thoFULL information thoFULL information mocHum . PAGE 18-PLAIMJEALER-FRIDAY. OCTQRER 13. 1972 Home Town Newspaper Staff Greets Public Marie Yegge Adele Froehlich Newpapers across the nation are observing National Newspaper Week this week. We feel this is an appropriate time to introduce you to the people who bring you your newspaper twice every week in the McHenry area. Every week, these people must sort through thousands of pieces of information to bring you a product containing all the news and advertising you expect to be in your mailbox every Wednesday and Friday morning. A newspaper is an unique collection Of selling, promotion, information, public relations, civic work, and factory production which must be brought together in a smooth and organized manner at a specific time each and every week. Second only to local city government, the - McHenry Plaindealer is the oldest business operating in McHenry under the same name and for the same purpose for which it was originally intended. The first Plaindealer was published August 4, 1875 and has continued every week since that time. The paper was printed one time each week for distribution on Thursday until the fall of 1967. Due to increased size of the paper and to better serve the McHenry area residents, it was changed to twice a week publication on Wednesday and Friday. In September, 1965, The Plaindealer made a big change to the method of offset printing. By entering this age of th^ electronic and computer marvel, production which formerly took hours now takes minutes. We are proud to present today on this page the people who bring you the McHenry Plaindealer each week. On the facing page is a reproduction of the front page of the first McHenry Plain- dealer in our files. It is the second issue of the Plaindealer dated August 11, 1875. (Note Vol. 1, No. 2) Larry E. Lund Barbara Gilpin Nearly 100 years of writing experience goes together to make up the Editorial department of the Plaindealer. This department collects and writes the thousands of inches of news, society and sports which appear on the pages of the paper each year. A total of 200,000 column inches of news and photos are printed per year to keep the readers of the Plaindealer well informed on the happenings of the McHenry area. S.I.H. (Earl E. Walsh) Wally Anderson Wayne Gaylord w EWSPAPER SWK) Rick Sagers Bob Pradelski Jackie Guffey Dick Sagers Bob Frett Helen Seborg Grace Meyer The production department of the Plaindealer brings together thousands of bits of information each week and processes it into the form you read in the paper. Using modern, high speed equipment and years of experience, these people produce the finest paper in Northern Illinois. The deadlines of production are met each week so each reader receives his paper on time. Marianne Smith Jon Ringer The classified and display advertising department of the Plaindealer undertakes the two-fold job of selling to and for the local merchant or individual. Classifiedad- takers build a well read market place of want ads 2 times each week to more than 2 miles of newsprint in one year's time. Display salesmen personally contact retailers, then set to work creating ef fective advertisements, relying heavily on art services, photography and imagination. Mary Miller j0yCe Mitacek The bookkeeping and record keeping is handled by these two people. An automatic bookkeeping machine is utilized to assure accurate billing and record Wppninp Roger Herdrich Tom Miller Dolores McMillan Mildred Jeschke Patti Frett Carol Justen The people in the circulation and mailing department process and deliver over 6,000 copies of the Plaindealer twice each week to residents in the McHenry area. Over 6,000 pounds of newspapers must be carefully handled each week and delivered. Addresses of over 3,000 sub scribers are transferred to individual copies and delivered to the Post Office for delivery each Wednesday and Friday morning.