0 SECTION 2-PAGE 2-PLAINDEAT FR-FRI.. DEC. 7. 1973 Give Camera Ahead of Normal Gifting Schedule Color Movies or Stills Now Possible For Anyone in Existing Room Light Wouldn't It be fun to cap ture all the color and merri ment of the holiday season exactly as you see it? As the years roll by, it's difficult to recall some of the experiences you thought were "unforgettable." But if you capture these scenes on film, you can enjoy them again and again. This year it might be fun to give a family gift before the holiday preparations be gin. A camera that's easy enough for mom, dad and the youngsters to use lets you re cord the festivities from be ginning to end. For the First Time For the first time you can capture the natural, life-like scenes as they appear with one of the new Kodak Insta- matic cameras that take pic tures in existing light. The pictures appear more life like because the cameras al low you to take movies and snapshots by natural light. With the new movie cam era, you simply pick up the camera and begin filming. When the children get up on Christmas morning, there's no need to set up lights. You can capture their bright eyes For Immediate Delivery 1974 AUTO LICENSE PLATES Purchase your 1974 license plates. NOW ON SALE HERE! STATE ISSUED, PREPRINTED APPLICATIONS ore required this year to purchase license plates. Forms to order applica tions are available at the bank if you do not have the appli cation mailed to you by the State. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF McHENRY 3814 West Elm Street McHenry, Illinois 60050 For the first time, it's possible to take home movies indoors with out movie lights. The new Kodak Instamatie XI.33 movie camera takes indoor movies by ordinary roomlight or candlelight, and outdoor pictures by natural sunlight or romantic firelight. tree in the light you live in, and you can show them hanging their stockings by firelight. This new camera allows you to capture the scene as it appears in the viewfinder. Picture Ideas Would you like to snap some still pictures of a New Year's Eve dinner by candle light? Or the carolers out side your window? The cam era records these scenes in the soft natural lighting in which they happen, so they appear more life-like. Addi tional lighting is not re quired. Taking movies and snap shots is fun for the entire family, and watching natu ral, life-like home movies or looking at snapshots helps you relive these exciting ex periences. So if you want to record your Christmas mem ories, you might consider a camera as a week-before- Christmas gift. Give Extra Film And before the holiday ac tivities get under way, be sure to buy some extra film. It makes a great stocking stufTer, and you're sure to find more picture-perfect scenes than ever. Pictures can now be taken indoors by ordinary roomlight with a Kodak Instamatic X-30 camera. The camera, with its electronic shutter, automatically adjusts to record the scene as it appears in natural light. and smiling expressions in family's holiday celebration, ordinary roomlight. so just keep your movie cam- You'll probably want to era at hand. You can film tell the whole story of your the children trimming the 3718 WEST ELM STREET McHENRY, ILLINOIS Jewel does more than youil expect PRICES EFFECTIVE, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED THURS., DEC. 6 THRU SUN., DEC. 9 AT ALL JEWEL FOOD STORES IN COOK, LAKE, DU PAGE AND MC HENRY COUNTIES (EXCLUDING RIVER OAKS). FromHolidayBakingNeedsToEveryday Fare,Depend On Jewel For The Finest! STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. till 11 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m. till 9 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. till 6 p.m. I Martlet kGOj TEXAS 5 LB. BAG Ruby Red Grapefruit CRISP Cucumbers SUBURBAN STORES EACH JUICY, RIPE ONLY SMOKED MEAT, LUNCHMEATS, POULTRY AND FROZEN FISH AND SEAFOOD ARE AVAILABLE AFTER SIX P.M. WEEKDAYS AND ALL DAY SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS. U.S.D.A. GRADE "A' Whole Fryers > JQ U.S.D.A. GRADE "A" PRODUCE PRICES AND ITEMS TRY IT FRIED! ARE EFFECTIVE THURS , DEC 6 THRU SAT , DEC. 8 Salad Tomatoes29c FRESH • OC Leaf Lettuce UB • © ! Eggplant .18 Cut Up OQc F r y e r s u V # LIMIT 3 FRYERS PER FAMILY PLEASE AVAILABLE ONLY IN JEWEL'S WITH CHEF'S KITCHEN. COUNTRY MANOR Baked Ham REG. *1.29'/a LB. Va AMERICAN $109 'a LB. I AMERICAN ^ Potato Salad AQC REG. 59' LB.^W M )USDA| £2^ U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BEEF RIB Standing Rib Roast lb. U.S.D.A. CHOICE-BEEF CHUCK, Blade Pot Roast lb U S D A CHOICE -BEEF CHUCK ARM OR BOSTON CUT IMPORTED-REG. $1.39 '/a LB. Baked §• Ham *lb I 29 A REAL TREAT! - REG 69c Confetti Creme Dessert LB. ^Burny^Bros. Serve A Special Burny Treat! Something Special! Cranberry Orange Loaf aSP 15 OZ. LOAF REG. 95' Delectable l-'ruit Assortments.. A GREAT IDEA FOR HOLIDAY GIVING! What could b« more appreciated than a lovely baekot or bawl ol oxtra fancy fruit? Golden ripe bananat. jumbo grapefruit, lu»ciou> grapes, Red and Go den Deliciout applet, bright orangei - all art fully created for you by your Jewel Produce expert!. In your choice of container^ too. Whcit a colorful, lovely, delicious way to sa« "Merry Christmas"! PRICES RANGE FROM '3.99 TO $10.98 JEWEL MAID Enriched Flour 5 LB. BAG blmachid ALL puaro' REG. 74' JEWEL MAID Vegetable hortening 3 LB. CAN 15 REG. *1.19 LB. GOV'T INSPECTED-KNEIP Corned Beef Brisket .sl19 JOV'T INSPECTED-CORN KING Smoked Butt „ slw U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BEEF CHUCK Blade Steak . 75c JEWEL MAID U.S.D.A. CHOICE - BEEF LOIN USOA! CHOICE '^>con Cooking Oil 48 OZ. BTL. I Pilisliiin* Sirloin Steak lb $|43 U.S.D.A. CHOICE-BEEF SHORT LOIN STEAKS Porterhouse, T-Bone or Club L, 'I" CORN KING OR PATRICK CUDAHY Sliced Bacon 09 OSCAR MAYER All Beef Bologna oz. JLAc 'KG. Q J PILLSBURY REG. *1.31 Mixes . ? 18.5 0Z. PKG. • BANANA • CHOCOLATEFUDGE • YELLOW REG. 43* • GERMAN CHOCOLATE Put Entire Family Inl Holiday Fun Picture7 In this audio-visual age, a movie camera is one item soaring to the top of the most-wanted-gift-list. Giv ing one to Dad this Christ mas can put him in the di rector's chair, and the entire family in the picture, the whole year round. Buying Dad one of the latest home movie cameras (known as Super 8mm cam eras) , need not mean a huge cash outlay. There are me dium-priced cameras avail able which offer the amateur the technical capability to achieve professional effects and results. Easy-to-load (one simply drops in a film cartridge) and easy-to-operate, these cameras feature zoom lenses, allow for effects such as fad- lng-out and fading-in, ani mation, stop-motion effects,' r and more. * " One of these cameras en- ables the amateur to achieve the professional technique of "lap-dissolve" (in which an image gradually dissolves in to the next scene) .i! ' The camera is the Bauer C Royal 6-Zoom Super 8 (one of the Bauer C Royal group of home movie cameras--the first and only cassette movie cameras to offer this fea ture) . Priced at under $400, the 6-Zoom model is available at retail photo outlets. If you decide to give Dad movie camera gift, you'r^;; sure to provide him with any- exciting new means of selfr . expression and you may Just, find you've a budding Cecil B. DeMille on your hands! Piggybank Budgets Children searching for holiday gifts to please Mom can probably find something just right at local beauty counters. Piggy-bank budgets can afford many of the simple -- but important -- beauty items Mom needs every day. Suggestions might include: emery boards, cot ton balls, facial tissues. Chil- dfen-wrapped, these presents are part of the treasures of Christmas. Magical moments like these can be relived forever when captured with a home-movie camera. Dad is focusing on daughter's first birthday party with this year's Christmas present from the whole family -- a Bauer C Royal Super 8mm movie camera. Headstart Hairdressing Wouldn't it be nice if you woke up December 25th and some thoughtful Santa had given you the new hand-held dryer by Braun? Aptly named "The Professional One" because it does all the same things your hairdresser would do for you . . . namely curl, shape, fluff, straighten and dry your hair quickly and effort lessly. It comes as is or with the added plus of a soft bonnet and tnble/wall bracket for easy storage. By itself 816.95. With attach ments 819.95. Either way . . . this new Braun dryer gives you a headstart on the new year. duPONT WRL5T0N, ,nCi Bonds Stocks Mutual Funds Tan Shelters Commodities DIRECT LINES TO MARKETS Virgil R. Smith Ronald J. Thomas Rlvin R. Jornd 220 MRIN STREET WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS Offic* Hours: 8-5 Daily 9-12 Saturday /