PAGE 9-PLA1NDEALER-WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1973 • "Mlrrr-t, . (1) >tOO a.m. I n..j (9) ?sOO a.m. U:00 p.m. (13) Map? rvlTtfl =>(5) Us 00 p.m. LulgU (17) 'UOO p.m. 7:30 p.m. (19) C?r.t.ral (3) l?t3C p.m. •los1; kvlm (11) 12:30 p.m. 7,30 P'n* (151 (7) 7:30 p.n. F.-iritrHcf 6:00 p.m. S:00'p.:ii(?3) ) 10:30 a.m. Forest (10) 10:30 a.m. Sf:30 p.m. (1U) MnHT-y (6) 5:30 p.m. R^-adlpy (18) 6:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. (20) Mnrri«Qp<* (Ij) 2:00 p.m. Todo]/s Health News Published by the American Medical Association ».£,'ipivnship (12) 2:00 p.m. ) :oo p.m. (16) U. High (Nr^m-il) x /' (8) 9:00 p.m. _.MpRt.vifvf 7:30 p.m. (22) By Dick Rabbitt C?6ach Ken Ludwig's McHenry high Warriors will return to the Kankakee Holiday Tournament again this year. Their first round foe, Bradley high school, is the same team that defeated the Warriors 61 to 57 in a triple overtime for the championship last year. Three new teams have been added this year, St. Bedes of Peru, Naperville, and West Leyden. The Warriors play on Wed nesday, Dec. 26 at 5:30 p.m. Records Set As Wheeling Shimmers Beats MCHS 87-85 "Tis the season to be Jolly . . • Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la" the song goes. And if you don't want to look^like the chubby man in the red suit who brings all that good cheer, nutritionist Philip L White, Sc.D., offers some simple rules for safe-and-sane feasting during the "holiday, season. Rule number one is: "Don't gorge!" According to Dr. White, who serves as secretary of the Ameri can Medical Association's Coun cil on Foods and Nutrition, eat ing is like budgeting a savings account. If all the calories are not used up, they will accumu late. But on the body it's not called interest, it's called fat. And a relatively small savings account in terms of body fat is usually desirable. "Understandably, when the Christmas dinner is on the table, or when bowls of fruit, nuts, and candy are at the elbow, it seems impossible to eat less than usual," the doctor adds. Yet, you needn't give up all holiday treats; merely set a limit on the number of cal ories you will allow yourself. To see that you don't go over your limit, Dr. White lists the calorie content for some of your favorite holiday foods. 3 slices (3x3xy4) turkey with chestnuts and % cup stuffing bread 1 biscuit, 2 inches thick » 1/6 slice of pumpkin pie 1/6 slice mincemeat pie Vi cup flaming plum pudding with 1 jigger brandy 1 slice fruit cake 4 ounces eggnog 1 tablespoon cranberry sauce hot buttered rum (1 jigger rum, 1 teaspoon brown sugar, and 1 teas poon butter) 3 slices (3x3xV4) roast goose with apples 3 slices (3x3xV4) duck with orange saude 1 8-inch celery stick, stuffed with Ms ounce Roquefort cheese 463 109 330 398 223 142 335 40 158 342 385 56 WANT MOUE INFORMATION? Write Today's Health Magazine CF, 535 North Dearborn Street Chicago, Ill inois 60610 your week ahead BY OR.A.W. MINIS Forecast Period: December 22 to December 29 The JU Era to 2,000 A.D. ( N E W S O F E A R T H , E N V I R O N M E N T , E t y E R G V For the third meet in a row Coach Mike Shanahan's swimmers were defeated by a close score. The latest to turn the trick was Wheeling high school when they edged the Warriors 87 to 85. However, on the brighter side of the ledger was the record breaking per formance of Vance Roth. The young junior set a new record in the 200 Free Style when he swam the distance in 1:55.9 and later came back to set another record in the 500 Free Style when he went the distance in 5:15.3. The 400 F.S. Relay team of Watkins, Updegraff, Weiss and Roth set another record when they covered the distance in 3i37.4. This past week two matches were psotponed due to the weather. The next meet will be Saturday, Dec. 22, when they travel to take part in the Libertyville invitational. Sophs Nip Lake Forest 45-43, Lose To Antioch LAKE FOREST Bodin 5 1 2 11 Eder 3 0 4 6 Kimball 6 3 1 15 Ferguson 7 2 2 16 McAvoy 1 0 1 2 22 6 10 50 McHenry 10 9 9 12 40 Antioch 12 9 10 19 50 Coach Gary Collin's sophomore cagers defeated Lake Forest in a close game Friday night 45 to 43. Tommy Ludwig led the locals with 15 pts. On Saturday night a fine Antioch team defeated the locals by a score of 50 to 40. The taller Antioch team led all the way for the win. BOX SCORE LAKE FOREST Trkla 6 5 0 17 Fondrest 3 2 4 8 Kwiatt 1 0 1 2 Anderson 2 0 4 4 Peterson 5 2 1 12 17 9 11 43 Mcrfenry 8 i •'; 4 20 13 45 Lake Forest 8 14 12 9 43 CLOSE SWIMMING POOL The West Campus swimming pool will be closed during the Christmas vacation. It will re open Thursday night, Jan. 3, and Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 5 and 6. We Are Dependent The wave of indignation about problems of air and water pollu tion which created in the late 1960's hat led our society to the discovery that we are dependent on anA part of an ecosystem that we did not invent and that we must not destroy. This realisation has forced us to ask ourselves some very funda mental questions. Where and how do we want economic and urban growth ? How can we best use and reuse our natural resources? How can we adjust our priorities to in sure that we will fulfill our energy, transportation, housing, recrea tion, and personal consumer Weeds without intensifying environmen tal problems we did not antici pate and do not want? More and more people within our society want to participate in the development of a new envi ronmental ethic - a way of life which will allow us to retain and improve the life-enhancing fea tures of technology without re peating and intensifying the mis takes of the past. A central role of the United States Environmen tal Protection Agency is to sup4 port this national effort and to help change those habits and those obsolete viewpoints McHENRY fg ft pf tp Christy 2 2 1 6 McHENRY Ludwig 7 1 3 15 Christy 3 0 0 6 Rode 4 0 2 8 Ludwig 5 1 3 11 Bentz 1 1 2 3 Rode 4 0 2 8 Decker 4 0 4 8 Bentz 3 0 0 6 Himpelmann 0 0 2 0 Decker 2 1 4 5 Boyer 0 0 0 0 Himpelmann 1 0 1 2 McCafferty 2 1 1 5 McCafferty 1 0 1 2 20 5 15 45 19 2 11 40 SPOUTS CORNER 1U/NKIN& AVWS from HISTORY'S SCRAPB00K DATES AND EVENTS FROM YESTERYEARS On January 4,1642, Sir Isaac Newton was born. Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross was sworn in as governor of Wy oming, January 5,1925. Carl Sandburg, famous American writer and poet, was born on January 6,1878. The first election for the office of President of the United States took place on January 7, 1789. January 8, 1815, was the date General Andrew Jackson defeated the British at New Orleans. "I On January 9, 1861, Mississippi seceded from the Union. "Common Sense" was published by Thomas Paine on January 10.1"*** Are You New In i McHenry Area ? •••••••••• Do You Know Someone new? WE WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND A ROYAL WELCOME TO EVERY NEWCOMER TO OUR AREA ! MM IN His last year WnU -rue New yonx: KNtcrts..- VeBUSSCHBRB IS SCHEDULEV 15 MOvE NEXT yeAZ TO POST OE GENERAL- MANAGER. AND VICE PRESIDENT OF THE NEM YoRK NETS. DAVE U*S3E£N &6KETBALL ANP BASEBALL STANDOUT As PREP, COLLE&AN ANP PRO. PeTROrttrz SIGNED 470,000 BONUS CONTRACT WITH O//CAGO WHITE SOX, 4/5,000 0ONUS MTH PZTf&T ftSTZNS. COU-E&AT& ALL- -- AMERICAN ~lWfCg. PLAVEP (A SEASONS MTH PISTONSO*- 5 POINT AVEKA&e IN WO GAMES) &EPOK& 3E/N& 7RAP&? TdNEWfaRK RN/OdS. seiECTeP -0 ALL-NBA T&AM caNsearrrv? YEARS 1469-73. CALL JOAN STULL DORIS ANDREAS 385-5418 385-4518 $ & % % ROYAL WELCOME KNOW YOUR AREA-ROYAL WELCOME DOES IT BEST fgtl CHffcf Gift WJtofFi E lpdbtdne 1219 N. GREEN ST.. 385-0182 GREEN STREET MALL McHENRY, ILL HOURS: SUN. 9-2 MON. thru THRUS. 9-6 FRI. 9-9 SAT. 9-6 have led to our current confron tation with gross pollution and threats of irreversible environ mental damage. WINTER FUN . . . There's no snow in the sun capital of Palm Springs, Calif., but there is scenery and activity. Joy Short sits prettily on the side lines, watching a tennis game. Tennis is resuming popularity as the "in" sport, here as else where. ARIES Mar. 21 - Apr. 19 TAURUS Apr. 20 - May 20 GEMINI May 21 - June 20 MOONCHILD Jane 21 • July 22 LEO July 23 • Aug. 22 VIRGO Aug. 23 • Sept. 22 LIBRA Sept. 23 - Oct. 22 SCORPIO Oct. 23 • Nov. 21 SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22 • Dec. 21 CAPRICORN Dec. 22 • Jan. 19 AQUARIUS Jan. 20 • Feb. 18 PISCES Feb. 19 - Mar. 20 Sorry! Several members of your sign face a broken romance pattern. Other Ariens will open one social door, while closing another. It's both unwise and uncalled for, to let envy and jealousy enter the general scheme of things . . . because you wart to "test" a mem ber of the opposite sex. Most members of your sign will discover that previous training or experience, in one form or another, is going to be an advantage, during the Holidays. According to your chart, the old axiom "We deem those persons remarkable who think as we do," could apply. In other words, look for an associate to placate. Most members of your sign, odd as it might seem, will find an excellent business oppor tunity in the offering. In other words, it's a good time to invest. It's highly probable that this cosmic cycle will will be a replay of last year's events. The point? Don't duplicate mistakes of the past. According to your chart, you will be making plans with a member of the opposite sex. So, what? Your plans will be secretive! Keep this uppermost in mind. Don't panic, should you hear distressing financial news. In one form or another, false rumors will affect your sign, financially. Although other events and situations might seem more important . . . someone's marriage, engagement or romance, will affect your activi: ties. One thing more, you're inclined to be too blunt! Stay close to your home base. Apparently, your job, task or mission will conflict with your do mestic affairs. Try to plan or schedule your time. Incidentally, a chronic problem should vanish, during this cycle. It's not a certainty, nonetheless, an associate might be planning to abandon a mutual project or task. So, prepare to face problems - alone! Look for subtle overtures to come from a stranger or new acquaintance. Whether or not you choose, romantic gestures are on the wing. • MAJOR APPLIANCES. TELEVISION fr STEREO PRICED LOW TO KEEP SPIRTS HIGH! WEST BEND. "LAZY DAY" SL0-C00KER When Yeu Buy This GE Dishwasher Between Now & Dec. 24 West Bend has revived slow cook ing with an appliance that makes meals in a style belonging to the unhurried past, but the ease and con venience that's in tune with our jet age style of living-the Lasy Day Slo- Cooker. I I Buy Now-Save Now! Stop at your Goodyear service store today FREE MOM from hand-dishwashingsuds, and slavery Get her a General Electric Potscrubber Dishwasher Six models to choose from, all with exclusive CHECK THESE GREAT HOLLY-DAY SEASON PRICES! All famous brand merchandise now to be sold at SPECIAL PRICES WlVJ The brushless water I action that washes pots, pans, crusty casseroles and even her GE Buffet Skillet _ sparkling clean.Yet Pot Scrubber dishwashers are safe enough for her finest china and crystal. 95 POWER SCRUB MODEL SC461 ANY COLOR Free delivery ON-THE-SPOT FINANCING 1 C WAYS TO I • PAY 1 1 1 C WAYS TO I • PAY 1 Wm l CARTE BLANCHE • 7W%txKf GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 4400 WEST RTE. 120 815-385-7300 / Open Daily: 8:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. Friday 'til 9:00 p.m. Saturday 8:00-4:00 >̂ 75 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP