I 'ACIK 14 - PLA1NDEALER-WKDNKSDAY, NOVEMBER 14. 1973 "Common Sense" Urged In Allocation Of Fuel Wholesale suppliers were asked to use a "common sense approach" in allocating middle distillate fuels to customers during the current transitional period of the mandatory allocation program effective Nov. 1. Duke R. Ligon. director, Office of Oil and Gas, U.S. Department of the Interior, told wholesale suppliers that "the mandatory program does not require that all customers be reduced to the same volumes <of fuels) purchased in 1972, unless a reduction i^riecessary to ensure that all customers get a fair share of their 1972 pur chases." Ligon pointed out that while the producers state that sup pliers can use whatever sup plies they have left over in any way that they see fit-after the wholesale purchaser^ obtain^ 100 percent of the fuels they purchased during the same month of 1972-a "common sense approach" should be followed in making good use of the excess fuels. "We ask that suppliers allocate those excess fuels to customers on a fair-share basis, using the amount of fuel a customer bought in October, 1972, as a guide," Ligon said. "In other words, the supplier should sell a customer a proportionate share of the supplier's excess so that the wholesale customer gets some fuel. Under this basis we believe that undue hardships would be avoided." Legon also pointed out: "It should be noted that the mandatory program provides for suppliers and purchasers agreeing among themselves to either borrow on future allocations or defer current allocations within the level of the total allocation for the year, as long as such arrangements do not result in an involuntary reduction in allocations to other purchasers." "Similary," he added, "suppliers may borrow or swap products among themselves." The program also makes provisions for purchasers to obtain needed supplies of middle distillates. Wholesale purchasers who did not have a supplier in 1972, or who have had substantial expansion in fuel requirements to the ex tent that allocations based on 1972 are inadequate, are en couraged to explore all possibilities to obtain required supplies. In this connection, suppliers are encouraged to accept such new expanded business within provisions of the regulation. Request for interpretation may be made to the Office of Oil and Gas Field Offices or its Petroleum Allocation Divsion, Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C. 20240. Affected wholesale pur chasers should petition the appropriate regional office of the Office of Oil and Gas as soon as possible to obtain an adjusted base period volume or the assignment of a supplier if appropriate. Necessary report forms for this purpose are being distributed to OOG Regional Offices. Illinois is served by Region V in Chicago. tc" Social Security "Based on the number of people contacting us either in person or by phone, it seems apparent that the work is getting out on the new sup plemental security income program," stated William Biscomb, branch manager of the Woodstock Social Security office. "In fact, we received more claims last week alone than we did altogether for the past five weeks. I anticipate that this pattern will repeat itself many times between now and Jan. 1," he said. "It appears that more in dividuals now realize that the SSI program will take the place of current federal-state programs providing assistance payments to persons 65 or older, blind, or disabled," Biscomb continued. "Apparently one reason as to why we are now receiving many more applications is due to the fact that the federal government will not be putting liens on homes of people receiving this type of benefit." "In addition, resources do not include a car, a home, household goods and other property needed for support. In other words, while resources cannot exceed $1,500 for a single person or $2,250 for a married couple, the items mentioned above would not ount as long as they are of reasonable value." Biscomb advised that, "persons receiving public assistance checks do not have to contact the Social Security administration because the county Social Services department has most likely turned this information over to the Social Security ad ministration already. This means that their benefits will be received automatically Jan. 1 . " "Again, individuals receiving little or no regular income and who are limited in owning property or other items that could be turned into cash, such as stocks, bonds, jewelry, etc., should contact us," said Mr. Biscomb. He concluded that, "to avoid delay or long waits to see a Social Security representative, I would also suggest a call to our office at 224 West Judd street, Woodstock. The telephone number for McHenry county residents is 815-338-3750. hopital notes McHENRY HOSPITAL Patients admitted to McHenry hospital included Martha Smith, Roman J. Wieloch, Baby Benjamin L. Nicholls, Baby Cynthia Mueller, Wonder Lake; Charles Detrick, Lena Abbinante, Judith Kierman, Susan Mat- theis, Arnold Albrecht, David Buttgen, Margaret Stoffel, Eletha M. Barber, Suzanne L. Fuller, Lucille A. Benesh, Isa belle R. Haven, George Thompson, Robert Hayhurst and Shirley Bellon, McHenry; Flo Freund and Joseph Nowak, Spring Grove. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL WOODSTOCK Admittances to Memorial hospital, Woodstock, include Armal Osteen, Laverne An dersen, Agnes Fredricksen, James Pumphrey, Debra Reymann, Master Scott Burrows, Wonder Lake; Marie Herdrick, Max Doering, Elsie Winkel, Bonnie Miller, Bonnie Morris, McHenry, and Clyde Vassler, Island Lake. HARVARD HOSPITAL Mrs. James Schmidt, Robin Nelson, Polly Withrow, McHenry, were patients in Harvard hospital. jy Looking for the Christmas card that is "you"? A Gift Idea! One of the most valuable gifts you can give to another is a good example. MASTERPIECE FIRST HOLIDAY DISCOUNT! HI-QUALITY - LO-PRICES 4512 W. RTE. 120 McHENRY ; ; OPEN THANKSGIVING DAY 9 A.M. To 5 P.M. CASSETTE RECORDING 7-UP 8 PACK 16 OZ. BOTTLES c TAPE THREE 60 MINUTE TAPES 3/99" 28 OZ. NO RETURN BOTTLES CRICKET DISPOSABLE LIGHTER brOLLETTE REG. $149 D-CON SCHLITZ LOOK FOR THE NAMEl KILLS MICE REG. 49 6 PACK 12 OZ. 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Your cards will be delivered to you perfectly imprinted, any time you specify, for your convenience in ad dressing and mailing. Make your selection earlyl Avoid the rush. Stop in today and browse through a wonderland of beautiful Masterpiece Christmas cards. Select the perfect card for yourself--the one that is "you"--at your leisure. Now showing MASTERPIECE the world's most beautiful Christmas cards THE MCHENRY PLAENDEALER 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, Ilh PLAIN TALKITFUEL SHORTAGE! JpjR When I first introduced Flex-O-Glass in 1924, I 15 cou ld never imag ine that 50 years la te r Amer ica %J i r wou ld be faced w i th a ser ious fue l shor tage -- in k i which F lex-O-Glass wou ld be such an economica l way o f he lp i ng m i l l i ons o f homes s tay warmer th is w in te r . F lex - O-Glass saves bo th fue l and money. 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Riverside Dr., McHenry RUCK'S V&S HARDWARE 3902 W. Main St., McHenry