SECTION 2-PAGE 1-PLAINDEALER-WED., DECEMBER 13, 1972 THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER "SERVING THE CHAIN-O-LAKE S REGION SINCE 1875 Twice Told Tales DISPLAY RESERVE CHAMPION - This growthy summer yearling Hereford female proved to be the reserve chafcnpiM at the recent International Livestock Exposition Register of Merit show at Chicago. Owned hy Northern Pump Co., McHenry. she is NP Colo Princess R1343. Admiring this correct-made lass are. from left, W.P. "Bill" Adams. Kilgore, Neb., president of the show; judge Ted Thomas, manager, Wyoming Hereford ranch, Cheyenne; Debbie Jostes, Illinois Hereford queen, Argenta; Lit Both am, Wisconsin Hereford queen, Madison; and Spence Byron, herdsman for Ortfcern Pump C.O. (PHOTOGRAPH AMERICAN HEREFORD ASSOCIATION) NOTICE City of McHenry vehicle licenses for 1973 are now available in the City Clerk's office. City Council City of McHenry Letters To Santa KIWANIS NEWS Letters to Santa will be printed just as received until Christmas. Names and ad dresses should be included. "Dear Sanla, "My name is Candy Norwill at 2617 Myang, McHenry. I have been a good girl. So has my sister Cookie and my brother Kay. For Christmas, Candy would like a sleeping bag and spelling game. For Kay, football and safe bank. For Cookie, Barbie doll camper and doll cloths. "Thank you we love you. "Candy, Kay, Cookie" "Dear Santa, "My name is Jon. I am lVfc years old so my Grandma is writtingfor me. She said I have been a very good boy. For Chirstmas I would like a truck and choo choo train and a ball. "Thank you "Baby Jon Ateksich "1122 Villa Vista" "Dear Santa, "I like you very much. I want to thank you for the toys you gave me last year. May I please have a telescope and machine gun. "Stephen Garrelts "2308 N. Kingwood road, "McHenry, 111." "Dear Santa, "I am five years old so my big sister is writting this for me. I would like the whole Barbie set, Barbie clothes and the country camper and a Donald Duck Kadio. "P.S. I will leave you cookies and milk on the kitchen table for you. "Love you always Cindy Minton "102 S. Vernon Drive" "Dear Santa, "I know how busy you are but could you possibly bring me a pair of roller skates, an easy bake oven and some betty crocker cake mixes with some extra trays. We will leave you some milk and cookies. Have a merry Christmas and a happy new year. On the roller skates, I wear a size 6Vfe. I am ten years old." "Love "Pamela Anderson "P.S. If you can't thats per fectly all right. Thank you. "Love "Pamela Anderson "My address is Pamela An derson, 3904 W. Route 120, McHenry, 111. 60050" "Dear Santa, "I would like a pair of roller skates and a baby tenderlove. And if you have lazy dazy. What ever you have in your sleigh. 1 am 7 years old. I take size 4 in rollerskates." "Love "Colleen Anderson "I have the same address as Pamela Anderson. I love you Santa." "Dear Santa, "For Christmas I would like a Model truck (KW) and toy KW with a dump trailer. 1 also like a walkie talkie. "Love "Scott Meader "Koute 1 Box 623 "Volo "Father - Fred Meader "P.S. I will leave you some cookies and milk." "Dear Santa, "L would like a whole bunch of toys. "Love, "Patti Meader "Route 1 Box 623 "Volo "Father - Fred Meader" "Dear Santa, "I want a football suit and a race track and a big Jim with a football suit and airdevels, that's all I want. I love you very much. "From Jim Leon "3304 Scott Avenue "McHenry "P.S. Please bring the nice teachers at Montini Primary school something." "Dear Santa "For Christmas I would like a baby doll, Maxi dress and a Fisher Price airplane. I have been a pretty good girl. "See you Christmas Eve, "Monica Otto "3807 John street "McHenry - Age3V "Dear Santa, "I have been a good girl this year. For Christmas I would like a Lite Brite, Maxi dress. WONDER LAKE CLUB Following a round-table meeting in Wonder Lake Monday, Nov. 27, members of the Wonder Lake Kiwanis club traveled to Crystal Lake to attend the Division 20 In spirational night. The meeting was hosted by the Cary-Fox River Grove club. Governor Thomas Brogdon gave an in spiring talk on the Kiwanis theme, "Share Your Life". Inter-Club Chairman Bob Myers introduced those in attendance from the Wonder Lake club. They were President Bob Stangl, Art Christopher, Art Lau, Gene Bach, Willis Walker, Frank Stangl and George Hartmann, along with two of the wives, Mary Grace Walker and Katy Christopher. On Dec. 4, another round- table was held and all in at tendance headed for the Cary- Fox River Grove Kiwanis meeting to present the traveling gavel. Gary-Grove's president, Bill Maloney, finally sawed through the top board of the box with a 10-inch saw and was quite relieved when he found the gavel he had cut in two was only a dummy and the real gavel was in a safe place. Wonder Lake members in attendance were Bob Myer, Bob Rowley, Art Lau, Willis Walker, Art Christopher, Gene Bach and Frank Stangl. Members are reminded that the annual Kiwanis Christmas party will take place Dec. 18, when a one dollar exchange gift will be held. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec. 22, 19471 ^ The srahual meeting of the American Red Cross will be held Jan. &31 announced by county chairman Thomas P. Bolger at a meeting of chapter officers. A report of the results of the annual roll call shows that McHenry county will go over the top when all of the reports are turned in. The quota for this county 1,365 members and Friday night 1,350 members were reported with only one chapter, that at Cary, still to report. The Fred Bienapfl family have moved from the rooms in the bank building on Green Walker Will Meet To Improve Care - For Retarded Governor-Elect Daniel Walker will' meet with com munity mental retardation executives Friday, Dec. 15, to discuss his plans for improving care and services for the state's 330,000 retarded children and adults. * The meeting is being spon sored by the Illinois Association for the Mentally Retarded for the directors and legislative chairmen of its eighty local affiliated groups throughout the state. The purpose of the meeting, which will be held at the Sheraton hotel in Chicago, will be to prepare the mem bership and staff of community associations for the retarded for the 1973 session of the Illinois Legislature. Proposed legislation and unmet needs of the retarded will be discussed. Don Moss, executive director of the IAMR, stated that there could be a major reorganization of the state's service delivery system and purchase-care for the retarded. "A special committee of the Illinois House of Represen tatives is presently studying the possibility of adopting a system similar tffthat of California," said Moss. "Under that system, retardation ser vices, funding and ad ministration are completely separated away from those for the mentally ill. There is also a decentralization of state purchase of private care which gives more responsibility to the communities." street to the Beller home on the same street. A New Year's dance will be held at the Johnsburg hall, Jan. 2|Gus Ueber's orchestra will finish the music. .•Edward J. Wirfs, aged 62 yfars, died at Waukegan, Dec. 2|, after a lingering illness. The deceased was born in John sburg and spent his youth in McHenry. The boys have cleared off a large place on the creek for ice skating which is real good right now, The married men are going in strong for volley ball this year and now have six teams functioning at the high school gym every Monday evening. About fifty couples were present at the dance given by ihe Athletic association at the 4ijgh school Saturday evening. Music by Nye's Rhythm Aces was very much enjoyed. Bubbles that do not burst make up the bubble nest that the male Siamese fighting fish builds on the surface of water. some games and an Inch Worm." "See you Christmas Eve, "Maureen Otto "3807 John street "McHenry - Age 5Vfe" Personalities that bowl one over at first often lose their glitter. IINC01H FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY AUTO LICENSE PLATES COME IN AND PICK YOURS UP... ANOTHER OF THIS BANK'S SERVICES FOR YOU EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 1,1972 SERVICE FEE $1.00 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF MCHENRY TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec. 25^1947) Another native of this community and a resident the greater part of his life was taken wi death during the past week. He was Jacob B.. Schumacher, 80 years old, who passed away at his home in Johnsburg, Dec. 19, after an illness of only a few days. Impressive services marked commencement exercises at Worsham College of Mortuary Science last Friday at which time Robert Justen, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Justen of this city, was graduated. The exercises were held in the John D. Murphy Memorial auditorium where a class of 212 received their certificates. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hay and daughter, Judy, left Monday morning for Florida to make their home. They expect to live in Sarasota, Fla. Children of St. Patrick's parish, considerably more than 100 in number, were present in the church hall last Sunday evening with their parents to enjoy a Christmas party, a large decorated tree proved attractive to the kiddies and Santa made his appearance to distribute bags of candy, fruit and nuts. The party was sponsored by the Holy Name society. Nancy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sibre Whiting, who reside near Ringwood, had the misfortune to break her arm. Every farmer who raises hogs should lead the article in the recent issue Record written VanHouling on brucellosis on swine. Apparently all undulent fever doesn't come from milk. nit ai uvie in of th£ I.A.A. by'Dr. C D. TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Dec. 27, 1962) The spirit of the holiday season was marred for many in the McHenry community last weekend by the tragic accident which took the life of Sandra Jeanne Nell, 23, daughter of Mrs. Frank Nell. Miss Nell was driving west on Chapel Hill road in Johnsburg when her car struck the bridge, she was thrown from the car and later pronounced dead on arrival at McHenry hospital. The lighting display of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Harth of Cooney Heights was winner of the first place, $25 award, in the Chamber of Commerce holiday contest. The home took on the appearance of candyland for the Christmas season. Miss Judy Hans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hans of McHenry, was selected over representatives of fifteen sororities with 1,400 members a at the University of Wisconsin to the Rose Queen of the December ball. Dr. kyle Franzen, who made --his-home here for many years will be interested to learn that he assumed his first formal position in public health relfcntly as state district health officer for the Jamestown, N.Y., area. Mr. and Mrs. M.L. Schoenholtz announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Ann, to Mr. Jerry Hogan of Ringwood. John Cassell With College Ensemble, Choir Milton college's annual Christmas Vespers this year involved the seventy-voice college choir, the twenty-one voice chamber choir and an eight-member brass ensemble. The concert, Tuesday, Dec. 12, at 8 p.m. in Dunn center was free and open to the public. Featured work of the hour and a half long presentation was "A Ceremony of Carols" by Benjamin Britten, sung by the fall choir. The texts were sung in the old English dialect. Accompanying the choir for this colorful work was Faye Seeman, a guest harpist from Freeport, 111. Members of the brass en semble, which was directed by Allen Nevalainen, special in structor of music, included John i Cassell, McHenry, trombone. Cassell also sang second tenor in the choir. 3814 WEST ELM. MCHENRY. ILLINOIS 60050 815-385-5400 w ine season for snogly warm footwear from Hornsby's A . - i ii ^ pnces effective while quantities last Women's Twin Zipper BOOTS MEN'S SNOWMOBILE ~ BOOTS rag. 5.99 Zip up a tall, thin fashion look . . . Twice! Twin tippers on glazed krinkle-patent shafts . for looks, for fitl Non-skid soles, heels. Sizes: 5-10. Blue with red & white racing strips Nylon top with waterproof rubber bottom & warm felt liners 9 SIMILIAR TO ILLUSTRATION Men's COMMIROT SUFFERS 96' Slip-on comfort for Dad! Soft, corduroy uppers atop lightweight, flexible soles Sizes: 7-12. Women's FLUFFY SLIPPERS 96e A lovely color-matched bow decorates these soft, furry slippers. Foam lined and padded insoles. Sizes 5-10. Z/'/' HORNSBYS family centers - we suggest? Use our lay away Plan. Just a small deposit holds your selection. Lay ,Way now while selection is best. We honor Master Chargj and Bank Americard Charge Cards Daily 9-10 Sunday 9-6 HORNSBYS . f ami ly ccnrcs Q MARKET PLACE SHOPPING CENTER \ >