; dinette set; Ad- m • miral console hi-fi; 35 | | hp. Johnson outboard; 2 • boats, needs work or good I for flower boxes; appl. I 4aa1A. ™ miral console hi-fi; 35 I boilers; plus much misc. | I dishes; garden tools; a misc. hdwe.; copper wash | 4914 Pistakee Dr. | o LEAVING STATE;; Everything Must Go > 2 yr. old G.E. 2 dr. re- {* • frig. $65. RCA Victor 0 < > stereo, Value $600 will {> <> take $200; Mediterranean < > ,} cocktail table, commode * > (> and end tables $100 for < > {} all 3; furnishings, chairs i» (, etc. misc. hsld. goods, 1 > ., baby furn., playpen and < • 0 crib. o o 0 {> 5513 East Lake Shore Dr. < > < > Wonder Lake, Illinois. < > O THURS. -FRI.-SAT. J' 7-19/7-21 O i jkskskskakakaleakak^cikakdc 1 I VP T WW W $ GARAGE SALE * Fri Sat. & Sun * July 21, 22 & 23 ^ Moving must sell every " thing. Westinghouse 11000 BTU air conditioner, white 30" electric range, cop pertone 30" electric range, copper tone electric ref., chest freezer, formica din­ ette set, 2 leaves, 6 chairs; formica drop leaf kitche set, 4 chairs, 4-36" vinyl swivel bar stools, snow blower; band saw on stand; ijig saw on stand; plumb-, ing tools; other tools ofl all kinds; other furniture etc. everything in good] condition and reasonable. 7701 Brook Drive $ Wonder Lake, III. $ 653-4272 $ J************#* 7-19/7-21 TO PLACE YOUR AD PHONE 385-0170 PETS FOR SALE GERMAN Shorthair Pointer pups, to hunters only. Pure bred, no papers. $40.00 each. 385-7870. , 7-19/7-21 PART WEIMER and German Shepherd puppies, 7 weeks old. $15.00. 385-3674. | 7-14/7-21 To good home. Registered 4 'year old black miniature male poodle. $25.00 385-8688. I wish to thank Fathers Petit, Cahill, Kulak, Reg- nier, McKinstra and Rev. Shaw for their visits, and sacraments and prayers; the nurses aides and orderlies of Memorial hos- pial for their care andpat- ience with me; also Mrs. Catherine Weber for her daily visitsandkindnesses; and everyone who sent me cards, flowers, gifts, and candy, visited me and called me; for the many prayers offered for my recovery. I will always re­ member them for the "Bridge over Troubled Waters" they built for me. Arthur Martin 7-19 HELP WANTED FASHION WAGON of Minneso­ ta Woolens is looking for full or part time help in this, area. Must have own trans­ portation. No experience neces­ sary. Call 312-546-7870. 7-19/7-21 YOU CAN go far with Wells Far-Go, licensed private em­ ployment agency. 1212 N. Hwy. 47, ^Woodstock, 815-338-6980. 6-28/7-26 OPENING for qiialifiedbeautic- ian, guaranteed salary, paid holidays, paid vacations, store merchandise discount. Apply in person at Spurgeons Beau­ ty Salon. 7-14/7-19 FOUND SOMETHING OF VALUE near the Jewel Food Store. 385- 3523, Call after 6 p.m. 7-19/7-2/ HELP WANTED BUS BOYS DAY & EVENINGS 16 years and over. " APPLY IN PERSON Call for an appointment 815-338-3500 ' THE TIMBERS RESTAURANT Rte. 47 - Bypass 14 Woodstock, Illinois 7-19/7-21 PART TIME BOOKKEEPER Capable of general ledger, journal, payroll, sales tax accounting. Call 312-587-5814 For Interview 7-19/7-21 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON Full time experienced Real Estal^ salesman or woman wanted to sell real estate in the McHenry area. Will consider experienced person for part time work on weekends. Applicants must have complete knowledge of salesmen's duties and the ability to write real estate sales contracts. Our present sales staff know of this ad. /- WIESER & ASSOCIATES REALTORS & AUCTIONEERS 1326 N. Riverside Drive, McHenry, III. 815-3854880 / 7-19 EEMALE HELP WANTED GIRLS who can Crochet and Embroider. Part time. 385- 3934. 7-19TF12 FILE CLERK, 5 days a week, Call 385-6400. Family Service & Mental Health Clinic for McHenry County, 3514 W. Waukegan Rd., McHenry, 111. 7-19/7-21-72 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER -CALL- PIONEER CENTER FOR THE EXCEPTIONAL 385-3310 between 9asm. & 4p. m. 7-1 WAITRESS WANTED WED.-FRI.-SAT. Experience preferred Apply in person or call 815-385-7429 OLIVER'S COCKTAIL LOUNGE |7-19/7-21 LIFE CAN BE BEAUTIFUL! HOW DO I KNOW? If you are a: •SECRETARY •DICTAPHONE OPERATOR, •KEYPUNCH OPERATOR •MEDICAL RECORDS LIBRARIAN •BOOKKEEPER * CALL DONA 815-338-6980 Wells Far-Go 1212 N. Seminary (Rte. 47) Woodstock Lisc. Private Employment Agency PERSONALS NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debts but my own, as of June 21st, 1972. JOHN P. BARNES 6/28-7/28 FEMALE HELP WANTED TEENAGERS who can crochet and embroider. Train now for after school work. 385- 3934. 7-19TF12 BE AN AVON REPRESENTATIVE CALL NOW: 815-385-8020 6/14-7/26 SECRETARY For McHenry East Cam­ pus High School. Full time, 12 month po­ sition. General Secre­ tarial skill* desirable. Applications may be se­ cured at: ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 3926 W. Main Street McHenry, 111. 7/12TF12 "N KEY! INCH/MACHINE A RAT0R Keypunch experience pre­ ferred. Will train on var­ ious other IBM equipment. | Salary " based on ex­ perience. PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT R0BIN0-LADD COMPANY Crystal Lake 815-459-5500 7-14/7-21 . *

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