/ WANTED TO RENT ON WEEKLY BASIS, widdw with 2 children, until own home is ready. 385-7288 after 1: P.M. 1/31-2/2 FOR RENT FOR RENT SLEEPING ROOMS, clean, warm, daily weekly, monthly, 385-0266 or 312-395-0640. 1/31-2/2 APARTMENTS FOR RENT. 1 bachelor, 1-1 bedroom. 385- 0266 or 312-395-0640 1/31-2/2 AVAILABLE Feb. 1st, new lower apt. home; carpeted, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, all ap pliances, including washer & dryer. Phone 385-4043. 1/24TF12 NEW DELUXE 2 bedroom Condo., l'/2baths, wall to wall shag throughout, washer, dry er, kitchen appliances fur nished, pool. Ask for Dottie 459-1421 or 338-6328. 1/26-1/31 OFFICE IN McHENRY, good location, air conditioned, all utilities furnished. $65.00. Call 385-1327. 2/1TF2 MODERN 2 bedroom ap artment in town, immediate occupancy, stove ref., and air cond., heat furnished. $160,00 per month, lease, se curity deposit and references required. No pets. Call 385-1116 after 3:30 P.M. for an appointment. 1/3TF1-2 THE SAVINGS NEWS IS GREAT WITH WANT ADS. PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE YOUR AD.. REAL ESTATE 5 ROOM river front home on large lot, 2 bedrooms, fire place, seawall, across from golf course. 385-1227. 1/31-2/2 FOR SALE, Northwest Wonder Lake Area. 5 good farm acres on blacktop. Excellent terms. 312-231-1025. 1/3TF1-2 DELUXE 2 bedroom apt. b2 baths, carpeted, large family kitchen with appliances, laun dry facilities, walking dis tance to school and shopping. Immediate occupancy. $210.00 heat included. 385-7407. 1/31-2/2 FRITZSCHES ESTATES. 3 and 5 room duplex homes. Un furnished $30 and $35 per week. References and se curity deposits. 815-385-1079 McHenry. Week days after 5: P.M. and Saturday 10:00- 2: P.M. 1/26-1/31 5 ROOM unfurnished duplex; 2 room furnished and un furnished apts. 385-1079. 1/31-2/2 * WOULD LIKE to share home with Retired couple or per son (good health), On pen sion or social security. Low rent. Must have good refer ences. Write McHenry Plain- dealer, Box 468, McHenry, III. 1/31-2/2 FOR RENT, 4 room, two bed room home in Lake moor; re ferences required. Call 385- 4007. 1/31-2/2 FURNISHED 4 spacious rooms with fireplace for rent by week or month. Available to June 1st. 653-3056. 1/19-2/2 GARDEN QUARTER APARTMENTS of McHeniy at CRYSTAL LAKE RD. and HANLEY Luxurious 1 & 2 bedroom [apartments from $185 per | month, includes deep pile (shag carpeting, antique sa-| tin draperies, hotpoint | dishwasher and disposal j compartmentalized baths, imaster TV antenna andpri-j vate patio or balcony. Vi- i sit our model today or Call 385-2181 1/3TF12, COMPLETELY REMODELED 3 BEDROOM HOUSE in Highland Shores. Has new carpeting throughout and a new natural gas furnace in crawl space. 10x16' knotty pine porch. Exter ior needs work. 60x120' lot with option to buy ad joining Vi lot. $16,500.00. For further details write P.O. BOX 452. Woodstock, Illinois 1/31-2/2 HIRE JUST THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB WITH A PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED. PHONE 385-0170 NOTICE REDUCE excess fluids with Fluidex $1.69. Lose weight with Dex-A-Diet .98c at Bol- gers Drugs. 1/10TF1 NOTICE COMPLETE AUTO CARE CARS-TRUCKS-IMPORTS NOTICE Under New Management GORDY'S PHILLIPS "66 Rte 120 and Meadow Lane Lakeland Park 1-31/2-9 ovi * Pfr ™ yoo PETS THAT NEED A HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are Free. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge, or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. TO BE GIVEN AWAY KITTENS - 3 months old - one gray male, one strip ed female, 385-3753.. 1/31 ONE PLAYFUL CALICO KITTEN - Litter box trained. Needs home. Phone 815-678-7081. TF12 OLDER DOG - German Shepherd & Collie. Good watch dog. Call 385-4620 after 5 p.m. TF12 PAGE 13-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESPAY, JA r \NttARY 31, 1973 VSIMMONPXCKFD IN THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE YODR AD i