FEMALE HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED FOR SALES DEPARTMENT Must be good typist, accurate with figures and have pleasant telephone personality. Duties include taking phone orders, pricing and checking, typing orders ind writing standardized business letters. MANY EMPLOYEE BENEFITS APPLY 8 A.M. to 5 P.&„ JOHN STERUNG CORPORATION J1600 Sterling Parkway Richmond, III. Phone 815478-2031 REAL ESTATE NEW Raised Ranch House for sale on Grand Ave., 3 bed rooms, carpeting throughout, lower level completely fin ished, 2 car garage, walking distance to schools and town. $34,500.00 Call 385-5556. 11/28TF12 •FOR SALE, Northwest Wonder Lake Area. 5 good farm, acres on blacktop. Excellent- terms. 312-231-1025. 12/1TF12 1,2-1 MALE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED MOLDING MAN ;must be able to set up and operate Apply To Personnel Department CONTROLS COMPANY OF AMERICA * 110 W. Woodstock St. Crystal Lake, III. 815-459-3200 an equal opportunity employer. 12-13TF12 WONDER LAKE McHENRY NEW 3 BEDROOM RANCH Basement, Carpeting, Air Conditioning. Very Low down payment. Only $23,900 B_4 K CONSTRUCTION 312-529-3900 LOST: Owl ring. Sentimen tal, Reward, Call 385-2688. 12-13/12-15-72 J WANTED TO RENT 3 BEDROOM HOUSE with ga rage. Good references avail able. Call 815-943-5927. 12/8-12/20 WOULD like to rent garage. Any location 385-4736. 12-13/12-15 Read The Classifieds. 12/1TF12 "" OPEN ~0U"~j in Wonder Lake Coral & Thompson Roads I SATURDAY & SUNDAY | New Homes G.I.'s...No money down! • Fantastic low down onFHA • terms and 10 per cent | down on conventional loans | 3 & 4 bedroom ranches • $21,900 to $27,900. B&K CONSTRUCTION! I B&K CONS 312-529 312-529-3900 12/1TF12""* FIND JUST THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB WITH A CLASSIFIED... PHONE 385-0170 to place your "lassified.... THERE'S MONEY TO BE MADE THROUGH CLASSIFIED PHONE PET CENTER jQpfc 607A FOR A_ 385-0170 PETS THAT NEED A HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER NOTICE SANTA will visit your home in Griswold Lake Area. Wed., December 20, Thursday 21. Call 385-8654 for appointment after 6: P.M. 12/8-12/20 CAPLESS WIGS. Have a wig party. Call Pam. 385-4709. 12/6TF12 MR. McOOWAN, Antioch, Il linois. If 1968 Hodaka, lOOcc M.C. Serial No. A 18200 is nbt picked up within 7 days, same will be sold for parts, labor and storage. AERO-P.A. ' McHenry Illinois 12/13 As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge, or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO A GOOD HOME 13 month old chocolate and white part Labrador. Very pretty dog. 385-6624. 12-13 TO FAMILY with children 7 months female Beagle. 385-3901. 12-13 PEKINESE black, 4 years old, ideal for elderly cou ple. 385-7637. 12-13 SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER • WINTER ROBES REDUCED (Including Extra Large) Many items especially re duced for the holidays •LARGE SELECTION OF STOCKING STUFFERS. Priced at $1.00 and less. PINK LADY SHOPPE McHenry Hospital KITTENS for Christmas, 2 male and 2 female. 338- 4143. 12-13 LOST LIGHT BROWN, LONG HAIR CHIHUAHUA, Indian Ridge Sub., Wonder LAKE. Reward, 653-5615. 12-13 SALT & PEPPER SCHNAUZER strayed from home in Lakemoor area Sunday, 385-2596. 12-13 FOUND LONGHAIRED orange & white cat with a yellow col lar with bells on it. Found near Mason Hill & Crys tal Lake Rd. Call 385-7317. 12-13 12/13-12/15 NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE 2 0 F R E E T U R K E 1000 CHRISTMAS TREES WHITE SCOTCH • NORWAY - ALL TREES TREATED - OVER 200 STANDING TO CHOOSE FROM! INSIDE SHOWROOM from DEC. 4 to DEC. 23.... A FREE TURKEY Will be given away everyday. Register early. IF THERE WAS A BETTER TREE.... WE WOULD HAVE IT! acidtome ED'S RENTAL, INC. Open 8:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. 904 N. FRONT ST. McHENRY FOR RENT LARGE 1 bedroom apartment • stove, refrigerator air condi tioned, fully carpeted. Near McHenry, 1 year lease plus security deposit. 385-2639. 11-1TF12 ~2 BEDROOM HOUSE, large lot, full basement, stove, re- frig., washer, dryer, or com pletely furnished, $185.00 month. Occupancy 90 days, 1 year lease and one month security deposit. 385-0584. 12-13 TF12-12-22 •MODERN 5 br. home, gas heat $200 month "One 4 br. modern oil hot water heat home $185 month, both have attached garage, 1 month security deposit required. Previous references. For information call 385-2747. 12/13-12/15 2 ROOM APT. furnished; 5 room unfurn. duplex; 5 room home unfurnished. Call af ter 6 p.m. 385-1079. 12/13-12/15 ROOM for rent to responsi ble mature gentleman. Month ly rate. 385-4398. 12/13-12/15 5 BEDROOM Farm House and Garage, Big Yard.References and Security Deposit. Immed iate Occupancy. Phone 385- 1403. 12-13TF12 MODERN 2 bedroom apart ment in town, available De cember 15, stove, ref., and air cond., heat furnished. $160*00 per month, lease, se curity deposit and references required. No ptets. Call 385- 1116 after 3:30 P.M. for an appoinment. 12/13TF12 DELUXE 2 bedroom apt. W2 baths, carpeted, large family kitchen with appliances, laun dry facilities, walking dis tance to school and shopping. Immediate occupancy. $210 00 heat included. 385-7407. 12/6-12/15 SPACIOUS 2 Bedroom & 1 Bedroom Apartments with private patio, elec tric heat, refrigerator, stove, garbage disposal. Rentals starting at $160.00 per month. SEE OR CALL May Development Co. 9716 N. Rte. 12 Richmond, III. 815-678-2861 TJ/TtfT? ! ORCHARD ! APARTMENTS J 124 Washington Street, | Round Lake. 2 bedroom, J carpeted, deluxe appli- J ances, heat, water, cooking J gas included. Laundry, J storage. $180*00. No pets. 312-328-6674 12/6- 12/15j DELUXE ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS Including appliances, airI conditioning, ample closetI space, security entrance,! swimming pool, rec. roomI laundry facilities. From $170.00 per month, includ-[ ing heat. AVAILABLE JAN. 1ST JAMES TERRACE APARTMENTS 815-385-6757 OR 815-385-7163 12-13/12-15 FIND JUST THE RIGHT HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY WITH A PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED. PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE YOUR AD. W 12-6-8-13-15/72 PAGE 15-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAV. DECEMBER 13. 1972 You Ne® AW Til'1"' 1 wai> V % r*f/ % PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE YOUR AD t ^ 4