/ * PAGE 23-PLAINDEALER-JULY 19,1972 <** 1 f M: m w**" f M: L J"*rw •"I © J k * UNDER OUR AWNING! ONE DAY ONLY - JULY 22nd BOY'S SHIRTS Sport & Knit models o were 300 to 500 * co NOW I59 2 for 300 * BOY'S SWEATERS „ PulloatfiPT^and Cardigan F v were to 1200 NOW 2 MEN'S SWEATERS Pullover and Cardigans were to 2000 NOW 3 95 MEN'S SHIRTS Long and short sleeve I models Sport and button down. were to 8® NOW 1 95 MEN'S SHOES were to 2000 Famous name brands • Lace • Loafers • Work ^ Oxfords MEN'S KEDS White Oxfords Broken Sizes were to 800 NOW O95 SPECIAL RACK! YOUNG MEN'S '« SPORT COATS were to 45.00 ~v NOW 12 35 YOUNG MEN'S WASH PANTS v-'- ' o Sizes 28 to 34 were to 1200 NOW 295 L, 5"TORE f o r MEN 1245 North Green Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 Phone : 815-385-0047