PAGE 16-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1972 EDITORIALS The Tenure Pattern Over the years teachers' associations have grown stronger and stronger. At most American colleges and uni versities today the chief executive often finds it difficult to dismiss incompetent or inadequate teachers. Teachers, falling back on tenure almost as if it were civil service security, can exert great pressure on college executives and college governing boards--if accreditation is denied an institution its graduates have difficulty getting jobs and students are discouraged from attending. Generally speaking, while members of the teaching pro fession should have as much security as is permissable under an educational tradition which allows those in au thority to use it in the best interest of the school and students, the pendulum has swung too far in favor of pro fessors. As a result, shrewd teachers who wish to sabotage col lege administrations can often do so, without endangering their jobs. While few wish to see teachers unjustly dis missed, especially for political or social reasons, univer sities at which the faculty is untouchable cannot be re gulated, nor can individual abuses or misbehavior be cor rected. One of the contributing causes of the running amuck of so many students in the 1960's was that professors who had gone off the deep end, or who were weak or overly permissive and easily intimidated, often could not be re placed. In several current struggles for campus control, such as one at the University of Florida, the issue is whether students and faculty or the university President and board should run the institution. Most Americans ob viously prefer that the traditional pattern be continued. Jacked-Up Prices Of concern to all consumer-oriented federal and state agencies should be the practice of some businesses in sharply hiking prices when the average working man or woman is free from work. Movie houses have one price for daytime. When the work day is over and most people are free to attend films, the price goes up. It stays up on weekends. Airlines and ship companies have ohe price during most of the year but in summer when most people get vacations, fares are hiked, to get as much of green as possible. Airlines also soak the business man. For those who will stay only several weeks, special excursion fares are of fered. These same fares are denied those who must remain longer, or who wish to remain only a day or two! Neither federal nor state agencies have the power, nor should they, to tell private businesses what they can charge. But there is ample justification to test in the courts some of today's pricing practices. Those with the respon sibility of guarding the public interest should actively seek to end pricing systems discriminating against any class or group. Magic Of Santa Claus While some in this country chose not to observe the Santa Claus tradition at Christmas, which is their privilege and not to be criticized, for most American children Christmas Eve is a magic night unmatched for the rest of the year. How many have tried to stay awake Christmas Eve night, to hear Santa land on the roof? How many have left food by the fireplace? How many have thrilled to the marrow at a glimpse of him, in red and white? How many millions of letters have gone out' to him, of childish hopes for wonderful toys and fun? If it can't last, and it can't; if it isn't real life, and it isn't, it is I neverthelss a magic time of joy and excitement and wonderful1 anticipation for youngsters, and even more reward for parents. For young and old the sweet memories never die--and help keep the home a nostalgic, loved centerpiece in our long agos and memories. Rescue Squad Calls Calls answered in October and November Calls answered to date Persons removed to the hospital in October and November Persons removed to to the hospital to date John N. Schlofner, Chief Know{C ± "• Is there much difference in the length of daylight in , various parts of the United States "> Yes. At various times of the year there is quite a dif ference. For example, at the Winter Solstice, which this y e a r c o m e s o n D e c e m b e r 21st, there will be more than an hour's difference in the length of daylight in Maine and Florida. Florida will see the sun more than an hour longer on that day. Yet at the autumnal equi nox, and thev^spring equinox, the hours of day 1 ight are practically the same in northern and southern states. As in the case in December at the Winter Solstice, the hours of sunshine are quite different in the northern and southern areas. In June--at the Summer Solstice --the days in the north are longer. ITEM: Dishwashers ai^ :n- one out of every four American homes - a clue to the popularity of this work saver. For Your Information Dear Friends, Although each of us gayly wishes his fri ends a 'Happy New Year', we know that each year has its frustrations and sorrows. The secret of true happiness is creative work and a loving family and friends, which build a reservoir of contentment and inner peace that transcends the disappointmeents of life. HAPPY NEW YEAR !! Sincerely, PETER AV J 1ST EN & SON FUNERAL HOME McHenry , Illinois 385-0063 THE PAYCHECK BOWL -TA * ̂ v . n - iA 'o f.. •. . •' •AsBS m Economic Stabilization 7 Questions and Answers Internal Revenue Sendee Social Security Although Social Security retirement benefits may be paid at age 62, it is not always advantageous for a person to claim them at that time. A worker's monthly retirement benefit at age 62 is 80 percent of the amount he would receive if he waited until he was 65. It is usually advantageous for a person to begin these benefits before he is 65 if he has one or more months before he is 65 in which he earns less than $140.00. Although he receives smaller benefits he gets them over a longer period of time. Every worker who is within three months of age 65, should file an application for Medicare coverage, whether he plans on retiring or not. This is true because there are parts of Medicare which can be applied for only during specified times of the year. For additional information contact the Social Security administration, 224 W. Judd street, Woodstock, Illinois 60098, telephone 338-3750. Question: I'll be 72 next nionth, but I intend to go on working as long as I can. I know I can earn as much as I want after I'm 72 and still get all my Social Security checks. But will my earnings from the first part of this year, before I was 72.. still affect my Social Security payments? S.C. - McHenry Answer: Yes. You will get a Social Security check for every month beginning with the month of your 72nd birthday - no matter how much you work or earn. However, your ear nings for the entire year in which you become 72 are used in figuring what payments can be made to you for the months you were still 71. Question: I'm 66 and have my own business. I don't work full time anymore and I understand I can collect monthly Social Security retirement payments if I do not "render substantial services" in my business. How can I tell whether my work in my business is "substantial"? K.W.-Woodstock Answer: It depends on the amount of time you devote to your business, the kind of work you do, how your work com pares with the work you did in past years, and other cir cumstances of your particular case. You should call, write or visit any social security office to get detailed information. Question: Last summer I operated an ice cream stand and earned almost $250. Do I. have to pay Social Security contributions on these ear nings? H.K.-McHenry Answer: No. Your net self- employment income must be at least $400 before it is covered under social security. If your net earnings from self- employment were over $400, you would be required to pay the social security. If your net earnings from self-employment This coliynn of questions and answers on the President's Economic Stabilization Program is provided by the local office of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service and is published as a public service. The column answers questions most frequently asked about wages and prices. Q. May a firm increase its merit plan' more than 5.5 percent for new control years beginning after Nov. 14, 1972? A. No. Wage increases under merit plans are now subject to the 5.5 percent standard. Previously, the Pay Board permitted an additional 1.5 percent above this standard for employee units with qualified merit plans. Merit exceptions already granted may operate until the current control year expires. However, this exception will not be permitted in any control year starting on or after November 14, 1972. were over $400, you would be required to pay the social security contributions by April 15 of the next year. You pay the contributions to the Internal Revenue Service when you file your income tax returns for the year MALL OWES tARE. LITTLE EXPLORERS -- IN NEEPOF YOUR PROTECTION. W Q. Can an employer still get the 1.5 percent exception to the Pay Board's guidelines for employees with a history of below average wage increases? A. No. The so-called "catch up" exception expired on Nov. 13, 1972. Q. Is there a short form Category III employers can use to request pay increases above 5.5 percent? A. Yes. The short form PB-3A may be used by both employers and employees to request approval for pay increases in excess of 5.5 percent for em ployee units of fewer than 1,000. Forms are available at all local Internal Revenue offices. Q. Must a 30-day notice be given if rents are increased by only 2.5 peftent? A. Yes. The landlord must notify each tenant of any proposed rent increase, with respect to any transaction after December, 1972, at least 30 days before the date the in crease is to become effective. A landlord would be in violation of notice requirements even if the rent increase charged without proper notification was lower than that allowed by the rent regulations. ^.-However, if a landlord is -^exempt from controls, he is exempt from the rent increase notification requirements. For more information on these notice requirements, see IRS Publication S-3026, "How to Spot a Rent Violation." It's available free by dropping a postcard to your Internal Revenue district office. Q. What procedure must a public utility follow before it can raise rates? A. Price increases are subject to approval of the state or local regulatory body that controls the particular public utility. If the regulatory body has received a certificate of compliance from the Price commission, then any decision made by the regulatory body is binding. If a regulatory body has not received a certificate or if the certificate has been revoked by the Price Com mission, then decisions on rates are subject to Price com mission review. Q. Are there any special provisions in the stabilization regulations for organizations which are exempt from income tax? A. Prices and wages of tax exempt organizations are controlled; however, the dues paid to these organizations are exempt. Also, the prenotification and reporting requirements are waived in certain instances. PR0 ^>RV oil*Cl° OPTOMETRIST Using the McHenry Service Center GET ATTENTION . . .PHONE 385-0170... l l R E L L I RADIAL TIRES FOR ALL CARS |Europa Motors Inc 3 3 1 8 W P e a r l 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 0 7 0 0 Farm Equipment George P. Freund.lnc. Case - New Holland 4102 W. Crystal Lake Rd. McHENRY Bus. 3850420 Res. 385-0227 insurance & Real Estate EARL ft . WALSH & JACK WALSH Jn; Thompson's Elm Street Service •Complete Lube •Wash •Tire Repair "Same good gas, same friendly management... since 1953." 385-9749 3603 W. ELM - McHENRY i;e i re Auto Homeowners l iabi l i ty Plate Mass Bonds Marine \ \orkmen's Accident and Compensat ion Heal th Off ice 385-3:3110 3429 VV. Kin Street Me Henry, Illinois r>i 1115(1 ED'S STANDARD SERVICE EXPERT TUNE-UP ATLAS Tires, Batteries, Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products PH. 385-0720 3817 W. ELM STREET AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE U-HAUL Trailers & Trucks COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE & TRUCK REPAIRING ARC & GAS WELDING Guettler Service, Inc. 818 N. Front Street 385- 9831 McHENRY HOBBY SHOP FOR ALL YOUR MODELING NEEDS 3318 W. Elm (NEAR RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY) 385-7122 BUY-SELL-RENT-HIRE. if RADIATORS • Cooling System Special ists if AIR CONDITIONING • Trailer Hitches Fabrication • STEEL SALES • Welding & Ornamental Iron • Frozen Pipe Thawing WOHK OUAMANT110 | %£& ADAMS BROS. -- McHenry (Next to Gem Cleaners) 385-0783 Dr. John F.Kelly At 1224 N. Green St *eet McHenry (Closed VVednesdc") Eyes examined .. Glas*->s fitted Contact Lenses Hrs: Daily 9:30 a.m. t<- 5 p.m. Friday Evenings - 8: >0 p.m. Evenings by appointment PHONE 3850452 Dr. Leonard Bottari Eyes Examined - Contact Lens Glasses Pitted 1303 N. Richmond Road Hours: Mon., 'lues., Thurs.and Pri. 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Tues., Thurs., & Pri Eve. 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Sat.: 9:30 to 3:00 p.m. No Hours on Wednesday PHONE 385-4151 If No Answer...Phone 385-2262 OFFICE EQUIPMENT McHenry County Office Machines Sales-Service & Rentals Typewriters - Adders Calculators Mon.-Sat. 9:00-5:30 Friday 'til 9 p.m. * PHONE 459-1226 93 Grant St., Cyrstal Lake, 111. LETTER SERVICE Mimeographing - Typing Addressing - Mailing Lists McHenry Letter Service 3509 W. Pearl St. McHenry PHONE 385 0258 or 385-8020 Monday through Saturday INSURANCE Earl R. Walsh & Jack Walsh Fire, Auto, I arm & Life Representing REUABLE COMPANIES When You Nsed Insurance ot Any Kind PHONE 385-3300 3429 VV. Elm St., McHenry. HI. George L. Thompson General Insurance LIFE 'AUTO * HEALTH *FIKE 15 CASUALTY *BOAT Phone 815-385-1066 3812 W. Elm St.tfMcHenry In McHenry Plaindealer Bldg. Dennis Conway AUTO, LIFE, FIRE STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANY 3315 VV. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois Phone 385-5285 or 385-7111 want ads TO WORK FOR YOU FOR FAST RESULTS PHONE 385-0170 4