PAGE 6-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1972 A D R U G A Drug Store and More During the holidays you II want to take a lot of pictures .< pic tures of family, friends, good times . pictures that capture the warmth and happiness of the season May s photo department is ready to help make this Christ mas one you II long remember with cameras, film, flashcubes, and a fine photo developing serv ice at competitive prices. Let May s develop your holiday film, and use our special Len-x-tra service to give you an extra gift print for only a slight additional charge Keep the holiday festivi ties alive year round with photos processed by May's. Open For Your Shopping Convonionco Thanksgiving Day, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. MAY'S REGULAR 94c Phillip's Milk Of Magnesia 18" Ceramic Turkey Platter FULL C O L O R D E S I G N MAY'S REGULAR 53c Aiar Mixed Nuts With Peanuts 6V2-0Z Custom Palmas Cigers FACTORY FRESH - EXTREMELY MILD box Of 50 WelcK« JELLY MAY'S REGULAR 84c Welch's Crape Jelly 48-OZ in MAY'S REGULAR 43c Charmin Toilet Paper ASSORTED COLORS 1- i 4-roll pfcg MAY'S REGULAR 37c Viva Paper Towels giant roll PHILLIPS" MAGNESIA --1> • REGULAR OR FLAVORED MAY'S REGULAR 76c MAY'S REGULAR $1.08 MAY'S REGULAR $1.18 5,5 Everynight Shampoo |Cepacoll Mouthwash Gloom II Toothpaste MAY'S REGULAR 84c MAY'S REGULAR $1.18 Gillette Dry Look Hair Spray si, For Men M A Y ' S R E G U L A R 4 8 c MAY S REGULAR S1 28 Strides IPadsl Alberto Balsam MEDICATED FOR ACNE RELIEF CONDITIONF ; 3 Johnson's ^ Cotton Swabs Holiday Housewares Dial Typo Moat Thermometer each MAY'S REGULAR 38c Metal Seamless Dakeware CHOOSE FROM PIE PAN, CAKE PAN, LOAF PAN, COOKIE SHEET - BRIGHT PLATED METAL _ your noice for ACCURATE EASY TO READ MAY'S REGULAR $12.44 Hamilton Deach Electric Knife MODEL #275 *10«7 Nylon Dastor RUBBER BULB - NYLON TUBE FOR EASY CLEANING 47* mm each 72" x 90" Bed Blanket FLIRTATION ROSE BY ST MARY S each MAY'S REGULAR 44c Lady Loo Economy Foil Liquor Department Ready To Finish Deacon's Bench SMOOTH SANDED PONDEROSA PINE HINGED LID - PERFECT AS TOY BOX OR STORAGE CHEST each * *' "WNDSHIELP WASHER **"Freew» * Clo**' Michel Perrin Beaujolais Wine 11% - IMPORTED FRENCH OLD MILWAUKEE 12 Oz. Bits. Manischewitz Cream Wines 12 5% - WHITE CONCORD - CHERRY - BLACKBERRY CONCORD - PINK CONCORD Jacques Bonet Duck 12% - SPARKLING *1 Costa Do Sol Wine 12% - PORTUGUESE ROSE Bankers Blend 80 PROOF *1 Bankers Bourbon 80 PROOF $099 fifth CANADA DRY POP Asst. Flavors 5/1"?: 28 N.R; Men's Waffle Stampers SIZE 6-12 pair REGULAR 24c Prestone Windshield Washer Anti-Freeze R E A D Y M I X E D I N C A R R Y A N D U S E S I Z E P R C " E ' T S T O B E L O W Z E R O T E M P E R A T U R E S 5 $|00 MAY'S REGULAR $414 Polaroid 188 Film COLOR Compare May's... • Prescriptions For Less It's the wise shopper who compares quality and price before buying, and why should prescrip tion shopping be any dif ferent? May s inyites you to compare our prescrip tion costs with those you've been paying any where else. We're sure that you'll realize a sav ings on all your prescrip tion needs, and enjoy quality, freshness, and strength too. Compare May's... Fresh, qualify prescriptions at Everyday Lew Prices at May's. MAY'S REGULAR $1.14 Sine-Off Nose Drops RELIEF OF SINUS CONGESTION $399 MAY'S REGULAR $1.38 Triaminic Syrup ANTI-HISTAMINIC FOR STUFFY AND RUNNING I NOSE - ORAL NASAL DECONGESTANT 4-oz MAY'S REGULAR $1.38 Robitussin Rotxtussin HM F0R THE RELIEF OF COUGH DUE TO COLDS 4-oz. MAY'S REGULAR $1.18 Romilar Child's Cough Syrup SAFE - NON NARCOTIC DELICIOUS GRAPE FLAVOR 6-oz MAY'S REGULAR $1.28 Cheracol "D" Cough Syrup Onracel D I NON-NARCOTIC - RELIEF J OF COUGH DUE TO COLDS "JB-TI & THROAT IRRITATION 4-oz. Charge Your PurchasesAt May's With Bank Americard and Master Charge each MAY'S REGULAR $1.28 Sylvania Flashcube BLUE DOT $108 COMPLETE SELECTION OF EVERYDAY CARDS BY A VOUft 1 each - , ^ Protection Policy guarantees these prices to be effective from Wednesday November 15th. through Tuesday. November 21 1972. regardless of cost increases D R U G Mc Henry Mcrket Place Shopping Center