1 Community Calendar iwwmwiwitm# 0CT0BER3 McHenry Grams Club Meeting - Luncheon 11:30 -- A&W Drive-in -- Meeting, City Hall Club Room. OCTOBER 4 Regular L.P.P.O.A. Board Meeting - Lakeland Park Community House ~ 8 p.m. Annual Fall Public Card Party. Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America. 8 p.m. K.C. Hall. Lakeland Park Women's Club Meeting - Lakeland Park Community House -12:30 p.m. OCTOBER 4,11,18 McHenry Area Jaycees Auxiliary - Baby Sitting Clinic - James C. Bush Elementary School, Johnsburg - 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. OCTOBER6 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Bowling - McHenry Recreation ~ 7 p.m. "Sentimental Journey" -- Annual Dance - Sponsored By Johnsburg School District 12 P.T.O. -- Johnsburg Com munity Club - 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. OCTOBER8 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - East Campus Cafeteria - 7:30 p.m. OCTOBER9 McHenry Newcomers Club - Regular Meeting - Shepherd of Hills Lutheran Church - Call Mrs. Ron Klapack - 8 p.m. OCTOBER 10 LaLeche League Monthly Meeting - 8 p.m. - For Location Call Mrs. Richard McGowan. McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip to Horicon Marsh, Wisconsin. Two Buses - Both Leave McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 9:30 a.m. OCTOBER 11 McHenry Woman's Club - Business Meeting ~ V.F.W. Hall - Social Hour -12 to 1 p.m. OCTOBER 11-12 Zion Lutheran Church Rummage Sale - Sponsored By Ladies Aid - Oct. 11 - 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. - Oct. 12 - 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. OCTOBER 11 & 12 & 13 Mt. Hope United Methodist Church - Rummage and Bake -Sale - 10 a.m. til 2 p.m. OCTOBER 12 Annual Basement Rummage Sale - Greenwood Methodist Church, Greenwood Road - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. OCTOBER 13 The Friendship Club Pot- Luck Dinner and Meeting 6 p.m. - Firsy UnijM^Methodist Church. OCTOBER 14 Business, and Professional Women's Fall District Meeting - Kishwaukee Country Club - 12 Noon. Rotary Ham Dinner - V.F.W. Clubhouse, Noon to 2:30 p.m. OCTOBER 15 McHenry Business and Professional Women's Monthly Dinner Meeting -- Andre's Steak House - 7 p.m. OCTOBER 18 McHenry Woman's Club - Bus Trip to Horicon Wild Life Refuge - For Reservations Call 385-7348. Recognition Night. Charter Members of Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America, 8 p.m. K.C. Hall. McCullom Lake Con servation Club Meeting -- McCullom Lake Beach House - 8 p.m. OCTOBER 19 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Meeting - Oak Room, St. Mary's - 7:30 p.m. OCTOBER 20 Montini School Annual Dance, "Pre-Halloween Fun Fest" -- V.F.W. Hall - 9 p.m. OCTOBER 21 National Catholic Daughters Day - Mass at 10:45 a.m. at St. Mary's Church. OCTOBER 22 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting -- East Campus Cafeteria - 7:30 p.m. OCTOBER 24 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip To Chicago Loop - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot - 8:45 a.m. OCTOBER 27 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Cards - Home of Sue Wruck, 37 Lincoln Parkway, Crystal Lake --7:30 p.m. OCTOBER 28 Second Annual Chicken Dinner -- Legion Home - Serving Noon - 3 p.m. Spon sored By American Legion Auxiliary No. 491. OCTOBER 30 For Women Only - Breast Cancer "Rap Session" -- McHenry Junior High School ~ 8 p.m. NOVEMBER 1 McHenry Woman's Club - Bus Trip to Chicago Loop - Bus POET'S CORNER AUTUMN Autumn chill is in* the air. Gossamer w^gJloat everywhere. A magic wancfoer the trees is spread, And leaves turn golden, brown and red. Autumn haze is in the sky. dffM* Pumpkins in the fields piled high. Cornstalks rustle in the shocks. Milkweed sheds its silken locks. Autumn flight of birds commences. Bright splashes of bittersweet twine the fences. Along the hedgerows the sumacs burn. And plowmen in fields neat furrows turn. O Lord, may we find in Autumn days, A trail to Thee thro' this earthlv maze. May we quiet our hearts in adoration. In communion with Thee seek restoration. Ethel L. Hintz SHE WAITO It is again a Sunday afternoon and her eyes begirmo winder. "Will someone come today and see me?. "Oh, how I long for my children^ I wish so much, toVk«ee." She walks slowly toward the door of this old nursing home... She feels so lonely, since her husband died.... ancKnow she has to live alone. But one hour after another goes by and nobody is coming to see her. She can hear from afar, small children cry "Oh, how I wish to have someone to care for." The sun is again leaving that summer sky and soon darkness will cover this land another Sunday, just passed by... and no one came, not even an old friend. Again she goes back to join the other people here in this home... They all waited for someone too, but they all were left once again, alone. But with hope in their heart, they know another Sunday will soon come along and again, they will wait... because they learned to be patient and strong. They also remember, that the world outside is full of haste and pressure that the Young can forget... the Old, and their quiet life... and forget to share, some moments, together. Time is still on the side of the old people as long as they have a place to live... So we say: "There is always tomorrow"... until the bell calls us, from the church's steeple then we know it is too late, and now we must ask "Please forgive"..... (by Maria Heiser) POLITICAL CORNER HONOR SENATOR State Senator Jack Schaffer (R-Cary) was honored at a dinner Friday, Sept. 21, in MSfrengo. The main speaker at "ttie.,<finner was Congressman Jobfi • B. Anderson (R- R - o c k f o r d ) , C h a i r - man of the House Republican • Conference. A sell-out crowd filled the Cloven Hoof Restaurant to hear Congressman Anderson call for more young office holders in the Republican Party and to laud Senator Schaffer for his youthful political activites as a^. young Republican before being elected as State Senator for the 33rd District. Schaffer is one of the youngest members of the State Senate and served as McHenry County Auditor prior to being elected State Senator. Army Announces Availability Of New Programs The Army announces several new programs are now available. Warrant Officer Flight Training guarantees men and women flight training, silver wings, and a commission as an Army Warrant Officer First Class. PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2.1*73 FIRST PRIZE - "Toto Victory", the slogan for the float constructed by the Sophomore class, won first place in the annual homecoming parade last Friday afternoon. Despite the rain the figure was a perfect replica of Toto, Dorothy's dog in the Wizard of Oz, the theme of this year's parade. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD ROTC Scholarships are available this year to men and women on an equal basis. Several high quality elec tronics specialty and technician are now available that lead directly to a college degree. The Army also offers assignments to the state of the US or the country of your choice. These programs are offered without regard to sex. For further information about these and other programs, contact your local Army reucesetttatiies at_l44 Washington Street, Woodstock. Telephoner338-2974 or 338-2978. Spectacular colors glamorize both sexes of many tropical frogs, and patterns are rarely identical. Some species, flashy in darkness, turn drab at sunrise; others ap pear bright in spring, then fade to dullness with summer. Less Than Half Less than half a steer on the hoof ends up as "take home" beef A l.OOO^pound animal dresses out to a 600-pound carcass, which trims down to 162 pounds of fat, bone, ind waste, leaving 438 pounds of salable beef Horsepower A one horsepower engine can lift a 550-pound weight one foot in one second Best Buys In Town! Asteroids Most asteroids travel in a dough nut-shaped region between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Sever al thousand of the small bodies -- usually less than a mile in dia meter -- have been named, but thousands more exist. Leaves V.F.W. Parking Lot, 8:45 a.m. - For Reservations Call 385-7348. HERE & THERE IN BUSINESS RETIRES Guy White, who has operated White's Men's shop in McHenry the past 16 years, has sold the business to Beard & S to veil of Woodstock. Mr. White is now retired and living at 3710 Millstream drive, McHenry. THINGS YOU MAY NOT KNOW ABOUT CONSERVING ELECTRICITY Forgotten filters can cost you money. Since filters are usually out of sight, they're usually out of mind. That is, until you notice something wrong with your heating or air conditioning. Then you may find a dirty filter behind it. Dust or lint on filters reduces your system's ability to move heated or cooled air. It's a good idea to check your filters every 30-60 days. To remind yourself, you may want to do it the same day you pay your fuel bill. If the filter is dirty, clean or replace it. Clean filters also help keep your home cleaner. This principle applies essentially to all heating fuels--electricity, gas or oil. Don't forget the filter on your clothes dryer either. Clean it after evCry load to keep your dryer in top operating condition. Maintaining clean filters is only one area where we have information that can help you conserve energy. If you would like our booklet "101 Ways to Conserve Electricity at Home," write Commonwealth Edison, Department AV, P.O. Box 767, Chicago, Illinois 60690. We'll send it to you free. Commonwealth Edison concern tor your total environment Novel Ideas In MISSES' KNIT TOPS Fashion for All Seasons, Misses' 8-16 Nylon knit shirts in a grand review of bright prints . long-sleeve button or short-sleeve zip-front styles. Poly ester/nylon knit long-sleeve" tops in great layered designs S.M.L Reg. $5.00 -POLYESTER PANT SETS 2 50 Polyester pique' knit puts its best foot forward, right into flared pants and flippant tops made for Fall! Wide, 2-in. elastic waist for comfort Ma chine washable and easy-care for less than the price of pants alone! 88 The Classics with a Modern Twist FASHION tt00 Reg. $6.00 PANTS Q00 J PAIR Polyester or nylon in the burnt and beautiful colors of Fall Quality tailoring like stitched front creases, flattering flared bottoms and great- fitting 2-in. elastic waist A spiffy fashion story at any price1 8 to 16. SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS. Shop Ben Franklin--SAVE MORE! - HOSIERY SALE - Men's Hi-Bulk 1%'j.so Stretch Sock llJ£ Fits 1013 75% DACRON - 25% NYLON SJOO Pair 6 For J J50 PANTY HOSE Reg. 99' ONE SIZE PAIR FOR $100 Queen Size PANTY HOSE 4--"v 99 PAIR Girls KNEE HIGHS '100 VALUE 8-9'i AND 10-11 Asst. Color Pair BEN^FRANKLIN 1250 N. GREEN ST. , McHENRY, ILL. Store Hours: Friday Til 9 P.M. Sat. 9 - 5:30 Sundays 10 to 1 P.M.