COME IN & BROWSE & REGISTER FOR DOOR PRIZES WE CARRY A COMPLETE SELECTION OF NEEDLEWORK SUPPLIES, FOR KNITTING, CROCHETING, NEEDLE POINT, CREWEL EMBROIDERY AND LATCH HOOK RUGS. weatheRvane t YARN SHOP 1313 N. Riverside Drive McHenry, 111. PAMPERS SALE OVERNIGHT __t 1 0»c 95c ! I ^ VALUE TODDLER 12-s »• 99 VALUE WHILE QUANTITIES LAST |j YP"TRU-VALUE lilt PHARMACY 1327 N. River side McHenry A-l hearing Aid Repair Service 24 HR. SERVICE - FREE IDANERS COMPLETE SERVICE ON ALL MAKES Zenith - Sonotone - Beltone - Telex - Otarion Fidelity - Acousticon - Qualitone - Vicon - Dahlberg Audiotone - Radioear - Maico - Siemens - Oticon ROBERT 0. STENSLAND & ASSOCIATES 3937 W. MAIN, McHENRY, ILL. WEDNESDAY ONLY 1 - 5 P.M. CALL 815-385-7661 Batteries - Cords - Earmolds OTHER LOCATIONS Mt. Prospect - Oak Park - Aurora - Hinsdale -- New Hearing Aid Rental Plan-- American Legion Auxiliary News McHENRY UNIT 491 By Pearl Cooper Special guests at the annual membership dinner of the McHenry unit were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bueller of St. Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Paul of St. Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gabel of Fox River Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Biangard of Fox River Grove. Mrs. Unabelle Bueller is the 11th district president, Mrs. Rosa Paul is secretary for the 11th district president, Mrs. Rosa Paul is secretary for the 11th district, Mrs. Becky Gabel is president of the McHenry County council and Mrs. Iolene Biangard is McHenry County council secretary. Approximately 100 members and guests were present to see the following members receive their 'honor guard' pins: Pearl Nerstad, 50 years; Ruth Ziszik, 40 years; Stella Rortvet, 30 vears; Clara Nell, Margaret Davidson, Henrietta Vycital, Dorothy Miller and Dorothy M. Miller, 25 years; Bernice Peterson, Mary Pat Cun ningham, Suzanne Lockhart, Mary Kantorski and Lauretta Homo, 20 years; Louise Draper, Marion Sulok, Rosalyn Volpendesta, Pearl Cooper, Reba Owen, Diane Davis, Helen Golbeck and Irene Guffey, 15-year pins; Evelyn Ficek, Helen Fisher, Carolyn Congdon, Helen Bacon, Vickie Bottari, Italia Mazzoni, Dorothy Messer, Luella Koleno, Sandra Schultz, Margaret Moreth, Maureen Pintozzi and Dorothy Cook, 10- year pins. Mrs. Bueller commented on the good work the McHenry unit is doing and feels sure the unit will be 100 percent in membership before the year is over. Membership chairman, Mrs. Robert (Marilyn) Miller, was in charge of the dinner and awarded the membership committee with charms of a world globe, as the theme of the year is "Around the World in '73". Pearl Cooper was the top "go-getter", with Frances Matchen, Arlys Aim, Helen Birmingham, Joyce Weber, Kay Stephenson, Marge Granath, Adele Butler, Midge Scharf, Helen Schmitt, Marilyn Phalin and Alyce Brda on the membership team. The gals were congratulated for a 'job well done'. Husbands and guests were invited after the dinner for dancing. The wonderful dinner was prepared and served by the members of the McHenry Rifle squad, with Bernie Matchen and Ed Reid in charge. Fashion Tips Wonder how to make a "too much" figure look slimmer and taller? Here are some style features that will help you: -Button-down front with convertible collar. -Narrow panel down the front of a dress or tunic top. -A-line or slim skirts. -Fashions with design em phasis or trim kept near face and away from waist or hips or other heavy parts of the figure. -Lines running up-and-down. -A garment that fits properly. Squeezing into a too- small size will only make you look heavier. And above all, avoid "fussy" styles, such as ruffles, pleats, gathers and other puffy-looking details and bulky or clingy fabrics. FOR YOUR ADDED CONVENIENCE ... OUR DRIVE-IN WINDOW IS OPEN WEDNESDAY 9 A.M. - 2 P.M. SERVING ALL OF GREATER McHENRY COUNTY McHenry Savings ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION 1 209 Nor th Grean St reet McHenry . I l lmon 60050 81 5 -385-3000 DEPOSITS INSURED UP TO $20,000 BY THE FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION McHENRY S A V I N G S . .... MSOCIATlOaJ PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 9^1973 Grandma SGZ Receiving 'honor guard' pins for long service, from left, sitting, were Reba Owen, 15 years; Italia Mazzoni, 10 years; Margaret Davidson, 25 years; Mary Kantorski and Lauretta Homo, 20 years; back row, Mary Pat Cunningham, 20 years; Vickie Bottari, Carolyn Congdon and Dottie Messer, each 10 years; Pearl Cooper, 15 years; Evelyn Ficek, 10 years; Luella Koleno, 10 years, Suzanne Lockhart, 20 years and Marion Sulock, 15 years. ************** Community Calendar ************** MARCH 8 Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting - 12:30 p.m. - Lakeland Park Community House - 1717 N. Sunset Drive. MARCH 9 Whispering Oaks Community Center Association - Election Of Officers -- Community Center - 7:30 p.m. MARCH 10 The Friendship Club Pot Luck Dinner and Meeting - First United Methodist Church Dining Room - 6 p.m. Bake Sale - By G.A. L.S. - Faith Presbyterian Women - Wilson's Foremost Liquor, Rte. 134 & Wilson Road, Ingleside - 9 a.m. to 12 noon. MARCH 12 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria. MARCH 13 Double Dilemma, Mother Of Twins Club - 1070 Rose Court, Woodstock - 8 p.m. MARCH 14 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to Chicago Loop - - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. MARCH 15 McCullom Lake Con servation Club Meeting - 8 p.m. - Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Drive. MARCH 16 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Meeting - Oak Room, St. Mary's - 7:30 p.m. MARCH 21 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to Shrine Circus - - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 5 p.m. Lotus Country Women's Club Meeting - Home Of Stella Condon, Richmond - Lun cheon, \ p.m: MARCH 22 McHenry Garden Club Meeting - Home Of Mrs. Elmer Stange, 504 N. Mineral Springs Road. MARCH 26 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria. Club Hears Talk On Girl Scouting The McHenry Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Robert Thompson, 3803 W. Main street, recently, when Mrs. Lester Smith gave an interesting talk on Girl Scouting. Plans to attend the Chicago Flower show and also for planting trees on Arbor day were discussed. semester b'hind th' "B" class, an' I can recall th' entire group t' be o' one grade, an' sometimes two grades. Teachers really worked, in them days, a gradin' papers, an' trainin' students. In order t' handle th' two classes, one kl be a study in' while t'other wuz recitin'. This practice accomplished th' larnin' end, an' also, it taught the youngsters t' concentrate, better 'n anythin', 'cause the recitation o' that subject 'd prove whether *r not a scholar wuz studyin', 'r daydreamin'. There wuz strict rules a student had t' conduct himself by, an' parents stood behind 'em. The woodshed treatment usually straightened out an unruly attitude, in jig time, an' deportment standards turned out proud an' self-respectin' gradiates. Th' comparison 'tween schools o' today, an' the ones o' the kind we knew, makes a body feel ashamed o' what's happened, an' it's all th' fault o' th' adults, those who brought the youngun inter th' world, an' th' ones responsible fer him, away from home, 'til he's finished wi' th' formal trainin'. Th' blame's where it belongs, an' it's up t' 'em t' correct it. Grandma Radtke Vacation Program To Be Given For SC Club Monday evening, March 12, is the date of the next meeting of the McHenry Senior Citizens club. The time is 7:30 at East campus cafeteria. Following the business session, there will be a presentation by American Air Lines entitled "Hawaiian Vacation". The attendance at the club meetings has been exceedingly good, ranging between 165 and 200 plus. Frank Giel reported having forty-five bowlers out at the Friday afternoon session; however, he states he has plenty of room for additional bowlers at all three sessions. For further information on bowling contact Giel. Reser vations for the bowling banquet May 3 are in order now. Very special entertainment for the evening is planned. Alice Wilke reported Sewing Group No. 1 meeting on March 1 at the home of Frances Bruland, and Group No. 2 on March 2 at the home of Inga Dunlop. Mrs. Wilke also asked members to volunteer for the "calling committees" to visit hospitalized members, house bound members, bereaved members and the lonely members. Both ladies and men are needed on these com mittees. Members were informed regarding the opening of a Social Security administration office at 224 West Judd street, Woodstock. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Social chairlady, Helen Strandquist, reported that the tickets for the annual Spring Smorgasbord Monday, April 9, are going fast. Since seating capacity is limited, all tickets are sold on a first-come - first- served basis. Make r.your reservations with Louise Giel promptly. Those who will be unable to attend the dinner are invited to the meeting at 7:30 p.m. The program will feature the "Sweet Adelines". Those who are willing to donate a cake should give names to Lyda Radisch at the next meeting. Louise Giel is taking reservations for the luncheon- matinee in Bloomingdale Wednesday, April 25. The bus will leave the McHenry State bank parking lot at 11 a.m. At the close of the business meeting, Mrs. Wilke introduced Mr. Hartmann, who emceed the program for the evening. It was a dance program con sisting of Ann Thennes, Cheryl Hartmann and Jill Adams, - a very lovely presentation. Connie Sorenson assisted as curtain girl; Cindy Montalbono was in charge of the recorded music; Carl Ames was the photographer and Mrs. Hart mann was wardrobe mistress. They received tremendous ovation at the end of the program. Whispering Oaks Garden Club To Visit Flower Show The Whispering Oaks Garden club will be attending the Chicago Flower show Tuesday, March 27. Members and guests are invited to take the bus at 9:30 in the morning from the Whispering Oaks community center. The bus is expected to return about 4 o'clock. Reservations should be made with Mrs. Elmer (Gertrude) Warner, 806 Melrose street, by March 21. MARRIAGE LICENSE Raymond A. Bathmann, Jr., Route 2, Antioch, and Linda M. Copas, 3012 Cherry drive, Wonder Lake. DIVORCES Mary E. Freund from Gene L. Freund, McHenry. Barbara Carey Zieman from Richard J. Zieman, McHenry. Jacqueline C. Moore from Larry R. Moore, McHenry. Joan Borrelli from William Borrelli, Jr., McHenry. Cecelia L. Olsen from Arthur O. Olsen, Burton's Bridjge. Delores D. Marshall from Charles Patrick Marshall, McHenry. Walter E. Patzke, 5109 W. Fountain lane, McHenry, and May A. Head, McHenry. Steve C. Dolloff, 4418 Riverdale, McHenry, and Belinda Clardy, 309 Venice, McHenry. Robert Page Prather, 4603 McCullom Lake road, McHenry, and Sandra Lee Norton, McHenry. S S I r, 3>loiJUr Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday 8i Friday at McHenry Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry E. Lund -- Publisher Adele Froehlich -- Editor NATIONAL NEWSPAPER Fret Prut B »«•» B rflfff im. m SUSTAINING MEMBER -1973 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 |Y8m"'U l. 1 Year $9 00 In McHenry and Lake Outside McHenry and CountV Lake County Local Garden Club To Flower Show March 25 TJ^e McHenry Garden club extends an invitation to the public to attend Chicago's all new Flower show, entitled, "The Turn of the Century". The show will devote 3V2 acres to horticultural displays. The appealing shopping areas include Garden Market, Home and Yard Improvement sec tion, International Bazaar, Gourmet section and Mer chandisers Mall. There will be educational features, films, lectures and demonstrations. The garden cafes will feature international menus and ethnic stage performances. A bus will leave the local roller rink March 26 at 9:30 sharp. For reservations balL 385-0449: Cindy Jones Featured In College Show One generation o' well- disciplined younguns, 'd make impressive changes toward a better order o' society, than we know, these days. It takes only one generation o' parents, carin' about what kind o' person '11 develop from the offspring. We've seen the results o' permissiveness, instigated by a few hind-sighted meddlers, 'way back in th' late twenties. It went 'gainst th' grain, fer this granny, then a young woman, expectin' me first-born, an' all the things I argied about then, ha' come t' pass. Little by little, th' standards o' requirements fer th' young t' abide by, ha' slipped farther an' farther from th' pinnacles o' good behavior, an' pride in oneself, that we grew up wi', when I wuz a comin' along, growin' up wi' pride in th' doin'. Well ordered, disciplined classes o' young folk filled the classrooms, an' I'm a witness t' city school /administration. I can'r remember a time when we had less 'n forty pupils in th' room, under one teacher, who found it satisfyin't' turn out a class o' highly ratin' students. Those forty younguns wuz divided inter two classes, th' "A" class, an' th' "B" class. Th' "A" class wuz usually a SHARON HAMSHER ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hamsher of Fox Lake announce the engagement of their daughter, Sharon Lyn, to Jeff Michels, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Michels of Mc Cullom Lake. An April wedding is planned. ACTIVE HOMEMAKER - Marge O'Connor of Wonder Lake, president of the Ringwood-Wonder Lake Homemakers unit, pins corsage on Mrs. Ann Nagel, who observes her ninety-second bir thday Friday, March 9. Mrs. Nagel was honored at the Tuesday meeting of the Homemakers, which she serves as treasurer. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD DEBBIE KARNS ENGAGED - Announcement of the engagement of their daughter, Debbie, has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Karns of Ingleside. Her fiance, Tom Kavouras, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. N.S. Kavouras of Fox Lake. The wedding is planned for March 31. served in the past as secretary and recorder, and is presently treasurer. Except for injuries sustained in two accidents in recent years, Mrs. Nagel would be as active physically as she is mentally. Athough suffering a cracked hip in a 1968 accident, she walks well with the aid of a cane. She does all of her own house work, enjoys some gardening and makes weekly shopping trips. Mrs. Nagel was married seventy-five years ago. Thirty- three-year residents of Wonder Lake, her husband died twenty- one years ago. She has a daughter residing in Springfield, 111., and a grandson in Seattle, Wash. Cindy Jones of McHenry will have one of the featured roles in the new Broadway musical, "Promenade", when it is presented by Theatre Alverno March 16, 17, 23 and 24. Cindy, a sophomore at Alverno college, Milwaukee, will be remembered for her out standing performances in MCHS productions, in which she had the lead for four years. The young actress, who will both sing and dance in the musical, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Jones of 4118 Crestwood drive. Would you like to become acquainted with someone who f firmly believes that age is only a state of mind? Then become acquainted with Anne Louise Nagel, a lively 92-year-old from Wonder Lake. Mrs. Nagel, who resides alone at 4913 E. Lake Shore drive, Wonder Lake, is a long time member of the County Extension Homemakers unit of Ringwood. In fact, she has V