5-Foot Stur STEP-UP'TO... QUALITY, SAFETY drop-cloth Lightweight, yet sturdy. Made of long-wearing extruded aluminum. Has sway braces and convenient 50-lb. pail shelf. #1. BETTER BUY PRICED AT JSMWS #2. 6-FT. STEPLADDER $13.88 '*-1 IA) Gallon-size PAINT THINNER Multi-purpose. Thins paint, cleans painting tools and accessories. #11. BETTER BUY SEVERAL AT THIS LOW PRICE 99 (0) Paint Push-Button Easy COLORFUL SPRAY PAINT Easy, convenient way to change the color on almost anything paintable. s In To Choice of 16 colors #14. SAVE 61c REG. $1.46 B6-oz. cans. 88' iC) 3/4" X 60-Yards MASKING TAPE Ideal way to protect moldings, windows, etc. when painting. #13. BETTER BUY SEVERAL 266-YARD ROLLS FOR 77 3-Ounce Silicone ALL-PURPOSE SEALER Great for many purposes: caulking, sealing, glueing. #7. SAVE 56c $1 OA REG. $1.95 I lOf Clean Cartridge PANEL & WALL ADHESIVE In convenient, no-mess cartridge. Easier, neater than nailing or glueing. #10. Non-Messy CARTRIDGE CAULKING GUN Makes caulking as easy as j a tri clean. pulling a trigger. Keeps hands clean. #8. SAVE 98c REG. $1.95 97° SAVE 50c REG. $1.49 99« Longer Lasting LATEX-TYPE CAULKING Wear and weather resistant. Won't crack, warp or dry-out. #9. SAVE 70c $1 IT R E G . $ 1 . 8 7 V | « l # (£» Deluxe 9-Inch Size PAINT PAN & ROLLER KIT Easiest &ay to paint walls, ceilings. Extra wide time. #5. SAVE $1.46 REG. $3.45 roller shortens work 1.99 (E) Tapered Bristle NYLON PAINT BRUSH Thick bristles hold more paint, a big 4" across for fewer strokes. #4. SAVE $1.80 REG. $4.66 2.88 4F\ Flexible Blade V/4-INCH PUTTY KNIFE Easy-to-use. Great for reglazing, patching holes or cracks in plaster. SAVE 40c REG. $1.39 99 (6) Package of 3 Plastic 9' x 12' DROP CLOTHS Great for indoor or outdoor paint jobs to protect furnishings, shrubs, etc. from paint. #12. BETTER BUY AT ONLY 1V4" Flat Dapandabla Step For Dia Caat Sura-Footad Aluminum Safety and Lock Comfort 16-Foot Extension ALUMINUM FLAT-RUNG LADDER Modified "I" beam type construction for strength and safety. Lightweight, easy-to- handle. #3. BETTER BUY PRICED AT 88 18 OTHER SIZES AVAILABLE Page 2 copyright 1973 - Cosgrave & Associates, Stamford, Conn.