SEW WHAT? Tan mri pattimi • Y AUOKCV LANC -v.Vr.v 1M.L Pretty and Practical This apron, protty and practical, has tulip podr••». Pattern 3223 comas in small, modium and largo ihot. "itodium lizo tokos 1% yards of 33- inch fabric. IMS OOCK1B STQU This lo¥oly stolo is crochotod in this intorosting knot stitch. May also bo worn as a hoad scarf Sond tor Pattorn No 1105. Sond 501 for oach dross pattern, 30 < tor oach noodlowork pattorn fadd I5< lor oach dross pattorn, 10i lor oach noodlowork pattorn for mailing and handlingI to AUDHfY LANC SU *f A U, Morris Hoins. Now Jorsoy 07950 | temgliitt foxr IF®®dl Festive bits of red in keeping with colorful holiday foods ire found in this crunchy spread: combine one package (three and one-half ounces) dried beef, shredded with one jar (four oun ces) pineapple cheese spread, one-half cup finely chopped pea nuts and one teaspoon lemon juice. Mix well. It yields one and one-fourth cup*. Hot mushrooms are yummy, es pecially at holiday time. Wash and remove stems from large mushrooms and fill with a bacon- cheese mixture. Bake in the oven until heated through and use as a appetizer or garnish for roast beef or steak. Calories in beef cuts such as round steak, sirloin tip roast and T-bone steak, and in pork cuts such as loin roast, chops, tender loin and baked ham, total under 250 calories per 3V4-ounce serv ing of cooked lean meat. These cuts in 3%-ounce servings are ideal for dieters and calorie counters everywhere. Teenagers THIS WEEK'S LETTER: I'm not complaining or anything, but I would like your opinion. I'm only M and my sister is 15. My Mother and Dad give in to my sister more than they give in to me. I don't mean that they lock me up in my room, beat me to death, or only give'my needs. They give me most everything I want. I don't have to do any chores or anything. To me, it seems like they give my sister something more that's hard to describe. Do you think I should be glad that they don't lock me in my room or beat me to death and just ignore this feeling I have? OUR REPLY: It's sad to admit, but perhaps that "something more" they give your sister is more of their love. Although you have all the materialistic things that you could want or need, your parents are not providing as much of the most important aspect needed by a growing, maturing young person -- love. Sure, they love you but they are probably not letting you know how much they love you and we agree this is a bad scene. Parents should try to encourage their children to lead the most rewarding life pos sible, but unfortunately, many times parents get caught up in the hassles of modern living and a child or the children are left to suffer -- not for lack of food but lack of love and interest. Don't get discouraged -- sit down with your folks and tell them how you feel. Hopefully, they will see the light. --" II y*v have • Iwmh probtom you want M ditcmt or on ofcMrvatian to make, •*- dr... .oar lottor to KM AND ABOUT TIEN- AOIRt, COMMUNITY AND SUMIMAN MISS SUVICI. FHANKKMT, KV. 40401 Mid-Town Mayor A LIB ALWAYS HAS A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF WEIGHT \VitH ihioee who \AOULP LIKE TO BELIEVE IT. 1 N> PAGE 9-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1972 FOR THE HOME FROM NYES. ^ . . ELECTRIC HOT-TRAY Koopt food and tatty while you cook and serve! Golden aluminum frame with walnut [finitfwd handles. H«at-resist ant patterned steel surface in | popular avocado color. Gen- 118x9-inch size. 1418-02 erous 2Q-PC. SET i SERVICE tar FOUR CHECK OUR PRICE Sat includes four each: din' ner plates, bread-and-butter1 plates, soup bowls, cup anc saucers. CHOOSE f ROM (1) BIOMOm Oraon (2) Snowftok* Blue (3) Butterfly Ootd (4) Fro«t Whit* The Everyday Dishes Guaranteed for Two Years! Has the look, feel and "ring" of expensive china, yet it can take all the use and abuse of every day living. Amazing new material is translucent, yet safe in oven and dishwasher. Any piece that breaks, chips, crazes or stains during 2 years of everyday use will be replaced free. ELECTRIC KNIFE 88 Easy carving and slicing for professional results. Has 9" hollow-ground stainless-steel reciprocating blades. An outstanding value for your kitchen. _ _ . EK15 INSTANT "HOT POT" 9.99 Heats 2 to 6 cups of water fast for instant coffee, soups, tea. Choice of temperature settings. ELECTRIC BEAN POT Low-heatele|,tric unit & stone ware pot & cover combine to give home baked flavor. For beans, stews, etc. 2-qt. size. 3299 788 M e DON'T FORGET THAT GUT ON CHRISTMAS DON'T FORGET THAT GAL ON CHRISTMAS MMCCS... McHenry's Most Complete Cosmetic Selection. ELECTRIC FONDUE 2-qt. automatic pot. Settings 'for meat, cheese and desserts. Control detaches, unit is im- mersible. 19* NO-STICK "Bake 'n Broiler" 4-IN-t PAN Bakes, broils and roasts! The chrome-plated rack be comes a cake-sized cooling rack. Has water level guide for broiling, cutting guide for cakes. Porcelain-clad exterior in your choice of colors. NO-STICK interior. PARTY KMC 12.99 Makes 12 to 36 cups of coffee Your choice of Kitchen-Right colors. MIRRO-MATIC COOKER > Cooks meats in one-third the time, retains more vitamins and minerals. Unbreakable controls regu lates pressure at 15 lbs. Metal safety fuse. With recioe book. 4-ot. size. ALARM CLOCKS BIG BEN (10056/1) 9.99 BABY BEN (11054/6) 8.99 Color-coordinated case, dial & trim. Luminous hands and numerals. Single key winds time & alarm; alarm adjusts soft to loud. Quiet tick. Baby 3 5/16", B,g Ben ?ft". WEST BEND Butter-Matic Popper Butters popcorn as it pops! Special compartment on top for butter See thru Lexan cover, becomes serving bowl. 5467 9" 12-PAK "D" BATTERIES 1.99 Power-packed for longer life! Be sure to have plenty for portable appli-' ances, games, dolls, toys. NO-STICK ELECTRIC "ORIENTAL WOK" A real party conversation piece-yet so versatile you'll use iv*v^> day to pan-fry, poach, stew, boil, deep-fry, steam and simmer. Big 6-qt. size, with porcelain on-aluminum finish in your choice of colors. Fired-on non-stick interior. Colorful 24-page recipe booklet, cover and detachable heat control included. 29 95 &yr//fsi£/G//m 2X GIFTS FOR HIM! OLD SPICE IN A LANTERN! 6 Oz. $ 4» Soap-On-A-Rope By Bold Man 6-Ounc« 'J, FABERGE BRUT LOTION % ounce For after shave, after shower or anything, truly masculine scent. ROMAN BRIO AFTER SHAVE 4 Oz. *2* INTIMATE SPRAY MIST REVLON 50 GIFTS FOR HER ! dumbly MILK BATH Luxury formula - - whole milk solids, cold cream rich oils. Quart. Gift- boxed. A superb scent in an elegant diamond-facet bottle. 3 % -oz. size. 1 69 Desert Flower Set by ShuKon Reg. $2.00 2 Piece- Toilet water l%oz. and Hand & Body lotion-2 oz. JEAN NATE SPRAY of NATE 1 ounce Bath and body fume for total grance. Enchanting! r QUALITY TRU-TEST BATTERIES FOR EVERY NEED Lifetime Guarantee SUPREME Reg. * 7J" 32.95 gm' 36 Mo. Guarantee HEAVY DUTY S 21" 24 Mo. Guarantee STANDARD MODEL 1219 6.95 Value SAFETY SHUT OFF NORTHERN VAPORIZER 1 Gal. Capacity All-Nighter $ t E TELEVISION SPECIALS ! HAIR WIZ GARB-A-SEAL KITCHEN MAGICIAN • SEAL-A-MEAL • MIRACLE BRUSHES • T.V. MAGIC SHOW • HANDY SCREENS • HAV-A-MAID • • • % • TV ADVERTISED 50 Christmas Cards by 'Hegent" $1.49 Value * 11 1972 Collection SAPPHIRE 4-R0LL CHRISTMAS WRAP m • Paper 35 sq. ft * Foil 25 Sq. Ft YOUR CH0ICR Pack of 16 Gift Wrap BOWS Reg. 59c -CHRISTMAS DECOR- TWINKLE 25 LIGHT SET (Outdoor) 50 LIGHT OUTDOOR SET NOEL 25 LIGHT SET (Outdoorr) 35 LIGHT INDOOR SET by Yuletide FOR YOUR TREE! ICICLES * NORTH STAR CHRISTMAS TREE STAND 20™ J1* Shiny Brite Pkg. of 12 -y-tt • GLASS ORNAMENTS 99? 77 50 Ft. 3" Diameter • TINSEL GARLAND v'S $ l33 ^ '(///el/I ticwi The very special way to remember WE HONOR CHICAGO WALGREEN ADS AS SPACE AND QUANTITIES ALLOW WE HONOR FREE GIFT WRAPPING N P;Vr&\ , r i f l k - Rc^rw l ' - ! f n;t quant i t ies \ T R U - V A L U E P H A R M A C Y m . •, r ̂ lj v V . <• i.