\V> v t4° r4"V ̂ ?te9 McHeniy State Bank McHeniy, Illinois Condensed Statement of Condition as of October 17, 1973 - LIABILITIES - -RESOURCES- _ . Capital Stock..... 800,000.00 Cash and due from Banks*•••$ 4,178.896.94 Surplus.••••• 2,000,000.00 UJS. Government Securities.... 8,189,923.06 Undivided Profits ••••••••••• 1,658,455.91 Other bonds and securities.... 12,581,407.50 Reserve Accounts............ 755,208.14 Loans and Discounts 39,239,060.83 Demand Deposits.•••• 15,579,598.04 Banking House and Fixtures 573,415.54 Time Deposits 43,186,428.29 Other Resources..............462,414.95 Other Liabilities* •••••• 1,245,428.44 Total Resources...•••••••• $65,225,118.82 Total Liabilities.•••••••••.$65,225,118.82 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION