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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Nov 1973, p. 8

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I'W.i: v IM.\l\l)i;\LKK-Kmi)AV, NOVEMBER 23. 197:5 Legal Notice Tax Deed \<> 71 2736 Filed: Nov 16. 1973 NOTICE TO: Michael A. Marinelli, spouse if any of Dorothv A. Marinelli: Highland Shores Property Owners Assn, Inc.; Vernon W. Kays, County Clerk; Unknown Owners or parties interested generally TAKE NOTICE COUNTY: McHenry Date premises Sold: Nov. 22, 1971 Certificate No: 158 A Sold for General Taxes: and prior years Special Assessments - applicable 1970 not Warrant & Instrument No. - not applicable THIS PROPERTY HAS BEEN SOLD FOR DELINQUENT TAXES; Property located at West of ffutê kanMĝ tfend IIISTO Sunday Matthew 25:31 46 Monday Luke 20:19-26 Tuesday Matthew 9:10-15 Wednesday Matthew 21:23-32 Thursday Friapy Ma 15:1-20 Saturday John 8:37 Copyright 1973 Keister Advertising Service, Inc., From all over the world people come to visit her at Plymouth Harbor. They speak in many tongues, but their tone of amaze­ ment is always the same. How did the Pilgrims do it? How did over 100 men, women and children exist in those cramped quarters and that 67-day voyage across the vast and treacher­ ous Atlantic? A replica of Mayflower I, this small craft required a feat of seamanship even in these modern times, when she was sailed across the seas to Plymouth. But she is also sturdy and her decks echo with history. How did the Pilgrims do it? They had an overwhelming goal, great courage and most important of all, tremendous faith. They lived to offer thanksgiving--but as human and frail and frightened as any of us. A strong faith can be found in your church today. Consider it, won't you? Strasburg, Virginia Scriptures selected by the American Bible Society Mount Hope Church l iiited Methodist 1015 W. Broadway I'istakee Highlands Rev. Len Schoenherr Sunday Worship 11 a.m. Sun­ day School. 9:45 a.m. Faith Presbyterian Church West of the Outdoor Theatre John O Mclntyre, Pastor Church School. 9:15 a.m. for 1st grade thru adults and 10:30 a.m. for pre school children <3- 5) Worship. 10:30 a.m. Nursery facilities available First Baptist Church 509 N. Front St. 385-0083 Virgle L. Chappell Bible Study Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service - 10:45 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Training Unionr 6:30 p.m. Interpretation for Deaf at all Services. Special Spanish Services. Wednesday, Prayer Service, 7:30 p.m. St Paul's Episcopal Clurch 3706 W St. Paul's & Green Rev. Arthur D. McKay, Vicar 385-7690 Sunday Services - Holy Eucharist - 8 a.m., Family Eucharist, 10 a.m. Church School & Coffee Hour. Wed­ nesdays - Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Friday-Holy Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Wonder lake Bible Church 7501 Howe Rd.. Wonder Lake Rev. Richard Wright, Pastor Sunday - 9:30 a.m. Sunday School - 11 a.m. Morning Worship. Wednesday Evening Prayer Service - 7:30 p.m. Phone 653-7961 St. John the Baptist Catholic Church Johnsburg Kev Leo Bar teL Pas tor Rect (>ry Phone 385-1477 Convent Phone 385-5363 Sat . n tght -8 :00 p .m. Mass Sun . Masses : 7 . 9 . 10:30. 12:00 St. Peter's Catholic Church Spr ing Grove . I l l inois Kev Ki lduf i . Pas tor Phone: 815-675-2288 MASSES: Daily 8 A.M. Saturday - 7:30 P.M. Sunday - 7 A.M., 9 A.M. 11 A.M. First United Methodist Church 3717 West Mam Stree t ( Inn i l l phone 385-0931 Ralph Smith , Pas tor Parsonage Phone 385-1352 Worship Sen ice 9 :30 a n i Church School 10:15a .m Faith Baptist Church Mind; i \ School <i : 4 ;> P reaching II on Evening Church 7:00 p.m . Johi i s l iurg Junior High Pas tor John 1. Gra \ 385-7920 Nativity Lutheran Church 3506 E. Wonder Lake Rd Box 157 Phone 653-3832 Wonder Lake, Illinois Sun . Worship 8 and 10:30 a m Sunday School 9 a .m. (Nursery Facilites Available) St Mary's Catholic Church Rev Eugene Baumhofer Sat.. Eve.. Mass - 5 p.m. Fulfills Sun., obligation. Sunday Masses - 6:30,8,9:30 9 45. 10:45, 11, 12 noon. Alliance Bible Church 3HI5 W John St Re\ ( ie ra ld Rober tson \Vednesday Eves . 8 p .m. Sunday School 9 :45 a .m. sun. Worship Youth Service . 7 p .m. Evening Evangel . Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints Lester W. Moore, Branch President Phone: 312-658-5847 Meetings held at 820 Darlington Lane in Coventry School in Crystal Lake, III. Sunday School-10:30 every Sun. Sacrament Meeting-12:00 Noon 1st Sun. of Month 5:00 P.M. other Sun's Christ The King Catholic Church 5006 E. Wonder Lake Road Wonder Lake, Illinois Sunday masses: 8, 10 a.m. and noon. Eve., Mass: 8 p.m. Fulfills Sunday Obligation. Ringwood Metiodist Church Ringwood, Illinois Rev. Ruth Wegner - ph 675 2133 Sunday-9:30 a.m. Church Ser­ vice 10:30 Church School Chain O'LakesEvangefical Covenant Church 4815 N Wilmot Rd. Rev. Wesley R ( ) l son Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Church Phone 497-3000 Parsonage - 497-3050 St. Patrick's Catholic Church Rev. Edmund Petit, Pastor Rev. Michael Douglas, Assoc. Pastor Sat., Eve. (Sun., obligation fulfilled 5 & 7 P.M.) Sunday 7:15, 8:30, 9:45, 11 and 12:15 Shepherd of the Hill Lutheran Church 404 N. Green St. Rev. Roger W. Schneider Phone 385-7786 or 385-4030 Family worship and Sunday School - 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Nursery facilities available. St. Francis National Catholic Church Flanders Rd. , eas t of Ringwood Rd. , Sunday Masses 10 a m Father John St rza lka , Pas tor Spring Grove Church United Methodis t , 8102 N. Bl iv in Spr ing Grove , 111 Rev. Leon Schoenherr, Pastor Sunday Worship 9 am Sundav School - 10 :15 a .m. Christian Science Society Lincoln Road and Eastwood Lane Sundav Service - 10:30 a .m. Sunday School 10:30 a .m. Wed. . Eve . Meet ing Every Third Wed. . - 8 p .m. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church i iVi issour i Synod) 4206 W Waukegan Rd <W 1 2 0 ) Rev Merman F Gruel 385-0859 . ja r , . Sunday W orship 7 :45 and 10:30 Nursery Services provided a t 10:30. Educat ion for Etern i tv Sunday School Chi ldren and Youth . 9 a .m. Rt 1616 Thompson Road on north side of Evergreen Drive, Wonder Lake Illinois, being vacant lot 60 x 127. Legal Description: Lot 19 Block 4 Highland Shores Wonder Lake Unit No. 6, a sub. of the SWij of the SW'4 of Sec. 13, Twp 45 N R7,ETPM and of the East 25 acres of the SEV4 of the George R. Justen Funeral Home 35 19 W. Kim St ree t Mcl lenrx . I I I . 385-2400 First National Bank of McHenry 3814 U. Kim St ree t McHenry . I I I . 385-5400 Peter M. Justen Funeral Home 3807 W . Elm St ree t McHenry , I I I . 385-0063 Ace Hardware 3729 A. Kim St ree t Me Henry , 111. 383-0722 McHenry Savings & Loan 1209 N. Green St ree t McHenry , 111. 385-3000 Guettler's Service, Inc. 818 \ . Kront S t ree t McHenry , 111. 385-9831 Brake Parts Co. P. i iVRox 11 McHenry . 111. 3 .v5-7ni in Locker's Flowers 1 21 0 1hi rd St ree t Mcl ienr \ , I I I . 3S5-2300 Mitchell Sales, Inc. Buick - Olds - Opel 907 \ . I ront Mcl lenr . \ 385-7200 McHenry Garage \ . ! 1 0 :11 M ree l ] . Mcl ie :n \ \ . 1 :1 . The Bath She 3111 2 A . iue . 1211 Mcl lenr>. I I I . 385-004S >P The McHenry Plaindealer 3812 West Elm Street McHehry, Illinois 60050 Tonyan Construction Co. N - . H : i i i c \ N; McHenry State Bank 351 1 1 'A . 1 1m St ree t Mc l l em :• . I I I . 3> ,5 - H I 4 ' I Coast to Coast Hardware 44d0 U. Rte . 1 20 Mcl lenrv Market P lace 3 .s5- ' i i ;55 SE>4 of Sec. 14, Twp 45 N, R7 "the , vp 4J ETPM according to plat rec. 6- ETPM and part of the NWV4 of the SW14 of Sec. 13 Twp 45 N R7 11-53 as Doc. 266428 in Book 11 of Plats, page 80 in McHenry Countv, 111. Permanent Index No. 11-1790. THIS NOTICE is to advise you that the above property has been sold for delinquent taxes and that the period of redemption from the said sale will expire on March 22nd, 1974, as extended by tax purchaser. THIS NOTICE is also to advise vou that a petition has been filed for a TAX DEED which will transfer title and the right to possession of this property ii redemption is not made on or before March 22, 1974 THIS MATTER is set for hearing in the Circuit Court of McHenry County in Woodstock, Illinois on March 26th, 1974. YOU MAY BE PRESENT at this hearing but your right to redeem will already have been expired at that time. YOU ARE URGED TO REDEEM IMMEDIATELY TO .PREVENT LOSS OF PROPERTY. Redemption can be made at any time on or before March 22, 1974, by ap­ plying to the County Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois at the County Court House in Woodstock, Illinois. For further information, contact the County Clerk. GEORGE E. HEIMOS Tax purchaser (Publish November 23-28-30, 1973) PUBLIC PULSE (The Plaindealer invites the public to use this column as an expression of their views on subjects of general interest in our community. Our only request is that writers limit themselves to 300 words or less - signature, full ad­ dress and phone number. We ask too, that one in­ dividual not write on the same subject more than once each month. We reserve the right to delete any material which we consider libelous or in objectional taste.) "Editor: "Many of the benefits- of Richmond have been, in part, accomplished by public spirited citizens such as the late Phil Borre and, of course, many others. One in particular that I want to comment about is Arnold May. His personal endeavors for charitable drives are well known. What has not been acknowledged have been his successful efforts to induce industry to build here. They provide jobs and payrolls. A good portion of the pay check finds its way into local mer­ chants' cash registers. His own payroll is substantial and while I have no idea what his per­ sonal real estate taxes are, but based on mine, I would like to have his as an annual salary. "Despite his activities for the common good and, of course, his own, a group of what I will refer to as over-zealous amateur ecologists are per­ secuting him because he is a farmer. Their case is based on odor of animals. They may have had a good cause a couple of years ago when he was Imagine aVolks with a Ferrari engine. With its compact, lightweight Elan chassis, fyll-size track and gutsy 293.5cc twin cylinder Rotax engine, a lot of people are calling the Elan SS "Super Sled". Come in and find out why. ELAN. SS by ski-doo. * Registered Trade Marks of Bombardier l imited. LOCATED ON ROUTE 12> I IMC Akl in V010. ILLINOIS II 111 Jlj ill , Block Sou th o f R t . 120 ^ ™ 5 Miles South of FoiLoke ; ARINE [ PHONE 815-385-2720 Tues thru Fn 9 to 6 Sd< H. Sun 9 to b Cluu-d Monday spreading the effluent all over the lai^ijscape and offending the town. The remedy at the time was, if he had broken the law, to take him to court and let the justice department handle it. "In the past year, May decided to become a good neighbor. At great expense he installed a sprinkler system. I am a graduate chemical engineer and have personally inspected the program. It's similar to that commonly used by most sewage disposal plants. There are probably fifty companies that make the equipment he uses. However, he has introduced several in­ novations that improve its effectiveness. "The process mixes air with organic waste and activates bacteria. The result is a har­ mless liquid that is an excellent fertilizer. It is odorless and, if filtered, is drinkable. As of now Arnold is only spreading this product on his own land ad- * jacent to his farm buildings. It accelerates growth of silage and thus is an economical way of fattening cattle, so the housewife is benefited. The irony of this situation is that the product is so good that other farmers in the area want to buy it. As of now Arnold has said no. Suppose he did, would these ecologists attack them too? As this equipment is technical in nature, a full time employee has the responsibility to monitor it at all times. Fur­ thermore, it is only set in motion when there are light winds or none at all. In my judgment, the whole operation could be described as a miniature municipal sewage disposal plant. "The primary factor that these persecutors are making is that Arnold is handling waste from a nearby community. They have no other way to dispose of it. They could, of course, drop it in Fox Lake or Lake Michigan. If you want to see what that does, go up to Browns Lake in Burlington and see the weed growth. "I was standing in Arnold's barn yard as a load of waste was delivered. There was no smell and the chemical facts are, that it actually dilutes odors of animal evacuation. "Back to the complaints of the ecologists, if anyone should howl it should be me. I live three tenths of a mile from the center of his farm. It is only with a strong east wind and at night while walking my dog do I even get any odor. "These ecologists have overlooked one thing. In the same vicinity are at least four other farms that also raise cattle and hogs. They make no attempt to destroy odor, so when the wind is right the local residents are treated to a combination of all. If there is any sense of fair play, why not attack all of ihem? "The one hearing I attended to testify in the public interest, I heard the most ludicrous imaginative commentary that bordered on perjury. Their intentions may have been for the best, but if you don't know which way the wind blows, the question is are you attacking a man or his business? "Sincerely, "Cary Wilson "Richmond" yj<MML GGome*. Choose one of 6 great models and we'll give you all of these The best housing value of the year is now available with your choice of the Sr. Executive Wausau, Rockford, Richmond, Estate 1 or the ever popular Country House model. Just ask for home delivery January, February or March 1974 and ail five appliances are FREE. Whirlpool oven, rante gop, exhaust hood, refrigerator and dishwasher .. . built into the most convenient kitchen a cook could ask for. Beautiful homes -- erected on your foundation in just one day, complete with heating, electrical work, and plumbing. Do something special for your family. Something 6+ Special. - Priced from OFFER LIMITED SO SEE US TODAY FOR FULL DETAILS. $11,98800 1= n OPEN MODEL I' DAILY WOODSTOCK h .An C-QQ p m Appointment P & F BUILDERS. INC. No. Rt. 14 815-459-0033 P«l'» Restaurant Marengo Rt. 176 MIRACLE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT "Editor: "Just returned from the Hadley School for the Blind. To put it mildly, my eyes were opened to a miracle of ac­ complishment. "While other Lions were content to listen to the words of officers of the Lions, I was fascinated by the methods of communication between people that not only were blind but deaf, too. It is incredible that such methods were so suc­ cessful but the most miraculous was the voice control of people who have never heard a word spoken by others, let alone their own. "This school has to be one of the most unique establishments of learning in the entire world. To borrow a phrase, seeing is believing. "Before seeing this school, I was happy to be a member of the Lions club but now I am as full of pride as I possibly can be. I actually felt very minute and humble in the company of so many men and women in­ terested in the welfare of those people less fortunate than we. A feeling of gratitude engulfed me for the privilege of being a part of this establishment of learning. I feel very sad when I realize I lived so long before I joined the Lions club but am grateful that I have become a part of this great club. "If ever a member of a Lions club should lose enthusiasm and become complacent, a trip to the Hadley school will revive his spirits and help him to become a useful member again. "Clarence Haerle" Youth Pro-Life Coalition Will Sponsor Meeting Over the Thanksgiving weekend, the National Youth Pro-Life Coalition will sponsor its third national convention and second "Thanks Giving For Life" convention to be held at the Marriott Inn, Chicago. Everyone is welcome. Confirmed workshops thus far include Nick Thimmesch on human values; Dr. Barr DeWeber - "The Unborn"; Dennis Horan - "The Human Life Amendment"; Rev. Charles Carroll - (to be an­ nounced) ; Robert and Mary Joyce - "The Sexual Revolution, Lore Meier - "Alternatives to Abortion"; Jan Smith - "Working with the tJnwed Mother; Joe Viddlli - "Prisoner Rehabilitation"; Warren Schaller, executive director of National Right to Life; Marjory Mecklenburg, National Organization; and other workshops on fetology, human experimentation, the handicapped, poverty, the elderly, euthanasia and ecology. The main emphasis will be on finding and im­ plementing positive alter­ natives and solutions to human problems. Registration begins 1 p.m. Nov. 23, and workshops begin in early evening. A resource library and day ^care center will be available. Any person interested in the convention and not on the New Human mailing list should write The New Human, 10720 Adeline road, Cleveland, Ohio 44111. For further information in the Chicago area, write or call Chicago Youth For Life, P.O. Box 114, Northbrook, 111., 60062. MILK PRICES A superpool blend price of at least $7.92 per hundredweight was paid dairy farmers for Grade A milk delivered during October to Chicago Market plants within zone 1 of the Chicago regional federal milk order area. Zone 1 is the area within 40 miles of Chicago city hall. The October price is 43 cents higher than the Sep­ tember producer blend. A poorly-designed toy « or a toy in the hands of a child too young to handle it -- can cause permanent injury or even death, warns the U.S. Con­ sumer Product Safety com­ mission. Last year there were over 500,000 injuries related to toy, tricycle and bicycle use. DIAL-A-DEVOTION Woodstock I PHONE 8 Hear God's Word Wherever Yon Are. SPONS6RED BY: GUETTLER'S SERVICE STATION a

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