Welcome Two Sets Of Twins In 2-Year Span Families who welcome home a baby realize that life is changed - and in a happy way. And when there are twins there are double joys and double trouble. But when a family welcomes two sets of identical twins within a span of twenty-one months, that indeed, is a rare occurrence. Htfs is exactly what hap pened to Paul and Nancy Smith of 4512 W. Ramble road, McHenry, whose identical twin sowrwere bom at McHenry hospital Dec. 1. They have been named Kevin/Adriansen, who weighed 6 lbs., 10 ozs., and Robert Condon, 6 lbs., 5 ozs. Their middle names are maiden names of the babies' V grandmothers. The middle names of the older boys, Peter Earl and Bryan William, were the middle names of their grand fathers. While Mom and Dad are becoming accusomed to caring for the new babies, the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William tt. Smith of Belvidere, are caring for the elder set of twins in McHenry. The birth of the second set of twins came as somewhat of a surprise to the new parents, who had told their older boys they might be acquiring a baby sister. Upon learning of the arrival of the new tobies, Grand mother Smith expressed her first reaction by asking her son if he might be trying for a baseball team. The young father replied that he would settle for a basketball team- The maternal grandmother is Mrs. Earl Kinton of Aurora. The babies' grandfather is the late Earl Kinton. Your Health PAGE 5-PLAFNDEALER-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13,1972 and doesn't show its severity making one highly sensitive to lotiohs - can cause people to light and, in particular, UV MIC Sharon Wagner Lovely Bride St. James Episcopal Cathedral, Chicago, was the setting for a beautiful wedding Saturday, Dec. 2, when Miss Sharon Ronee Wagner and Mr. Lawrence Woolrich Thompson exchanged nuptial vows. Dean Carroll officiated at the 1 o'clock marriage rite. Miss Wagner is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Wagner of 2006 N. Oak drive, McHenry. Her husband's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Thompson of New Hampshire. Attending the bride were Caroline Burkart of Chicago as maid of honor, Beverly Corzine and Mitzi Zuro, both of Chicago, as bridesmaids. Jerry Transue of Chicago served as best man. Groom smen were Sam Bianco and John Zinsow and ushers were Larry Henry and Gary Mar- tiney, also of Chicago. Following a wedding trip to Jamaica for a week, the newlyweds will make their home at 32 Bellevue, Chicago. The bride is a 1967 graduate of McHenry high school and is employed as a stewardess for American Airlines. The bridegroom is in sales for the Manhattan Shirt Co. Many friends and relatives came from out of the area to attend the wedding and reception, held at Chicago's Como inn. They included Mrs. Florence Woolrich of Cheyenne, Wyo., grandmother of the bridegroom; Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Fitzgerald of North Carolina, his god parents; Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Harbaugh of Lombard; and Mrs. Q.I. Wagner of McHenry, grandparents of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Spotholz of Montvail, N.J., godparents of the bridel FOR MEN ONLY ... "I was hot and steamy Inside the fire man's coat Everytime I flexed my arms, hot air would rash oat of the cuffs," Jan Hemming recalls when talking about her experience as "fire fighter" during a recent training ses sion of the Hamden Conn., Fire Department "If there are poliff mfa and women truck drivers, why not women firemen? she had asked rhetor ically before going through the drllL After, she reported "Fire fighting isnt for the ladies." Timmy's case should challenge all parents and teachers! Read about Conradi's unique ex periment and apply it to the musical environment in your own home. Children acquire the rhythms of speech and music long before they begin to talk or siru! Like chameleons, babies reflect their ^cultural and religious environment. By - George W. Crane, Ph. D., M.D. CASE K-578: Timmy B., aged 18 months, is causing a family quarrel. "Dr. -Crane," his worried mother began, "Timmy was born with a birthmark on his left cheek. "It is red and as large as a half dollar. "Did I mark my baby before it was born? "And the second question I have is this: Should I take him to Sunday School? "My husband says Timmy is too young and tells me to wait till Timmy is old enough for kindergarten." CHILD PSYCHOLOGY Birthmarks are due to oc casional upsets in the delicate anatomical development of babies. Timmy's mother could not mark her unborn baby in this manner by her fears or worries or special food hungers, called "pica." However, toxins or poisons from German measles or cigarettes can cause miscarriages and defects. But there are no nerves in the umbilical cord that connects the unborn infant to the wall of its mother's womb, Thus, her mental attitudes cannot "mark" her unborn baby. But she can quickly influence its personality from the very moment after its birth, by her love and lack of tension, plus cultural surroundings. That is why you mothers should take your babies to Sunday School, for there they will hear good music of an inspirational sort.. Remember, musicians, like mathematicians, salesmen and scientists, are "made" not "Born." Criminality, too, is not in born! Crooks and murderers get that way because of bad influences AFTER their birth! Long before a baby can talk, it begins to react to the basic rhythms of speech as well as to harmony and melody from music in its environment. So good mothers take their kiddies to Sunday School early! And they sing an inspiring lullaby to their children at bedtime. Also, they read them uplif ting stories from the Bible or other desirable books. William James, our pioneer American psychologist, said that we learn to ice skate in summer and swim in winter! By that, he meant it takes a long time for habits to "set" in our nervous system, so we actually improve during idle periods, if we have originally experienced the acts we wish to make habitual. That means your early cultural surroundings for the baby will predispose it to a better life after it is old enough to walk and talk. Conradi, an eminent Scien tist, took English sparrow eggs and placed them in the nests of caged canaries. The eggs hatched and the baby sparrows were raised exclusively in _*he canary cages, with no contact what soever with their own kind. And those sparrows began to trill like canaries when it came time for them to sing. They did not chirp like their own species. Conradi says their voices were a little lower pitched, but they sang canary music! Surround your kiddies with good influences and they will become good men and women when they grow up. So send for my booklet "How to Stimulate Bible Reading", enclosing a long stamped, return envelope, plus 20 cents. Sunlamps Can Be Dangerous If you're using a sunlamp to get a tan, or treat a skin problem - without medical supervision - you could be courting trouble. Although the ultra violet rays (UV) produced by a sunlamp can bring about healthful benefits by stimulating the body's production of vitamin D ... and in die treatment of various skin conditions, there are many hazards involved. The most common danger is an ultra violet burn. A UV burn is just like a severe sunburn until several hours after ex posure. Other risks include the possibilities of extensive freckling, premature aging of the skin, and the production of precancerous and cancerous conditions of the skin. However, one of the most imminent dangers of UV rays, and the least familiar, are the allergic skin lesions, skin eruptions and severe burns that may occur in people staking drugs, prescribed or otherwise. Why do drugs affect the skin's exposure to sunlamps? Because many drugs taken internally or applied externally are photosensitizing agents; that is, they are capable of rays. Among the more commonly used drugs that can cause photosensitivity are bar- bituates, tranquilizers, an tihistamines, sulfa drugs, quinine (often used in cold tablet preparations), oral antidiabetic agents and coal tar And petroleum products. Drugs used in many cosmetic preparations are also capable of sensitizing people to ultra violet rays. For example, bithionol - an anti-infective agent used in cosmetics ranging from prescribed shampoos to popular medicated cleansers and become highly sensitive not only to UV rays, but to rays transmitted from fluorescent lights as well. So, unless your doctor prescribes a sunlamp treat ment for you or a member of your family, STAY AWAY from it. You'll avoid the possibilities of worsening an already troubled skin condition or creating a skin problem that need never existed. Nothing is more annoying than to have someone repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. --Scott Keller TURN ONS GAFTAJM, WHAT 6HOULP I PO IFIGER«AS»CTF? POMT WORRV YPUTL DO IT. GAFTAJM, WHAT 6HOULP I PO IFIGER«AS»CTF? A plug for easier starting in colder weather. Remember the mornings last winter when you turned the ignition key and nothing happened? If your neighbor wasn't around to help, you might have waited and waited for the service station truck. This year you can save time and money with an easy-to- use electric starting aid. There are several types to choose from, and all run on regular house current. Simply plug one in at bedtime, and your car's off to a quicker start in the morning. One combination--a tank-type preheater and trickle charger--can have the effect of a heated garage for your engine and battery. The tank-type unit fits out side your engine and heats and circulates the coolant. The trickle charger both warms your battery and keeps it at full charge. Another kind--a freeze-plug engine heater--replaces the freeze plug in the engine block. If you're buying a new car, your dealer may offer this as an option. There are several other kinds of effective electric starting aids, too. Your auto service station or supply store can tell you which devices are best suited for your car. Commonwealth Edison concern for your total environment s coming. * Y ' U ' ' - ' - V v * rig without ' budget '/ Make a stunning entrance in a Holiday style from Hornsby's * Choose from one of our season's most important fashion finds to take you through the holiday season in smart fashion . . . dressy and casual styles in the group Regular and half sixes BANKAMERICAF Just Say "Charge It. We Honor Master Charge & Bank Amerlcards. / \ > m Beautiful Lounging Robes Lovely enough for hosting All nicely detailed and trimmed in luscious colors. Choice of dreamy styles and designs. Full sixe range $ 7 ' Wft WUUH& wo HORNSBYS w f am i l y cen te rs --- May we suggest? Use our lay away plan. Just a small deposit holds your selection. Lay away now while selection is best. Just Say "Chirge It." We honor Master Charge & Bank Ameri- card. e New Hours Daily 9 • 10 Sunday 9 • 6 (j i 4400 W. Route 120 McHenryf Illinois \