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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Aug 1973, p. 15

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G i v e T r a n s p o r t a t i o n V i e w s August RTA Hearing Announced In County PAGE 15 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY, AUGUST 3,1*73 New public hearings for a Northeastern Illinois Regional Transportation (RTA) authority have been scheduled, according to Langhorne Bond, secretary of the Illinois Department of Transportation. In McHenry county, the hearing will be held Tuesday, Aug. 28, in Crystal Lake. The hearings were ordered by Gov. Dan Walker as a result of controversy over legislation to create and finance the RTA. In a statement earlier last month, the governor said, "The hearings will give everyone - bus and "L" riders, train commuters, taxpayers and public officials in the com­ munities affected - the chance to give their views. I believe the mayors, the county com­ missioners and the representatives of the people should have the chance to say how they think RTA should be run and financed". Specific sites and times for each of the locations will be announced shortly. Bond said all interested groups and individuals are invited to give their views on RTA at the sessions. A tran­ script of the proceedings will be forwarded to the governor and legislative leaders, he added. k m F ' L . ' m m " • »'11 - s / AWAIT JUDGES' DECISION - Five anxious girls, happy to have been selected finalists in the McHenry County Fair queen contest, await decision of the judges Wednesday night in front of the grandstand on the fairgrounds. From left are Miss Crystal Lake, Laurie Taylor, named fourth runner-up; Miss Huntley, Karen Borhart, the new queen; Miss Woodstock, Jamie Hale, third runner-up; Miss McHenry, Nancy Staley, second runner-up; and Miss Fox River Grove, Diana Jo Howell, first runner-up. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD F a i r F e a t u r e Recycling "On Display" The McHenry County Defenders, a county-wide environmental group, will again have an educational booth at the county fair in its continuing efforts to help the public understand pollution problems and possible solutions for them. One of the themes to be emphasized in the booth is recycling, which Defenders have been promoting and practicing the last few years. It is their belief that the recycling of glass, paper, metals and food wastes on a county-wide basis is the answer to the solid waste problem. They point to the county's present garbage disposal crisis as evidence that the old methods of disposal by burning and burying are no longer adequate to handle the more than 220,000,000 pounds of Fine Grandstand Show At County Fair Saturday Stealing the grandstand scene Saturday night at the McHenry County Fair will be the Ural Albert show, with one at 7 p.m. and one at 8:30 p.m., featuring Urel Albert and eleven other people in the stage show. Albert looks like Eddy Ar­ nold, and sings like the entire "Grand Ole' Opry". He is the world's greatest impersonator and does over thirty voice impersonations of the top "Grand Ole' Opry Stars". For variety he throws in Walter Brennen, Lum and Abner, and many more. Regarded as one of the best showmen in the business, Albert has worked with shows and club dates such as Jerry Lee Lewis, Conway Twitty, Bill Anderson and Porter Wagoner to name a few. Appearing before the Urel Albert show will be the Toby Ellis .puppet show beginning at 6:30 p.m. Hold Bicycle Safety Program The McHenry Police department announces a bicycle safety program to be held at East campus parking lot Saturday, Aug. 11, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. A safety check of all bicycles will be made and all vehicles will be registered. Movies will . be shown on "Bicycle Operation and Safety", "Rules Governing Bicycle Operations" and "Laws Pertaining to the Operation of Bicycles" Ask Views On City's Proposed Plan For Future A public hearing is scheduled before the McHenry Plan commission Wednesday, Aug. 8, at 7:30 p.m. in West campus high school auditorium. Pur­ pose of the hearing is discussion of a proposed official comprehensive plan for the city. Anyone wishing to be heard in support or in opposition to the proposed official plan will be given an opportunity to submit views orally, in writing, or both. household wastes that McHenry county generates each year. Graphs and statistics for the technically-inclined are part of the recycling display. However, those looking for the unusual at bargain prices will find a wide assortment of at­ tractive articles, all from local sources, and each chosen as "ecologically-sound", that is, manufactured from recycled or natural materials: soap made from household fats; plant and animal motif notepapers printed on 100 percent recycled paper; a line of pure, biodegradable toiletries; hand- carved wooden toys; cotton back-packs; tannic acid and caffeine-free herbal tea; and baked-to-order whole wheat health bread. For those who wish to place their orders early, Defenders again offer an ex­ tensive selection of Christmas cards produced from recycled papers. Other sections of the booth will focus on additional matters of concern to the Defenders. A display of giant-sized county maps will pinpoint landfill and gravel pit locations, proposed highway development, water conditions, population growth, etc. The collection of prize- winning posters from the Defender-sponsored Earth week poster contest completes the exhibit. Defender members will be on hand at their booth the entire time of the fair, and invite visitors to stop by to discuss environmental problems, to taste a free sample of herbal tea, and to help themselves to a variety of literature prepared by Defenders on composting, recycling procedures, ecology - Deaths CHARLES J. FREUND A well known resident of Spring Grove, Charles J. FYeund, 69, 1808 Main street, was dead on arrival at McHenry hospital, July 31. He was born Nov. 28, 1903, in McHenry. The deceased was a retired self employed retail grocer. He was a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters of McHenry ; past member of the Spring Grove fire department; St. Peter's Holy Name society and a past Republican com­ mitteeman. Among his survivors are his wife, Eva, nee Weber, whom he married June 20, 1932; a daughter, Mrs. Charles (Charlotte) Korus, England; three sons, Rev. Fr. Nicholas T. of Spring Grove; Daniel N., Lake in the Hills, and Victor C. of McHenry; seven grand­ children; three sisters, Mrs. Charles (Elizabeth) Michels, Johnsburg, Mrs. Anton (Helen) wise buying, etc., all to be given away in litter bags made of - recycled paper. FAIR EXHIBITOR-Pretty Nancy Lee Smith, who holds the title of Little Miss Peanut for McHenry, is one of the youngest exhibitors at the McHenry County Fair this week. For the second year she is showing some of her pedigreed Checkered Giant and Siamese Satin rabbits. They will be judged Saturday, Aug. 4, in open class competition. Six-year-old Nancy has counted raising rabbits as a favorite hobby for half of her short lifetime. Williams and Mrs. Mathilda Gerasch and one brother, George P., all of McHenry. There will be visitation at the George R. Justen Funeral home until Friday morning when a funeral Mass will be offered at 10:30 a.m. at St. Peter's Catholic church, Spring Grove, with interment in the church cemetery. In lieu of flowers the family requests Mass offerings. r- TURN ONS fV WHfiJ SHALL-ISAV ABOUT THB TWO peRowpe buxipeswhk) MAPesOCHA FUS6 AT 6A*£ UGTrtlGHT? wHVou&r SAV THAT TU£'3UACHBR£> WENT HIILP." How True! The suburbs is where any place that can be reached on foot isn't wh^re you're going. FIELDCREST TOWELS 20% OFF 'SHOWER DRAPES 20% OFF THROW RUGS 20% OFF We Are Celebrating our .xxx. and ̂ offering you tremendous SAVINGS on quality merchandise .XXX. READY-MADE DRAPES 20% OFF TABLE LINENS 20% OFF I # | t ! 4 »'li-|« V I l \ \ / AUGUST 4th THRU 11th McHENRY DRAPERY & CARPET CO. 1253 N. GREEN ST. - McHENRY , ILL. 385-7531 xxxxx xjoooooooooooooooô ^̂ ^Soowoooooooooooooooot xxxxx PATZKE HEATING AIR CONDITIONING FURNACES GUTTERS , PHONE 385-5534 McHENRY EARL R. WALSH & JACK WALSH INS. F i r e , A u t o , F a r m , L i f e R e p r e s e n t i n g R E L I A B L E C O M P A N I E S 3 4 2 9 W . E l m S t . , M c H e n r y 3 8 5 , 3 3 0 0 DENNIS CONWAY A U T O L I F E F I R E State Farm Ins. Co. 3 3 1 5 W , E l m S t . M c H e n r y , I I I . 3 8 5 5 2 8 5 o r 3 8 5 7 1 1 1 McHENRY LETTER SERVICE M i m e o g r a p h i n g - T y p i n g A d d r e s s i n g M a i l i n g L i s t s 3 5 0 9 W P e a r l S t , M c H e n r y P h . 3 8 5 0 2 5 8 ; 3 8 5 8 0 2 0 M o n d a y t h r u S a t u r d a y Farm Equipment George P. Freund,Inc. Case - New Holland 4102 VV. Crystal Lake Rd. McHENRY Bus. 38S0420 Res. 385-0227 AIR CONDITIONING SALES & SERVICE U'HAUL Trailers & Trucks COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE & TRUCK REPAIRING ARC & GAS WELDING Guettler Service, Inc. 818 N. Front Street 385 9831 McHENRY HOBBY SHOP FOR ALL YOUR MODELING NEEDS 3318 W. Elm (NEAR RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY) 385-7122 DR. LEONARD B0TTARI 1 3 0 3 N . R i c h m o n d R d . , M c H e n r y • y e s e x a m i n e d C o n t a c t L e n s e G l a s s e s f i t t e d M o n , T u e s , T h u r s , F r i , 4 6 p . m T u e s , T h u r s , F r i 7 9 p m S a t , 9 : 3 0 t o 3 : 0 0 P h . 3 8 5 4 1 5 1 o r 3 8 5 2 2 6 2 DR. ROBERT J. PETERSON Optometrist General Practice Contact Lenses By Appointment Only Closed Thursday 4719 W. Route 120, McHenry 385 7930 McHENRY COUNTY OFFICE MACHINES SALES SERVICE 8. RENTALS Mon Sat 9 5:30 Friday til 9 00 93 Grant St., Crystal Lake Ph. 459 1226 RIVERSIDE OFFICE SUPPLY Furniture - Supplies 1 3 2 3 N R i v e r s i d e D r i v e McHenry, I 11 i no is 60050 ADVERTISE IN THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Hi rel l i RADIAL TIRES «OR ALL CARS Europa Motors Inc 2 3 1 8 R t e . 1 2 0 8 1 5 - 3 8 5 - 0 7 0 0 ED'« WW STANDARD STANDARD SERVICE EXPERT TUNE-UP ATLAS Tires, Batteries, Accessories QUALITY American Oil Products PH. 385 0720 3817 W. ELM STREET it RADIATORS • Cool ing Sys tem Spec ia l i s ts it AIR CONDITIONING • Trai le r H i tches Fabr ica t ion • STEEL SALES • Weld ing & Ornamenta l I ron • Fj lzen* P ipe Thatv in 31)06 W. Rte. 120 McHenrv ADAMS BROS. (Nevt to Gem Cleaners) Phone 385-0783 ROOFING--REPAIRS R i c h a r d S o g e r s 3 8 5 - 5 8 3 9 Call Saturday. Sunday or After 5:00 on Weekdays n(̂ L r*

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