PAGE 1 l-PlAIND6ALEfeW£DNESDA£_SEPT EMBER 6, 1972 FOR RENT Cosy 3J$ room, modern, fur nished apartment for single gentleman. Call from 9 to 11 a.m. and after 7 p.m. 385-3338 9/6 AFTER OCT. 1st, 3 room unfurnished carriage house apt. on 10 acre estate in Mc- Henry. Complete privacy and beautiful surroqndings. Mid dle aged or elderly couple de sired. No children or pets $150 per month includes all utilities. Stove & refriger ator available. Call 312-223- 4821 ext. 42 between 8 a.m. & 4:30 p.m. weekdays. 8-30/9-1 HELP WANTED New Print Shop needs part time retired printer with offset ex perience. Apply Box 440, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 9/1 TF 1-2 WOMAN WANTED for kitchen and waitress work, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thru Friday No experience necessary DISHWASHER WANTED Male or Female WAITRESS WANTED Full or Part Time Call for appointment MILL INN-Wonder Lake 815-653-3121 9/6 SHIPPING j CLERK For steady, permanent 2 work in processing orders | and shipping same. Must be • accurate. • Hours: • 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday thru Fridays IAll paid holidays, excellent • working conditions and sal- | Iary. Exceptional Profit • Sharing plan. I IOnly a neat, on time con- • scientious person need | apply. j DURA WAX S4025 West Main Street, & | McHenry, III. 9/6 | REAL ESTATE WONDER LAKE McHENRY NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCH Basement, Carpeting, Air Conditioning. Very Low down payment Only $23,900 B & K CONSTRUCTION 312-529-3900 9/1TF12 ""oPEiT"oUSE" in Wonder Lake Coral & Thompson Roads SATURDAY & SUNDAY New Homes G.I.'s...No money down! Fantastic low down on FHA terms and 10 per cent down on conventional loans | 3 & 4 bedroom ranches - $21,900 to $27,900. B&K CONSTRUCTION. 312-529-3900 9/1TF12 WONDER LAKE HOUSE FOR SALE 2 bedroom, central air, wooded lot 70* x 120', ro tor antenna. WOODED SHORES 653-9247 9-6&9-13 !j HOUSE FOR SALE CHOICE LOCATION IN TOWN All Ig. rms. Living rm w/fireplace, . dining rm, 2 br. dwnstrs, kitchen w/ dinette, heated & closed back porch, large screened front porch overlooking ri ver, river rts., new forced air furnace, full bsmt., gar. call. 315.3854)267 ^6&9-13 GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE, Records, toys, misc.; 1405 N. Oakwood Ct., Lakeland Shores, Thursday & Friday, Sept. 7th & 8th, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 9-6/9-8-72 GARAGE SALE-Sept. 9 & 10, 8:30am. to Dusk; Antique lamps dishes, etc; clothing,toys, rugs, old records & magazines, books, house hold items; misc. 1204 N. Charles St., McHenry, near Sunrise Grocery off 120. 9-6/9-8-72 HELP WANTED GENERAL PLANT POSITIONS Due to increased production, we currently have need for MACHINE OPERATORS, STOCKMEN & ASSEMBLERS. All positions are permanent and offer excellent start ing salaries and liberal fringe benefit plans. For interview apply in person or phone BRAKE PARTS COMPANY 1600 N. Industrial Drive McHenry, III. Phone 815-385-7000 an equal opportunity employer 9/6 OAK BROWN & SHARPE AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE OPERATORS - PRODUCTION MACHINE SETUP MEN - PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS - MULTI-SLIDE OPERATORS DAY SHIFT 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. NITE SHIFT 5 P.M. to 1:30 A.M. Our Benefit Program Includes: Free Hospitalization Insurance - Free Life Insurance to $5,000 - Jury Duty Pay - Tuition Refund - Educational Assistance- Profit Sharing - In-plant Cafeteria - Air Conditioned Factory - Credit Union - Stock Purchase Plan - 10 Paid Holidays - Nite Shift Premium - And More APPLY TO PERSONNEL MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or Call MR. DREW 815-459-5000 MAIL Industries Inc. SWITCH DIVISION/CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS TtLIPHONI: *16 • • SOOO • 60014 an equal opportunity employer. )-8 CARD OF THANKS THANKS EVERYONE for their visits, cards,flowers4prayers during my recent illness. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated. Mrs. Leonora Miller NOTICE Not responsible for any debts for T & J Auto Repair as of September 1, 1972. Joseph E. Par ham 9/6-9/13 BOATS & MOTORS EVINRUDE PLAYMATE, 1/0, with trailer, foil canvas and Shore Station Hoist. $2,100.00 385-8167. TF WANTED TO BUY . WANTED TO BUY from pri vate party. Vacant lots or small acreage. 312-825-6489. 9-1/9-13-72 PETS FOR SALE Great Dane puppies, black AKC female & male 497-3145. 9-6/9-15 72 +hfu 1he CbsstM Ads tv£ oS W" £e1i &