Bring fall into your home with beautiful dried I) arrangements. CHRISTINE WEINGART ENGAGED - Mrs. Nancy Weingart of McHenry announces the engagement of her daughter, Christine (Kippy) to Carl Kosierowski, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kosierowski of McHenry. Christine is presently attending practical nursing school in Nash ville, Tenn., and will graduate Nov. 17,1972. No wedding date has been set. ENJOY LUNCHEON The McHenry Grams club, Charter 826, and guests enjoyed luncheon and a card party at the club roqjn in the city hall Wednesday. Inga Dunlop and Rose Neuharth were in charge, with many Gram members assisting. DORKIES •- , v vy fw mvnoiu/ „ w Ph. 385-6981 Made fresh from the finest ingredients * Serving Thursday thru Sunday 5pm to 12am WE DELIVER SPAGHETTI DINNER St. Patrick's Ladies guild will sponsor a spaghetti dinner Wednesday, Sept. 27, from 5 to 8 p.m. in the church hall. ANDRE'S STEAK HOUSE CHMOND, ILL (Vi mi. north of Richmond at state line)| F E A T U R I N G . . . . PRIME RIB OF BEEF ( a real treat ANDRE style plus our other fine menu ) COCKTAILS • WINES OF THE WORLD • PRIVATE BANQUET FACLITIES AVAILABLE • LARGE SELECTION OF PARTY ENTREES WITH CHARLIE JACOBSON AT THE ORGAN TUESDAY THRU SAT. • OPEN 4:00 pm DAILY 12:00 NOON SUNDAY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ! RESERVATIONS PH. 815-678-7766 INSTALL 8-40 OFFICERS - The installation of McHenry County Salon, No. 483, of the 8 et 40, was held recently at the McHenry Legion home, where the following officers were installed: First row, Mrs. Roy (Lauretta) Homo, McHenry, Le Demi Petit Chapeau Premiere; Mrs. Joseph (Marge) Grobel, Holiday, Fla., Junior Passe Chapeau; Mrs. George (Ruth) Mrachek, McHenry, Le Petit Chapeau; Mrs. Charles (Eva) Sparks, McHenry, Le Demi Petit Chapeau Deuxieme; Mrs. Arnold (May) Chesak, Huntley, La Petit Secretaire-Caissiere; second row, Mrs. James (Helen) Lang, Woodstock. L Archiviste; Mrs. Gordon (Becky) Gabel, Fox River Grove, installing musician; Mrs! Lou (Alice) Rossberg, Wonder Lake, L 'Archiviste; Mrs. Otis (Christine) Nixon, Waukegan, in stalling officer; Mrs. Bernie (Frances) Matchen, McHenry, installing L 'Concierge; Mrs. Orville (Gladys) Kerns, Woodstock, installing L 'Aumonier. Absent from picture was Mrs. Harold (Minnie) Meyer, Algonquin, L 'Concierge. The first meeting of the year will be held Sept. 25 at the Huntley Legion, with Mrs. George Mrachek, presiding. Hostesses for the meeting will be Mrs. Arnold Chesak, Mrs. Mazie Blott and Mrs. Robert Schultz. Marriage Licenses Jack R. Schramm, 605 S. Hilltop, McHenry, and Sharon Froney, 5210 Lake, McHenry. James A. Drews, Route 1, Round Lake, and Kristine Ellen Kerr, 1401 Channel Beach, McHenry. Daniel J. O'Brien III, Mundelein, and Gail P. Mc- Cormack, 2408 W. Manor, McHenry. Kenneth J. McKenna, 1109 W. Fourth, McHenry, and Kathleen M. Heber, 5108 Shore drive, McHenry. John Dodge, 550 E. Main, Barrington, and Kaaren Staveteig, 1406 W. Lincoln, McHenry. ITEM: Many of the fall sweater styles for women will feature the dolman sleeve. if--r---- rzn OPEN CtNTINENTAl DINNERS 00p Sunday ved Se Rom Style 12 00 noon CtCRTAUS MSIRVATIONS HNQun 0 7 4 1 I00MS JU im urn Xuwl W A«V° | On the North Sho'e of Long Lake ROLLINS JX3AD |T P O Ingleilde Il l inois Note Fridays Prepared in th Old World Tradi A 1 I 6 H T I I I T i l l l l!!! i n i i i i i r i t i n i i i i Every Friday Sept. 8th thru Nov. 17th Featuring The Alpine Seranaders m f \ Per person. . . . $3.95 • Children (under 10} 82.50 r n m m r n m m m m m m » » ̂ ~ ljri_l ( Looker's Flowers Located on 3rd Street, just off Elm Street in the heart of McHenry PH. 385-2300 MR. AND MRS. KENNETH A. BURTON NEWLYWEDS -- The First Presbyterian church of Harvard was the setting for a beautiful wedding Saturday, Aug. 19, which united in marriage Miss Sandra Ruth Scott, formerly ot McHenry, and Kenneth Andrew Burton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brad Scott of Richmond. Her husband's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burton of Harvard. The bride attended the University of Illinois and is employed as an account executive dealing in securities for United Financial Corp. Mr. Burton, a major in Agricultural Economics, will continue his education at the University of Illinois. They are residing at 800 W. Church street. Champaign. A. DEWEY PHOTO AMERICAN LEGION HOME Starting Friday September 15th FRIDAY "HAPPY HOUR" 8 to 9:30 pm DRINKS AT REDUCED PRICES McH. American Legion Post 491 2505 Ringwood Rd. , McHenry M&E2-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. SFPTFMBER 22, 1972 Grandma Sez RECOGNIZE LONG SERVICE - For her fifty years of work as a volunteer for the Republican party, Mrs. Henry Nell, left, was a surprised and delighted guest at the McHenry Township Republican Women's club luncheon Tuesday when Mrs. Dorothy Ogilvie was guest of honor. Mrs Eve Levesque presents Mrs. Nell with a gift from the club in recognition of her service. Here I am, again, abearin' down on the need fer parents t' start, soon's a babe comes under the family influence, emphasizin' rules an' regulations in a program t' promote a happily adjusted attitude toward the society, in which that little one must »survive. Wi'out proper trainin' fer the young, there ain't a goin' f be a worthwhile existence fer the comin' generation, in time. The Bible teaches us that punishment fer wrong doing is shudder t' think o' these "children,'.' being't' vote, an* perhaps throw the nation inter greater chaos4 ever before, fer the lack o' mature attitude toward life an' fellow-man. It ain't the large majority, by far, that's the serious thinkers, an' solid citizens, among the young adults. An' it ain't the ones under twenty, that we should include in the bracket o' voung adults, 'cause» in majority o' cases they ain't dryoehind the ears, yet, an' the only thing they've experienced necessary t' put the individual --ie-havin' ever'thin' pervided fer Travelogue Program For Panhellenic The McHenry Panhellenic, a social and service organization for women, will meet Monday, Sept. 25, at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Robert Jessup. Mrs Roy Hallsmith will present a travelogue on her trip to Europe. Members are en couraged to bring prospective on the right path, an' it starts in the cradle, not when the tike is ready fer school 'r later. By that time, the die is cast, an' the deportment shows the trainin', 'r lack o' it, that little one's had, durin' the impressive years, before school age. In talkin' wi' teachers, the childern who lam an' advance, 're the ones who've had the strict consistent trainin' in the home. Youngsters don't really enjoy havin' loose reins, fer the simple reason that they don't know what they want, er, in fact, need. Parents who allow the offspring t' control the workin's o' the regulations o' the household, aren't bein' kind, they're really bein' cruel. We see, every day, the results o' some unhappy young folks, who've rebelled at the restrictions at home, 'til the restrictions were loosed, an' they were allowed t' decide fer 'emselves what they should have, 'r what they need. When I see the lack o' responsibility toward solid thinkin', an' advancement in edication, in so many young people, out o' high school, I members or guests to the meeting. All women who belonged to national sororities while in college are eligible for mem bership in Panhellenic. In terested persons may obtain further information by calling Mrs. Norman Poirier. % 'em. It takes experience t' gi' one adult reasonin', and' then some never acquire it, seems t' this o' lady. Grandma Radtke Name Committee Pictured above are some members of the Luther league or youth Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry, shown planning For St. Clara - Court Meeting Fashion Editor Opens Creative Living Series St. Clara Court, No. 659, National Catholic Society of Foresters, will hold its regular monthly meeting Thursday, Sept. 28, at 8 p.m. in the Oak room of Montini school. Chairman for the evening is Grace Stilling. On her com mittee are Mrs. Eleanor Wagner, Mrs. Alvina Walsh, Mrs. Adele Weber, Mrs. Delores Weber, Elizabeth Weber, Mrs. Gertrude Weber, Miss Janet Weber, Mrs. Linda VanEvery, Miss Kathy Vogt, Mrs. Leone Tonyan, Mrs. Jean Tonyan and Mrs. Janice Tonyan. DIVORCES Lucille E. Butlin from Richard G. Butlin, McHenry. Patricia E. Nowell from Eugene R. Nowell, McHenry. Mabel A. Nicholas from Clark W. Nicholas, Burton's Bridge. Peg Zwecker, fashion editor for the Chicago Daily News, will open the Creative Living Series with a fashionable glimpse of history, discussing the gowns worn by America's "First Ladies." The Woodstock Fine Arts association will sponsor the series once agfiin, marking the ninth year of presentation at the historic Woodstock Opera House. Included in the rest of the series are Allan Bates, drama professor at Northeastern Illinois State college; Stuart Struever, anthropologist and director of "The Koster Site" archeological dig; T. Daniel, mime and former student of Marcel Marceau; The Russian chorus in full native costume; and Helen Wright, Woodstock resident and Woodstock Fine Montini Parent Group Will Open Season Sept. 28 The Montini Parents association will hold its first meeting Thursday, Sept. 28, at 7:30 p.m. at Montini Middle school gym. It will give members an opportunity to meet the superintendent, Donald Ryniecki, to become acquainted with our school faculty, and to meet new friends. There will be an interesting report by Games committee chairman, Ted Schweder. Refreshments will be served by the officers. Arts association board member, discussing her ex tensive collection of Majolica china. Detailed information on the programs is being mailed this week, along with tickets for the series, to previous series members, according to Mrs. Roger Ragland, ticket chair man, who may be contacted at 4613 Mt. Tabor, Woodstock, for further information. Mrs. Ragland suggests that people consider buying a series ticket even though they cannot attend all presentations themselves, inviting a guest to share the extra tickets. The series ticket is designed to be used in this flexible manner. The box office will open prior to each program to sell both single and series tickets. Association board members will hostess the coffee hour before each of the five morning programs scheduled on the third Thursday of the month. One program (March) is an evening program, and no program is planned for December. group at Shepherd of the Hills a hayride for the group. Hayride Set For Sunday By Church Group The Luther league or youth group at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry, has planned a hayride to be held Sunday, Sept. 24, at 6 p.m. The Leaguers will meet at the church and then travel to the Lazy C Stables to enjoy a hayride, followed by a bonfire, wiener roast and fellowship hour. Thirty-one members of the League met recently to enjoy an evening of games, listening to records, program planning, and to elect officers for the coming year. Officers elected by the group were Cindy Mowrer, president; Lowell Kivley, vice-president; Sue Holmgreen, secretary, Chris Mowrer, treasurer, and team captains, Harold Hartwig, Keith Teuber, Nancy Harper, Randy Kohl and Jeff Haddick. The Luther league will be conducting a youth service for the entire parish Oct. 15, with the use of guitars and piano for musical accompaniment. On Oct. 29 the Leaguers have planned a Halloween costume party.