Legal Notice Public No ice is hereby given that on March 1, A.D. 1973, a certificate was filed in the Office of the County Clerk of Mc- Henry County, Illinois, setting forth the names and post-office addresses of all of the persons owning, conducting and transacting the business known as M.S. Enterprise, located at 516 Mineral Spring, McHenry, Illinois 60050. Dated this 1st day of March, A.D. 1973 Vernon W. Kays County Clerk (Pub. March 7,14 & 21,1973) LOSE WEIGHT OR MONEY BACK Odrinex can help you become the trim slim person you want to be. Odrinex is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. Con tains no dangerous drugs. No starving. No special exercise. Get rid of excess fat and live longer. Odrinex has been used successfully by thousands all over the country for 14 years. Odrinex Plan costs $3.25 and the large economy size $5.25. You must lose ugly fat or your money will be refunded by your druggist. No questions asked. Accept no sub stitutes. Sold with this guarantee by: MAY'S REXALL DRUGS 4400 West Route 120 PAGE 10-PLAINDEALEK-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1973 KWS REPORT Agnew & 1976- Rockefteller- Women's Rights- Ten To Go- W ASHING TON, D .C .-Vice President Spiro Agnew »s statements in recent weeks indicate he seeks to estab l i s h a n i m a g e s o m e w h a t more to the left than has been his traditional political niche. ' In interview answers to avowed liberals recently, his statements have stress ed his view that his politi cal shading is not reaction ary, in fact is often in the m i d d l e o f t h e p o l i t i c a l spectrum. There's little doubt that Agnew, if nominated by the Republicans in 1976. will be up against a considerable body of public opinion hold ing that he is highly conser vative if not reactionary. It's this segment of the voting public to which Agnew has recently been addressing himself. And only if a Republican candi date captures middle-of-the- road America can he hope to win a presidential elec tion. There are already many in the G.O.P. who believe their 1976 chances hing on the nomination of someone considered to be more of a moderate or middle roader. The name often heard in this connection is Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York. John Connally of Texas is often named by President Nixon as a possible G.O.P. candidate, even though Con nally is not yet a Republi can. Even if the Texan is in G.O.P. ranks by 1974, his political image is about the same as Vice President Agnew's. The White House is offi cially backing the so-called women's equal rights amend ment, which now requires the ratification of ten more states to be* law. There are, however, some in the executive branch and many on Capital Hill who feel ratification is certain to open a large can of worms, and end many of the traditional special privi leges women enjoy in this country. Not many solons on the Hill has the political back bone to vote against this idealistic and Democratic sounding amendment, how ever, and state politicians have often found it hard to do so--because of effective c a m p a i g n i n g b y s e v e r a l major organizations and by women's lib groups in most of the states. U.S. & CHINA The United States and China have taken a major step toward full diplomatic relations with the simulta neous announcement that liaison offices would be established in each nation's capital. CARRIERS RETURN Navy officials report that the Navy is bringing home two of the six aircraft car riers that have been station ed in the Gulf of Tonkin since last spring's North Vietnamese offensive. ON FOOD PRICES The Labor Department has announced that retail food prices rose faster in January than in any month since the Korean War. March i4 J DAys, march ,7 HORNSBYS family centers Good Olde Fashion Bargains Now thru . . . R don t walk to our semi-annual Dollar Dav fc feast '» se m i .an n u a , D o | | l r D a y b a r g a j n . . . . Y o u I I s e e h u n d r e d s o f t h r i f t v o r i c e s reminiscent of the Good Olde Days. Bring a friend • . . . and don t miss your share of the savings! »>Or,. Pssssst Instant Shampoo Mfgrs. 1.75, 7 oz. instant shampoo. Eveready Batteries YOUR CHOICE 2 for Choice size c, or •tea D. Our rag. 53c. Factory fresh, brim- ming with power. i M i m i i 20 Oz. Listerine Antiseptic Arrid Extra Dry Deodorant LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC HILLS OTRWJ •v MILLION* °N CONTACT ""Ban Breath Cold*"* Sore \RRIJ extra Mfgrs. 1.69, 20 oz. size kills germs by millions. Mfgrs. 1.79, 9 oz regular or unscented 500 Pk. Filler Paper Nestle King Size Bars 10% x 8 in. filler notebook paper. Almond, milk chocolate or crunch. ALL BRANDS Ladies Head Scarves 50 OFF Fine choice of lovely shades. Sizes Aver age; Tall; Ex. Tall. Uttle Girls 6- 8Vi cotton ny I o n s t r e t c h . Girls 9-11 white and colors. Ladies square scarves made of nylon chif fon come In solids or prints. SCATTER PILLOWS Assorted prints & solids. Terry Cloth Dish Towel Foam Filled Pillows 1001 uses -- floral ticking. 16" x 29" Cotton Terry with (slightly mis-print) designs. Polyester Fiber Filled PIKAP #m_<4 i . «. Fiber filled bed pillows. HORNSBYS family centers ^ Men's 10 - 1J cotton n y I o i stretch. 9-11 white colors. Jr. 6-8%. Velour, Terry & Jacquard Towels (Slightly irregular) BATH || towels 1.00 II HAND 2 for towels 1.00 WASH * »or cloths 1.00 Cotton Knit Dish Cloth White with colored border. Made of cotton. Just Say "Charge It.' We honor Master Charge & Bank Americard. Use our Lay Away. Just a small deposit holds your purchase. DAILY 9-9 SUNDAY 9-6 4400 W. ROUTE 120 t \