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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1972, p. 3

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4 PAGE 3-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1f 1972 A prayer vigil record board Is belas prepared for display. The program of prayer emphasis was entered Into recently by mens* bers of the First Baptist church. Ladles preparing the board are Mrs. William Korner, left, Mrs. Larry Htekle (behind Mrs. Kor Church Begins Prayer Vigil A prayer vigil of concern for the nation and the local com­ munities was begun recently by a group of members from the First Baptist church of McHenry. The goal of the group is to have some person or persons in an attitude of prayer for the nation during every hour of the week. The purpose is to bring an awareness to the minds of people of the needs of the country, particularly in human relations. Also, it is felt that through prayerful petition to God, that those involved in prayer will begin to believe that changes can and will come about. "We anticipate that par­ ticular needs <rf our community and nation will be brought to the attention of those par- Horticulture Project Open Soon In 4-H ner), Mrs. Arthur Anderson and Mrs. Robert Feller. Mrs. An­ derson is directing the Baptist group. The other ladles are all of the Roman Catholic faith. A new ornamental hor­ ticulture project will be available to McHenry county 4- H members next spring, says Pat Sullivan, McHenry county Extension adviser. The new project will cover the broad areas of home ground maintenance, landscape design and ornamental crops. A 4-H member may enroll in one or more of the twenty-two units covering such subjects as plant care and maintenance, lawn care and maintenance , insect and diseases of or­ namental Plants, landscape design, ornamental shrubs and ornamental trees. Other units include terrarium culture, potted plants, perennial flowers, annual flowers, flower arranging, Bonsai culture and plant propagation. • A new bulletin listing publications, slide sets and filmstrips to assist 4-H mem­ bers and leaders with the or­ namental horticulture project has been prepared and will soon be available in the Ex­ tension office, says Pat ^ Sullivan. St Patrick's Guild To Meet Monday Night St. Patrick's Ladies' guild will meet at 8 p.m., Monday, "Dec. 4, in the church hall. Following a short business meeting and a report from Mrs. Willard (Isabelle) Pierce. ticipating," explained Mrs. Arthur Anderson, chairman of the McHenry Baptist group. It is felt that through more ex­ plicit and directed prayer, that more changes will be evidenced. Introduction to the program came through the concerned efforts of Mrs. William Korner and Mrs. Larry Henkle. "These ladies are to be commended for their interest in and concern foa> the improvement of our society, said Pastor Virgle Chappell. . He explained how these ladies, with no prompting from the clergy, had taken upon themselves to invite as many persons of the com­ munities as would to par­ ticipate with them in this Prayer Vigil. "This is not necessarily a church action," explained Mrs. Korner to the pastor. "We wish to involve any and all persons who believe in prayer and who feel some changes need to be made in our world today." Pastor Chappell invites all those who will to join with the forty-seven persons already participating. Each person would designate one hour a week for prayer and meditation. Those who wish to participate are asked to call the church, 385-0063 or write to 509 N. Front street, stating the hour and the day they wish to participate. Local Couple Wed 25 Years Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stilling of 711 S. Rt. 31, McHenry, celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary Saturday, Nov. 25, when a Mass in their honor was read at 7 o'clock at St. Patrick's Catholic church. The actual date was Nov. 29. Dinner for thirty-five guests followed at a Richmond restaurant. Grace Bolger and Harold Stilling were married Nov. 29, 1947, in St. Patrick's church. They have nine children, Mrs. Leonard (Mary Ann) Martinez of McHenry, Harold, Jr., Peter, Peggy, Jim, Diane, Michele, Sandra and Cynthia, all at home, and one granddaughter, Michele. The Stillings have made their home at the Rt. 31 address alTs their married life. They will move Dec. 8 to a farm at Cambridge, Wis. chairman of the Nominating committee, a social hour will follow with cards. Instead of the regular gift exchange, members will bring cash donations for the Sisters of Mercy who staff Montini Primary center. Kay Luing To Wed In Sacramento Of interest is the an­ nouncement that Kay Luing, of Sacramento, Calif., formerly of Lakeland Park, McHenry, will be married Dec. 9 in an af­ ternoon Mass at the Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola to Joseph P. VerzwyVelt of 3245 Arden Ridge drive, Sacramento, Calif. A reception will follow at the Candle Rock room, Sacramento. After returning from a wedding trip, they will reside at 1520 Morse avenue, Apartment 71, Sacramento, until later, when they will move to their home in Long Beach, Calif. Sandra Gaynor Is Married In JoUet Church Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Sells of Wonder Lake announce the marriage of their daughter, Sandra Stewart Gaynor, to Richard Siakel of Clarendon Hills on Nov. 24. The ceremony was performed in the chapel of the First Presbyterian church of Joliet. Sharon Sells Wilkins of Ballston Spa, New York, was her sister's attendant. The honeymoon will take the form of a skiing trip to Colorado after Christmas. The Siakels are now at home at 338 Ridge, Clarendon Hills. Sandra Sells was graduated from McHenry high school and the University of Illinois. She is currently on the national board of the Girl Scouts, serving in the Chicago office. Serve Pot-Luck Luncheon For Woman's Club The McHenry Woman's club, a member of the Federation of Women's Clubs, Uth district, will hold its annual pot-luck luncheon Dec. 8 at noon. Following the luncheon there will be a business meeting, after which a program will be presented by the West campus high school chorus. In memory of the late Mrs. Harold Wildhagen, a book was presented to the McHenry Public library, "Once Upon a Christmas" by Pearl Buck. Mrs. William Wilson, Hospitality chairman, who will be hostess for the day, requested that members with names from Ammerman to Gerlitz bring a hot dish, those from Gibbs to Miller, a salad and from Mullere to Young, a dessert. Newcomers In Plans For Dec. 2 Bazaar The McHenry Town and Country Newcomers club, at its recent monthly meeting, made plans for the annual bazaar, one day of which was held last weekend and another this weekend, Dec. 2, at the First National bank, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Featured will be hand crafted items, with proceeds benefitting needy children of the area. In other business, Jan Gavlinski was elected president; Elaine Landis, vice- president; Pam Basak, secretary-treasurer; Linda Klopack, Prospective Members chairman; and Kathy Douglas, chairman's assistant. A work session for the bazaar concluded the meeting. î RSQJV^Li Claire Kinsey of Mitchell, Si)., enroute to Tampa, Fla., on a business trip, was a recent overnight guest in the Fred Bienapfl home. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund were guests in the home of their daughter, Mrs. J.C. Seymour, in Dowagiac, Mich., over the Thanksgiving holiday. wrs. Pat Barton, son, Chuck, and daughter, Mrs. Thomas Smith, husband and son, Michael, spent Thanksgiving in the home of another daughter, Mrs. Dan Theobold, in Crete. Miss Gerri Restivo and Miss Joni Adams of Chicago were Thanksgiving guests of Mrs. Irene Adams. /. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lohr of Evansville, Wis., Miss Helen Buch of Chicago and the Albert Buch family of Elgin were out of town guests in the home of Mrs. Mary Buch, Thursday. Mrs. John Bolger and her guest, her sister, Sister Veronica of Milwaukee, spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Rockford. Miss Estelle Thompson of Lansing, Minn., Mrs. Lloyd Gratton of Woodstock and Mrs. Donald Schacht of Greenwood were dinner guests in the Robert Thompson home Friday and visitors on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Knickerbocker of Suttons Bay, Mich. Lee Thompson was home from Urbana to spend the holiday weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thompson. Mrs. Henry Stilling returned Sunday from a two week's visit in the home of her son, Anthony Caparelli, in Baraboo, Wis. Mrs. Mabel Knowles returned Sunday from a visit in the home of hier son, Martin Knowles, in River Forest. Mrs. Rose Peet spent the past week in the home of her sister in Northbrook. Mrs. Albert Vales and son, Albert, returned Sunday from a three week's vacation at Cape Coral, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Willis of Emmettsburg, Iowa, who were spending a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Larry Miller, in Mundelein, visited old friends here Monday. Both were teachers in the local high school about forty years ago. Mrs. Willis was the former Opal Post. The Nicobar pigeon digests nuts by crushing the shells in its stomach. Enter here. ONLY AT. BABER BUICK U.$. 12, FOX LAKE (4 miles north of Rte. 120) MS Sttuy B O A T C L U B WINTER SPECIALS! COMPLETE DINNERS 2 for $400 MONDAY FRIED OR BROILED CHICKEN TUESDAY COUNTRY FRIED STEAK WEDNESDAY CHOPPED SIRLOIN STEAK WITH MUSHROOM GRAVY THURSDAY BRAISED SHORT RIBS & NOODLES 5 PER PERSON BUSINESS MEN'S UlNCHEON (WITH SPECIALS) Served Daily From 11:30a.m. to 2:30p.m. 801 N RIVER RD McHENRY, ILL 385-2671 Community Calendar ************** DECEMBER 2 & 3 Christmas Bazaar -- St. Peter's Hall - Saturday Hours, 9 to 4 Sunday Until Noon. McHenry Choral Club Christmas Program - 8:15 p.m. - West Campus High School Auditorium. St. Paul's Christmas Bazaar And Sandwich Luncheon - Mary Hall, Montini Middle School - Saturday Hours, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. - Sunday, 9 a.m. to Noon. DECEMBER 2 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM-Meets For Bowling - McHenry Recreation - 7 p.m. DECEMBER 3 Mass for Deceased Members - C.D. of A. Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573 - St. John the Baptist Church, Johnsburg - 9 a.m. Woodstock Lodge No. 1043, B.P.O.E. - Memorial Services - -2 p.m. Lodge Hall, Woodstock. DECEMBER 4 McHenry Grams Charter 826 -- Board Meeting - 10 a.m. - Home Of Elvera Dimler, 1205 Manchester Mall. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Meeting - 1 p.m. Landmark School. DECEMBER 5 Marcia Mary Ball Circle Christmas Luncheon, First United Methodist Church, 12:30 p.m. DECEMBER 6 McHenry Grams Charter 826 - Christmas Party - 12:30 p.m. -- Followed By Business Meeting - Meeting Room City Hall. Girl Scout Leaders Christ­ mas Luncheon-- 12 Noon-Mar- tinetti's. Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. James Spin- dler, Mark and Niki of LaGrange spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Pat Spindler. Mrs. Helen Heuser spent the Thanksgiving weekend in the Richard Heuser home in Bellwood. DECEMBER 7 Lakeland Park Women's Club Annual Christmas Dinner Party, Bavaria Hails, John­ sburg - 6 p.m. Pre-Christmas Party -- Ladies Sodality of Christ the King Church, Wonder Lake. DECEMBER 8 McHenry Woman's Club - Pot Luck Luncheon - V.F.W. Hall - Social Hour, 12 to 1 p.m. - - Business Meeting 1 p.m. DECEMBER 9 Friendship Club Pot-Luck Christmas Dinner and Meeting *- First United Methodist Church - 6 p.m. Annual Christmas Rumbaz - Mt. Hope Methodist Church, 1015 Broadway, Pistakee Highlands --11 a.m. to 2 p.m. - Handmade Articles - Like New Clothing - " Bakery - Lunch Room. DECEMBER 9 & 10 Bazaar and Bake Sale - Christ the King Church Hall - Saturday Hours, 12 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. ~ Sunday, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. DECEMBER 11 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Annual Christmas Dinner and Party -East Campus Cafeteria - Dinner, 6:30 p.m. - Meeting arid Program, 7:30 p.m. DECEMBER 20 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip To Chicago Loop. Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. DECEMBER 21 C.D. of A. Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573 - Annual Christmas Party. Things are difficult or im­ possible only in relation to our ignorance Our word KING comes from KIN, and started out as a title referring to men who led their kinfolks into battle. 0IK-ST0P TWM SHOP CSROOKWOOD^^Jt 5*7*6, COUPON SPECIAL ."ivT-'v;*-.ft' wmw' B" . 501 TINSEL GARLAND 1.59 SAVE .60 thru 12/10 | i', ismw&u VC0511 vimifl 1 m f £.v, 7 i.; ^ ^ IV . *' V J*' SI# ^5 Save 5.00 On The H Purchase Of Any wwie 8 or 10ft. Tree. last items BROOKWOOD GARDEN CENTER 4505 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, III. 385-4949 SNOW BIRD SNOW THROWERS UN HANDLE THE HEAVY SNOW 4 HP • 22" Scoop 279* FREE! Electric Start With Any Snowthrower PltGSGASIN WEST BEND - HUMIDIFIERS / Avoid dry air discomforts this winter! HO WEST BEND 0 ALSO 5, 7, 8 H.P. AVAILABLE 2-speed HUMIDIFIER adds moisture -- and comfort -- automatically 2500 sq. ft. J capacity Re& ^ 79.95 59" Helps relieve discomforts of nasal dryness . . . lets you breathe easier, feel fresher. Features automatic humidistat, automatic shutoff, "re­ fill" indicator light, rustproof 9!/2 gal. reservoir that's easily remov­ able for cleaning -- plus furniture styling with walnut-grain vinyl ex­ terior. Moisturizes average 4-bed- room home automatically -- just plug it in! Water Wheel moisturizing action Filter rotees through water reservoir for quiet, efficient humidifying. Complete Ijpe of Replacement parts in stock. Servicing all West Bend models. REPLACEMENT FILTER BELT for West Bend Humidifiers fits models: 4000 14010 4002 4052 4003 4062 4010 4011 14003 4012 4013 4014 4015 4053 4054 4055 4056 4057 4058 Keep your West Bend humidi­ fier operating at top efficiency with a new filter belt. $I.SO LEE & RAY ELECTRIC 1005 N. Front St , McHenry Ph. 385-0882 \

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