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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Aug 1973, p. 7

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-y Assume New Legion Posts Glen Messer and Midge Scharf, center, new commander and president, respectively, of American Legion Post, 491 and its auxiliary unit, receive gavels from outgoing officers. At left is Lou Rossberg, past commander, and at right, Betty Lou Smith, past president. The joint installation of new officers was held last Sunday in the Legion clubhouse. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS Through the courtesy of Family Services and Mental Health Clinic of McHenry County Passive Infants Contrary jto what proud par­ ents have long believed, the most responsive, vigorous new­ borns may not be the infants who develop into the most in­ telligent and active children. Rather, according to scien­ tists from HEW's National In­ stitute of Mental Health of the Health Services and Mental Health Administration, babies who are more passive during their first few days of life are the ones who are more likely to mature into intelligent, re­ sponsive youngsters. Generally, the NIMH scien­ tists have observed that new- awoidlor . .Joiwc who has con {rfeverythiL̂ but her money Dumb. You may know her. The confident working- girl who's making it on her own. She has a nice apartment, stylish clothes, good taste in wines. And no savings. She should discover the Payroll Savings Plan. It's simple to sign up at work. After that, an amount she specifies is set aside each payday and used to buy U.S. Savings Bonds. With U.S. Savings Bonds, it doesn't take long to build up a healthy nest egg. The Payroll Savings Plan--a smart way to stay in control. Thke . stock . ln^merica. Buy U. S. Savings Bonds Now E Bonds pay 54% interact whan hold to maturity of 5 yaars, 10 months (4% tha first yMr). Bonds are replaced if lost, stolen, or dsstroyad. When needed thsy csn be cashed st your bank Intersst is not subject to stats or local income taxes, and fsdsrsl tax msy be deferred until redsmption. I •»»»»»»»•» ,ARE YOU IN NEED OF •kitchen cabinets * Range Hoods * Medicine cabinets x "Bathroom Fixtures * Fi- 'berglas showerstalls • vaiv ities and tops * Gas & • Oil Furnaces * Air con­ ditioning, central and win­ dow * Hot water boilers i * and base radiation * Sump pumps * Water Softemerg 1 < SEE OUR DO-IT-YOUR-- , SELF HOME IMPROVE- , MENT DEPARTMENT , ; THE BATH SHOP !| 3012 W. Rte. 120 McHenry 385-0048 boms with a slow rate of breathing; a slow, lethargic re­ sponse to interruption of suck­ ing; and with a relative insensi- tivity to touch are likely to develop into assertive, active, highly verbal toddlers. On the other hand, infants who breathe rapidly, are highly sensitive to touch, and who quickly react to interruption of sucking often exhibit lower levels of activity and perform­ ance at 2Vi years of age. Dr. Richard Q. Bell, chief of the NIMH child research branch, who headed the re­ search, says that, although vigor and responsiveness have been considered healthy signs in newborn infants, this is not necessarily true. "On the contrary," says Dr. Bell, "it is possible that a state of relative stupor could be a protective mechanism in the transition from womb to out- side-the-womb existence. Thus, this torpor could be a sign that the developmental processes are proceeding properly." The findings are based on study of 75 normal newborns. Their development was period­ ically checked by the NIMH research group. A sample of the original group was evalu­ ated at preschool age and again at 7Vi years of age. Saunas In Finland, saunas are often built as separate cabins made of wood, sometimes roofed with sod, and preferably next to one of the nation's 70,000 lakes. In southern California they may be built in colonial Spanish style complete with curved roof tiles and plaster outside walls. COMMENTARY THE LONE RANGER of the 1970s isKung Fu, which comes out of the blistering sun each week on ABC--not on a trusty steed and shoot­ ing silver bullets, but on bare feet and shooing away all comers with his style of oriental boxing. EACH WEEK the contem­ plative monk Kwai Chang Caine walks into a different town and helps the local citizens solve their most pressing problem. At the end Caine walks off into the wilderness, while old- timers like me listen for the hearty hi-ho-Silver of yester­ year. ONE MAY never know the true identity of the masked rider of the plains, but Kwai Chang Caine is in reality o n e D a v i d C a r r a d i n e , a trained dancer who has taken only a few kung fu lessons. WITH THE HELP of the Lone Ranger, Caine, Batman a n d o t h e r s , t h e n e t w o r k s might get most of their fall shows on the air the week of September 10. This was the date originally hoped for. Now that the four-month-long writer's strike is settled, ptogram producers are mov­ ing rapidly to catch up. A NIELSEN STUDY re­ cently revealed that the net­ work's nightly newscasts reach 56 million homes in an average month. This is ap­ proximately 86 per cent of our nation. Television news is our most used and trusted source of information. How­ ever, to be used properly, TV news should be digested in conjunction with news read in newspapers and news magazines. RECIPE By Sarah Anne Sheridan Macaroni salads are hearty enough to feature as main dishes for luncheon and> evening menus. They should contain something crunchy like crisp celery, something colorful like strips of green pepper and pimientos and something to give them zest like scraped onion or a tangy.salad dressing. Macaroni and Crabmeat 8 oz. elbow macaroni 1 c cooked crabmeat 1 c green pepper chopped 1 c chopped celery V4 c chopped pimientos l/4 slivered almonds 3 hard cooked eggs chopped Vz c mayonnaise 2 t salt Pepper to taste. Cook macaroni by direc­ tions. Chill. Flake crabmeat. Combine cooked macaroni, crabmeat and remaining in­ gredients. Mix thoroughly, but lightly. Chill several h o u r s b e f o r e s e r v i n g o n salad greens. Macaroni Cream Slaw 8 oz. shell macaroni 4 c finely shredded cab­ bage. Vz c slivered green pep­ per 1 c round carrot slices 2 T sliced scallions c sour cream 2 t cider vinegar 2 t salt--pepper Cook macaroni as directed. Combine all ingredients. Mix thoroughly. Chill several hours before serving. THERE HAS BEEN a super effort of late to snatch realism from its proper do­ main and shove it bloody and stark naked on the TV screen as well as in the movies. OBJECTIONS to this may or may not be out of place. However, writers and direc­ tors could be reminded that beauty, tenderness and sin­ cerity are also very much a part of reality. PERHAPS the message of the media would be better received if the accent of the communication were more balanced--a pinch more of beauty, a dash less of gore. A FRESH BREEZE of programming will whisk yawning viewers from the doldrums of summer offer­ ings when September march­ es rote step onto the calen­ dar. Specials in the opening days of the month will be as common as grass in your exhumed victory garden. ALL OF WHICH consti­ tutes the annual mating game between the tube and the family easy chair. The object PAC.E 7 - PLAINDEALER - FRIDAY. AUGUST3.1W73 JESS PRICE BARGAIN PRICES ON THE FAMOUS 4-pty polyester cord passenger car tires by Firestone 1/ Low. wide 78 series profile Seven-rib tread for excellent traction Concave molded to put tread flat on road for long mileage y/ Strong, smooth-riding 4 ply Firestone construction LOOK AT THESE BARGAIN PRICES S® •MtnM* •Mm! Ha tmm km 1 1.1.1. Ha ptof prtM* prta 1.1.1. E78 14 S37 00 *26.60 542 00 *29.65 S2 22 F78 14 39 00 27.60 44 50 30.70 2 37 G78 14 43 00 28.80 49 00 32.00 2 53 H78 14 47 00 31.00 53 50 34.46 2 75 J78 14 -- -- 59 75 36.10 2 89 F78 15 40 00 28.40 45 50 31.60 2 42 G78 15 43 75 29.SB 50 00 32.80 2 60 H78 15 48 00 31.76 54 75 36.26 2 80 J78 15 -- -- 61 00 36.60 3 0 1 178 15 - -- 63 00 38.26 3 13 AM price% pKit lliti ®n<j otd t "A» dtfrmtntd under 2 f ChargebmNOW Priced o« tKown ot Firestone Stores. Competitively priced ot Firestone Deoleri n% deploying the Firestone sign McHenry Tire Mart 3931 W. Main Stf- Phone: 385-0294 TWO-CAR CITY CRASH - A two-car accident at the Intersection of Elm and Front Saturday morning resulted in slight injuries to April Lazalde of Wonder Lake, a passenger in a car driven by Wilma Rasmussen of 2808 E. Hickory drive. Wonder Lake. Miss Lazalde was taken to McHenry hospital by rescue squad. Driver of the other auto, Michael E. Koch of 1508 N. Flower, McHenry, was also slightly injured in the collision. Koch was west-bound on Elm when the Rasmussen auto turned directly in front of him and they collided. Miss Rasmussen, who was east-bound did not see the other'car approaching until impact occurred. She was ticketed for failure to yield right of way. STAFF PHOTO/WAYNE GAYLORD TocJoj/s Health Nen/s Published by the Ameriban Medical Association ABOUT YOUR i HOME When Mrs. Rose Kennedy first; learned that Rosemary, her eldest daughter, then only a few years old, was mentally retarded there were few places she could turn for help. Rose Kennedy had never even known anyone with a re­ tarded child. Half-century later, she stands today as an expert on the needs, problems, and future of these special children. In an interview with Today's Health, Mrs. Kennedy discussed the role that both society and the indi­ vidual must play in aiding the retarded. "We must recognize that the mentally retarded are simply peo­ ple of a relatively impaired order of intelligence who need a chance," she explains. "With prop­ er care and training, more than 80 percent of the retarded can lead productive lives." being to woo the viewer back from the parched, dry summer TV fare so he'll be awake for the fall premieres which begin September 10. IN DAYS of yore football was thought to be a winter sport, but times have mend­ ed. If the trend continues, soon the gridiron will be sizzling year around. On July 27 ABC will cover the College All-star Game in Chicago; the next day "Wide World of Sports" expands to cover the Pro Football Hall of Fame Game at Canton, Ohio, where the San Fran­ cisco 49ers will play the New England Patriots. High on Mrs. Kennedy's list of priorities are the sheltered work­ shops that are being established all over the country to help the retarded learn productive skills. Another is the Special Olympics sponsored by the Kennedy Foun­ dation. "The Special Olympics af firms the ability of the mentally retarded to be physically active," she says, ^nd the greatest need is for volunteers Who will work with children on the program. Early medical attention is also important in helping prevent and detect any problems. "Every pros­ pective mother should see a doc­ tor regularly and often in the nine months following conception. "Yet," she says, "thousands of pregnant women -- an estimated 30 percent, or one in three -- do not see a doctor at all in this early period." But society must also take a step in changing its attitude to­ ward the retarded. "We must," says Mrs. Kennedy, "get rid of the totally false notion -- which still persists -- that mental re­ tardation (a relative lack of men­ tal capacity) and mental illness (malfunctioning of the originally intact mind) are identical, when they are not even related. "We must do our part as indi­ viduals to help 'normalize' these fellow Americans by not think­ ing about their differences and concentrating instead on the far more numerous respects in which the retarded are like us," she ex­ plains. "For they are, you know; In most instances, it's just that their minds are slower and they simply have to start earlier." WANT MO*E INFORMATION? Writ• Todays HtaHh Magazine Cf, 535 North Dearborn Strati Chicago, Illinois 60610 Clean your kitchen venti­ lating fan several times a year to prevent a fire in the chute and poor ventilation. Don't wait until cold weather to check the condi­ tion of window putty. Re­ place cracked or missing putty now. Keep a squeeze- type p las­ t ic bot t le f i l led wi th water in the glove compartment to c lean s t icky f ingers whi le traveling or on a family out­ ing . Always use fabr ic sof t ­ ener on permanent press ar ­ t ic les to prevent las t ing wrinkles . THE FEATURE FIRST STOCK CAR AUTO RACING Ever Tire Of Waiting For The Feature Events? Ours Now Follows Heat Races At THE NEW KENOSHA COUNTY SPEEDWAY Wilmot, Wis. 7:00 PM LAKE GENEVA RACEWAY Lake Geneva, Wis. 7:00 PM PLUS SPECIAL DATES - FRI. & SAT. - August 10-11 - WILMOT SPEEDWAY FRIDAY - August 17 - SANTA FE SPEEDWAY, Willow Springs, III. SPECIAL CARBURETOR COMPLETE 0VERHALL For Better Performance from your Car! Increase your Gas Milage & have Cleaner Air to Breathe. • • • • • 1 BBL *25 50 REMOVE CARBURETOR BOIL CARBURETOR OUT REPLACE ALL INTERNAL PARTS (AS NECESSARY) REPLACE GAS FILTER RESET CARBURETOR TIAAING & DWELL PARTS & LABOR 2 BBL ~ 0 $335 (CHEVROLETS ONLY) 4 BBL & QUADRAJETS $435° PAYTON 385-2100 CARS-TRUCKS HWY 31 SOUTH McHENRY WfcVROIF 1

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