23. SpecM. Layered-look set. Polyester/ cotton print shirt, acrylic tank. 8-18. A QO Sizes 3-7,3J6 24. Brown leather side-zip boot with new higher heel. 3V4-6. A Q QQ 8V4-3,10.99 1 25. Leather belt for dress-up or sport Brown, black, colors. 2.50 26. Mickey Mouse, Minnie, Cinderella watch. 2 extra straps. <| £ gg Mickey Mouse Mod watch. 12.95 Mickey MouSe mini watch. 9.95-10.95 27 Special. Polyester doubleknit fancy sport coat. Navy, brown or burgundy. * /% QQ 8-18 reg., slim. 1 Same style for sizes 3-7,11.99 28. Special. Long-sleeve shirt and tie set. Polyester/cotton, 8 to 18. 4.50 29. Special. Polyester doubleknit slacks. In navy, brown, burgundy. 8-18 reg., slim. Same style for sizes 3-7, 3.99 5.99 26