BLACK HILLS JOURNEY - Vacationing Craig Thoren family, 5501N. Loueiia, McHenry, ride* the "1880 Tfain" on a 32-miie Journey through South Dakota's high country. Craig and Gloria, and children, David and Lisa, recently spent ten days sightseeing in the Black Hills. While there, they rode this trains a steam locomotive with vintage coaches, from Hill City to Custer. The 1880 train has been featured on TV's "Gunsmoke" series and in several movies. SOUTH DAKOTA TRAVEL SECTION PHOTO Hospital News McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Michael Sankey, Thomas Barry, Lillian Baureis, K a t h l e e n O e h i e r k i n g , Raymond Johnson, Raymond Barle, Sr., Florence Wicker- sheim, Richard McGowan, Martin Zeller; Matt Schoeneman, Helen Leaveck, Charles Keith, Berthold Leaveck, Lorraine Patterson, Wonder Lake. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Irene Smigelski, Margaret Sawko, Wonder Lake, and Gerald Lazalde and Fred Kunz, McHenry, were patients in Memorial hospital, Woodstock. HARVARD HOSPITAL Mrs. Paul Honath of McHenry was a patient in Harvard hospital. Births McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. James Kloeckner, McHenry, are parents of a daughter, Oct. 31. J4ir. and Mrs. Larry tiahtmeier, McHenry, became parents of a son, Nov. 2. OTHER BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy T. Bennett of DeKalb announce the birth of their second son, Aaron John, on Oct. 31. He has a brother, Jeremy Michael, 3 years old. Maternal grand mother is Mrs. Helen Leilakes of Fort Myers, Fla., and the paternal grandmother is Mrs. H. Ralph Bennett of McHenry. The baby's father earned his college degree at Elgin Com munity college and is a Viet nam veteran. He is completing his education at Northern Illinois university, DeKalb. ON HOSPITAL BOARD - Mrs. John Jaidinger, Marengo, left, is one of .the five new members of the board of directors of the Woman's auxiliary of Memorial Hospital for McHenry County. She is with Mrs. Eugene O'Brien, Jr., reelected president. Mrs. Jaidinger was elected for a two-year term. (DON PEASLEY PHOTO) Mr'Hl N R Y PL . M N D F . A 1 I R \QVl0t, enry I at nJealer | S Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 £ McHenry, Illinois 60050 9 CHANGE CHORAL REHEARSAL The McHenry Choral club will not meet Monday, Nov. 6. Instead, a rehearsal has been called for Wednesday, Nov. 8, according to a special schedule announced this week. Members with a question regarding practice times for particular ensembles should contact Mrs. James P. (Carol Jean) Smith, 303 N. Green street. WED SEPT. 30 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weldt announce the marriage of their daughter, Susan, to James Fleck, son of Helen Crane of Chicago and Robert Fleck of Park Forest. The wedding took place Sept. 30 in Chicago, where the newlyweds are residing. Published Every Wednesday 8« Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY ^ Larry E. Lund Publisher Adele Froehlich -- Editor ^ MEMBER Association - Founded 1885 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Fear $7.50 1 Year..... $9.00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and County Lake County How Can 1? PAGE 3-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1972 GEES Ul.ltMJ'IAI'H'MJ' By Anne Ashley Q. How can I make my own paint remover? A. Use two pounds of sal soda and one-half pound of lime in one gallon of hot water to remove old paint. Stir together and apply to the paint while still warm. This solution loosens the paint, and it can then be scraped away. v Q. How can I remove oil or grease stains from brown or tan shoes? A. These usually yield to lemon juice. Q. How can I remove catsup stains from materials? A. Remove as soon as possible, because age makes this a hard stain to deal with. Flush as much of the stain as possible out in a fairly con centrated solution of neutral detergent and water. Lubricate the remaining portions of the stain with glycerin, working it in with the blunt edge of a knife. Then flush again with the detergent-water solution. Q. How can I make my own brass polish? A. Put two tablespoons of salt into a cup of vinegar, add just enough flour to make a smooth paste, then dip a damp cloth into this paste and rub until the stains on your brass disappear.* Rinse with cold water, then dry. Q. How can I remedy slightly scorched woolens? A. Wet the blemish, then rub some dry cornstarch over it. Brush off the cornstarch when the article is dry. Q. What is a good general cleansing agent for bathtubs? A. One of the very best is kerosene, a little of this on a damp clo^h,working wonders in removing dirt and soap scum. Afterwards, the tub may be rinsed with soap and water to remove the odor, although this soon disappears by itself. Q. How can I remedy the inside of one of my aluminum vessels which is beginning to turn black? ' . A . S l o w l y s t e w s o m e a c i d food (rhubarb, tomatoes, etc) in the vessel and watch the sparkle return. And the food itself won't be harmed, either. Q. How can I remove ink spatters from wallpaper? A. These should be blotted up immediately, but carefully, with cleansing tissues. After that, apply fuller's earth or French chalk, brushing it off as it soaks up the ink. If the ink is not entirely removed by these methods, ink eradicator may be used, although this is very likely to take the color out of your paper, too. Q. How can I renovate some dented table tennis balls? A. Try pouring boiling water over them. The heat of the water expands the air inside the balls, and usually the dents pop right out. Q. How can I remove rust stains from a sink or bathtub? A. A mixture of one-half cup grapefruit juice and one g uoumy PTO PROGRAM Do you believe your child's behavior is typical for his age? What should we expect of children ages 6 to 10? Dr. David Utech and Ron Jania, District 15 school psychologists, will try to answer these and other questions at the Hilltop Parent Teacher organization meeting Nov. 8 at 7:30 p.m. LADIES GUILD MEETS Members of St. Patrick's Ladies Guild will meet Monday night, Nov. 6, at 8 p.m. in the church hall. Following the business meeting there will be a social hour. SATURDAY ONLY • NOV. 4th TROPICAL FISH SALE Buy any tropical fish at the regular price and get a second one for only 1 <. Q(j* TROPICAL FOOD 41 w. Rt*. 120 McHenry Ph. 385-6981 * Made fresh from the finest ingredients * Serving Thursday thru Sunday Spm to I2aqi WE DELIVER Buy any Geisler Fish Flake at the price and get a second one for only FISH FLAMS Formula comparison with other brands Is invited. BROOKWOOD GARDEN 4505 W. RTE. CENTER PHONE: 120-McHENRY 385-4949 (Just acroos from Foremost Liquors) SCHROEDER METALCRAFT GIFT SHOP Gifts for Home & Garden * Indoor and Outdoor Furniture * Weather Vanes and Name Plates 815-385-0950 1713 South Route 31, McHenry, Illinois Open Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday 12 noon to 5:30 p.m. * Mail Box Stands * Unique Gifts for All Occasions r t They Know That Nye's Unique Filing System, The Free Local Delivery, Their Lengthy Hours Of Operation, Fair Pricing, Tax Records. Charge Accounts, And Many Other Customer Proven Services All Combine For The Prescription Convenience And Service You Peserve. -24 YEARS OF SERVICE TO McHENRY ALL ITEMS LIMIT ONE PHARMACY SPECIALS Keo-Mrii a 11 Ree. "? &>z. SPRAY ** 99' NEW VITAMIN E 1000 MG, REG. $11.99 50's Q88 Rohitussin R0BITUSSIN DM 4 Oi Reg. $1.52 1 22 INSULIN SQUIBB 3 for 2 SALE! 10cc Vial NPH or LENTE U40- 3/2* uso- 3/5«« 6 500 Norwich ASPRIN Reg. $1.69 99' CHL0RASEPTIC MOUTHWASH WITH SPRAYER 8 Oz. SQUIBB GET on WITH 100 Hi- Potency Formula I ^ $ 4 9 9 THERAGRAN M $5.33 • VIGRAN (200) • VIGRAN M uso) • VIGRAN (180) CHEWABLES By Squibb All 2.98 Values 022 Your Choice £ NEW! SQUIBB VITAMIN E Walnut Flavored w TRU-VALUE PHARMACY 196,000 PATIENTS CAN'T BE WRONG. GRASS SEED MIXTURES Knowing what to look for in a grass seed mixture can help you get better results and save. Sold under a variety of b r a n d n a m e s , M e r i o n Kentucky Bluegrass is avail able straight and in mixtures, tablespoon of salt makes a good rust remover. Q. How can I add longer "burning life" to candles? A. Candles will burn con siderably longer if given a coat of shellac, which tends to retain the molten wax around the wick, instead of its running down the side of the candle. and the1 best mixtures have at least 40% Merion. Any amount of Merion makes a mixture better The green color of Merion is outstanding for a longer period of every year than any other grass, and because of its deep root system, Merion is very drought resistant. Unless you are so expert as to know which other varieties of seed should be in the mix ture to meet the needs of your own lawn's conditions, you'll be wise to choose a well tested mixture with quality ingredients. It's wise to buy from a lo cal retailer where the people want your return business and are experts at what they sell for the home garden. FL0WERW00D NURSERY in Crystal Lake CLEARANCE SALE ALL PRE-DUG EVERGREENS REDUCED Y3 SAVE sr to '20® Evergreens and Flowering Shrubs! 1/3 OFF REG. PRICE Special Selling TULIPS Reg. 17c ea. SAVE 30'Dozen T O P S I Z E Visit the Beautiful CAROUSEL GIFT SHOP 1327 N. RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY 385-4426 ImporUd Oiftt Iroa around »h« world CHRISTMAS PROJECT? We have the Do - It - Yourself material available NOW! * 3 lower woocl FLORIST NURSERY GARDEN CENTER OPEN DAILY 8:00-5.00 SUNDAY 9:00-5:00 ROUTE 14 at 176, CRYSTAL LAKE (815) 459-6200