PAGE 10-PLAINDEALER-WEDNE SDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1972 / get the job clone PH0H£_385jmr AUTOS 1969 Pontiac GTO Convertible, power steering, power brakes, automatic, excellent condition, best offer over $1,600. 385-3211 9/1-9/6 1963 Karmann Ghia, 2 snow tires, plus extra tires, runs good. $150.00 or best offer. 653-5101. 9/1-9/6 1970 CADILLAC Sedan De- Vitte, excellent condition be low list $3800, 653-9818 after 7 p.m. or 653-2061 daily. 8-30/9-8 fli& BUSINESS SERVICES A1 TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE McHENRY, ILL. Excellent Service with a SMILE. For Business men, Doctors etc. Rea sonable Rates. 24 hour service. Write to: A-l TELEPHONE ANSWERING SERVICE P.O. Box 5 McHenry, 111. 60050 815-385-6507 9/1TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES GENERAL HAULING, crushed rogd gravel, grade 9 for drive ways;---j^laek dirt for lawns, pea gravel ""and sand, etc. John Ficken, Jr. Call 385-4835. 9/1TF12 rTAWNMOwfRSl and GARDEN TRACTORS IADAMS REPAIR SH0P| I 3102 N. Chapel Hill! McHenry, III. 385-0434 9/1TF12 • AUTOS AUTOS COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY For Your Automotive Needs -- 5 Qualified Counter Men To Serve You-- t ' HOURS: Daily - 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday - 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 9/1TF12 TAIL PIPES & MUFFLERS BRAKE SHOES -- U JOINTS OIL & AIR FILTERS B & D A U T O M O T I V E S U P P L Y I N C . IV2 miles East of McHenry on Rte. 120 DAILY 8 to 6 385-2034 SUNDAY 9 to 12 9/1TF12 =; BUSINESS SERVICES HAROLD'S BLACKTOP SERVICE NEW DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS No job to large or too "small 20% DISCOUNT 312-658-5459 Algonquin, Illinois 8/25-10-4 MEYER'S BLACKTOP SERVICE NEW PARKING LOTS & DRIVEWAYS INSTALLED. COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL. ALSO PATCHING, SEAL COATING, TAR & CHIPPING. 20% DISCOUNT. CALL ANYTIME 312-223-2031 Grayslake Serving your area. 9/1TF12 PAUL'S SONS, INC. SAND - GRAVEL- DIRT - FILL - TOP SOIL LIGHT HAULING * INSURED SNOW PLOWING 385-8960 or 385-5879 8/30-9/8 I • WHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING | SERVING YOUR AREA -- 20 Years Experience I | We are now taking orders Residential & j I Commercial. Deal direct with ow,ier\and save! | J --Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE -- ^ GRAYSLAKE 312 BA3-5634 9/1TF J A NEW ROOF? ...Get it done right. Call Richard Sagers 385-5839 •Roofing Repairs •Roofing Call Saturday, Sunday or After 5 :00 on Weekdays. B & G's SEAL COATING DRIVEWAYS - PARKING AREAS $10 and up Free estimates Call 385-4017 9/1TF12 HILTON PAINTING AND DECORATING SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES Call 385-3768 * J > i i l • r > • j >> ) - i - ) > 8-11/9-22 l> I SCOTCH PLAID £ PAINTING DECORATING Interior and Exterior Free Estimates 815-653-3121 or 815-385-7607 8-30 TF12 FARANO & SONS CONSTRUCTION Driveways, patios, stoops, sidewalks, additions, sid ing, garages, roofing, ma- sonery, heating, etc. FREE ESTIMATES. 815-653-6976 or 815-653-9857 8/18-9/29 REYNOLDS ALUMINUM • American Classic™ Siding • Cdssic Shingle-Shakes™ Roofing & SidewaMs • Gutters In Colors • Soffit & Fascia • Shutters * For No Ob I i qa t i on E s t i m a t e Call: McHENRY SIDING CO. 815-385-0600 9/1TF12 BUSINESS SERVICES LEE'S ROOFING - We specialize in shingles, storm damage -and repairs. For free Estimates call 385-4108andask for Lee. 9/1TF12 HIGH PRICES paid for copper, brass", aluminum lead, etc. A. Otto, 2009 N. Ringwood Rd., McHenry. Call 385-6236. 9/1TF12 REMODELING CONTRACTOR Full Additioi s Basements 1 inishpc! Free Estimates. ^ Expert Work DoneNy CALL AFTER 6 P.M. OR WEEKENDS TGM MCMILLAN 815-653-4276 9/1TF12 MEYER'S LAWN SERVICE • Roto Tilling • Lawn Cutting • Pcwer Vacuuming •Power Sweeping Daytime 815-3854140 9/1TF12 FOR SALE TYPE BALLS for IBM Com poser Typewriter. Sell new for $35.00 each, will sell for $20.00. All in excellent con dition. Write for type style sample or can be seen at Mc Henry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry, Illinois 6005u, 5/3TF12 PULVERIZED black dirt, $10 yard. 385-5636. 9/1TF12 Stereo equipment, Midland re ceiver, Teac tape deck, Pr Fischer speakers and ?0 tapes Good condition. $425. Cft IT after 6 p.m. 385-7971 9-1/9-6-72 1969 B.S.A. 441 Victor. 4000 miles - in perfect condition Call 385-7317. TF12 TRACTOR - Sears Custom 7 hp. 2 yrs. old. Like new, 36 in. mower included. Cost $700. Asking $325. 385-4292. 8-16TF12 4-10 Double barrel shot gun, $90.00; 16 shot lever action 22, $40.00. 2 small chest of drawers, $12.00 each. 385- 5839 TF Solid wood blond end table $10. Arvin Stereo consolette asking $20. 385-5360. 9-1/9-9-72 1960 Plymouth $75; Dining room extension table, dark wood, with pads. $50; Brocade chair $15. 385-7685 9/6 1972 250 CC OSS A Enduro $900.00. Low mileage or will trade for a road bike of same value. Call 385-8868 after 4:30. 9/6-9/8 72 bundles 1601b. asphalt shingles spice brown blend $2.00 each bundle; 3l/2 hp. go- cart $120 385-2919. 9-6/9-8-72 BEFORE YOU BUY SHOP AND COMPARE^ ISLAND LAKE ^URNITURE MART Route 176 I s land Lake , I l l ino i s 312-526-2210 8/2TF12 AWAVAWAVAVAWWVVV' 815-386-5843 =1 If Free Estimates SI NNYSIDE GARAGE DOOR • y t • • L I SALES AND SERVICE RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL ELECTRIC DOOR OPENERS COMPLETE SPRING SERVICE All work Guaranteed 8/11-9/22 wwwvvwwwwvvwvwwwvwvvsvtf MALE HIP WANTED Delivery boy wanted for Dusty's Pizza. Prefer High School Jr., with own car. Apply at Dusty's or call 653-2400. 9/6 TF 1-2 Male, 18-25 years of age, some painting experience. Must have driver's license. 385-3135. 9/6-9/8 WANTED TV SERVICE MAN Must be experienced in color. Top wages - in surance etc. APPLY IN PERSON DACY ELECTRIC Woodstock, Illinois 8-30/9-6 2 PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS WANTED Starting Salary $2.90 Hr. Apply in person: Fellows Die i Jlfg. Co. 560TJonner Road Wauconda, Illinois 9/1-9/8 SITUATION WANTED ACCOUNTANT Over 26 years experience in every phase and able to handle any accounting job. Seeking responsible challenging position with small to medium sized company, in or out of accounting, where prior business experience would be useful. For information please telephone 312-662-2055 ^evening^^ weekends. 9/1-9/6 Experienced teacher with mas ter's desires position with responsibility. Typing, cons cientious, likes people, will ing to learn. Write Box 441 McHenry Plaindealer McHenry, III. 60050. 9-6/9-872 FEMALE HELP WANTED PART TIME WAITRESS Apply in person D0RKIES BEEF & EGGER 4213 W. Route 120 ---- MALE HELP WANTED IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR DAY OR NIGHT SHIFT EMPLOYMENT • M0LDERS • INSPECTORS • MACHINE OPERATORS and otlier General Shop iPROFIT SHARING *LIFE INSURANCE RETIREMENT PLAN GROUP INSURANCE STEADY EMPLOYMENT Crane Packing Company Bur Dent Drive Crystaf Lake, III. An Equal Opportunity Employer 9/6-9/8 CLAUD S. GORDON COMPANY Has an immediate opening for an ambitious person to work in APPLICATION ENGINE ERING DEPARTMENT. Opportunity to work with manufacturing, order processing, methods, and cost est imates. Mechanical or electrical back ground helpful, computation skills required. Excellent opportunity for interested ind ividual to join the manufacturing arm of a growing Company On Route 173, Just west of Route 12 Richmond, Illinois 815-678-2211 An equal opportunity employer g.g FOR RENT GERTS a gay girl-ready for a whirl after cleaning carpets with Blue Lustre. Rent elec tric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast Store, 4400 W. Rte. 120, McHenry Market Place, McHenry III. 9/6 / FEMALE HELP WANTED Father of 2, ages 16 & 13, wants womari to live in, cook and light housekeeping. Mature individual preferred. Own room and T.V., Wauconda Area. 385- 0601. 9-1/9-6 FOR RENT SPACIOUS 2 Bedroom & 1 Bedroom Apartments with private pptio, elec tric heat, refrigerator, stove, garbage disposal. SEE OR CALL May Development Co. 9716 N. Rte. 12 Richmond, 111. 815-678-2861 9/1TF12 FEMALE HELP WANTED SECRETARY The Echlin Mfjg. Co. is currently recruiting for a secretary to the corporate controller and his staff. The successful candidate will possess a stable work background and have some accounting experience. Good typing skills and knowledge of dictaphone equip ment required. Excellent starting salary and full range benefit program accompany this position. For an interview apply in person or phone. Brake Parts Co. 1600 N. Industrial Drive Phone McHenry, III. 815-385-7000 an equal opportunity employer 9/6 TYPIST-CLERK Must be good typist, very accurate and willing to do detail work. ACCOUNTING CLERK "i l I Some typing necessary, figures. Must be very accurate with We prefer experienced people and will pay good sal aries. Many employee benefits. Apply 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. JOHN STERLING CORPORATION 11600 STERLING PARKWAY RICHMOND, ILL. Follow U.S. Rt. 12 porth of Richmond past state line to Highway H - turn left on Sterling Parkway. 9/6 LABOR DAY BLUES Now that the holiday is behind you, and the kids are back at school. Why not explore an opportunity to work for the fastest growing company in the Valley. Upon our recent relocation we are still in need of women to perform in the following areas: • Light Kick Press • Light Grinding • Inspection 1st and 2nd SHIFT For Personal Growth and Development.: 815-385-6760 ICS ILLINOIS COIL SPRING CO. 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois An equal opportunity employer. 9.6 MALE HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED ROUGH CARPENTERS TRIM Work year round close to home as one of the largest and fastest growing carpenter contractor, we ar;e in a position to offer year round work near home. No lay off or lost time. Should the particular job you may be working on run slow or finish completely we can place you on another of our jobs the same day or the following morning ARLINGTON HEIGHTS PALATINE BUFFALO GROVE ELK GROVE VILLAGE BARTLETT HANOVER PARK LAKE ZURICH SCHAUMBURG R0SELLE STREAMW00D 1700 Rand Road Palatine D THIEL INC. ^ CALL 312-359-7150 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ~ 9/1TF12 FEMALE HELP WANTED Waitress full time, year around work. Benefits. Minimum of 7 years experience in fine dining. Call after ll:a.m. for inter view. 815-678-7766. 9/6-9/8. HE AN AVON REPRESENTATIVE CALL NOW: 815-385-8020 9/1TF12 WANTED PART TIME and FULL TIME WAITRESSES Day or Nite Shift Call 459-1237 9-1/9-6