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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 May 1973, p. 11

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f I I I I I I I 4 1 4 I 1 I HELP WANTED FULL TIME SHOE SALES PERSON with shoe sales desired. APPLY IN PERSON GLADSTONE, INC. 1219 N. Green Street McHenry, Illinois. ,J1 I PHONE 385-0170 To Place Your Ad. MALE HELP WANTED FULL TIME Custodian need­ ed, 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Johnsburg Public School. Call 385-2555, ask for Mr. Andreas. 5-9/5-11 MEN for general assembly work on industrial ovens and washers. Good starting rate, fringe benefits. Precision Quincy Corp., 220 N. Madi­ son Street, Woodstock, Illinois 5-4/5-9 JANITOR Ideal part time work for a retired man. Not heavy work. Choose time of day to clean. Apply in person THURSDAY or FRIDAY McHENRY THEATRE Green Street McHenry, III. 5/9-5/11 WELDER- FABRICATOR EXPERIENCED I SPRAY PAINTER MUST BE EXPERIENCED Good Starting Rate Fringe Benefits. PRECISION QUINCY 220 N. MADISON ST. WOODSTOCK, ILL. 5-9/5-11 GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE; Toys, games, clothes, some furniture, small refrigerator, easy washer, etc. Friday 9-5 Saturday, 10-1 May 11 & 12 *, 1711 No. Riverside Drive, McHenry. 5-9 5-11 PAGE 11 - PLM ND EA LE R-WEN ED SPAY, MAY 9, 1973_ GARAGE SALE Friday & Saturday May 11 & 12, 9 am to 4 pm - 3707 No. Fair- view-Johnsburg. Cothing, toys, jewelry, misc. items. 5-9-73 5-9/5-11 I LIGHT FACTORY WORK We are a manufacturer of I small precision plastic ; parts. We have immediate • openings of light factory I work for women on our I second and third shift. * FOREMAN : We also need a Foreman J on our second shift. J Call or Come in: J COUNTRY : MODELS INC. : 3305 South Route 31 I Crystal Lake, III. J 815-459-2314 i 5-9/5-u: MOVING SALE : 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. * Wed., Thurs., Fri, • May 9-10-11 | 15 cu. ft. GE refrigerat- • tor; full size bed complete; J 3 dinette sets; 2 base me- • tal cabinets; antique sewing • machine; tools misc. items.* 1422 W. Sunnyside Drive, # North of Johnsburg, Village • of Sunnyside. 5 •••••••••••••5-9 ••• RUMMAGE SALE Christ The King Hall FRIDAY, MAY 11th 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. SATURDAY, MAY 12th 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Special feature $1.00 per bag on Saturday only. Articles may be brought to Religion Center garage. If necessary, will pick up 815-653-4438 5-9/5-11 3 FAMILY MOVING SALE Electric Dryer, Kitchen Table. Zig Zag Sewing Ma­ chine, electric dryer, kitchen table, zig zag sewing ma­ chine, twin & full size head­ boards, dressing table, dishes, curtains, clothing, many misc. items. FRI. &SAT., MAY 11th & 12th 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. CASH ONLY 806 So. CAROL AVE. McHENRY SHORES Take Idyle Dell Road, east to McHenry Ave. then fol­ low signs. 5-9/5-11 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE 1968 3 H.P. Evinrude out­ board motor; Old secre­ tary desk, 1967 14' Tra­ vel Trailer; dishwasher, mini bike, bicycle, desk, clothing and toys. 3613 West Ellen McHeray (Barreville Rd. to Idyl Dell Road 1 block south) FRIDAY and SATURDAY, May 11th & 12th 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 5-9 MALE HELP WANTED FULL TIME GENERAL CUSTODIAN NIGHT SHIFT (10:00 P.M. - 6:00 A.M.) Excellent starting salary; full benefit program. McHeniy Medical Group 1110 N. GREEN STREET Mrs. Lueth 385-1050 APPLY OR CALL 5/9-5/16 >4 "1 I I I I I Profit Sharing, Paid Holi- I days and other fringe ben- I efits. Call for appoint- I ment. I Litco Inc. 312-428-3641 5/4-5/91 LIGHT ASSEMBLERS DAYS OR NIGHTS We offer good starting salary PLUS A 10 PER­ CENT NIGHT SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL and full company benefits including Pjiid Health, Life and Disability Insurance plus automatic and cost of living increases. In addition we give you Christmas week off with pay and 2 weeks Paid Vacation after 1 year. Come in or Call: MONDAY thru Friday -7:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m. SATURDAY - 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. (815) 459-7700 JIM SCHILES ,eot E L E C T R I C C O R P O R A T I O N 3011 EAST ROUTE 176 CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. Manufactures of the World's Finest test equipment An Equal Opportunity Employer-m-f 5/9 FLOOR ASSEMBLERS ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLERS 52y2 HOUR WEEK Company benefits include: Company Paid Major Medical Insurance $4,000.00 Life Insurance Hospitalization 9 Paid Holidays Sick Leave Vacations Apply Daily 7:30 A.M..-5:00 P.M. THE GRIEVE CORPORATION Industrial and laboratory ovens and furnaces. 500 HART ROAD ROUND LAKE, ILL. 60073 312-546-8225 5/9-5/11 MALE HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED W ins {si iloard U|s * GENERAL FACTORY * WELDERS - (EXPERIENCED) (Permanent/Part-Time) -- Hours Arranged To Meet Your Schedule. EXCELLENT STARTING RATE PROFIT SHARING - MONTHLY BONUS Apply in Person - Mon. - Fri. 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. Saturday - 8 A.M. TO 12 Noon MB I/UM khyi&t Quality N> C FARM eOOIPMSNT PHONE 459-2210 MATHEWS COMPANY GARAGE SALE MINI Bazaar & Bake Sale with Rummage sale at Faith Presbyterian Church, Sat. May 12th. 5-9 5-11 BIG RUMMAGE SALE 7810 Balsam Drive, Wonderview Subdivision, Wonder Lake, May 11th & May 12th. Small electric appliances, blankets, pots, & pans, lawn chairs; copy mate machine, and many more bargains. 5-9/5-11 GARAGE SALE 9 am to 5 pm - Thurs-Fri-Sat. May 10-11-12 - 5103 McCullom Lake Rd. Just west of Gate 6. 5-9 5-11 GIGANTIC GARAGE SALE Fri. May 11-6 pm to 8:30 pm Sat. May 12-9 am to 4:30 pm, 7803 Wooded Shores Wonder Lake. Kitchenware, cameras, toys, games, bicycles, train, plants, clothing, linens, typewriter etc. 5-9-73 MOVING-MUST SELL EV­ ERYTHING. May 11 until ev­ erything is sold. 10:00 until ???, 3915 Hilltop Drive, Won­ der Lake. Lots of Goodies. 3 blocks south of Center, 1 block west of Wonder Lake Drive. 5/9-5/11 FIND JUST THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB WITH A CLASSIFIED... FEMALE HELP WANTED CONCESSION Attendant and Box office cashier. Apply Skyline Drive In Theatre, McHenry. 5/4-5/11 DEPENDABLE woman for full time general office work. Al­ ternating weekends. Good starting salary. Please call 385-2806. Closed Mondays. 4/27-5/U MATURE WOMAN for housekeeping, once or twice a week, In McHenry, Call Helen. 312-696-4343. 5-4 5-9 pasri 1 FOR SUMMER I | LEAGUES | | 2 nights a week. § McHENRY I RECREATION 385-2520 Zxs&mmts&ms/a-s/ussM toooooooooooooooooooq WOMAN CASHIER FOR DAY SHIFT Experience Preferred. Apply In Person McHENRY LIQUOR MART 2314 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois aooopooooooo 5/9-5/11 i WAITRESSES FULL TIME DAY & NIGHT Over 21 years of age. Will train. PISTAKEE COUNTRY CLUB 815 W. BAY ROAD McHENR Y, ILL. 385-9854 5/4TF12I SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS DAYS APPLY IN PERSON GARAGE SALE CHURCH RUMMAGE SALE 3rd Annual Rummage Sale Clothes, furniture, much miscellaneous and a 1966 Buick Electra selling for $250.00. FAITH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Chapel Hill Rd., across from Drive-In Theatre. SATURDAY, MAY 12 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. ™-"l CARD OF THANKS I WISH TO THANK EVERYONE FOR their visits, cards, flowers and many kind deeds during my recent illness. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Joseph Huemann 5-9-73 SELL THOSE NO LONGER NEEDED ITEMS WITH A GARAGE SALE. Call 385-0170 to place your ad. REWARD for lost brown purse. 385-1356. 5-9-73 FEMALE HELP WANTED FOR RENT EXPERIENCED WAITRESS 6:00 A.M. - 2:00 P.M. D0RKIES BEEF & EGGER 4213 W. RT. 120 McHenry, Illinois 385-6981 5/4-5/9 CASHIER or CONCESSION HELP PART TIME JOB FOR HIGH SCHOOL GIRL. Apply in person - McHENRY THEATRE THURSDAY or FRIDAY Green Street McHenry, III. 5/9-5/11 EXPANSION OF LOCAL, well established Realtor results in need of am­ bitious female for full- time office work. Short­ hand not required. Ac­ curate typing essential. Varied interesting duties. Reply to: P.O. BOX 428 c/o McHENRY PLAINDEALER 5/9-5/11 WANTED WOMEN PART TIME NOONS 10:30 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. 15 HOURS PER WEEK. McNEILS McHenry Market Place McHENRY, ILLINOIS 5/9-5/11 I For Commercial Machines | I Experience preferred but | I will train. r--'--"i 1 SECRETARY 9 - LEGAL Excellent opportunity for proficient Secretary in busy law office. I-egal experience in shorthand desired. Salary com­ mensurate with ability. STRAND DRESS MFG. CO. 3011 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois | 5/4-5/9 ! [ [ L Phone: 815-385-1313 for interview appointment. 5/4- FEMALE HELP WANTED 500 trrdusirial Ave. • Crystal Lakeriti. 5/9-5/11 - - ̂ A IMMEDIATE OPENING SECRETARY High School Graduate with experience or will train. Interesting work, pleasant working conditions. Manu­ facturing firm. CALL PERSONNEL FOR INTERVIEW 385-4800 5V5/U FOR RENT Building in in­ dustrial area approximately 1,040 sq. ft. in lower level & 1,040 sq. ft. in upper. 3 phase 220 amph. service; gas heat. Suitable for machine shop, sheet metal, or print shop etc. at 4140 Idyll Dell Rd. Phone 385-4708 after 6 pm. 5-4 5-9 One bedroom efficiency apt. furn. or unfurn. utilities in­ cluded, Wonder Lake, reasonable rent. Call after 5 pm or Saturday & Sunday 653- 9317. 5-4 5-9 ATTRACTIVE 1st Fl. apt. Woodstock, Crystal Lake, Rural area $165. 312-236-3337 4-25 TFl-2 4 Room house for rent in Lilymoor. Call from 5 to 6 pm and 9 to 10 pm. 312-539-4741. 5-4 5-9 1 bedroom furnished house in Wonder Lake. References required. security , down payment, absolutely no pets. 385-3863. 5/9 FOR RENT 2 bedroom Condo-ALL ap­ pliances, carpeting, pool privileges. 385-0169. 5-9 5-11 2 BEDROOM APT. large rooms, air conditioned. Heat furnished $165. Call McHenry 385-1327. 5-9 5-11 2 br. DUPLEX in Harvard, basement and yard $145. Call McHenry 385-1327. 5-9 5-11 Cozy 3'2 room modern fur­ nished apartment. Very reasonable. 385-3564. 5-9 NEW LARGE MODERN OFFICE Panelled, w/w carpet­ ing air conditioned, and heated. Reception area. 3 or 4 private connecting of­ fices with 2 baths. $175. per month. 815-385-5572 or 815-385-5200 5/4-5/11 JAMES TERRACE APARTMENTS 3-2 bedroom apartments. $220.00 per month, includ­ ing heat, pool, rec. rm» sec. entrance, ample clo­ sets & parking. 1 avail­ able immediately, 2 avail­ able end of April. PHONE: 815-385-6757 815-385-7163 815-385-6314 5/9-5/11 d ATTIC, qV- ETC. PHONE 385-0170 to place your ad TABLE IN ADVANCE REAL ESTATE ANXIOUS TO SELL, 2 story 3 brd. home, modern kitchen, new carpeting, fireplace, low taxes priced $26,900. 312-541- 3219. 5-9 5-11 FOR SALE,Northwest Wonder Lake Area. 5 good farm acres on blacktop. Excellent terms. 312.231-1025. 5/2TF12 Condominium, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, shag carpeting, kitchen appliances, washer, dryer, central air, balcony. Private pool. 459-1450 4-25TF12 WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY, Rental Property with 3 to 12 units. Call 385-9654. 5-9 5-11 WANTED Girls Schwinn bike 5 or 10 speed. Must be in excellent condition. For col­ lege girl 5' tall. Call 385- 0170 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., ask for Delores, after 6:00 p.m. or weekends 653-4276. TF I--1. Used transit or surveyors level 459-6611. Clint or Earl. 5-2 5-11 NOW THAT SPRING HAS ARRIVED PLAN A GARAGE SALE WITH ALL THE ITEMS CLEANED OUT OF THAT BASEMENT, PLANNING A FLORIDA VACATION? Former McHenry resident has a completely furnished vacation cottage for rent in Leesburg Florida. Cen­ trally located for one day trips to all major Florida attractions. For informa­ tion write to: JOHN E. HOLDEN 2307 W. Main St. Leesburg, Florida - 32748 5/9 • WANTED TO BUY WATERFRONT PROPERTY on Pistakee Bay or River Johnsburg School District Like older 15£ or 2 story home. Will consider sum­ mer home. CALL 385-7549 after 6 p.m. 5-9/5-U NOTICE SPACIOUS 2 Bedroom & 1 Bedroom Apartments with private patio, elec­ tric heat. re f r igerator, stove, garbage disposal. Rentals starting at $160.00 per month. SEE OR CALL May Development Co. 9716 N. Rte. 12 Richmond, III. 815-678-2861 J2TF12" GARDEN QUARTER APARTMENTS of McHenry at CRYSTAL LAKE RD. and HANLEY Luxurious 1 & 2 bedroom }apartments from $185 per | month, includes deep pile (shag carpeting, antique sa­ tin draperies, hotpoint' (dishwasher and disposalI compartmentalized baths. | master TV antenna and pri­ vate patio or balcony. Vi-1 isitour modeltodayor Call | 385-2181 5/2TF12 10 LUCKY SK •fi HOMEOWNERS Will have aluminum trim supplied FREE, with pur­ chase of insulating alu­ minum siding during our Winter Sale. Any size house •Labor & Material $488. completely installed. Call now 455-0577 FOX RIVER SIDING CO. Crystal Lake, III. •700 FT. 5/2TF12 WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE married cou­ ple, 1 or 2 bedroom house or apartment. McHenry 344- 0424. 5-9/5-11 2 bedroom home, McHenry, Crystal Lake Area. 2 adults, 1 child and one pet. 414-728-5936. 5-9 House or apartment one month, July, August or September by retired couple, formerly of the area. References. William Dresen, 3524 Tree Line Court, Sarasota, Florida-33581. 5-4-5-9 HORSES REGISTERED Quarter horses' with AQHA and LLQHA points in halter ;and performance.' Also one 5 year old black gelding 15....3 hand jumper. Please contact Rick Kogut 815-385-7957 or 678-4242. 4/4TF12 FIND JUST THE RIGHT HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY WITH A PLAINDEALER CLASSIFIED PHONE 385-0170 To Place Your Ad. PET CENTER got A Per Fqr yoo PETS THAT NEED A HOME OR ARE LOOKING FOR THEIR MASTER As a public service of the McHenry Plaindealer all ads run under "Pets That Need A Home" are 1'ree. The only requirements are: The animals are to be given away to good homes without charge, or you are trying to find the owner of a pet that has strayed into your possession. LOST MALE, tan & white cat, vicinity of St. Patrick's church. Name is Kitty. 344-0727. 5-9 TO BE GIVEN AWAY PUPPIES, will be medium size. Mother extremely gentle jmbA affectionate. 385-3156. 5-9 2 FEMALE AKC registered, German Shorthair Point­ ers. 385-7507. , 5-9 3 KITTENS, 8 weeks old, pan trained. 385-3291. 5-9 FOUND ALASKAN HUSKIE, male vicinity of Johnsburg, 385- 4728. 5-9 YOUNG MALE CAT rust colored, 4 white feet and white chest. Found at McHenry Market Place. 385- 4390. 5-9

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