PAGE 18-PLAINPEALER-WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1973 m ZJhe IVoWiy- true Norma is puzzled. But most Americans also cannot clearly distinguish between our famous Republic vs. a Democracy. So, like Norma's teacher, they try to cover up their ignorance by saying this is a "representative Democracy." It definitely is not! So teach your kiddies why we say "Republic" in the pledge of allegiance! By - George W. Crane, Ph. D., M.D. CASE N-546: Norma J., aged 17, is a high school senior. "Dr. Crane," she began, "is our country a Republic or a Democracy? - "We had a debate on that point last term and I was still confused at the end of the arguments. "For our teacher told us we have a 'representative democracy,' but in the pledge of allegiance don't we say, 'and to the Republic for which it stands?" REPUBLIC VS DEMOCRACY Our American form of government is NOT a "representative democracy" but is a Republic. Chief Justice John Marshall, who served on our U.S. Supreme Court for 34 years and was the most influential jurist ever to preside over that famous body, stated positively: . between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos." / Please note that "order" and "chaos" are radically opposite terms. They are antithetical; not synonymous! John Marshall added that a d e m o c r a c y m e a n s "mobacracy," where the will of the majority immediately prevails, regardless of evidence and the "con stitutional rights" that typify our Republic. A stampede of cattle illustrates a democracy, where the leaders may carry the entire herd over the precipice to their mutual death. Jesus was" thus crucified because Pontius Pilate tried to be a "democratic" judge and let the audience in his cour troom determine justice merely by a show of hands. And that propagandized crowd voted 100 percent wrongly! For they demanded the release of a known mur derer, but cried "Crucify Him" regarding Christ, who Pilate had admitted was entirely innocent! In the ancient city states of Greece, everybody gathered at the city square and voted on measures. Majority ruled so this was called "true democracy." But when ' populations zoomed, delegates were elected from various regions to sit in a general assembly, which was called a "representative democracy." But both types of democracy are vicious and unAmerican! For the will of the majority immediately prevails! The minorities can then be pillagedjMooted, burned or enslaved and they have no recourse whatsoever in a democracy! But in our Republic, even our Congress i,s still curbed by our written Constitution, jealously guarded by our 9 Supreme Court Justices. "Our peculiar security," said Thomas Jefferson, "is in the possession of a , written Con stitution." Gladstone, brilliant Prime Minister of England, called it: "The greatest document ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man." Since we have no majority race or religion or trade or profession, we are all members of various minority groups and thus would be in constant jeopardy if it were not for our Constitution. England operates as a democracy, for it lacks our Constitution, so its House of Commons is the real dictator of Britain. It can instantly take away property, confiscate coal mines or railroads and deny citizens the right to vote, for there is no recourse against the House of Commons! Send for my booklet "How to Save Our Republic," enclosing a long stamped, return en velope, plus 20 cents, and help educate your children correctly' Invite Local Teachers * To Attend Area Debate "Teachers care - do you?" Remember that bumper sticker? Because teachers do care about their students, their profession, and the future of education in Illinois, the Crystal Lake Elementary Teachers' association is in viting IE A (Illinois Education association) members throughout the area to attend a debate between Dr. Curtis E. Plott, executive secretary of the Illinois Education association, and Vito Bianco, associate superintendent, Pupil and Professional Services, Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for the State of Illinois. The meeting will be held Monday, Feb. 19, at 4:15 p.m., in Central Elementary school, McHenry and Paddock street, in Crystal Lake. Subject of the debate will be a report of a Task Force on Teacher Certification issued by State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dr. Michael Bakalis This report sets forth rather sweeping recom mendations for changes in programs and goals throughout the state. Because teachers say it does not specifically define their implementation, a minority report has been filed by Joseph Pasteris, president of IE A. This minority* report and the questions it raises will also be included in the discussion. Some of the questions which seriously concern teachers are: 1. The Illinois State Board of Education includes virtually no classroom teachers. Why not? Doctors and lawyers make up the major portion of state medical boards and bar associations. 2. Why is the state board membership not specifically designated as to percentage of administrators, financial consultants, parents and teachers, etc.? Who appoints members? How are they chosen? 3. Does the Task Force report recommend eliminating the present tenure laws? If so, what legal "due process" will be available to teachers? 4. If re-certification is to be changed, how will it be han dled? Who will "assess" teachers? If "performance" is to be the criterion for cer- 5^ With A FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN MONTHLY INCOME ACCOUNT. What a way to go! Now with First Federal's monthly income plan you can receive a monthly check for the interest your savings has earned for you, every month of the year. What's more you're receiving this extra income without eating into your principal. That little something extra coming in each month can mean a lot to you and the payments are consistent No matter where in the world you might be, your check can be mailed to you if you wish. Your monthly income and principal are guaranteed safe too, because accounts at First Federal are insured up to $20,000 by an agency of the Federal government For further information on a morfthly income savings account, call, write, or stop in at FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF CRYSTAL LAKE. AMOUNT ON DEPOSIT 6% CERTIFICATE 5y<% CERTIFICATE 5% PASSBOOK *5,000 25.06 24.01 20.88 '10,000 50.12 48.03 41.75 $15,000 75.18 72.04 62.63 '20,000 100.24 96.06 * 83.50 '25,000 ^ € 125.30 120.07 104.38 THE ABOVE CHART WILL GIVE YOU A GOOD IDEA OF HOW MUCH YOUR REGULAR MONTHLY CHECK WILL BE WITH ONE OF FIRST FEDERAL'S MONEY EARNING ACCOUNTS. IT'S THE BEST WAY WE CAN THINK OF TO LET THE SUNSHINE IN. \ Save By Mail Postage Free! FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS SLOAN ASSOCIATION OF CRYSTAL LAKE SAVE. . . WHERE SA VINGS PA YS! Established 1952 as Crystal Lake Savings & Loan Association 1 EAST CRYSTAL LAKE AVENUE TELEPHONE 459-1400 TRAVEL FIRST AIR - SEA - LAND - CRUISES TOURS - HOTELS V MM IT fr HW KwSu \'m) SiJ V/y Q ONI I AST CRYSTAL LAKF AYTNU1 . CRYSTAL LAKI \ 459-3400 I LL INOIS tification, how will it be judgedr Will standardized tests for students be the means of assessment? IEA is not necessarily op posing the new programs as set forth in the Task Force Report, but feels it should be specifically stated, and that the proposed changes should be clearly defined before existing standards and state laws are changed. _ Dr. Plott and Mr- Bianco will both come to Crystal Lake from Springfield for the meeting. David Scherer, CLETA president, has announced that a time for questions from the audience will be scheduled. The Law Serves You Non-Use Of Seat Belts Raises Legal Question Should a motorist be required by law to use seat belts for his own safety? According to the Illinois State Bar association, no state now makes it mandatory for motorists to use seat belts even though the law may require, as it does in Illinois, that automobiles be equipped with seat belts. Under Illinois law, all 1961 or later model passenger cars licensed in the state must be equipped with two sets of safety seat belts in the front seat. A number of states, notably Georgia, are expected to, consider making seat belt wearing mandatory this year. The Georgia effort is spurred by a finding that out of 1,500 highway fatalities during 1972, only two per cent of the victims were buckled into their seats. One official estimates that 80 per cent of those killed would have survived the accidents if they had been wearing seat belts. On the record, the outlook for mandatory legislation is not bright. At least seven states - Ohio, Michigan, New York, New Jersey, West Virginia, Rhode Island and Connecticut - recently have turned down bills that would have required motorists to buckle up whether they liked doing so or not. Here in Illinois, at least one survey indicates that motorists would not like the idea. Motorists responding to a questionnaire were over whelmingly - 3,203 to 140 - against any legal requirement that they use their seat belts. Some objected that for short shopping trips it should not be necessary to use seat belts and that in some cases use of a belt might contribute to an injury rather than prevent one. Other questions over com pulsory seat belt use have to do with enforcement problems, penalties and the constitutional right of a motorist to wear a lap or shoulder belt or not as he sees fit, since only his own safety is at stake. Statistics on seat-belt wearing show that only about a third of motorists wear seat belts at any time; an even smaller number wear their belts for around-town driving and only four per cent, it is estimated, use shoulder belts. To encourage motorists to buckle up and stay that way, many 1974 cars will come equipped with an ignition system that will require seat belts to be fastened before the car can be started. your week ahead BY DR. A.W. DAMIS Forecast Period: February 18 to February 25, 1973 ARIES Being stoic is not one of your strong points. Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 This week, however, you must avoid revealing your intentions, through even the slightest ges ture; otherwise your opinions will work against you. TAURUS Smoldering animosity, now, exists between your Apr. 20 - May 20 associates. So, this week you must play the poli tician. It's all a matter of tacking with the wind. GEMINI This week, most members of your sign will dis- May 21 - June 20 cover that facts, not words, will interest a mem ber of the opposite sex. Furthermore, avoid strange place and unfamiliar ventures. MOONCHILD Most members of your sign will be put to test. June 21 - July 22 An ultimatum, in one form or another, is likely; especially at your home base. So, fulfill your obligations without emotionalism. LEO It's not time to romp and roar with your mate July 23 - Aug. 22 or similar alliance. Take care too, not to misread gestures thrown your way by a nearby member of the opposite sex. VIRGO A chronic problem, connected with your job, Aug. 23 • Sept. 22" task or project, should begin to squeak, this week. Remedy^ Apply the oil of patience and keep your cool. LIBRA You are entering a brief period of not being Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 sure of yourself. Confidence, during this partic ular cosmic cycle, is your most powerful weapon. Avoid any tendency to become reluctant. SCORPIO Check and recheck, apparently, there is a Oct. 23 - Nov. 21 "leak" in your budget One other thing; make certain that a minor financial gain doesn't lull you into a long term debt. SAGITTARIUS A member of the opposite sex will hit the Nov. 22 • Dec. 21 formula that should please you. Listen well, Sagittarius! According to your chart, there will be strings attached. CAPRICORN The planet Uranus, so it seems, could be trouble- Dec. 22 - Jan. 19 some. Stellar patterns warn against your oppos ing a large organization or group of people. The urge to do battle hovers over you. This particular stellar influence brings with it a change in your general outlook toward life. Many members of your sign will drop long held opinions and philosophies. During the cosmic cycle, you must act firmly and refuse to give way to your natural sympa thy. Relatives or close associates, according to your chart, will impose on you. For your Sun Sign, Ana lys is , send l i i e day , month , year and p lace o f b i r th , p lus 50c fo r pos tage and hand l ing to Dr . Andrew W. Damis , P . O . Box 12766, S t . Pe te rsburg , F lo r ida 33733. AQUARIUS Jan. 20 - Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19 Mar. 20 Are You New In McHenry Area y ********** Do You Know Someone New? WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A ROYAL . WELCOME TO EVERY NEWCOMER TO OUR AREA ' ^ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ^ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ^ | K N O W Y O U R N E W A R E A - R O Y A L W E L C O M E D O E S I T B E S T ' I j***¥*¥¥¥ ¥ ¥**¥¥¥¥¥¥ U My y y y y yyyyy* CALL JOAN STULL FRAN OLSEN DORIS ANDRES 385-5418 385-5740 385-4518 ROYAL WELCOME