Lakeland Park DOROTHY LENSE 385-6517 Change bate For Women's Club Meeting The next meeting of the Lakeland Park Women's Club which was scheduled for April 12 at 7:30 has been changed. It will be held instead, on Thur sday, April 5 , at 12:30. The meeting wilTas usual be held In the Lakeland Park community house, 1717 N. Sunset. The board of directors made the decision to change the meeting because of the bad condition of the roads. The feeling being that it would be easier to drive the daytime rather than in the dark. FINAL PREPARATIONS FOR SPRING LUNCHEON Speaking of the Lakeland Park Women's Club the ladies have formed various com mittees and are making final preparations for the annual spring luncheon and card party. The date for the lun cheon is Wednesday April 11. Serving begins at 11:30 in St. Patrick's church hall, 3500 W. Washington street. VALLEY VIEW SCIENCE FAIR The first science fair ever to be held at Valley View school took place Thursday, March 22. The fair was a big success as evidenced by the large number of people viewing the science projects. The students really out did themselves, and the projects were very interesting and well done. Congratulations kids. CANDLE OCCASIONS Denise Catherine Druml starts this week's candle oc casions by celebrating hers on March 30. Denise will be four years old. Ronald Kamp. Judy Slonina, David Brunow and Andy Rogers will add candles on March 31. This will be Andy's fifth birthday, April 1 is a red letter day for Butch Dowell. Debbie Koczor, Charlene Mueller and Paul Lense have a circle around April 2. Paul will be six years old. Scott Lasko will celebrate his birthday April 3. April 4 is a special day for Eddie Ozog, Adele Arndt, Patricia Butler, Wanda Stupey and Karen Schmedberg. Ron Meurer, Jim Duffy and Elaine Worth celebrate candle oc casions on April 5. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Don't forget about the annual general meeting of the Lakeland Park Property Owner's Association. The meeting will take place at 2 on April 8 in the Lakeland Park community house. Area School Sponsors Fire Safety Program It is possible to save family lives by developing a home fire- escape plan. This will be the general theme of a fire safety program presented Thursday, April 5, at 1 and 2 p.m. at the Spring Grove^ school by a public relations representative for an insurance company. The program includes complete details on develop ment of a fire escape plan for the home including mapping room exits, instructions on jumping and crawling, proper use of doors and windows and choosing an outside assembly point. All parents and members of the community are cordially invited to attend this most informative program. * * * • Good intentions, besides paving a well known area, are a prelude to many fine achievements. Deuster Named To Plan Unit The Speaker of the Illinois House, Rep. W. Robert Blair (R. Park Forest), has named Rep. Donald E. Deuster (R. Mundelein) to the Legislative Advisory committee of the Northeastern Illinois Planning commission (NIPC). According to Deuster, the function of the committee is to consult with NIPC on all policy matters relating to long-range planning for northeastern Illinois. "Lake and McHenry coun ties," Deuster said, "and all of PAGE 5-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY. MARCH 30*1973 the Chicago metropolitan area are confronted with critical problems affecting tran sportation, flooding, land-use, school finance and rational development. Unless we plan the future carefully, our ac celerating population growth in this region will simply create havoc." Deuster also serves on the House Transportation! com- mitee, and is chairman of & special Subcommittee on Mass Transit for the Chicago metropolitan area. Bridesmaids dresses are fashioned of dotted swiss or flowered prints. The 1173 McHenry County Cancer Crusade begins April l with an all-time high goal of $37,641. Mrs. Joan (Nett) Dorseh, left, Ridgefield, formerly of McHenry, is this year's Cancer Crusade chairman.' With her is Dr. Edward J. Beattie, Jr., New York surgeon and prominent writer on cancer who was featured speaker at the 1973 kickoff for the McHenry County Cancer Crusade volunteers' last week. (DON PEASLEY PHOTO) Local Campaigns Under Way For Cancer Drive Township chairmen are preparing localized campaigns to help McHenry County Cancer Crusade volunteers raise a total of $37,641 in con tributions for this life-saving effort, Mrs. Joan Dorsch, 1973 Cancer Crusade chairman, has announced. • The army of volunteers has a two-pronged responsibility: To distribute new pamphlets with vital life-saving information and to ask for funds for the current intensified effort to wipe out cancer during our lifetime. The pamphlet is called: "Annual Checkup-It's a Lifesaver." Workers attended a kickoff dinner last week and many volunteers are prepared to launch the door-to-door ef fort now. Businessmen and industrial leaders will be called in many communities but not all will be contacted. Contributions should be mailed to Mrs. Dorsch at Crystal Lake or to Clarence Sissons at Marengo, the McHenry county chapter president who presided at that Hckoff meeting. for 1973 with LAWN-BOY Fingertip starting! Fingertip height adjustment! Offset front wheels and smooth tires! Lightweight magnalite deck! Pounds lighter 2-cycle engine that eliminates messy oil changing. Lawn-Boy is the ideal mower for the suburban homeowner! See the full line of mowers, riders and Lawn-Boy lawn-care products. PRICES START AT Model 3058 ARIENS SALES AND SERVICE DEALER Available with Recoil or Key Start. PrlCeS Start At *379 Brookwood Garden Center 4505 W. RTE 120. McHENRY DAILY 9-9 SAT 9 - 5:30 SUN 10 - 5:00 Look An Good As you i Know you Can DIET CLINIC FAMILY COUNSELING CLINIC, INC. -The Center Of Lata County'; JRt. 120. Just West of Rt. 45 Gray slake. 111. To Schedule a FREE Orientation ^ CALL X312) 223-8107 •i r> -.Art •*J-.'-:~ -'a* y... LEVI D E N I M B E L L S "1,000 PAIR " to choose from ALL JVZE& GLADSTONE 1219 no. green st. MCHENRY, ILLINOIS V OPEN DAILY 9-6, Thurs.&Fri. 9-9, SunC'9-1 •'••.•.'•.v. JIjrinj SALE DA YS! at NYE playtex-tampon 30s FROM PLAYTEX if not completely satisfied (exclusive of postage and taxes) ptewtex tampons TRUE TEMPER. S 8 count HAND GARDEN TOOLS LIMIT 2 STEEL THACHIN6 RAKE Cleans itself without lifting- pull and it's full, push and it's clean! Can also be used as rake, or to pulverize soil. GM15KD REG. I49 •See coupon for term* of offer $119 1 UK LIMIT 1 50° CASH REFUND when you buy a pair of Playtex' Gk%£» J1 i ° J 29 1" VALUE LIMIT 2 PAIR SAVE 70* playtex* 2 PAIR BABY PANTS 79 VALUE IN A PKG, 88* YOUR A A< CHOICE WW Chrome-plated heads, hardened ash handles. (A) Transplant Trowel (D) Hand Cultivator (B) Regular Trowel (E) Dandelion Digger (C) Digging Fork TRUE TEMPER YOUR I OA choice i#yy each GARDEN HOE 6V." wide stMt blade with sharp cutting edge. (SG6CSI I BOW RAKE 14" steel head with 14 curved teeth; ash handle. (SB14CS) DIRT SHOVEL Handy sue for lawn & garden Ash handle ISLOCSI LATEX HOUSE PA0 JAMESTOWM CouectmK Hone CUrs REGULAR 8.98 GALLON LIMIT 2 PKGS. COUPON., Try the Mood Makers. Just for a change. Foster Grants fabulous new collection is here. A style and color for every mood. And the lenses are all polarized and famous ff77 Impact"" Slip into a pair and slip into a whole new mood MILDEW RESISTANT LATEX HOUSE PAINT 20-IN ROTARY MOWER PRESEASON tT |M SPECIAL 04 --PLUS SERVESS *59* Protects, wears like good qudity oil base paint, yet flows on smoothly, dries quickly and tools clean up in soap and water. Breather t\pe finish expfcls moisture without blistering. Choose low- sheen white or Jamestown colors at this price. 19" ROTARY MOD. S-193 20" ROTARY MOC. S-203 22" ROTARY MOD. S-223 *64* *69* 0USE PAINT or WALL FINISH YOUR CHOICE 3.97. REG 4 98 GAL LATEX HOUSE PAINT Resists fumes, mildew and Mistering Spreads on smooth ly fast Soap and water dean up Low sheen LATEX WALL FINISH Ones in 20 minutes Fully washable, high hiding Velvety flat finish For plaster, wall board, concrete, etc OFF WITH THIS COUPON! HELP SEND A BOY SCOUT TO CAMP & GIVE YOUR SELF A BEAUTIFUL LAWN. Bar SOOUT TROOP 162 IS HAVING AN 0RTH0 SALE, EVERY BAG OF QUALITY 0RTH0 LAWN PRODUCTS YOU ORDER HELPS A SCOUT ON HIS WAY TO CAMP PHONE: 385-6513; 385-2884; 385-3714 OR PICK UP AN ORDER FORM AT NYE'S. HOME DELIVERY DATES WILL BE APRIL 7 & 8 and APRIL 14 & 15 ^ORTHO Crab Grass Control loi Spring Seeding ANY PAIR OF FOSTER GRANT SUNGLASSES REG. 3.00 OR MORE ---- conron------J FREE PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY WITHIN Vh* MILES OF McHENRY ntMen •OUTSIDE THIS AREA, YOU PAY ONLY A SMALL CHARGE OUR TARGET AREA FOR SERVICE* • COOPERATION BETWEEN 2 McHENRY BUSINESSES, NYE'S & McHENRY YELLOW CAB COMPANY, BRINGS FREE PRESCRIP TION DELIVERY SERVICE. IV V0 T R U - V A L U E 1 * v p h a r m a c y 3327 N. RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY 3854426