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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Oct 1972, p. 19

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( 1 i much Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and La No Favors Win us and no Ftar Shall Awe. VOL. 1. f̂ej|eiry jHaiatodw. Published lv«r; Wednesday by J T . V a n , N l y k o i Editor end Publisher. Office in Riversfde Block, Over Siuith Bros. * Co.'• Store. " TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: as, Year, (fa Advance,) Si | Paid within Three Months, t 06 rec«Jvad for thrfco or fix roqnthi M'HEMRV, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1873. BUSINESS CAKpS. m H. T. BROWN M. IV . IAN ami Surgeon. Office In Brick •borer f. 4L Mures Clothing Store Street, HoHenry III K. A. BKEBS, M. I). rirsiniAK and Surnon. Often at reslder two doors west of Poet Office, McJSe ence, nry u. J. HOWABD M. D. ,M ,k"* P. 4. MAYJ£8V, ., lLt MwmAST Ttaior. tad dealer In Rawly MMe Sn Ctomlns, tOoths, 0ee*lnioro\Te>«Mn* Ac., CM donf north ef Colby's JJruf Store Melfuury • • n. c. town, yiOSKlT \T LAW. "A>Hfn?y, III. IM* ££ss IUCOARV BISHOP. BY AND COUNSELOR AT .LAW. III r**r <ff Miirphv ADISkflp'i Bunk SMe Ppbllo Square, WopdHSeok, 1U. OKO. A. BUOKLlN, „--_ PUBLl ^eijS^« IW©r^?«vvr the* Depot, ktsUenry, III. VOTABT PUBLIC, OonTeynnrer end 1% " OSIre at .Bneklin » fi&IE? K. K. RICHAALDK. nemplete Alatract of Title* to lend irv Ceuntv, Illinois. Offloe with Woodstock, !»• V. A. POTTKE. [OND, ILL., Notary l'nbtlr. nod Oon- hc^ U. 8. CWho, Insurance and *1. A. CANPIKLD. tfSlnaand Ciiriajfe Pslntiap. Pnoer rinjt. Oslcimloin*, A" -. Mixi*d Paints iklflMtABnUmr on hand. All enters :ta M" Henry III. PR. ItECTTTLH )rxi& S'ljm and C»rrisfc Painter. McJRso- nr IIL Will do all work promptly and at •Mibto ratee. - "tt%0. SCHRE IN KIL MrnRNRV UyjttY STABLE. "Proprietor. Pin nit dricnr*. 'sit -- Teaming of all kinds H . F. WIGHT*.kt . Proprietor. Plrst elsae rlw, ivltfc nr'w»a«»i»t dncers. fnrnUhod •t Taaeonnhta rate., done on short notice. Mr. W. K1.I.SWOIITI1. SREP.OKB of tlic tYle'irstod Mn rt« floe. Also'it ilnil P <rk nvVimn K«wK Pirn ppc'l to all iiolnta hv e\|n e-«. P. O. Ad- dress, Woodstock. III. PETER I.EIfKLM. UEPATltS Watche*. (Murk- tmd Jewelrv of JLfcjrM-kradii. Alto Itepalr* Vi<»IU»« In tke l»e*t 'paestlAe nwtnner, on short notice and at roe- Mthtble rates. Also VIoMns for Sale. Simp first deor North of UirerSide Block, MtHenry *It M. ENGELN, OUN AND LOCKSMITH. Scale 8*aalrin* Hone promptly at short notice. Keep on lliaadaiMM etock of Ones, Revolver*. PflW- SSr Sfc< tittn Matertal. Pishing Tackle, Xsskhsnn and Wooden Pipes. MOHINRY. ILLINOIS. O. W. OWEN, & JEWELER, HARVARD. EDITOR PL.AJKDKAl.KitBy acrld^t tHi< «*voiihig I picked up a iiuml>er ] your pupor. and wns agreeably si*» ! prisod to li'uru Ihcrefroia that you tMld . Bealer in all klndn of Amerfrne an«l <w(hh ^ t'oiirluded to "irnddlt' vour own ranosr*" Watches, Clockx from the liust fri',torii>t> in i lit* nuintry. Silver, plntedwuru, Silver S|HMHI«, McHENRV ILL., ALHO AC5KNT FOR THE Weber aiul Bradbury l'lano* AND TIIB l-pHtc^y < )rjfaii ! Wltinli we bollove to 1< the lie*t Org:tn in Mio market. We think we kWw timt 1»\ e.sitcri. i'lico, und we bclivve il, for it i.i iwckwl til.y thj) ' Best Musicians in the World. itrit'c* tliitn From the apiK'aranco »»f the thvt her, aud knowing your cxperWnu*e wajc ability in that line, 1 hare tto hc^itauA In fuyiusr to tlie people of Mi'Heni^ that tliey hnve an institution in t]*{ Mellniiry Pl.AlXDKA I.Kit that will prrtf%! :ili honor anil he a lastly^ henedt to tnk village and surrounding country. * Thinking jwrhapu your re a dor* miglw want to know what is going on iu and around Harvard. 1 will give you a fi'w, I also H«>1I other Or|« at les* , ™^E*toy, but van't revvmnmend them to be i brief items of new * ill my blunt, rougty, o. w. OWES-. way, an«l leave you to put on the pofc July a. MURPHY & BISHOP, BANKERS. .QfDce North Sid^ of Public Stpinre, WOODSTOCK lLI.INO!> 'I^IIANSACT* a Conurnl llnnkinjr nn<l K\- A ciianire ItiMioexii. IK'|»i«iu i:< ifivc i.-- IntoretC allowed <m Specini D«'|«i-ii-. Jluy Mifi neil I'nited 4tau>x tl«>vlH,, ti<dd Kxi'lumgte, etc. l^change on all principal citiuii in Kuro|>c i^^lxUx k, III. i^h or throw them iu the waste liasko^ as you may see fit. llh'hartfvoii's n«'W bhu-k is about pleted, and we think is one oj' the !>°m ht;sine>s bnihiings in Harvard. Tla mason work w :i~ done by Mes>rs. Thu well A Wheaton. the former from village and the latter from NundS/ They an- good workmen, as the work on this huihling i* ample proof. • ) I notiee yon speak of the exeellono®^ of your Hotel a» "<>u:u:odat ions, all of rijually lib and Avrr- NUNDA. EDITOR PI.ALNDKAI.KRWednesday the *8th of July, Mr*. C. E. Wurner met with a Y-wrf sS^ere Accident. She fell downstair* striking on her hand*, bivak ing her right one aero?* the palm, one linger, and on her left hand broke two Augers aud put ^wo out of Joint. Her lfft shoulder and side was badly bruis­ ed also. • * There was fc»«n»uit before Justice Pettibone on Thursday la>t. between .1. Fuller and P. Morris, for labor, which resulted iu Fuller getting a Judgment for «;r.,oo. There will be a Club Harvest Party at Xnnd* Hall, Friday evening, August 20th. Everybody is invited. C. Row­ ley, <*. Simons. J. DeGrushe,Committee 1 >iKi},--1m Crystal l.ake, July 28tli. 1875. of Paralysis, after an illness of i nearly Dirt* yeaiv, I>r. J. II. (iraws, ^,'<•-<1 44 years. Master of J;U profession, eminently ^ skillful fivhls praetiee, very sm cessful hunj^ud always at the post <»f «luty. Dr. youKj (;ravt.s AVjj| ]()U«r he remembered by a host of friends and patrons. " On Thursdaj* last the Xunda Base Ball Clnbplayed the Crystal I.ake .Vine. Kvevythlng passed ott' pleasantly e\- £Ceptii<g that Murphy got run into on which we an- willing to aeki^wledgcjrtlu. Jjrst ;m , hurt quit^ badly on and arc happy tnsav that Harvard 1<, ^iic foot, llaight made every man keep OWENS MILLS, McHenry Illinois. >: »-d. In the ^ idker House ;U1(| jet tj|U tj0 ,|lt. lloicl we have nccommodsv which was- right, bur boys say other papers to so 1 herewith ppend the. score] to try the I'I.AIX- •KALKU: CRYSTAL I.AKK. tor l lie I raveling public second to ^jley never could get tlieotl "Bun says it you don t h.:liove ^jblinh a score for them, s ICUSDA CONSTANTLY OX HAND. CUSTOM G1UKDING Done pemptly. and oaUxrncilon pnni'Niiieed ThankfnI for pnst ftrorn a rontinnan^c ol patronage Is respectfully solicited. Owen Bros. McIIenrv Aug.. 2 1«7"». t 8>l l).... Jdttibl"", • pVnrpliy, Ift W. l.illlSllll, H. S '"ItlCCIll, I. 1". .. Sl'MrNtf •,"!> [vail, . l.n.roin. c. f. c;'iuilyca, 1". t'. HENRY COLBY, -DSALKU «ppe«Ue RICHMOND HOUSE. .L1NOIS. Prank Poster Pro. •rcoaamodatlone for all a Isr Menus. Llrery Pnbtte Hall for Loetnres, MNMIITT HOUSE. kfeg ni Uhtat «fe Plstaqua and Per "Sort dlstanee abore. Boat* and ee tarnished at vaeeonaUe rates. . Llr. uariBi Una with Ike Honse. Kree We ra. IAtt« aed airy apart, dnrtee the «Mer. The il Stssiier will make trips derina Ike ftmamer TM OL eeja. a. A. foca. L. c. kick a so*,- D B N T J S T k . vcm, Otftc I».\TTVT>a, OII.S, I'ainters Bnislies, D)e Slu'I's <JvC» Physicians Prescriptions Carefully SPECIAL Pit 1< jy OTVKX wirrrr lead axd o i l . Bcrtctty Pare St. l.oui* W!iit«. i.e.i l, ? per hundred. Adled Linseeil Oil, s-jventy-I'.ve cents Uallen. All Goods Warranted Aa represented and SHti*6n-ti"ii ,FataPonagre Solicited. • H. COLBY. 'JfcITenry. July 27tb^ls7-*>. none it eonie down and get one square mejjl and he ctinvim ed. There is some great mystery in cou- i licet ion with a certain Sewing Machine .•igenl who occasionally visits t his burg. Vi'it bout knowing any of the j)nr(i<ii- f'tr*. wo are of the opinion that if his mother(orhis w ile don't i- now lie is out. it is about time she 1«;x 1 learned that fact. If the boys should happen to "bounce" him some moonlight night it might prove a serious ailair. There is a scarcity of eggs, butler. etc.. in this market at present, on ac­ count of lhe fanners--the inaiuclay* in the produee line--'n-ing very bu*v 1 !i the harvc.-t lie Id. '! l:e farmers iu thi* section 'are re-. joiciug over thcil' sin-ces.- and prospect s i for corn ami oilier grain this year.' and well fliev may. as many well-to-do ^ \ • i|gjh L tVc«.V;!'ast.Kijikawh»» v**- ^, f i;i<I so IN*fore. 'fIrybiil'V.-i !• t'rotjiH't i:i l he evei'ing shade i< \erv Vn,,',l"> 1 r fashUuiablc here hist now. Aliaost ev­ ery yard H J'IM;:islu*«l for the game. Y\*e saw in town t«--«l;»y. (alter com- mis-«ary sjores w e pn'siii:i«.) your old R. . I . 1 . 1 lii O a llnSier, i'l li-- 4 T. i.eoiwo-ii. s..». 4 l.«*«>ii:oil. 1. ). Ki>nJ, r. i. Itl.ikesli y, t-l I) Allen. < -«MW •: M' Unwl'7>+ . .1 How le>. .<•! f> .. :( ItriuU, <•. i. scom: or INNINC.S. I 'l :t 4 ft f, 7 I'M* V-- <i I* 3 1 •! I 1 51 »TAL L,Alili-2 3 0 «l i 0 0 n o- s fee Nil Sllltci 1? the score of a game jilayed »piin on Saturday last, between a. and Algonquin Clisb>», which in favor o« Algompiin by a iv of 14 t<i 11: NUN DA Millar .hi W. l.iui cb: vs. PeanSley, p... •s.l 111"!'1. <• v . Lii.coln, i f.. ALGONQUIN. - MARK-US GERMAN i r n i e , u orl.l. i»:: '< u i t a n t n r h < ( ) . \ i o n • .it anv S O ! 1 iidat< t , i i ' .T in; pre-u make k n o w an:o JL O. ' P. O. a * a l! riiigfi v . r. f... ft a H .MnrOmll, 1st !».. •1 a i a ituff ill, *11) a •j . (i •2 I'e.ieiH-k, id I)... 4 1 a Pliill'i '• 1 n . rt 4 WionlriK'k, 1*. «.. 1 'j . u 4 Ilia lei, 1.1. 1 a 11 • I 11 'it A NEW CI'KK POft «**^POX. QtmoHnc If from hided a* fillrmedy for thit Mont Lonthnonxc Dinconn*. Dr. ThomAM Xieholson. of St. Louis, write* to th* Rcpultfa'tn regar«ling the use pf gasoline aa a cure for the suuill- pox: The linjMjrtance ofc tin* article is worhl-wide. and if my discovery be successful In'If" general Application it will be hailed as beueflcinl tohuiudnl* ty the discovery of the protective power of vacillation by the imniortal My apecial stiVly of this most loatli* some disease b"g»n iu New Orleans in 18*0. I knew well ther« was uos{>ecitlc remedy to cure It. There are many nallltires. It Is true, but upon the whole iu tli'* language of an euiin<*nt author. Dr. T, H, Tanner. F. *1. S.. of London, "the leas druy* are u*eil iu the treat­ ment of Mttall-pox the better: sii'tHk they will neither shorten the disease nor'cxert any favorable influence IIJMUI the eruption.'" The horrid di«ea<e occurs now and then as if bv cycles, malignant or mild. a« the coudiiiiiu^ of the mysterious cause are more or les* poisonous, and the best sanitary p;o- phyhitics--not excluding vaccination even. It oirurred tome as sound | li'lovnphy that the r!n i:fd:rn./ri r unfaric would goon lunch better if there were no skin trouble--no pimples and pustule* to iiiterfei.* w ith and wholy or partially destroy I he natural excretory function of iho skin which 1» so essential to life. J then began to ask myself whether (lie en»pl ion was necessary? What causes it? Nov. does the unsightly shield of scab overspread the body? Is heat the cause*of till- local trouble? And Is It not pretty certain thaf the crop of erup­ tions i< l lie seed by means of which the foul diseases propagates Itself? The poison is not contained in the blood nor iu the ordinary secretions of a small­ pox patient since persons vaccinated with cither remain unaffected. It Is "contained in the contents of the pust­ ules and iu the perspirations. This 1« proved on the one hand by suceersfnl vaccination with the contents of the piMitlcs. and on the other by the con­ tagion. which, in ino«l ca»es. results without immediate contact with small­ pox patients." Were it not for the severe Inflamma­ tion of the skin there would not be anv eruption at all. This led to the convo­ cation that heat was the primary cauae of the ileslruetion of the skin. Indeed!' the inflammation of the skin is inexact proportion to the intensity or height of the fever; ami the severity of the erup­ tion. There is no danger at. all wheji the fever is low and the (pianity of eruption little. Now the destroying heat of the skin Is not the disease, nor is it, a came--It plyuit «ue«.». , wMty lif Is my preecripttet aaarwii-^ M by the pro- tor tat MB, frofB Up >1 ai ph«. a rradnate ef (iemaay. euif tha a*- [«ON. DYSPEPSIA, pttrntAV* of LLTAXOPEVEIL 7 if J nsnally TTRED. RENICH, • tlfeAR •ANUFACTUBER, -AMD-A -- flOLBALI TOBACCOHST. woonrors. IIIWOR •alasuata • UrhlH llsis ihsMt an* ICHENET BREWBMl King * Hc rbe* Proprietor) rnin: t«-.| »f IWrhiM*<»siar»Wf«>l' » I f .nniK ib-l •ait»«H »« roteeeee^w-' • r • fciiii ii*i fsO ssjdy artssiee ® 8COI:K or ISMXCS. 1 -i s 4 .1 « 7 « ?» N C M M - I o L O I O : I N J --I I AUiusyriN-i i i i « i i i--it The Algompiin folks felt good over Ir. and rang the School House yelv manner when the victo- 'jtiub was announced. That's rhen you have a chance.-- In* iu the other corner next time. TYxmi I'rontler. follow ing from the Sacra- irnia, I'uion. and a* it pre- v jihase of our troubles, on frontier, we give it for the our readers. •cports from the Texan frontier continue to represent a chaotic state of now- :>thiirs. raids heing the order of the day, . .. \ and every day. and assassinations hav- a "iV'nw- . i);„. beeu ac. liuiatized on both sides of are also glad j the bolder. It is worth while to bear ri.AiM>i: vi.i:u! in mind, while reading statements of perpetual Mexican atrocities, that the i Mexicans have uobodv to report their caTn us frauds h<' exposed and the pt*0-| uf t|l(. easc.aml that the Texansof pie will stand bv you. ! the Ttio (Irande have uever borne a par^ ' " ticuhirlv j ace fill reputation. Iu fact 1 . . . . . . . , | | e j u j U p f perfectly a Roland aud that a inquiry would demon- even exchange of raids, other frontier kmentles. It w ould l>e a mistake to su|>- lieae that the Cortiitft* and other Mexl- Lnn b«iidits were exercising their law­ less inclinations upon anordeily, n< ai-e- (htl and defenseless ooiiituiify. IVxas na« long been a retn*at aud rendeavoiw Toe American aa well aa Mexicau ilev 4>cradoc.s.(and the proportion of sober tettlers *o lie found upon the bonier wiere the troubles exist Is certainly very email. No doubf the Federal*»ov- pruineut lias taken the^e fncts into eou- •|ideratl',ii fn»m the first, and ha*»vnse- quentlv been slower to luterfere flian 4t would mhero lf liave lieeu. There la a class of border rufllaiu* on IM»III ildM of the Rio (Irauile, lis; mutual extermination of which would lieeniin- entlr conducive ta tlML progrras of ciTlilxatloii. and perlia|is tlie uiu*t rinllve course would he for the two UovenHoenU to follow the pret**h ni Mft by Ktmf Janiea with tlie lorlxih uf *, ' I \ve are stronglv inclined to I BK; I MIN<; OX A 1 Ivor.--Mr. A. Dun- I f)iov an, a|,j0 and uing of Jeft'erson. near Chicago, is the | b illing to give the Mexicans InvenHer of a patent fruit dryer whiell i for fludr Oliver ever}- time. Ue is having manufactured for his o«nWI*PaA'on#"' . iV'IV.'l^ni »WT » capacity sutH.'lent^r^'r^ mn'rderv. niMl U>aecoijuaoUate all his neighbors. It Is fcmcntles. It w ould l»e a Airnlnhatf* with an upright cylinder of- i^ieet frou to serve as a heater, wlth^a^ furnace at the base. A circular frame; work l« built around tbn cylinder iu' m alch tbe rack* oo^aluiug the fruit ire placed,"the «wbp!e nesting on a pivots npon thereby ing tbe heat^ Tbe whble appamtusl will not eoveriWMea oftenfget sfiittre,1 kad yet between twenty and thirty bushels of fnrtt can be dryed luff tint, In from two to three hours wll lufui j to tbe fruit, and at # tUre cnti Iw regulated at pleasure. * j i he nn t ie lit he Watrtic (f close Ir. caremlly attenflM, not one sore fon/k' A l^anythlng tM»«Mrs It will be AI pimple, whlHiWHTsMly vanish uHkWr* the treatment. Jlbtfld the eruption bi penult ted to thbrfb natual ronme du the liodr, do hot allow the tores to mi; together, and determJue to itnd violent signs of inflammation of the akin. Check anything that'look# like eoiifluence. for tids isthe prlhc4|M danger. »• • t Now gasoline lielng one of the beat rc frige ruts and not inferior aa a dnife*. fpetant. it Is easy to tnuleritand. tbf» oretically. why tlda sample rrDUN^" should Set. in. at lea*t. modlfriqe ffcfr. iflseaae. and I am sure th'*re w^H oe biH- disnp)M>fntineut in practk«. In tlMv treatment of eleven caaea it waa A trf** nntJ>lUU#t success. modfl*rbslng it Ga«o1lue. one pint. CIIIII camphor, as much aa *• -- solve. Pulverised sulphite of so«fa,obB dram*. Pii7e carbolic acid, half draift.' < o\er the body with A gna*# Hwq aud sjiouge the gasoMne ever It aa occasion requires.4hen gently fan, ob^ t'inue the proueafcuntit nil sigua or in- flamation have'aeased. No light slK»(mx. his permitted hear the patient whfMapouglngaudfatmbw, because gasoline Ian toont luHaawaMn auliataiici*. ' . 1 now use a aomewbnt similar* ensn- jHiund as a liniment itt many cuaefksMah as erysijM l is, rhemontlanugout..holla, carbuncles, a^aJds, Uiirna. ami any leeal Inriaiuinat Ion. As remedy for rp due tag HM- rage of exitfrfial lnflaMnnatlott, there Is nothing "known to etjml ft* soothing and gretefally-cooling iuin- ences. ULI.I.I II II How i r C.OIK OVA--InrepUe of ITS#, old tradition* atlll make tbeir fntlufnee felt In the coiuuton rehUlMV of French life, especially In the gn*.flt twlaese of buviug and selling, jrhofc. there it as old superstition tldlt iftt tailSOH tbe festival of Saint Medeard (tbf 8th of dune), it will rain for the next forty days. If. on tbe other hand. It is tinier on Saint Medanl'a day. tbe fine weather will continue fur forty days. Not a drop of r:i' 1 fell this year on the htb Of " Tune, and it is a fact that the price at Voni went up two franc** iu consequent of tbe drought which was anticipate#. It should be added that the pre«ne<loi| w 11s falsified In le»a than twewty-fdaw hours, and a heavy tlinuduiufeelRn fcp over nigh*. Ax VNPonrvNATK l>m- very amusing incident oceu»rc«l at the Crvstal Palace. The Li cular action Is giSIng on to' produce this lovely ' heat and consequent skill deatructioli. Coliuan^a wbOiqsi If this raging tire IH> not ejiecked or | froaiToeRW '̂TEATHM^UBLIEFLNFLI^NNDkb (ueiichcd there is imiuiiiciit dauber j-footing, and, tmnbllng doer* fwotjr ' three steps of the orchastra. fell 00 Mb: back. Ids legs alone being visihle. Thle contretemps led to a burst of laughter k&*A little British ̂ leafi <^f eeWtW named the Y^bUu, J V.\«k sLVKK. \\ .. J-'- v . i t i n w* |« \l l U t>> A ••'I 4--v n • I'f-m-lt tllr»v»t U U#<* rS the combetanu ahUld not retreai.1 of the patient losing his life, or be hid­ eously marked for life. We know fliat if the w hole s^in he varnished it will cause the extinction of life : how much greater the re fore, .the distructive efl|0t of the iullamed skin surface! The constitutional heat or fever ob- struets nature's being process of regula­ ting the tempera!lire of the skin and bod), namely, the process of exhala­ tion and evaporation. Man can endure a tempratnre of 3U0 degrees, or 000even, with perfect impunity for a time, pro­ vided the skin acts freely, and the jiers- piratiou that exhales from the surface Is i'reelv evaluated, but not otherwise. Dr. Vf»m»»«^ ivn^.n untitled that lie sat without the slightest Ineonvenlnee in a hot-air hath at 210 degi-ees, that Is, 28 degrees above the boiling point! And lie savs; "If 1 had had bread, or meat, or eggs with me they must neces­ sarily have been cooked at that heat." Now, why is a heefstake or mutton chop cooked in a hot-air bath, the high temperature of which the human body can endure with i>crfcct Impitulty, nay, with pleasure? The following Is the scientific reason: A vast, number of minute glands spread over (lie inner surface of the cuti* n m. or true skin, for the purpoae of secreting a watery fluid for evaporation. At high tempera­ ture those glands are excited to secif t- lon in proportion to the amount of heat. Kxhalatiou becomes coploun---evapora­ tion takes place rapidly, and thin the skin surface is kept moist and cool. Hence the capacity of tlie human body to endun* high temiieratures with Im­ punity most be measured "by tbe pow­ ers of exhalation and evaporation Ita cntaneoiu* organism |toas<>ses. Because were the skin choked up, so not to secret and exhale sufficiently, the action of the high heat of the fe'ver on the skin surface would obliterate Its natural fuuet fon- aud death rrnidtfr. . It is a settled principle In mechanical philosophy that heat Is but a fonu of meieculiar euergy. orsiiuply a luoile of motion: why, theii, cannot the heat of the Infinmuiatiou of the skiu of a small­ pox patient lie transformed, on the well kuoa'ii law. that heat h ala»urt»ed and carried off on tbe conver4on of a liquid into the gascou*»tate? Any very light sub-tarn*, w hich rap- Idly eva|M>ratr>» wvt:l I «lo tlits a<either; I Hit the appHdaiiou «»f any S«M*1I. except the OIK* to In* menlbmeil and K ren- tlvea, to an Iullamed snrfse*. b Irrlta­ ll ug and smarting. M e mta»t a No have somciidug which will destroy the pole* uuou* exhalati'Hi*. 1 di^-overrd that roinntcat was the agent sought f«»r. It known that tliU u lartle 1 l( which nearly unnerved tlie choir, and was renewed with Increased hilarity when, upon tlie cbolr arriving at the Wonls, "the youth begiae to rise*" tbe unfortunate «aua4.of alf the merriment picked himself up and resumed his place, no one laughing more heartily tluuf Madam Gnldsclunldt. TUB DEKPKST WKI.L IN TUB W<MR.TS- --At about twenty miles from Berlin Is situated the Tillage of Hperenberg. noted for the deepest well that hnsever IH>OII sunk. Owing 'to the preaeuce of gypsum iu tlie locality, which i* at n nioderate distance from the capital. It oecured to tlie governaMbt autborltlee of the mine to obtain a mpply of salt. With this end In rl'itr tb lug 9f a abaft or Well sixteen*' diameter waa com me need em years ago, and at a depth ofKDfettl salt wae reached. The boring me^c tinned to fbrtber depth of RfBfeet. diameter s^.the ton lilRff in tjnnj ta^ about thlttofrn ImKbea. wsrt auha#4oei»tTr pt«* aid of ateam nntlf ndej_ waa attained. AttMni waa dlsrontlnned, the bnrnf^ In the salt ilepoatta, wblrit *1 bit the* enermsps thlcbnsmf'^nf'i NBW 8IAMXI* Twljra.wTbe- A£BITO (S. ('.) Oturier^/ommt *>th of June la<»t eefteed |BRH-<HB» hom ou the farm of Mr. < near I.umhertou. with; coiuiect UHI rear/tm n the taina has inU|M.. nor feet, and tbfoqqr 1 for a mouth to am nlug lengthwise of to be perfectly dumb, a«4>^ unnHshment en|b«ly fttnTthft ether > child, whoMa wrHXhrnned ausd healthy. If the dmpbaHId |>toMiiillto,eltor one a It.^d. if aatee^mbMNelr aw•|pn>., Tbe, p^«<tJbmiJH>L aa nayto aappasr il. U a feasale, wMUa1 tbe dNmb^ntonal belong* te tbe mnle peiatmelom Qnife an eadtment b cheated doan In that region, aedaevee^ nl enterprising Ranmuia have already appeared upvu the woe and made ex­ travagant oflor* to the imrenta toaflnw their abnnoruia) ebpriw to go en ex­ hibition." Colt on A enrtto. Woedtonsk. U tbe dlradlg^ fine Photo have 1 'rials may seem n somewhat o*Ufon.l _ tto^tbetrenbhmwltbent Involvt i This mav seem n aemewhat barbarous 1 preposition, but there to reason 1* lley^tbnt Uethitm IskdeHslvr will «be tronblee without 1st tbe I'nited iHetea In ^ipilall tlmaMfVewMwIII fel 1 lit ant. By el

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