PAGE 8-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1973 Number Si$ in a Serifes -v • / I Will Prepare Myself..." By Mike Rothenberger Staff Representative Dale Carnegie & Assoc-, Inc., New York. • Copyright 1965, Dale Carnegie & Assoc., Inc. Spring Grove Eva Freund 675-2135 June is a fortunate woman! She is dark and strikingly at tractive. She is married to a prominent and very successful business man in a small west ern community. June has five lovely children and a beautiful home. She has a magnetic per sonality, and all who meet her recognize her genuine self-con fidence, that calm self-assur ance that lets others know she is in full control of herself in any situation. But it was not al ways that way with June. Just a few years ago she was a shy, backward, frightened, and ter ribly inhibited individual. She was miserable at the thought of meeting other people, whether they were strangers or those she knew. She would, literally, stay away from people. She would avoid meetings of the P.T.A., and other organizations in her community, because of her dreadful fear of others. Fortunately, June found the solution to her one great prob lem. She overcame her fear of people. Someone convinced her t h a t , i f s h e w o u l d l e a r n t o stand before a group of people and express herself, she would develop a genuine confidence in herself that would spill over in to every phase of her life. She finally accepted the chal lenge. It was hard for her at first, but she diligently applied herself, and within a period of three short months June awoke to the thrilling realization that her fear was gone. About one year later, that once poor, shy, miserable, in hibited girl, who had been held back only by her deep seated fear of people, was invited to serve as chief hostess for a na tional convention. She readily accepted, and enjoyed the time of her life throughout the entire event. June had found the quickest and easiest way to develop a foundation of genuine self-con fidence. She was released from a mental bondage of false in hibitions and fear. She was set free to express her true self and to become, in the eyes of those who knew her, a much more interesting woman. June, did not aspire to be a public speaker, although on several occasions she found it fun. Her real interest was the by-product, the self-confidence that permeated every phase of her life was the most impor tant. Countless thousands of both men and women "Have found the same secret. They have found that when they lose their fear .of an audience they lose, at the same time, many of their other fears as well. They have found that, through the development of our per sonal abilities, we can prepare ourselves for a richer and more rewarding life. Columnist Back In Groove Reporting News And that's not pronounced Grove, it is "groove". I'm really going to try to have you all hear from Spring Grove in the future. I have been meeting old friends from nearby and distant towns and the question is always put to me "What happened to the Spring Grove News column?" that I feel someone must be reading the column. I'm back. I should find time again, now that the hustle and bustle of Christmas is over. Speaking of Christmas...Eva V. Freund. Postmaster (yours truly), your mail carriers and postal workers want to acknowledge your cooperation in this year's "Mail Early" program. Also for all pre-sorting, this helped tremendously in keeping the flow of the mail rolling. We still want to add holiday greetings and a healthy, happv New Year in 1973. FLASH BACKS The Christian Mothers Society held its Christmas party in St. Peter's parish hall on Dec. 7 with a pot-luck dinner followed by a program presented by the children of Catherine PorzeJ and Mary Habelhofer. A great deal of talent was shown in acrobatic and tap dance routines. Debbie Hinda and Cindy Schmitt took part in the singing of songs. Santa made his appearance and there was a gift exchange. The Lotus Country Woman's club were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coming Soon To McHenry The Famous DALE CARNEGIE COURSE Some of the many ways the Dale Carnegie Course Helps Men and Women: Develop more self confidence Develop your human relations and leadership ability Develop your ability to speak more effectively to groups Be more convincing in selling your ideas to other? Develop executive abilities Sell yourself more effectively to others Develop more enthusiasm in yourself and others Improve your memory Break the worry habit Increase your income potential For Further Information, Write or Phone: THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St. • McHenry, III. 60050 Phone: 815-385-0170 sponsored in McHenry By: THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Presented by Claude Bowen and Associates, Inc. Heinemann for their party. A delicious pot-luck dinner was served. Mrs: Heinemann said grace and a silent prayer was said for deceased member, Mrs. Preston Wilson. Santa arrived and distributed the gifts from the grab bag ex change. Members who had Secret Pals revealed their names and presented them with gifts. Those who travelled for the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller who went to Florida: Mr. and Mrs. George A. May who visited many friends in Arizona: Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets enjoyed a vacation in Key West, Fla. Before leaving they celebrated their fortieth wedding an niversary. their five children and their families surprised them by taking them to dinner in Twin Lakes. While in Florida they visited John's brother, also stopped in to see Mr. and Mrs. Victor Blink who have recently moved to Florida. LCWC „ The Lotus Country Woman's Club met Jan. 17 at the village hall with Mrs. Emma Kattner as hostess. The hostess and her committee, Beulah Karls and Irma Raeder, served a delicious lunch at noon. President Pauline Horak opened the meeting with a salute to the flag. Twelve members and one guest at tended. Minutes and correspondence were read. The Pistakee Highlands Woman's Club extended an invitation to their Reciprocity Day to be held Jan. 31. Thank you notes were read from various organizations. Among them were the Rich mond Rescue Squad, 4-H Club a n d B u r t o n - R i c h m o n d Firemen. A donation was given to the Spring Grove elementary school. Members sang "Happy Birthday" to Mrs. William Shotliff, her birthday is Jan. 31. The next meeting will be Feb. 21, program will be an auction on f'white elephants". SOCIETY MEETS The Christian Mothers Society held their regular meeting at St. Peter's hall on Jan. 18. Mrs. Barbara Wagner, vice president, presided in the absence of President Dori Schaitz. Dori has just been released from Mayo Methodist hospital. Rochester, Minn., where she underwent surgery. We are happy to report that she is recuperating well. Meeting was opened with a prayer and a salute to the flag. Several recommendations had been made at a recent board meeting and these were read for approval. A memorial in memory of Charles May will be donated to St. Peter's church. Other donations will be equipment for Christian Doctrine classes and required vestments and cassocks. An announcement was made by Chairman Magdalen Miller that the annual St. Patrick card party and luncheon will be Alarch 13, serving at noon. A game was played and prizes awarded the winners. Lunch was served by the committee in charge. ATTEND WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Vern Thelen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith travelled to St. Louis, Mo., to attend the wedding of Jack Thelen and Debbie Nesbit at St. Margaret Mary Alacoque's church, on Saturday, Jan. 20. CONDOLENCES Our heartfelt sympathy is extended Mrs. Charles May and her family at the loss of husband and father Charles May who passed away Jan. 1. He was a lifetime resident in the area and a leader in his community where he served as supervisor on the McHenry County Board. A pleasant, congenial person and had many Here and There In Business... fWWWVWWVWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWVWVWUVW\JWIJirUl<W1J ,lA Officers of the McHenry County Association of Independent Insurance Agents recently elected new officers for 1973. From left, are Secretary Leo Krumme of the Krumme Insurance agency, Crystal Lake; Director David Frisbie of the Frisbie-Overly agency, Woodstock; Treasurer Robert Hoelscher, affiliated with the T.P. Mathews agency, Wonder Lake; and President Bob Mortell of Stoffel & Reihansperger agency, McHenry. Absent when picture was taken were James Longhway, president-elect, of the BryanULonghway agency, Crystal Lake; and Director Ben Frisch of Nor thern Illinois Business Service, Cary. Insurance Agents• Name New Officers The McHenry County Association of Independent friends who will mourn his passing. Funeral Mass was at St. Peter's Church on Jan. 4, with Fr. John Kilduff as celebrant and Fr. Eugene Jung assisting. Interment was in St. Peter's church cemetery. Insurance Agents recently elected their new officers for the fiscal year 1973. They will direct the association for the coming year in their various endeavors to improve the services of the insurance in dustry to the insurance-buying public. The McHenry County association is a member of the Independent Insurance Agents of Illinois and the National Association of Insurance Agents. The McHenry County association was founded to Are you ready for. your next new car;.. IT'S ABOUT TIME!! • IT'S ABOUT TIME * IT'S ABOUT TIME • IT'S ABOUT TIME • IT'S ABOUT TIME THAT THE CAR DEALER DELIVERED MORE THEN JUST ANOTHER PRETTY CAR YOU RECEIVED ALL THE COURTESY AND SERVICE YOU DESIRE AS A CUSTOMER YOUR FACTORY SERVICE GUARANTEE IS HONORED AS A COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE YOU RECEIVED A FAIR PRICE FOR YOUR TRADE-IN AND FAIR PRICE ON YOUR PURCHASE ISN'T IT ABOUT TIME YOU SAW US?. . . ± : * ; *' - * Rte. 31 & 120 Phone 385-6000 EST. 1913 CADILLAC-PONTIAC McHenry Illinois support right principles and oppose bad practices in in surance underwriting; to maintain a high standard of integrity in its service to the insuring publjc; to promote harmony among its members and expand their knowledge of the insurance field: to cooperate with local and state authorities in the endorsement of insurance laws by the adoption of rules and regulations as the best interests of the Insurance Business may require; to cooperate with local and state authorities in the reduction of fire waste and in accident prevention. The association has been in existence for six years and has proved to be of great benefit to the independent insurance agents in McHenry county and to the insurance-buying public in this area. JOINS FIRM Arnold May, president of Arnold N. May Builders, Inc. Richmond, announced that "Bill" Thomas has joined the A g r i c u l t u r a l d i v i s i o n , specializing in Pole Barns and Agricultural Remodeling. POLITICAL CORNER Northern State Democrats Unite For Recognition It was announced this week by Herbert L. "Hub" Stern, chairman of the Lake County Democratic Central com mittee, that the Lake County Democratic party organization will participate in and become members of a new Democratic organization representing the Democratic voters of northern Illinois outside of Cook county. The organization is an outgrowth of a group called Northern Illinois Democratic O r g a n i z i n g c o m m i t t e e aNIDOC) composed of the Democratic county chairmen, Democratic Legislators and c o u n t y w i d e e l e c t e d Democratic officials of those counties (other than Cook) lying north of Highway 80. "It is anticipated that the new organization will provide a vehicle through which the Democrats of northern Illinois (other than Cook county) will, for the first time, have a voice in Democratic slate-making and policy matters," said Stern. Unselfishness is a rare virtue, not to be expected too often. SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT W ATER Tom Huemann Water Conditioning Service on all Makes Sales-Rental 385 3093 SALT DELIVERY SOFT WATER SOFT WATER SOFT WATER