PAGE 14-PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, APRIL 20. 1973 Ringwood News Church Ladies Make Plans For Taster's Lunch The ladies of the Ringwood church are working on final pl&ns for their Taster's Lun cheon to be held at tne cnurch on Wednesday, May 2, at twelve noon. Reservations are required and may be made by calling 653-9262 or 728-0295 on or before Friday, April 27. Capt. Bryant of the Salvation Army's Booth Memorial r rX\« c::t Kv> M fey m to m jxo x-j it ii M :j:jx m 11 1 CvX fx? CvX c-x: m p Fx? \ ::::::: t;:;x m. m &x w. >vX |g :»x:j fxx I || m M l| M m CvX M Wr M ffli m i Leo A. Reyes, M.D. announces the relocation of his office for pediatrics to 666 West Jackson Woodstock, Illinois Office Telephone: 338-2214 Residence Telephone: 338-5630 OFFICE HOURS: Monday thru Saturday 9:00 A.M. to 12 Noon Hospital will be the speaker. There will be a nursery for pre schoolers. ABOUTTOWN Elsie Ottoson, Betty Fiala and Nellie Hepburn were dinner guests last Sunday of Pearl Sanders in McHenry. The ladies had a most enjoyable day. The Art Baker family returned home on Monday of this week after spending the weekend with Art and Mary's mothers at Strawberry Point, Iowa. Jerry and Lenore Freund of McHenry and Walt and Doris Low were late Friday evening callers at Don and Barb Zamstill home in McHenry. Several people in the Ringwood area attended the wedding of Russ Davis and Fran Harper on Sunday af ternoon April 8. W S C S The Women's Society had its trip to The Abbey at Antioch and it was enjoyed very much by the ladies who went even tho there was snow on the ground and a little cool. They returned to the home of Phyllis Zell for a delicious lunch cohosted withv Doris Low. The Tasters Lun cheon was the main topic of business. It is to be May 2 at the Ringwood church. Anyone interested in attending must make reservations to Katie Christopher or Doris Low. "500" CARD CLUB The "500" Card Club met at the home of Walt and Doris Low last Saturday evening. Paul Walkington and Dorothy Benoy went home as the high scorers of the evening and Ruth Rawson and Glenn Benoy were low scorers. EASTER EGG HUNT There will be an Easter egg hunt held at the Mount Hope Methodist church, Saturday, April 21, at 1:30. The hunt will be for children between the ages of two and eight. BYKOTA MEETS If you heard a lot of laughter coming from the Ringwood church last Friday night, it was a group of folks from the Mount Hope and Ringwood churches enjoying sOme games and good conversation. The next get- together will be June 8 at the SCHROEDER METALCRAFT GIFT SHOP ^Fireplace Screens 'Class, Brass and Pewter *Tools and Adirons ^Candle Sconces and Holders •Grates and Gas Logs *Clocks and vVall Plaques -GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS- 815-385-0950 1713 South Route 31, McHenry, Illinois Open Daily 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday 12 noon to 5:30 p.m. Mount Hope church. Plan to join us. ' A. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Our birthday wishes go out to Darrell Barker and Bob Beaman and William Robert "Billy-Bob" Beaman on April 22 and on April 23, Roger Barker and Clara Tonyan on April 24. The twenty-fifth Mary Hogan Sonnemaker celebrates her day, on the twenty-seventh John Hogan, Sr., and Clarence Adams, Jr., share their natal day. To all of you this Easter Week, happy birthday and hope the Easter Bunny is good to you all. ANNIVERSARY On April 22 Dick and Dolly Malsh will be celebrating their anniversary. The best to you and many more wishes to come throughout the years. Annual Flm Night Set By La Leche League Although the primary con cern of LaLeche league is good mothering through breast feeding, it is felt that alert and active participation by the mother in childbirth is a great help in getting mothering and breastfeeding off to a good start. It is with this in mind that they have chosen Dr. Miller's "Story of Childbirth" and "Childbirth for the Joy of It" for their annual film night to be held Tuesday, April 24 at 8 p.m. in St. Paul's church, Woodstock street, Crystal Lake. There is a small donation payable at the door. Lakeland Park DOROTHY LENSE 385-6517 Women's Club Elects Officers At April Meeting At the April 5 meeting of thtf' Lakeland Park Women's Club, there was an election of of ficers. Mary Dobbins agreed to serve as president for another year. Barbara Emery will be vice-president. Lyda Radisch was elected treasurer and Sharon Gacek will serve as secretary. The Lakeland Park Women's Club would like to see more of the women of the community at the meetings. Membership is open to all members in good standing of the Lakeland Park Property Owners Association. The next meeting will be an afternoon meeting. It will be held May 3 in the Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 N. Sunset. BABY CHRISTENED Sunday, April 8, was a very Because husbands are assuming an expanded role in preparation for and care of their young children, men are welcome. These movies are an excellent preparation and a valuable source of information for any couple expecting a child, be it their first or fifth baby. For further information $bout the film night or LaLeche League, call Mrs. Robert (Roberta) Humphreys. i Jewel does more than you'd expect. Stock Up For The Holiday At Jewel! NEW STORE HOURS: Monday Thru Friday 8 A.M. till 11 PM. Saturday 8 AM. til 9 P.M. ^3713 w. Elm St. McHenry, 816 Oz T ^ BTLS # Ts i&i; GOV'T. INSPECTED - FULLY COOKED Thur.-Fri. -Sat. f FRESH MEAT AVAILABLE TIL 9 EVERY NITE WATER ADDED - SMOKED HAM Shank Portion Sunday 9 A.M. till g°V't 'Nsp - Kjasss- "ATButtPortion 7T0 9LB.SI« 7 TO 9 LB. SIZE ,.T ,NSP %JUYCOOKIO GOVTWITER ADDED flhole Smoke* T3 U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" - POPULAR BRANDS I6to 19 IB. SIZE Tom Turkeys I s u M. GRADE POPULAR BRANDS 18 TO 22 LB. SIZE PER LB. Turkeys U S D A CHOICE U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BEEF U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" - CHEF CUT SELF BASTING U S D A G HenTurkeys Tom Turkeys c 10 TO 13 LB. SIZE LB CHtf CUt 18 TO 22 LB. SIZE iô urWs 69* 6 TO 9 IB SIZE LB. ALL GREEN JEWEL Asparagus GRADE A Citrus Fruits For Healthy Snacks. FLORIDA Valencia Oranges AN EASTER TREAT! Sweet Potatoes m CHICAGO C STORES LB IV DOZ m 40 StZt WITH THIS COUPON AND $3.00 PURCHASE White Grapefruit I 10-98' CHICAGO STORtSLB^Zc REG. PRICE 59 DELICIOUS Roast Beef Round *3 A REG $149 Vj LB HEAT 'N EAT Ocean 59c AVAILABLE ONLY IN JEWEL STORES WITH CHEF'S KITCH ENS GOOD THRU SAT , APR. 21.1973 SAVE 20' ON A CARTON OF ONE DOZEN JEWEL-GRADE "A' Large Eggs WITH THIS COUPON AND A *3 00 PURCHASE /2 LB. Perch PRICE WITHOUT COUPON 59c REGULAR OR DIET CHERRY VALLEY Grapefruit Juice 46 OZ. CAN 1 CHERRY VALLEY JEWEL HEAVY DUTY Aluminum Foil 6MPEFIW •lUfCEB FROZEN Orange 393 IREG. 49l 12 OZ. CAN 25 FT. ROLL REG. 44 REG. 49c special day for the Steven Moore family. The occasion was the christening of baby Suzanne Michelle who was born March 10. The event took place at St. Patrick's church with Mom and Dad, Steven and Anne Moore, and brothers, Kevin and Brian, looking on. Suzanne's Godparents were Bob and Pam Schneider. A party was held afterwards in the baby's honor, with about twenty family members and friends in attendance. Suzanne's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Steven Moore and Mr. and Mrs. John Blaney, at tended the celebration. Also, the baby's Aunt and Uncle, Pat and Ron Castiglione, and Aunt Mary Blaney. LETTER FROM LAWRENCE WELK Mrs. Mary Lanz was very excited because she received a letter from Lawrence Welk. She also heard from the Hee Haw gang and received their picture. This all came about when Mrs. Lanz wrote to tjie Lawrence Welk TV Show and the Hee Haw TV Show, requesting a special song to be played. And, while her name was not mentioned on the shows, the requests were played. CAKESANDCANDLES A very happy birthday wish goes to Mary Anne Dettmer and Michael Edwin Boyle on April 22. Michael will join the world of the terrible twos. Ray Rode celebrates his candle occasion on April 25. Joanne Apel, Robert Hellios and Flora Hagemann have a circle around April 26. ANNIVERSARY GREETINGS Nedra and Les Eckhart will celebrate their anniversary on April 20, This will be their Lepl Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 6F THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF MARTINA BOTT Deceased, FILE NO. 73-P-83 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters Testamentary were issued on April 2, 1973, to Norman M. Mertes,- 111 W. Washington St., Chicago, Illinois, whose attorney of record is Norman M. Mertes, 111 W. Washington St., Chicago, Illinois, 60602. Claims may be filed within six months from the date of issuance of Letters of office and that any claim not filed within that period is barred as to the estate which is inventoried within that period. Claims against said estate should be filed in the Probate office of the Clerk of said Court, County Court House, Wood stock, Illinois, and copies thereof mailed or deliverer to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub, April 6, 13, 20,1973) Pants suits are used ex tensively as travel wear and many are of knitted materials. Some of the newest suits are covered with tiny flower prints and they may have long or short sleeves ac cording to their use. Dressy shirts with ruffles down the front are seen in men's smart shops. thirty-third wedding an niversary. Jo and Paul Rizzo will dance the anniversary waltz on April 22. They will be celebrating 34 years of marriage. Petey and Jack Oak- ford's anniversary date is April 24. This will be their nineteenth anniversary. Pictured are Intern Michael FOBS, his wile, Christine, and daughter, Sarah. He will be assisting with ministry at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry. Intern Foss Joins Staff Of McHenry Church Michael Foss of Richland, Wash., has been added to the staff of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, 404 North Green street, McHenry, as an intern. He is a graduate of Pacific Lutheran university, Tacoma, Wash., and has studied an additional two years at Wartburg seminary, Dubuque, Iowa. His previous experience in the parish in cludes serving a parish in Lyman, Colo. He will be assisting Pastor Roger W. Schneider with the youth ministry in the parish as well as with parish calling. The internship year for a student of theology is a year of gaining practical, on-the-field experience in a parish under supervision prior to accepting a parish individually. At the conclusion to the year of in ternship, the student returns to a seminary for one more year of study. Michael Foss and his wife, Christine, and two-year- old daughter, Sarah, will reside at 1811 West Sunny side Beach, McHenry. 00 *2488 makes this a welcome wagon 1973 OPEL WAGON OVER 30 OPELS TO CHOOSE FROM WITHOUT THE LATEST PRICE INCREASE! li Kit SP £5t. . _ All PHONES 587-2555 REG. 8/99' PLUS OEP Buick U.S. 12- FOX LAKE, ILL