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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 May 1973, p. 14

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HELP WANTED UK has immediate openings for.... Day or Nite Shift TOOL & DIE MAKERS SCREW MACHINE OPERATORS PUNCH PRESS OPERATORS and Nite Shift - " PUNCH PRESS SET UP Plus GENERAL FACTORY HELP Days or Nites FULL RANGE OF COMPANY PAID BENEFITS • I • » • » I • _ I MIL I Apply to personnel Monday thru Friday 8:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Industries Inc. South Main Street CRYSTAL LAKE, ILLINOIS 60014 815-459-5000 an equal opportunity employer. I I • • I • • I BOATS & MOTORS 17 FT. THOMPSON with 75 HP *Evinrude and ski equip­ ment $475; Also 10 ft. pram boat $65. IV2 HP outboard Ev- inrude $25; Homeade boat trailer $15; Rabbit cage $6. 385-4296. 5-16/5-18 HELP WANTED SALES PERSONNEL Let us show you how to earn ^12,000 WANTED GIRL 19 or 20 WANTED to share in town apartment with same. 344-0694 before 1:00 P.M. 5-16/5-18 MALE HELP WANTED FULL TIME service station attendant Days. 385-8162. 5-16/5-18 FULL TIME Custodian need­ ed, 11 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., Johnsburg Public School. Call 385-2555, ask for Mr. Andreas. 5-9/J WANTED TO BUY WANTED Girls Schwinn bike 5 or 10 speed. Must be in excellent condition. For col­ lege girl 5' tall. Call 385- 0170 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., ask for Delores, after 6:00 p.m. or weekends 653-4276. TF SELL THOSE NO LONGER NEEDED ITEMS WITH A GARAGE SALE. Call 385-0170 to place your ad. MALE HELP WANTED a year and up. FITZGERALD REALi T J: 385-8180 or 3854619 i 5-11/5-25' 1 • DISHWASHER ! WANTED FOR FULL TIME... Experienced Good Pay Apply In Person D0RKIES BEEF & EGGER 4213 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois _^/16-5/18j DRAFTSMAN, Jr or Sr. Sheet Metal and Structural Steel experience preferred, for oven manufacturers. Good starting salary, fringe benefits. Precision Quincy Co. 220 N. Madison St., Woodstock III. PHONE 815- 338-2675 5/11-5/16 PERSON TO WORK IN RETAIL LIQUOR STORE v Must have experience and over 21 years old. APPLY IN PERSON TO CARDINAL LIQUOR 305 Virginia Street Crystal Lake. III. 60014 5/16-5/18 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FULL TIME HELP Secure Your Future Local opening in newspaper circulation, with Chicagolands leading newspapers. Paid vacation and company benefits. FOR INTERVIEW CONTACT: MR. GARDNER 385-2541 5/16-5/18 BARTENDERS Full & Part Time Experienced. References Required. Apply Manager. McHenry Country Club 820 N. John St. McHenry, III. Phone 385-1072 JANITOR Ideal part time work for 'retired man. Not heavy work. Choose jtime of day to clean. APPLY IN PERSON THURSDAY & FRIDAY 1 McHENRY THEATRE L Green St. McHenry 5.17 ^ 5-16/5-18 < MALE HELP WANTED J MEN & WOMEN! EXPERIENCED IN •Printed Circuits •Hand Drillers •Automatic, Drillers •Fabricated and •General Factory Work •Secretarial Work CIRCUIT ETCHINGS TECHNICS 209 E. Route 120 McHenry, Illinois 385-5454 5-16/5-181 GARAGE SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY. May 18th & 19th, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 50 years accumulation of household goods. Some fur­ niture, old ice fishing gear. 2204 W. JohnsburgRd., Johns­ burg. 5-16/5-18 GARAGE SALE - Clothes, all seasons - all sizes; Matern­ ity; infant; books; household items; furniture; kitchen- wares; air conditioner; gas stove; gas dryer; crib; wring­ er washer. Friday, May 18th 9-6, Saturday, May 19th 9-6 2102 N. Riverside Drive - McHenry. 5-16/5-18 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE - 3706 W. John St., McHenry May 14 to 20th, 9 a.m. to ? Beds, antiques, 2 kitchen sets, 1 patio glass top table 6 chairs, desk & much misc. lots of childrens & baby clothes, all sizes ladies and men's clothes. 5-16/5-18 MAY 18th & 19th, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 3% miles east of McHenry on 120 next to Have- meyers. Clean adult, children and babies clothes. Some furniture, antique s, toy s, misc. 5-16 GARAGE SALE Saturday, May 19. Many miscellaneous itejns, 4611 Sussex Drive Whispering Oaks, McHenry. 5-16 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Men and Women 1ST & 2ND SHIFTS Good starting wages plusl automatic raises. Company| paid benefits including hos­ pital Insurance. ICS Illinois Coil Spring Co. I 1415 No. Industrial Drivel McHenry, Illinois (On Rte. 120 2 blocks | west of Rte. 31) 815-385-6760 an equal opportunity employer. CARD OF THANKS I WISH TO THANK Pas­ tor Graef and all my other friends for their prayers; vis­ its and cards while I was in the hospital. & MARTHA SWANSON 5-16 I WISH TO EXPRESS my heartfelt appreciation for the many acts of kindness, cards and floral offerings re­ ceived during the illness and passing of my loved one. Many, many thanks to all. FRANCES SCHLEICH 5-16 FIND JUST THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB WITH A CLASSIFIED... GARAGE SALE 3411 NO. COVE COURT, Dutch Creek Woodlands, Johnsburg. Stove, boat motor, humidifier, furniture, infant items,books, clothes, housewares, drap­ eries, linens. May 18 & 19 10: A.M. - 7:00 P.M. 5-16 GARAGE SALE: Misc. clo­ thing and lots of goodies!!! May 17 & 18 Thursday and Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 4900 Bonner Dr. Lakeland Shore, McHenry. 5-16 APPROXIMATELY 2 rooms furnished as permenent resi­ dence. Prefer residential area. Will reply to all ans­ wers. Write McHenry Plain- dealer,Box 484, McHenry, III. 60050 5-16/5-18 YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE wants two bedroom home in or near McHenry to rent. Have references. Call 312-587- 7146 after 6 p.m. July 1st occupancy. 5-16/5-18 ADVERTISE IN THE McHENRY PLAIN DEALER MALE HELP WANTED ARC OR MIG WELDERS ELECTRICAL ASSEMBLERS 521/? HOUR WEEK Company benefits include: Company Paid Major Medical Insurance $4,000.00 Life Insurance Hospitalization 9 Paid Holidays Sick Leave Vacations Apply Daily 7:30 A.M.--5:00 P.M. THE GRIEVE CORPORATION Industrial and laboratory ovens and furnaces. 500 HART ROAD ROUND LAKE, ILL. 60073 DRAFTSMAN TAKE FRIDAY AFTERNOONS OFF. Draftsman preferably ex- perienced in sewerage and water projects. Perma­ nent employment, fringe benefits, profit sharing, annual bonus. CALL 815-459-1260 BAXTER & WOODMAN, INC. Crystal Lake, III. An Equal Opportunity INTERMATIC has openings for: TOOL AND DIE MAKER 2ND SHIFT Qualified tool maker with some background in making and maintaining precision molds. SERVICE MAN 3RD SHIFT (9:00 P.M. - 5:30 A.M.) Cleaning and maintenance of paint equipment. MATERIAL HANDLER 3RD SHIFT (1J:00 P.M. - 7:30 A.M.) For plastic molding with future training on machines. The above positions offer top wages, plus automatic in­ creases, job security and excellent fringe package. 2 NTERMATICS INC. SPRING GROVE, ILLINOIS 815-675-2321 5-11 5-16 MALE HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED ^ ^ t < m w w ^ w m EXCELLENT STARTING RATE PROFIT SHARING - MONTHLY BONUS WOMEN'S CLUB OF WONDER LAKE RUMMAGE SALE MAY 19th & 20th SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 4120 W. Lake Shore Sunrise Ridge Wonder Lake 5-16/5-18J I • Dr. i I I CHURCH RUMMAGE & BAKE SALE Numerous misc. -items. New shoes 25c pr. featuring "Saks 5th Ave." COFFEE AND DONUTS SATURDAY, MAY 19th 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. CHAIN-O- LAKES EVANGELICAL COVENANT 4815 N. Wilmot Rd. McHenry, 111. 5-16/5-18 Apply in Person - Mon. - Fri. 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. Saturday - 8 A.M. TO 12 Noon NIQ lUkl kfoAAL » C F A R M E Q U I P M E N T PHONE 4 5 9 - 2 2 1 0 MATHEWS COMPANY 500 Industrial Ave. - Crystal Lake, III. NOTICE PAGE 15-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1973 FEMALE HELP WANTED • FEMALE HELP W A N T E D NEW HORSE RANCH Coming to McHenry Heated barn and indoor area. Boarding, training and lessons. Very good facilities. Sign 19 now. Address all replies: WESLEY H.SCHUHKNECHT Box 3 Woodstock Illinois 60098 5/16-5/18 10 LUCKY HOMEOWNERS Will have aluminum trim supplied FREE, with pur­ chase of insulating alu­ minum siding during our Winter Sale. Any size house •Labor & Material completely installed. Call now 455-0577 FOX RIVER SIDING CO. Crystal Lake, III. *700 FT. 5/2TF12 let iboard Up !H line * GENERAL FACTORY * WELDERS - (EXPERIENCED) (Permanent) WANTED WANTED.... UNION MEMBERS! Your representatives nego­ tiated a great deal for you and your family on prescrip­ tions. Why not get the best package? NYE'S Pharmacy is open 89 hours (not closed evening and Sundays). Free delivery up to 2'/2 miles from McHenry. You're a working man-if you don't have 2 cars, rely on Nye's and McHenry Yellow Cab to deliver your prescriptions and health related items when you're at ^ork. Friendly, courteous, helpful service. At Nye's you're not just a number. We serve, and Service as a big "S". We fill all union plan prescriptions. Your prescription is our most important responsibility. Nye's the drug and hard­ ware combination. 5/n_5/ig HORSES REGISTERED Quarter horses with AQHA and LLQHA points in halter .and performance. Also one 5 year old black gelding 15....3 hand jumper. Please contact Rick Kogut 815-385-7957 or 678-4242. 4/4TF12 FEMALE HELP WANTED WOMAN For part time evening work at McHENRY HOSPITAL SNACK BAR. For interview Call Mrs. Edna Marston 385-2424 5/16-5/18 WOMAN 18 Years Or Older for Nurses Aid. No experience necessary. Will train. PISTAKEE BAY HOME Call 815-385-0461 5-16/5-18 5/16-5/18 WAITRESSES FULL TIME DAY & NIGHT Over 21 years of age. Will train. PISTAKEE COUNTRY CLUB 815 W. BAY ROAD McHENR Y, ILL. 385-9854 5/4TF12I SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS For Commercial Machines will train DAYS MATURE WOMAN to babysit occasional weekends - Refer­ ences, Phone 385-4487. 5-16/5-18 Check the ads for bargains. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL or ma­ ture woman to baby sit in my home 5 days a week for the summer months. Call af­ ter 5:30 P.M. 385-0836. 5-16/5-18 FEMALE HELP WANTED STEN0 SALES-ADVERTISING Excellent position available for individual with back­ ground in Steno, public contact and statistics. Will handle co-op advertising, in warranty allowance, quarterly reports, sales analysis, incentive programs and itinerary for Salesmen. Top salary, new offices, excellent fringe package. ID NTERMATIC, INC. Spring Grove, I l l inois 815-675-2321 PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT 5/11-5/16 * I I I I I McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP needs RECEPTIONISTS Permanent full time - Will train. Typing Helpful. Call MRS. LUETH 38*1050 or apply McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP 1110 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. B ii ni| i i i i TYPIST DICTAPHONE OPERATOR Interesting position in Sales Correspondence, handling incoming mail, look ups from files, form letters and overflow dictation. If you are an accurate typist, who likes a variety of work, this is the job for you. Excellent starting salary, working conditions and fringe package. X' NTERMATIC, INC. Spring Grove, Illinois 815-675-2321 PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT. McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP need Medical Assistants Permanent full time - Will train Call MRS. LUE1H 385-1050 or apply McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP 1110 N. GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. 60050 5-16/5-18 k I I I 3RD SHIFT ASSEMBLERS (12:00 A.M. - 7:00 A.M.) No experience required, paid lunch period. Permanent position offers incentive bonus, night shift differential plus excellent fringe package. "NTERMATICS INC. Spring Grove, Illinois 815-675-2321 • MATURE YOUNG WOMAN With good typing and spelling skills for • MEDICAL SECRETARY No shorthand needed Experience desirable, All dictation done on machine. Permanent Full Time CALL MRS. LUETH 385-1050 or Apply McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP 1110 N. Green Street. McHenry 5-11/5-18 Experience preferred but j APPLY IN PERSON * STRAND DRESS MFG. CO. 3011 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois j 5/11-5/18J 1st and 2nd Shift ASSEMBLERS Permanent position offers incentive bonus, night shift differential plus excellent fringe package. NTERMATIC, INC. Spring Grove, Illinois 815-675-2321

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