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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Sep 1972, p. 13

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HELP WANTED u MALE OR FEMALE PRESS BRAKE OPERATORS • Experienced, for light press work. • Good Starting Pay. • feroup Insurance. • Paid Vacations. « Steady Employment. • Paid Holidays. APPLY 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. JOHN STERLING CORPORATION 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond ' Follow U.S. Rt. 12 north of Richmond past state line to Highway H. Turn left on Sterling Parkway. %/22 EXPERIENCED COST CLERK To compile labor and material costs on our line of hardware and boat trailers. Will post data from time cards and material purchase records and prepare piece part costs. Must be very accurate with figures and should have some mechanical aptitude to understand shop operations. Modern Plant. Good Wages. Many Employee Benefits. APPLY 8 A.M. TO 4 P.M. JOHN STERLING CORPORATION HELP WANTED diiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiHiiii JOB | OPPORTUNITY I We have several openings on both the day and afternoon shifts with good earning opportunities and excellent fringe benefits. APPLY IN PERSON 5 7: A.M. - 4: P.M. Monday through Friday or 8: A.M. through 11 A.M. on Saturday hh M O D I N E I MANUFACTURING COMPANY § 4 Miles North of McHenry OnRingwood Road RINGWOOD, ILLINOIS "An equal opportunity employer" 9.20/9-22 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittrii 11600 Sterling Parkway Richmond Follow U.S. Rt. 12 north of Richmond past state line to Highway H. Turn left on Sterling Parkway. g 21 PAYROLL CLERK An interesting salaried position requiring operating knowledge data process equipment. Must have clerical ability to close out weekly payroll. APPLY IN PERSON 7: A.M. - 4: P.M. Monday through Friday 1̂ 3 MODINE IMBl MANUFACTURE COMPANY . . 4 miles north of McHemy/on Rjngwood Rd. R I N G W O O D , I L L I N O I S , An Equal Opportunity Employer HELP WANTED OCCASIONAL HELP Reliable person or older couple to live in, baby sit, on occasional weekends, plus occasional 1 week trips for executive's family. Large modern home, private bedroom and bath. Take care of 5 well behaved chil­ dren, 4 in school, 1 pre-school. Just cooking and baby sitting. $20.00 per day. References, personal interview required. State age and marital status. REPLY c/o PLAIN DEALER B0* 444 9/20-9/22 HELP WANTED Male & Female Workers FOR DAY & NIGHT SHIFT •Full Time •ASSEMBLERS •MACHINISTS •SOLDERERS & CONNECTORS •Good wages & health benefits •Air conditioned plant •Paid vacation & holidays •Good job security Please apply in person 8 a.m. to 12 noon v 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. GEARMASTER DIVISION OF EMERSON ELECTRIC CO. 1809 S. Rte. 31 McHenry, Illinois HELP WANTED HEVI-CS5JTY ELECTRIC I T K O N O P S O ^ A B A S I C I N O S B Has Openings for COIL WINDERS WANTED Babysitter in our house, 6 days a week 7:a.m. to 3:p.m. 385- 3939. 9/13-9/22 NIGHT Personnel MIDNIGHT Geneva. Wisconsin 1-8881 Employment Opportunity Employer' u&McnomHmcKFD PHONE 385-0170 IN MEM0RIAM In loving memory of our be­ loved daughter Patricia Gagen Toarmino and her son Baby* Joseph, who passed away 1 year ago on Sept. 11. We miss you now, our hearts are sore, As time goes by we miss you more, Your loving smile, your gentle face, No one can fill your vacant place. MOM AND GINA 9/22 FEMALE HELP WANTED For grading apples, week days. (Hours can be arranged) Apply in person, between the hours of 8:30 and 6. Bell's Apple Or­ chard, M mile west off U.S. 12 on Route 22. 9/8-9/22 ! CHILD CARE MOTHERS HELPER I | Live in 5 days, off week- j ends, own room, TV, re-| j liable, responsible, love j children and pets. Glen- j view. 312-724-8642 9-20/9-i SALESWOMAN With following in cosmet­ ics, greeting cards, household supplies, etc., to show and sell the new­ est, hottest item of dec­ orative home plas­ tics. Several territories now open. Liberal com­ missions and bonus. For appointment Call 385-0177 385-2918 or 9/ i, FEMALE HELP WANTED KICK PRESS Come join your communities fastest going concern s before the jobs run out. 5 If you've had related experience and are willing to g learn as well, then apply immediately. We are seeking women with a will to work. 815-385-6760 I ICS ILLINOIS COIL SPRING CO. | 1415 Industrial Drive McHenry, Illinois 5 An equal opportunity employer. 9-20/9-22 = iiimiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiHMiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir DISC GRINDERS An unusual opportunity for women with or without exDerience If you have any skills at all and are willing to learn as well, then come on in. For personal growth and development. ICS ILLINOIS COIL SPRING 1415 Industrial Drive 815-385-6760 McHenry, Illinois An equaropportunity employer. 9-20/9-22 I I I I I ! I I I L FEMALE HELP WANTED DUE TO THE EXPANSION OF OUR PRODUCTION PROGRAM WE HAVE PERMANENT POSITIONS WITH MANY FRINGE BENEFITS TO OFFER APPLY Admiral Corporation 3908 W. Elm Street McHenry, Illinois PERSONNEL OFFICE HOURS 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. 9/15-9/22 MALE Hap WANTED MAN FOR COUNTER WORK and small engine repair. 904 Front St., McHenry, Illinois 385-3232. 9-15/9-22 A-l, Heliarc Welder - Part Time. 815-385-0972 or 815- 459-2330. 9-20/9-22 BODY MAN, combination man preferred. Good pay. 385- 7448. 9-20/9-22-72 Ambitious young man for Dough­ nut and Carmel Corn making. After school and on week-ends. Apply in person between hours of 8:30 and Bell's Apple Or­ chard, % mile west off U.S. 12 on Route 22. 9/8-9/22 PAG El 3-PL AIND EALER-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22. 1972 MALE HELP WANTED CLEAN UP MAN For restaurant after 10 P.M. 3 - 4 Hours. Good pay. 385-0714 9/20-9/22 MALE HELP WANTED WANTED PART TIME PRESSMEN Familiar with 1250 Multi-lith. Phone 815-459-4454 9-20/9-22 P1 I MAN WITH •n i | MECHANICAL APTITUDE j Required for equipment ^ssembly. Electro | Mechanical ar hydraulic experience would be | | helpful. This is a permanent job in a small | I company and has excellent company benefits | j including Profit sharing & Hospitalization. I I Brock Equipment Company! j 815-459-4210 j Just south of Crystal Lake Airport on Pyott Rd. I 9-20/9-22 • FOR RENT IT'S TERRIFIC the way we're selling Blue Lustre to clean rugs and upholstery. Rent Shampooer $1. Nye Drugs. 9/22 5 ROOM FURNISHED house, Wonder Lake, $160.00 plus utilities. Sec. Dep. Req. 10/5- 7/1. 65 3-6204. 9/22 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT in town, stove, refrigerator, carpeting and air conditioning furnished. No pets. Lease references and security de­ posit required. Immediate occupancy. Call 385-1116 for appointment. 9/8TF12 OFFICE IN McHENRY, good location, air conditioned, all utilities furnished. $65.00. Call 385-1327. 9-15TF2 1 BEDROOM DELUXE apart­ ment. Swimming pool, rec. room, laundry, large closets, all appliances, air con­ ditioned. Security Entrance. $175. per month, including heat. Phone 385-6757. 385- 7163, 385-6314. 9/22 2 BEDROOM DELUXE apart­ ment. $205.00 per month, in­ cluding heat. Call 385-6757 385-7163, 385-6314. 9/22 4 ROOM unfurnished home in Wonder Lake, no pets, se­ curity deposit required. 815- 653-9374 or 815-728-0071. 9/22 CLEAN, sleeping room, female. 385-8190 or 653-9641. 9/22 4 ROOM house for rent, 813 West Blvd., Lily Lake, nopets inquire at 815 West Blvd. ' 9/22TF12 1 V2 room kitchenette apt., fur­ nished. Utilities included, pri­ vate entrance and bath. No chil­ dren. Call after 5:30 p.m. 312- Ju-7-2453. 9/1TF2 HORSES FOR SALE HACKNEY PONY with saddle for sale. 653-9529, Call after 6: p.m. 9-15/9-22 FOR RENT SPACIOUS 2 Bedroom & 1 Bedroom Apartments with private patio, elec­ tric heat, refrigerator, stove, garbage disposal. SEE OR CALL May Development Co. 9716 N. Rte. 1? Richmond, III. 815-678-2861 9/1TF12 McLAKE APARTMENTS I McCullom Lake | | Large 1 bedroom apart- I ments. Completely car­ peted. Stove, refriger I I Iator, air conditioner fur- • nished. Security depo- I I sit. required. P Call 385-2639 j ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiis ORCHARD APARTMENTS s 122 W. Washington E Round Lake 5 2 bedrooms, carpeted, = = deluxe appliances, tiled = = bath, all utilities except 1 = electric, storage, laundry = = no pets, $180.00. Phone = | 312-328-6674 = after 6:30 p.m. i 9-20/10-6 = amiimmiiiiiiiimimiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiirr. NOTICE ATTENTION TRUCK OWNERS AVOID THE RUSH! NEW SAFETY STICKERS AVAILABLE NOW AT Russ Ford Sales 3936 W. Main Street McHenry, llinois NOTICE LOSE WEIGHT with New Shape Tablets, 10 day supply only $1.49. Nye Tru-Value Phar­ macy. * ' 9/20TF1 . KEEP carpets beautiful des­ pite footsteps of a busy fam- ily. Buy Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Ace Hardware. 9/22 FOR RENT S0UTHGATE APARTMENTS McHENRY New, beautiful 1&2 Bedroom Apartment buildings situated in a charming courtyard setting. Air cond., fully carpeted. Hot Point appl., private decks or balcony. Private parking & storage lockers. Adults - Nopets. Security deposit and 1 yr. lease. 1 Bedroom from $175 - 2 Bedroom $205. CALL LEE J. COONEY 385-4345 ROUTE 31 SOUTH 9/1TF2 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CATTLE FEEDERS The Big Fall movement is starting in REPLACE­ MENT CATTLE. For up to the minute information on where you can buy the BEST cattle for the least money WHOLESALE, call 815-539-6272 COLLECT. We cover the WEST, EAST, and SOUTH. Let us show you where to get the CAT­ TLE bought that will make MONEY for you! Call "Bob" Starks, "Mike" Martens or "Jim" Corken. WESTERN CATTLE COMPANY Phone 539-6272 Mendota, III. 9/8 TF-2 FIND JUST THE RIGHT HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY WITH A PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED 9-20/9-2 PETS FOR SALE A.K.C. REGISTERED Poodle female, apricot, 7 weeks old. 312-546-8566. , 9/22 READ THE CLASSIFIEDS. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 4bedroom, 6 room ranch, 2 car garage on cor­ ner lot, fully paneled basement with fireplace plus bar, built in oven and counter top, 1 block to hospital and school. Will rent to responsible party $300.00 per month plus secur­ ity deposit. 385-1140. 9-13/9-22 BY OWNER, summer or year round home, 2 blocks from Lake. Large L shaped kitchen, large bedroom downstairs, up­ stairs finished but not partion- ed, partial bsmt. attached gar­ age and patio on 3 lots. West Shore Beach Subdivision. $18, 500 Call 385-2973. 9-13/9-22-72 REAL ESTATE WONDER LAKE McHENRY NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCH Basement, Carpeting, Air Conditioning. Very Low down payment. Only $23,900 B & K CONSTRUCTION 312-529-3900 9/1TF12 WE'LL SELL YOUR H0ME...FAST! DID YOU SEE our ad for the Pistakee Lake water­ front cottage for $16,000? We sold that in just 11 DAYS for full price! YOU DIDN'T SEE an ad for a 2 bedroom ranch in Lakeland Park listed at $20,000 we sold it in 3 DAYS for full price ....didn't even have a chance to advertise! Call us for a free mar­ ket evaluation. No ob­ ligation. We have quali­ fied buyers for homes and vacant properties. NEW CONSTRUCTION. Fairway Green, 2,000 sq. ft., contemporary ranch, 3 br., LR, DR, Family room, fireplace, central air, humidifier, all ap­ pliances, partially car­ peted, city water and sew­ er $49,950.00 FAIRWAY GREEN REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES 1st NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 3814 W. Elm St. McHenry, III. 385-6660 9/22 REAL ESTATE JUST T.rsTF.D! L year old 3 bedroom ranch in top notch condition. Fully carpeted with full basement on VA acre lot. LAKE & BEACH RIGHTS! ONLY $24,900 COUNTRY COTTAGE with water rights. You'll be charmed by this quaint 2 bedroom home on wooded lot. Just 1 block from channel and park. All yours for just $12,300. FAMILY HOME - 3 bedrooms plus den & family room. Large living room with built-in bookshelves. 14' x 16' patio...the perfect place for your barbeques! A great buy at $25,500. LOVELY HOME - PLUS EXCELLENT LANDSCAPING -- YOUR DREAM HOUSE? 3 bedroom ranch with many custom extras. $30,800. Values like this sell fast - See it today. SPACE GALORE in this custom family home. Panelled family room, beamed ceiling & double fireplace, spa­ cious living room, screened porch for outdoor enjoyment without pests! $43,500. HORSE LOVERS TAKE NOTE! Rustic contemporary ranch on 4 3/4 wooded acres in Spring Grove. 2 fire­ places, huge beamed living room, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, full basement, etc. Out buildings for horses, cars, and storage. Bridle paths available on adjacent 600 acre farm. Only $69,500. UNIQUE WATERFRONT ACREAGE with 2 fine homes! Brick ranch with over 3,000 square feet plus cute smaller home for income or inlaws. Great value at $79,500. More land available. SEE US FIRST FOR WIDE SELECTION OF GOOD HOMESITES WATERFRONT TOWN COUNTRY John H. Fuhler Real Estate Company 3321 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois 60050 "i

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