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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1973, p. 3

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* - > •** HONORED Gold Star members are shown above, standing, from left: Marie Bykowski, Evelyn Ficek, Gold Star Chairman Mary Kantorskiand Signa Miller; front row, Dorothy M. Miller, Nellie Hepburn and Evelyn Justen. New members initiated into McHenry unit, from left, are Dorothy Di Mauro, Mary Kuemmel, Tina Boeker, Jackie Freund and Barbara Freund. American Legion Auxiliary News Forty-six members and guests met at the McHenry American Legion post home at the monthly meeting to pay tribute to the Gold Star members of the McHenry unit. The Gold Star members present at the annual pot-luck dinner were Marie Bykowski, Evelyn Justen, Signa Miller, Dorothy M. Miller, Nellie Hepburn and Evelyn Ficek. Gold Star chairman, Mary Kantorski, was in charge of the program and presented all the Gold Star members with corsages made by the McHenry County council and a gift from the McHenry unit. After the dinner, a short meeting was conducted by President Betty Lou Smith. The charter was droped by President Smith and Chaplain Ceil Violett, for departed member, Peggy Guettjer. Memorial services wCre conducted for Lillian Miller, Ruby Shepard, Irene Sales and Peggy Guet- tler, members of the McHenry unit who passed away during the past year. The services were conducted by' the president and the chaplain. Maria Guettler played the piano for the services. Initiation cermonies were held for new members, Dorothy DiMauro, Jackie Freund, Barbara Freund, Tina Boeker and Mary Kuemmel. Lauretta Homo was initiation officer, with Betty Lou Smith, Midge Scharf, Doris Henken, Ceil Violett, Pearl Cooper and Eleanore Reid as sgt.-at-arms participating in the ceremony. Marie Howe, Elgin hospital chairman, told about the visit of forty-five Elgin veteran patients to the McHenry post home for a chicken dinner and entertainment. Algonquin and Crystal Lake units were co- hostesses for the dinner. She also told the members of the cook-out held by the district in Elburn for the Elgin veterans. Girl's State Chairman Marge Datz told the members of the attendance of thirty Girl's Staters and their mothers at a tea for the County Girls' Staters. Cathy Bolger of McHenry, former Girl's State governor, told of her ex­ periences during her term of office. Sue Wirfs, National Security chairman, urged all members and interested persons to write to their Congressmen con­ cerning the men of the Armed HEARING AIDS Rena Schaid 1407 N Green McHenry 385-0125 Sales • Sen/ice - Batt Forces who are still reported missing in action. The annual summer llth district convention was an­ nounced for Elmhurst June 3. Betty Lou Smith, Midge Scharf, Pearl Cooper, Lauretta Homo and Ruth Mrachek represented the unit as delegates. The 2nd division convention will be held in Gurnee June 10. Lois Crouch was selected to head the Nominating com­ mittee with Arlys Aim, Marie Howe, Eddie Myers and Martha Dignan serving on the committee. Election of new officers will take place at the June meeting. "Happy Birthday" was sung to Marie Bykowski, Signa Miller, Evelyn Ficek^ Marie Howe, Nellie Hepburn, Mary Freund and M. Mazzoni. Special prizes were won by Eleanore Reid and Mary Freund. Mildred Hill was not present to receive the ^at­ tendance award. The CARE box for Hong Kong was passed, a donation sent to the McHenry Historical society and Maria Guettler led the group in the singing of "To the Auxiliary". Mary Kantorski, Gold Star chairman, was in charge of the arrangements for the dinner and Pearl Cooper was Kitchen chairman for the evening with her committee of Edria Mueller, Bernice Peterson, Eileen White, Anna Cuda, Edith Sallustio, Miriam Miller, Dorothy Wilson, Dolores Steiner, Sally Roth, Margaret Birmingham, Sue Schaefer, Marilyn Phalin, Bernadine Reid, Gertrude Murphy, Lorraine Gausden, Theresa Cairns. Catherine Bauer, ************** Community Calendar ************** JUNE7 • . : -- Regular L.P.P.O.A. Board Meeting -- Lakeland Park Community House -- 8 p.m. JUNE 9 Friendship Club Pot-Luck Dinner and Meeting -- 6 p.m. - First United Methodist Church Dining Room. JUNE 11 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting ~ 7:30 p.m. -- East Campus Cafeteria. --* JUNE 13 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to Chicago Loop. Bus leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. JUNE 8,9, 16 and 17 Townsquare Players, Inc., Presents "Harvey" -- Wood­ stock Opera House, Woodstock -- Curtain Times, Friday and Saturday, 8:30 p.m., Sunday, 6:30 p.m. -- Call 815-675-2066 for Reservations. JUNE 15 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Regular Meeting -- Oak Room -- St. Mary's -- 7:30 p.m. JUNE 17 Knights Of Columbus No. 1288 and Masonic Lodge No. 158 A.F. & A.M. -- Fishing Derby -- A. May's Lake, Richmond, 111. -- 8 a.m. to 12 noon -- Family Picnic -- City Park, McHenry -- 2 p.m. to ? Pancake Breakfast -- St. John's Lutheran Church, Island Lake -- 7 to 8:50 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. to Noon -- Sponsored by Troop 260 Island Lake. Pancake Breakfast -- Legion Home -- Sponsored By Viscounts Booster Association -- 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. JUNE 20 McHenry Country Art Fair Special Showing For Patrons -- 7:30 p.m. -- McHenry Junior High School. JUNE 21 McHenry Country Art Fair Awards Preview For Artists -- 7:30 p.m. -- McHenry Junior High School. McCullom Lake Conservation Club Meeting -- McCullom Lake Beach House -- 8 p.m. Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573, Catholic Daughters of -America -- Pot-luck Supper -- K. of C. Hall -- 6 p.m. -- Reception Of New Members, Installation Of Officers. JUNE 22,23, 24 McHenry Country Art Fair -- McHenry Junior High School -- Open June 22,7-10 p.m. June 23, 24 -- 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Henrietta Vycital, Ann Thennes, Anna Hay, Delia Freund and Gladys Patzke N , ' Mother' Son Baptized At Same Ceremony The son of Mr. and Mrs. Duane F. Haak was christened James Clayton on May 27 at Nativity Lutheran church, Wonder Lake, with Rev. Roger Olson officiating at the 8 a.m. service. Sponsors for the baby were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jeschke of Crystal Lake. At the same time the baby's mother was also baptized. James Clayton was born Oct. 27, 1972, in St. Joseph hospital, Elgin. He wore a two piece white knit suit trimmed in blue when he was christened. A buffet luncheon was served at the Haak home at 1 p.m. Guests included the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bulthuis, Crystal Lake; paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Haak, Wonder Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brunckhorst, Crystal Lake, and their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Reany, daughter, Melody, of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Lance Jeschke. PAGE3-PLAINDEALER-WEDNESDAV JUNE 6, 1973 MCHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Otto Gauch, Ida Sharnak, Rose DeMarchi, Thomas Guirlani, Lincoln Zimmanck, Julie Brooks, Margaret L. Robinson, ^Otto Sturm, Matthew Backs, Lawrence Haug, Frank Adler, Florence E. Weisel, Lillian Anglese, Oscar Berggren, Gust C. Carlson, William H. Weyland, Jr., Mrs. Merle C. Fettes, Ethel T. Fettes, Albert Jasin, Sophia Zych, Theresa Kostak, Baby Melinda Sornson, James Kelly, Elsie Lange, Keith Thomas, Belthel Bur- dette, Walter Lange, Sr., Bert Brown, Harold Fitzpatrick, Josephine Giosa, McHenry; Renee Sachs, Spring Grove; Anthony Hayashi, Walter M. Bulow, Michael Jacobson, Robin L. Jacobson, Wonder Lake. JUNE 25 McHenry Woman's Club Board Meeting -- City Hall -- 9:30 a.m. McHenry Senior Citizens Club -- East Campus Cafeteria -- Hobby And Antique Show. JUNE 27 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip To Cantigny Gardens -- Winfield. Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573 -- Catholic Daughters of America -- Day Of Recollection -- Benedictine Convent, Mun- delein -- Bus Leaves St. Mary's Parking Lot at 8:45 a.m. JUNE 30 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM -- Card Party -- Home Of Julia Karpinski 3803 Weingart Road -- 7:30 p.m. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Admittances to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, included Nettie Wright, Nancy Delpino, Ringwood; Denjse Simon, Judith Ballew, Georgiann Pariso, Gail Dowel!, Master Shilo Krumwiede, Master Philip Fleming. McHenry; Lawrence Schultz, Lee Whetherhult, Claire Nielsen. Arlene Gildemeister, Master Walter Broughton, Milton Smith, David Baker, Wonder Lake. BIRTHS McHENRY HOSPITAL Mr. and Mrs. Gerard de Gelder of Wonder Lake an­ nounce the birth of a son May 28. A son was born May 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Fellows. BIRTHS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Valentio Pariso are parents of a daughter June 2. On June 2 a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bullis of Wonder Lake. OTHER BIRTHS A 6 lb. 15 oz. daughter with brown hair and blue eyes was born at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, May 19 to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brozowski of Mundelein. Jennifer Ann is their first child. Mrs. Brozowski ISTER'S ph' 385'7550 r . r r 3 7 0 1 W , E L M S T . L^rrJures McHENRY, ILL. PERMANENT SPECIAL FOR THE -- MONTH OF JUNE REGULAR PERMANENT Reg. *17°° TINT PERMANENT Reg. '2004 BLEACH PERMANENT Reg. *20°° Martin Conway, Bradley Graduate^ Honored At Party Senior Citizen Special REGULAR PERMANENT Choose your Father's Day and Graduate's gifts and cards from our large and varied selection They will be happy and so will you. $12°° m *15°° *15°° Karen s -frMuuwhShop 1238 N. Green St. McHenry, III. 385-6750 smri MARTIN CONWAY Mr and Mrs. Earl T Con­ way. with their sons and daughters, husbands and w ives, and Joe Rehor, drove to Peoria late in May to witness is the former Laurie Blomgren of McHenry. Proud grand­ parents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blomgren of McHenry and Mrs. Ann Brozowski of Mundelein. The maternal great - grand­ mother, Mrs. Alvina Borup, resides in Wisconsin. the graduation exercises at Bradlev university. The Coriways' son, Martin T., was a member of the class and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and Ad­ ministration. The following Sunday, a party was held in the graduate's honor at the Conway home, where many friends of the family gathered to wish him good luck in the future. En­ tertainment was furnished by friends. Joe Rehor and M. Chips of Chicago, with their concertina and accordion and Marty Klapperich of McHenry with his "mouthalodian." Gory Schaefer Earns Degree At Maiquette Nearly 1,500 students received degrees at Marquette university's recent com­ mencement ceremonies. Among them was Gary C. Schaefer. 1509 N. Court street, McHenry. The Rev. John P. Raynor, S.J.. Marquette president, conferred degrees at the 92nd annual commencement held in the Milwaukee Arena. * • * * Many a May Queen will be swept off her feet by June. Buy Polaroid's Square Shooter 2 for only $1997 Get a free pair of Cool-Ray Polaroid sunglasses. mMmtw PQlfiCOi 'A OW J '< * id Sftccatonv • • • f -V TY»£ im •c.*t o PtHACOi 4«»>T } < m i m . « * *>4 WfeWT* vmwrm m tafcT i'A * ** (*C* ***« iMW<m POLAROID POLAROID < v-:- f, Square Shooter 2 gives you beautiful color pictures in 60 seconds, so you can catch the fun while it's still going on. Not to mention the fact that an electric eye and electronic shutter set all exposures for you automati­ cally. A sharp 3-element lens. Built-in 4-shot flash system for standard flashcubes. And it uses Polaroid's least expensive square color film, so you save with every shot you take And if that isn't enough, now you can buy Polaroid's Square Shooter 2 (or 5 packs of Colorpack film) and get a free pair of Cool- Ray Polaroid sunglasses to sport around in. (They're a $3.25 value.*) Tnese sunglasses have a built-in optical bar­ rier that screens out up to 99% of reflected glare. And they're fashionably styled for men and women. So, come get your Polaroid Square Shooter 2 today or 5 packs of Polaroid Colorpack film, get your free pair of Cool-Ray Polaroid sun­ glasses and enjoy every minute this Summer. Offer expires June 30, 1973. Polaroid Colorpack Land Film Type 88 for Square Shooters ' 2 ̂ ̂ per pack Type 108 for the pack camera* $ 3 ^ p e r p a c k *At suggested list price. Polaroid® by Polaroid Corporation "Cooi-Ray " T.M Reg by Cool-Ray, Inc I Polaroid's Extra Lens Of*er I P O Box 2127 Reidsville, North Carolina 27322 | Here is my completed registration card and I my sales receipt from a Polaroid Square Shooter 2 (or 5 red end panels from Polaroid I Type 108 or Type 88 Land film). • Please send me my free pair of Cool-Ray I polaroid sunglasses. I understand this offer | is limited to one to a household. i Name Address City State .Zip. Offer expires June 30, 1973. Requests must be postmarked no later than this date. Void where prohibited. _ 4400 WEST ROUTE 120 HORNSBYS DAILY 9-9 SUNDAY 9-6 <F

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