I» \<;K !»- PLAINDEALEH - FRIDAY. AUGUST 10. 1973 TAX FACTS TOP ART AWARD - An oil painting by Charles W. Cobb, Woodstock, draws the admiration of three McHertry county Republican leaders. The painting, which won a top award at the McHenry County F air, shows the late Senator Everett Dirksen. From left, A1 Jourdan, McHenry County Republican Central committee chairman; Rep. Cal Skinner and Senator Jack Schaffer. Cobb is second from left. (DON PEASLEY PHOTO) T~) he inic Maude is the type of Christian whom Jesus praised. For God likes competition. Yet many sissy American church leaders have opposed Sunday School contests. They even urge complete church-union, though monopoly has produced stagnation as well as inef ficiency. So follow my advice to Maude if you want to zoom Sunday School attendance! By - George W. Crane, Ph. D., M.D. CASE M-590: Maude B., aged 36, is a Sunday School superintendent. "Dr. Crane," she began, "our church is in a small community of 1,500 population. "And our Sunday School attendance stays about the same, year after year. "So I chafe and feel frustrated because my husband is an insurance salesman where new and higher goals are set for the men each January. "Why can't we inject similar 1 competition into our Sunday Schools? "Is there anything immoral about applying our American go-getter sales principles to our churches?" GOD LIKES COMPETITION God apparently relishes competition, yet some of our churches have decried it as being warlike and unchristian. As a lifelong Sunday School teacher, I have always found that contests between Sunday School classes (intramural) or between neighboring churches, added zest and zoomed at tendance! Most Americans, especially of the younger age brackets, like to compete. Our public schools build up fervor and school spirit by athletic contests and rigorous competition. Jesus apparently liked such competition, for in his parable of the 3 men with the talents, he strongly approved the 5-talent and 3-talent men who went out into the competitive business world and added to their wealth. But He severely indicted the diffident man who was too timid and docile to match wits with others. Jesus also showed his Apostles how to catch more fish! So you can zoom your Sunday School attendance by dividing them into two groups or by pitting one class against another. Make your contests simple to tally, so you don't waste the valuable donated time of your teachers in computing your weekly scores. Thus, give one point for every penny in thp class offering. And allot Ek points for every member present, plus an extra 10 points for every newcomer brought to Sunday School. Then portray the contest in a visual manner, as by having a transcontinental auto or air plane race, with wires on which LOSE WEIGHT OR MONEY BACK Odrinex can help you become the trim slim person you want to be. Odrinex is a tiny tablet and easily swallowed. Con tains no dangerous drugs. No starving No special exercise. Ggt rid of excess fat and live longer. Odrinex has been used successfully by thousands all over the country for 14 years. Odr inex Plan costs $3.25 and the large economy size $5.25. You must lose ugly fat or your money will be refunded. No questions asked Sold with this guarantee by BOLGER'S DRUG'STORE 59 Green St. McHei you attach toy automobiles or airplanes. Move the racing vehicles according to the total point- score. And attach some hazards, so let the losers of the monthly competition treat the winners to a wiener bake or swim party, etc. Then launch a new contest the very next Sunday after the former competition ended! For contests in Sunday School are like advertisements by your local department store, namely, one week's ad can't be expected to keep customers coming all the other 51 weeks of the year! So the stores run new ads every week. Yet some stodgy clerics have argued with me as follows: ~~ ARDIE CASE "Dr. Crane, after the contest ended, our attendance soon dropped down again, so why have a contest?" Well, keep contests running steadily, 52 weeks in the year, as department stores schedule their ads! Send for my booklet "How to Pep Up Sunday School," en closing a long stamped, return envelope, plus 20 cents. It helps get your church off of "dead center." (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, en closing a long stamped, ad dressed envelope and 20 cents to cover typing and printing costs when you send for one of his booklets.) Many of the shops are filled with fall clothes and sales on summer garments and shoes have been going on for weeks. The girl who has a limit ed budget will be smart to watch for sales but she should know the value of things and not buy because HIGHWAY USE TAX IS DUE, IRS SAYS Owners of large trucks, truck-tractors, or buses should file a Federal highway use tax return, Form 2290, by Aug. 31, Roger C. Beck, district director of Internal Revenue for Nor thern Illinois has announced. Revenue from the highway use tax assists states in financing the Interstate high way system. The amount of tax depends on a combination of the number of axles and weights of the vehicles. Generally, the tax applies to single unit trucks weighing 13,000 pounds or more, to truck-tractors weighing 5,500 pounds or more, to trucks of 9,000 pounds and over equipped for use in combinations, and to buses with a gross weight in excess of 26,000 pounds. The tax year begins July 1 and runs through the following June 30. Subsequent returns may be necessary for vehicles ir.'ioperation for the first time on public highways after July. IRS publication 349, "Federal Use Tax on Trucks, Truck- Tractors, and Buses," is available free of charge at district IRS offices, and provides further information on this subject. Legal Notice A SPECIAL BOARD MEETING of McHenry High School District No. 156, will be held on TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1973 at the West Campus High School, 4724 W. Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry, Illinois at 7:30 P.M. for approval of the Tentative Budget For the 1973-74 year. Edward J. Neumann, Jr. Secretary, Board of Education No. 156 (Pub. Aug. 8,10,1973) they are listed at half price. Nothing is a bargain if it cannot be made to fit or if the color is unbecoming. Nor is a twenty dollar shoe for ten dollars a buy if the last of the shoe is too narrow. LOVE thy neighbor, PAINT thy house. with Super, Durable JIM MARTIN Interior-Exterior LATEX or OIL BASE PAINTS The more people grow up, the less they blow up. 1973 BUICK ALEXANDER • | muncD FREE JVlcHeTiry9 Illinoist LUIVItSCrC DELIVERY! 385-1424 RED MITCHELL Owner ED POWELL 1973 OLDS 200 NEW CARS IN STOCK) M M PLUS. . . 60 Of The WE'LL SURROUND YOU WITH THE BEST DEALS IN McHENRY BEFORE YOU BUY ANY SO-CALLED "CLOSEOUT SPECIAL", CHECK OUT THE DEAL THAT "THE MEN FROM MITCHELL" HAVE FOR YOU.I THE MITCHELL SALES STAFF REPRESENTS THE LARGEST VOLUME DEALER IN McHENRY. WE HAVE BEEN PLEASING OUR CUSTOMERSl THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE MODEL YEAR (FROM PREMIER SHOWING TO YEAR-END CLOSEOUTS), AND WILL CONTINUE TO TRY TO SATISFY EVERYONEl INTERESTED IN A NEW OR USED CAR. SO, SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY . . WE FEEL YOU1L BE GLAD YOU SEE MITCHELL FOR OPELS AND GMC TRUCKS Mitchell > > , ! . ! , B u i c k - O l d s - O p e l fPiPPI COMPANY PROMISES m^reena^JAcHenr^ PAT MOAN 1972\\BUICK ELECTRA^CUSTOM 4 cbor A hardtop, full power, Air Cond. $4395 1971 BUICK | CENTURION 4 door Hardtop Full Power Air conditioned i *2695 1970 FORD L.T.D. Full Equipment Air Conditioned *2495 1969 BUICK WILDCAT 4 Door Hardtop Full Power Air Conditioned 1695 1971 BUICK 1970 BUICK LIMITED LeSABRE 4 Door Hardtop, Full Custom 4 Door Eqiipment, Air Conditioned Hardtop, Full Power *3395 Air Conditioned 2 to choose *2195 1972 PLYMOUTH 1971 FORD 2 Door Hardtop, MACH 1 Full Power Full Power ; Air Conditioned Auto. Trans. *2595 •2495 RALPH MUNS0N Sales Mgr. DID. JERRY CARLSON \