PAGE 16-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAV, DECEMBER 1, 1972 BANK PRESIDENT CAREY IS DEAD (Continued from page 1) and the success of the local financial institution is a reflection of his ability in the field of finance. His remarkable memory and capacity to remember people and events, and his genuine f interest in people and their' problems was among his bank's greatest assets. Three generations have benefitted from his financial assistance and counseling. Though conservative in nature, he operated a progressive bank. His philosophy was service to the community, regarding each account of equal importance regardless of size. He took pride in the fact that his bank is today the largest financial institution in the county. During earlier years in his career, he served as treasurer of the city of McHenry and was active in many charitable and community organizations. The deceased was a charter member of American Legion Post, No. 491 and a member of McHenry Barracks, No. 1315, Veterans of World War I. Mr. Carey was born in Ringwood July 3, 1897, one of eight children of John Carey and Mary Phalin Carey. He attended the Ringwood and McHenry schools and Elgin Business college. On June 9, 1925, he was married to Esther Stoffel of McHenry. Besides his wife, he is sur vived by two daughters, Mrs. Richard (Barbara) Zieman of McHenry and Mrs. William (Geraldine) Cowlin of Crystal Lake; seven grandchildren; two sisters, Florence Carey of McHenry and Mrs. J. Albert (Genevieve) Woll of Bethesda, Md., and a brother, Walter, of McHenry. Three sisters and two brothers, Evelyn and Anna Carey and Agnes Doherty, and Donald and John Carey, preceded him in death. The body will rest at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home after 3 o'clock Friday._ Mass will be offered at St. Patrick's Catholic church at 10 o'clock Saturday morning, with burial in old St. Patrick's cemetery. COUNTY OFFICES IN PERIOD OF TRANSITION (Continued from page 1) solution, a problem that would be intensified with develop ment of land to the south of Russel Plaza, according to Rakow. The Woodstock Chamber of Commerce has requested the city, county and developers to take action to secure an overhead bridge across Rt. 47. The matter will be followed up by the county board's Building committee for consideration of a solution. in his "Pebble Weave" Mason Sport Coat and Slacks of double-knit C2rcLANESE*^^RTREL The pebbled texture is big, bold and decidedly distinctive. Looks like a luxury weave; actually it's an easy- moving, easy-care double-knit of' 100% Celanese® Fortrel* polyester. Here it's a right-as-red sport coat with big news in the patch pockets: squared-off corners and "envelope" flaps. Combined with Johnny's red/ blue Argyle double-knit slacks, it adds up to good-feeling good looks. "Mason" Sport Coat * 75.00 Argyle Stacks * 30.00 Johnny Carson shirt and tie com plete the wardrobe. 'Fortrel is a trademark of Fiber Industries. Inc. DRIVER HURT, OTHERS TICKETED IN ACCIDENTS (Continued from page 1) he spoke to her and attempted to leave the scene. A third vehicle driven by Minno Halma of 9207 W. Thompson, Woodstock, came upon the scene and stopped behind the Scherzer car. Juske asked Halma to witness the damage done to his auto when suddenly Mrs. Scherzer put her car in reverse and in at tempting to leave the scene, backed into Halma's vehicle. HOLD THREE FOR ILLEGAL ENTRY INTO COUNTRY (Continued from page 1) discovered that the driver and his two passengers, Jose Contreras and Guadalupe Vega, all of Fritzsche's Motel, were not citizens and had en tered the United States illegally. PUBLIC LIBRARY RAISES CHARGES FOR NON-RESIDENT (Continued from page 1) picture lending and a copy machine. 3. The fact that the increase in taxation for the residents of McHenry made it necessary to attempt some equalization of costs with reference to the non resident library card. The library is open six days a week, Monday through Friday, from 1 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. For services approximating that of the McHenry library, neighboring towns charge $15 and many other towns charge more. The McHenry library board announced regret that it was necessary to increase the fee for the library cards but the present financial situation makes it mandatory. Members are confident that the public will show the same un derstanding with the new regulation as they have in the past. - , - GOTCHA ... First Sgt. David Gunter demonstrates function of the Walk-Through Metal De tector developed at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md. Installed in doorway, device can detect very small objects of metal no matter where they are hidden on the individual. STORE for MEN Open Daily 8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.jn Friday 'til 9:00 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS 1245 N. Green St., McHenry, 111 Phone 385-0047 The Genuine ' H U M M E L " Figurines Genuine "Hummel" figures are made only in Germany and are i d e n t i f i e d b y t h e i n d e n t e d signature of M.I. Hummel. J12®» W THE HUMMEL ANNUAL PLATE BY W. GOEBEL Trees from around the world... We've shopped every tree manufactured and purchased only their best trees. You'll see these styles: Moutain Pines, Blue Spruce, Scotch Pine, Highland Spruce, Colorado Spruce, Canadian Pine, Norwav Spruce. Canadian Fir, Balsam, Douglas Fir, Alpine Fir, Cypress and Holly 2 ft. to 10 ft. tall in all colors. OVER 15 DIFFERENT PERMANENT TREES ON DISPLAY $5.00 starts your lay-away Special Sale Indoor Nativity Scene Albert Vales of McHenry, city chairman for the March of Dimes, pins large membership emblem on Kim Dinham of Crystal Lake at the annual ohapter meeting held in McHenry Tuesday night. Looking op, at fight, is Ray McGee of McHenry, long time worker ta v,orthwU* STAFTPHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD • YowerwooJ i SALE! REG. $10.95 NATIVITY MADE IN ITALY Joseph, Mary, 3 wise men, angel and farm animals are lovingly fashioned by Italian craftsman to keep watch over Jesus. Realistic stable is made of wooden twigs on wood base. Save $3.00 on already low price. 3 lowerwoccf HIWAYS 14 and 176 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS PHONE 815-459-6200 DELIVERY AVAILABLE Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-5; Sun. 9-5 ilttnlliiilWaliailiMMMiMMMIiMttiMWMIiMMMIiMiaM Teenagers THIS WEEK'S LETTER: I am a sixteen year-old girl that has a boy problem. I like this boy that just moved to our school district this year. As soon as he moved here he met this one girl that he liked. But since he didn't know anyone else, he really hasn't had a chance to meet the rest of us. I don't think he likes this girl as much as he did when he first moved here. How should I go about trying to get to know him better? OUR REPLY: Walk up to him and say hello. It's as simple as that. Just because he is new in town and another girl is going with him, doesn't mean that he can't meet new friends. If he seems like an interesting person who you would like to meet, just introduce yourself to him and welcome him to your school. Ask him what his interests are and see what you have in common with him. After this brief intro duction, you may realize that you have nothing in common with him, but at least you have done a friendly good deed of making him feel at home. Perhaps youH discover that you or a friend of yours have similar interests. If your interests aren't the same in troduce him to other people who have the same interests he has. If the two of you have similar in terests, that's great. If yo* have • U«no»» pnbhn yoa wont to ditcwM or an obirvntin f makt, md- drau your fetter to FOR AND AIOUT TSIN- AOERS, COMMUNITY AND SUBURBAN PRESS SERVICi, FRANKFORT, KY. 40*01. McHenry Pastor Heads Lutheran Conference member church is divided into eighteen districts across the United States, with each district subdivided into ap proximately ten conferences. The North Chicago conference encompasses the northern portion of Chicago and the north suburbs. As president of the con ference, Pastor Schneider will be called upon to coordinate programs which affect the lives of the parishes within the conference and will become a member of the district council which makes decisions for the Illinois district. He will be called upon to implement the new forms of church structure and government recently authorized by the national church. He was also recently appointed to the youth com mittee of the Illinois district and will help plan youth ac tivities for the congregations within the district. SEND REPORT CARDS Parents are reminded that report cards were sent home with students at both East and West campuses earlier this week. PASTOR R.W. SCHNEIDER Pastor Roger W. Schneider of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry, was recently elected president of the North Chicago conference of the American Lutheran church. The almost three-million- CHARGE DRIVER Harold Meyer of 5114 W. Route 120, McHenry, was arrested Saturday night for driving while intoxicated after deputies observed his auto driving west on McCullom Lake road, weaving back and forth across the center line. Bond was set at $500, with court appearance scheduled for Dec. 18. KEEP IT HERE! Safe And Growing At Marengo Federal NQW'S the time to invest your idle cash in insured savings at Marengo Federal. Earn at the highest rate permitted on passbook or certificate deposits. Open or add to your account in person or by mail. Interest Rate per Annum 5% Passbook Deposits 5lA% 90 Day Notice Deposits 53/4% 12 Month Certificate 6% 24 Month Certificate Interest compounded daily on all accounts • Payable quarterly on all accounts. MARENGO federal savings ail loan association 200 East Grant Highway * Marengo, Illinois 60152 Phonoi 81S-568-725I Illinois sinco 192S #46,000,000 Mutual Association serving Whore No Savor Has Evor Lost A Ponny A major effort in the prevention of birth defects had its kick-off Tuesday night, , according to Ed Drayer of Crystal Lake, county campaign director of the March of Dimes. ' Drayer spoke at the annual *' meeting of the local chapter held at the McHenry Country club, attended the key per sonnel in the campaign and members of the press. Guest speaker was Barry , Hurtt, Northern Illinois ... director of the March of Dimes. -, Special awards were - presented to Angela Burden of Woodstock and Robert Denny of Crystal Lake, recognizing " their six years erf exceptional volunteer service as adult ' advisors to the teen-age program. Under their • . leadership, $18,000 was raised I during that time. This is the thirty-fifth year of * work toward the ultimate goal of the March of Dimes, which is . the prevention of birth defects. To achieve this, an attempt is being made to expand the support of research and medical services in the country. Dedicated skills of society - physicians and health professionals - are working to assure a healthy birthright for every infant. In McHenry, the Newcomers club will conduct the Mothers March late in January. Last year $24,750 was , collected county-wide in the March of Dimes effort. Leaders ' hope to top this figure in the drive which gets under way Jan. 1. Warning: Watch for Deer Illinois motorists should be especially careful while driving in early evening and during the early morning hours as deer may be on highways for the next month and a half. "From now until the middle of December buck deer are looking for mates," said Jack Calhoun, chief forest game biologist for the Illinois Department of Conserva tion. "Deer are nocturnal animals' and are most active in early even-' ing and at sunrise. During this time of year they may wander quite some distance and they will- be crossing many roads." Calhoun said that the rutting, season has already begun and several cases of deer being struck by automobiles have been re ported. "Deer crossing signs are posted at areas where deer frequently cross roads," Calhoun pointed out. "We urge motorists to be. especially cautious near these crossing areas." ITEM: Although women's fash-, ions seem to hug the body more than in past seasons, softness is' achieved by use of ruffles, pirt tucks and dainty trims. ITEM: An iron skillet should be seasoned at least every six months, more often if in frequent use. To do this, first wash carefully, rinse! and dry. Then liberally coat the inside with vegetable or shorten ing and heat so that the oil per meates the surface. SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER Tom Huemann Water Conditioning Service op all Makes Sales-Rental 385-3093 SALT DELIVERY SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER V
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McHenry Public Library District
809 N Front St.
McHenry, IL 60050