/ PAGE 21 - McHENEY PLAINDEALER - WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2t, 1974 AT LAYMEN'S SUNDAY - When Laymen's Sunday was observed at Si. Paul's Episcopal church last Sunday morning, Donald Doherty, former mayor of McHenry, was one of two readers of the lessons. He is shown above with his wife, Rosalie, at the coffee hour that followed the 10 o'clock service. Laymen who participated are chosen by theipastor. They included Charles Boak, who officiated; Daniel Heldt and Donald Doherty, readers of the lessons; Dorothy Belshaw, psalms; and John Byers, speaker. Mr. Byers described some of the ceremonies of a solemn high Mass. COUNTY BOARD DISCUSSION HELD ON RTA (Continued from page 1) Defense department to secure a 2%-ton truck from Camp McCoy. In other action, the board repealed a section of the McHenry County Liquor Control ordinance which in the past has forbidden the words "saloon" or "bar" from ap pearing in any sign or ad vertisement. Similar action recently was taken by the state of Illinois. A report of survey results concerning salaries paid to County board members was disclosed. The range was from $25 to $40 per board meeting, depending on county size, with McHenry paying $35. A few counties pay by the year, ranging from $4,500 to $8,500. Civil Defense Director John Shay of McHenry reported that the flooding had lessened in the Fox river. The water level dropped 14 inches for the previous weekend and any immediate threat was con sidered alleviated. James Rakow, county road commissioner, noted that he had heard rumors indicating the state permitted high waters to assure good fishing in the upper Chain O' Lakes. Action on a zoning petition was continued until the March meeting. It involves 7Vfe acres on Chapel Hill road and Fox River road in which a request has been made for elimination of present variation and the granting of an amendment to "R-2" business district. The Zoning Board of Appeals has recommended reclassification to "B-l" of that part of the tract north of the lagoon to John- sburg road and the house and barn granted a variation to "B- 2" providing for a small bar. A trust of the Wheeling Trust of the Wheeling Trust & Savings bank is the petitioner. Members approved moving the Public Defender's office to part of the church building on the courthouse property after installation of phone extension. A letter was read by Chairman Walter Dean of McHenry, sent by the city of Woodstock. It concerned cooperation with the county on the land waste disposal site and associated problems. The Board of Review was given an extension to April 30 on tax matters. It was noted that only twenty-eight protests had been made to the super visor of assessments from McHenry township. The county sales tax for October was announced at $44,568.86. Debate RTA Issue Feb. 21 On Thursday evening, Feb. 21, at 8 p.m. the McHenry County Defenders will sponsor a debate on the subject of the Regional Transit Authority. Sydna Becker, president of Defenders, and Carolina Elliott, Program chairman, announce that the following speakers will be present: Jim MacDonald, director of public relations of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad; Richard Babcock, Woodstock attorney and former com missioner of the Northern Illinois Planning commission; Diane Easty Stroupe, can didate for the state legislature in the 33rd district will speak in favor of the RTA. Those who will speak against RTA are Cal Skinner, Jr., Bruce Waddell and Thomas Hanahan, all incumbent representatives in the 33rd Legislative district; and Jack Schaffer, State Senator from the 33rd district. Mai Bellairs of WIVS radio station will be master of ceremonies. A full and com- Petfttons Now Available For College Board Nominating petitions for the McHenry County college board of trustees are now available through the office of the president, 6200 Northwest high way, Crystal Lake. Petitions may be filed with the same office beginning Feb. 27. Election for two seats will be held April 13. The last day to file a candidacy petitions is March 22 at 4 p.m. A candidate must be a citizen of the United States, 21 years of age or older and a resident of Illinois and Community College District 528 for at least one year immediately preceding the election. A candidate must submit a petition with fifty signatures. The terms of Thomas J. Leahy, Woodstock, and Gerald M. Smith, Woodstock, expire in April. The office of the president is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. * The Clinic Worry 1 fvrvvs* HMJ Donna illustrates that old adage about not crossing your bridges till you get to them! And jshe needs to change her viewpoint. For she is now a negative thinker, indulging in self-pity, when she has plenty of' reasons to be a joyful POSITIVE thinker. Learn to use arithmetic to help solve your dilemmas! By - George W. Crane, Ph. D., M.D. CASE J-564: Donna J., aged 42, is distraught. "Dr. Crane," she began, "I need some advice quickly. "Though not divorced, I am the same as a widow! "During our 20 years of marriage, my husband has been in a mental institution for jthe past to consecutive years. "My 3 daughters barely remember their father and the psychiatrists tell me his case is hopeless. "My family doctor has ad vised that I get a divorce. My clergyman urged us to move to 3- J TURN ONS lA/blAT 13 „ FLATTURy ? SOM&lHlNGr SAIP H> WUfL PACE THAT vjouldhYBESHP eeuiNP \tiue. 0ACK. Florida so we could start out anew. "I keep busy in the church, activities but still find many; lpnely hours, even with myi daughters at home. "When they grow up and leave me, then I know I shall be much more lonely. "So should I get a divorce? I; am like Shakespeare's Hamlet for I waver in futile indecision as to whether I should get a divorce or not file suit for one." * ' MATHEMATICAL PSYCHOLOGY Donna is taking the negative outlook about her problem. So I told her to reverse her viewpoint and count her many blessings. For example, nearly 5,000,000 women above the age of 21 are still unmarried, so she is already ahead of them. And among the married, tens of thousands of wives brood and cry because they have never had any children. Yet Donna has 3 daughters of whom she can be proud." She is thus better off on those 2 counts than at least 10,000,000 other adult women, who would probably jump at the chance to' be in her shoes this very minute! Regarding divorce, insanity is usually considered a valid ground for an annulment among Catholics or a divorce among Protestants. But Donna has a mistaken notion of what would happen if she should obtain a divorce. She thinks she would quickly: find a congenial mate and then resume a happy wedded life. Not so, for the odds are very great that she'd never find a second husband! In our Scientific Marriage; Foundation, after women pass: the age of 40, we find 3 or 4 times as many female registrants as we have fhen. That doesn't mean women outnumber men in those upper age brackets by that great a figure. No; it indicates that men are sluggish about taking an active role in meeting eligible women above the middle-age bracket. In this loose moral age, they find it so easy to be fed both gastric as well as erotic calories, without needing to buy a wedding ring, that they lose much of their motivation for re marriage. If Donna were enmeshed in a torrid romance with a suitable man who was pressing her to marry him, then her situation would be radically different. But no such man is yet on her social horizon. Therefore, she has plenty of time to consider a divorce when she really finds a1 need for it. Meanwhile, she should continue her church, social and; recreational activities, both involving her children and also the age group to which she herself belongs. Bowling, golf and gardening make excellent hobbies after the age of 40, so send for my booklet, "Extrovertive Hob bies," enclosing a long stam ped, return envelope, plus 20 cents. And start thinking positively! (Always write to Dr. Crane in care of this newspaper, en closing a long stamped, ad dressed envelope and 20 cents to cover typing and printing costs when you send for one of his booklets.) DID YOU KNOW? 1 Cheater? I won't say he cheats, but he won't go bowling anymore. After all, who can tilt an alley? Ls - ANGEL FALLS, IN VENEZUELA HAS A gggff 3.212 FEET/ IT\A*S DISCOVERED BY AN AMERICAN PILOT, JIMMY ANGEL. MARY. QUEEN Of i SCOTS BECAME TWE QUEEN OF SCOTLAND WHEN SHE WAS BUT A WEEK OLD, AS A RESULT OF HER FATHER'! DEATH. HE WAS KING JAMES Y: SHE LEO A TEMPESTUOUS -LIFE, WHICH 4 ENDED IN 1587, WHEN SHE WAS BEHEADED, BY ORDER OF HER COUSIN, QUEEN ELIZABETH I. MORE THAN 5BO BILLION MATCHES ARE MADE IN THE U S EVERY YEAR, ABOUT HALF OF WHICH ARE BOOK MATCHES. AROUND F 27.000,000 IS SPENT FOR ADVERTISING ON MATCH BOOK COVERS YEARLY BOOK MATCHES IN 1892. »»i r CORINNE A. COMES Mrs. Corinne A. Comes, 79, 2100 N.E. 38th street, Pompano Beach, Fla., died Feb. 16. She was born Sept. 7, 1894, in Illinois. Mrs. Comes was a member of! the First United Presbyterian church in Pompano. She is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Robert (Dorothy) Hopkins, Lauderhill, Fla., and a grandson, Richard Aronson, Markate, Fla. Last rites were held Monday in Markate with interment in Lauderdale Memorial Garden cemetery. EFFIE H. CZAJA Mrs. Effie H. Czaja, 75, of 1014 N. Hanly, Whispering Oaks, died Sunday, Feb. 17, in St. Anthony's hospital, St. Petersburg, Fla. She was born in Chicago Nov. 13, 1898, and had been a resident here for 8 years. Her husband, Andrew F., died in 1968. Survivors include two sisters, Mrs. Lucille Marron, St. Petersburg, Fla., and Mrs. Rose Lonergan, McHenry; and nieces and nephews. Friends may call at the Peter M. Justen and Son funeral home after 3 p.m. Wednesday. A funeral Mass will be offered Thursday at 10 o'clock at St. Mary's Catholic church with interment in Maryhill cemetery, Niles. SPEAKS FOR AFS Ron Ahlberg, McHenry's American Abroad student who spent the past year in Chile, will speak for the McHenry chapter of the American Field Service Thursday, Feb. 21, at 7:30 in West campus cafeteria. Interested persons may attend. plete airing of the subject is promised. There will be time for questions from the audience, and refreshments will be served. The location is the Nature Study center, 330 N. Main street, Crystal Lake. 8 ACRES OF NEW ft USED VEHICLES J BILL C0NL0N, •OWNERH MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to 5 SUNDAY 10 to 5 WE'VE GOT THE GA$-$AVER$ 50-1974 PINTOS, MAVERICKS, MUSTANG ll's ON HAND NOW! FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY and Many More On The Way! "74 PINTO. 3 dr. Runabout, gold, 4 cyl auto , w s w, radio '74 PINTO, 2 dr Sedan, gold, 4 spd , radio '74 PINTO Wagon, gold, 4 cyl , auto., 2 dr wsw, radio '74 PINTO. 2 dr Sedan, 4 spd , gold, radio '74 PINTO, 2 dr Sedan, 4 spd , blue, radio '74 PINTO, 2 dr Sedan, 4 spd . brown, radio '74 PINTO 3 dr Runabout, 4 spd , gold, wsw radio '74 PINTO 2 dr Sedan, 4 spd , radio '74 PINTO, 2 dr Wagon, 4 cyl , auto, bronze, w s w, air. radio, tinted glass '74 PINTO. 3 dr. Runabout, 4 spd green gold, wsw, radio '74 PINTO, 3 dr. Runabout, auto, white vinyl roof, steel belted wsw, bumper guards, radio '74 PINTO 2 dr Wagon, 4 cyl , auto, radio, w s w, green •74 PINTO, 2 dr Sedan, 4 cyl auto 4 spd , radio, w s w, blue '74 PINTO, 2 dr Wagon, 4 cyl , auto , radio, wsw green '74 PINTO, 3 dr Runabout, 4 spd*, w s w, radio, green '74 MAVERICK, 2 dr Sedan, auto , P S bumper guards, wsw, blue '74 MUSTANG 2 + 2, 4 cyl., 4 spd , P S radial, w s w, radio, bright red '74 MUSTANG 2 + 2 , 4 cyl , PS, P B , C O M, w s w, bumper guards, radio, lime yellow '74 MUSTANG 2+2, 6 cyl.. C O M, radial w s w, bumper guards. AM FM stereo, elec defrost., lime yellow '74 MUSTANG Mach I, 6 cyl , C O M, PS, P B , console, r wnd defrost, radio (spec spkrs ), bumper quards '74 MUSTANG II. HT, 4 spd , 4 cyl radial wsw, yellow '74 MUSTANG II HT, 4 cyl . pin stripes, P S , w s w, radio, bump er guards, bronze, vinyl roof, side molding '74 MUSTANG II HT, 4 cyl., P B . PS. bumper guards, rear defroster, dig clock, pin stripes, lux. int. group, radial, w s w, side molding, yellow green with vinyl top '74 MUSTANG II HT, 6 cyl C O M , P S , s u n r o o f , r a d i a l wsw, bumper guards, console, side molding, lime yellow 2 ea. '74 MUSTANG Guia. 6 cyl , v e l o y r i n t . , P S . , P B , C O M , radial, wsw, radio, vinyl roof, one green, one ginger '74 MUSTANG 2 + 2. 4 cyl., radio, w s w, med blue '74 PINTO. 2 dr WSjon. 4"cyl , auto , radio, wsw green '74 PINTO, 3 dr Runabout, 4 spd , w s w, radio, green '74 PINTO Wagon, 4 cyl , 4 spd , radio, wsw, orange '74 PINTO 3 dr Runabout. 4 spd , radio, wsw. green '74 PINTO 3 dr Runabout, 4 spd , radio, w s w. green, rust proofing '74 MAVERICK Grabber, 2 dr , auto ,P S , radio, green, tinted glass '74 MAVERICK. 2 dr . 6 cyl , auto , P S radio, blue '74 MAVERICK, 2d r, 6 cyl . a u t o , P S , w s w '74 MAVERICK, 2 dr , V8. 302, Auto , PS, air. radio, lux decor group, blue white '74 MAVERICK, 2 dr Sedan, auto . PS, blue, radio '74 MAVERICK, 2 dr. Sedan, auto , P S , air, tnt. glass, lux dec blue white vinyl roof, radio '74 MAVERICK. 2 dr Sedan, auto., P.S., air, wsw, white vinyl roof, rear defogger, radio, ext. dec grp '74 MAVERICK. 2 dr Sedan, auto., P.S.. air, radio, ws w radials, white blue, vinyl roof, lux dec tnt glass '74 MAVERICK, 2 dr Sedan, auto , P S radio, yellow YOUR TRADE-IN WILL NEVER BE WORTH MORE 100 A-l GUARANTEED USED CARS - AT WHOLESALE LEVELS DURING THIS SALE WHOLESALE SPECIALS 1973 MAVERICK 2 Door Sedan. Luxury Docor Group $2795 1973 VEGA ESTATE WAGON Automatic transmission, air conditioning $3195 1973 PINTO 2 DOO R Automatic transmission, air conditioning $2795 1973 GALAXIE 500 2 Door Hardtop - V8, automatic transmission, power staaring. $2895 1973 GREMLIN X 2 Door • V8 automatic transmission, • $2795 1972 CHEVY MONTE CARLO 2 Door Hardtop. V-8, automatic transmission, powar staaring, powar brakas, a ̂ conditioning. .T. $3195 1972 FORD COUNTRY SQUJ 6 Paaaangar, V-8, matic transmission, powar staaring, powar brakas. $2695 QUIRE I, auto 1972 PONTIAC LE MANS Coupe - V8, automatic transmission, powar •tearing $2495 1972 CAMARO 2 Door Hardtop, V-8, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes.. $2995 1972 CHE VIE NOVA 2 Door Coupe - V8, automatic transmission, power steering. .$2495 1972 DODGE DART SWINGER V8 engine, automatic transmisaion $2695 1972 FORD LTD Convertible - V8 automatic transmission, power steering & brakes, air $2295 1971 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME 2 Door Hardtop, V-8, automatic transmission, power steering, power brekes, air conditioning. • $2495 1971 MUSTANG FASTBACK 2 Door - 6 cylinder, automatic transmisaion, power steering. $1995 1971 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE Custom 4 Door, V-8, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, air conditioning $1895 1971 PINTO 2 Door. Automatic transmission .. $1795 1971 THUNDERBIRD 2 Door Hardtop. .$2195 1970 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 2 Door Hardtop - V8, automatic, power steering and brakes, air ,,. • $1895 1970 OLDS CUTLASS Wagon - V8, automatic transmission, power steering and air $1895 EVERY RED TAG ON THE MIRROR INDICATES A NEW 1974 FORD THAT STILL CARRIES THE OLD PRICE BEFORE THE FACTORY INCREASE BRING THIS COUPON C0NL0N-C0LLINS FORD SERVICE WORK (EXCLUDING BODY SHOP) WILL BE DISCOUNTED 10% OFFER EXPIRES MARCH 3,1974 WHOLESALE SPECIAL TRUCKS 1969 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN $495 1969 DODGE RT Convertible $295 1968 BUICK WILDCAT $249 1967 FORD FAIRLANE Corw $149 '66 VW $179 '66 CHRYSLER 2 door, hardtop $99 1965 DODGE WAGON $99 1965 FORD STATION WAGON $89 1965 MUSTANG 2 door hardtop $149 1972 F100 FORD 11 TON Pick Up V8, Stick $2395 1972 CHEVROLET 1 j TON Pick Up $2395 1972 FORD CHATEAU CLUB WAGON V8, Auto., Power Steer mg $3595 1971 ECONOLINE E300 Cargo Van, V8, Auto $2695 1968 FORD F100 ' i TON Pick Up V8, Stick $1195 1966 DODGE CARGO VAN $795 1963 CHEVROLET 'i TON Pick Up, 6 Cyl . Stick $195 USED CAMPERS 1973 JERRYTIME 17 ft self contained $1895 1972 WONTIKI 2 2 Ft., travel Trailer $2995 1967 APACHE TENT CAMPER $895 1966 PUMA TENT TRAILER 10 foot $495 TEST DRIVE NORM COLLINS, OWNER OUR PINTO WIN *100.00 WE'RE HAVING A FUEL ECONOMY CONTEST Come in and register NOW! On March 3 we will select the names of 5 drivers and have them test drive the '74 Pinto, each with an equal amount of gas, over a planned route. The driver letting the best gas mileage wins '100.00. The other 4 drivers will be awarded *25.00 CASH. JOIN US IN OUR FEBRUARY CLOSEOUT SALE ON HUNDREDS OF NEW 1974 INTERMEDIATE SIZE, FAMILY SIZE, AND FORD TRUCKS 100 OVER COST ON THE CAR OF YOUR CHOICE LIST YOUR PRICE CUSTOM 500 4DRS. 3830.08 1A41 M wVVUi GAL 500 4 DR's & 2 DR. HTS. 4002.00 8198." LTD 4 DR. & 2 DR. HTS. 4290.00 Mil." CUSTOM 500 RANCH WAGON 4292." MM." 6 PASS. COUNTRY SEDAN 4388." 8S00." 8 PASS. COUNTRY SEDAN 4508." SS98." 6 PASS. SQUIRE WAGON 4822.00 3837." 8 PASS SQUIRE WAGON 4942.00 3980." TORINO 2 DR. HT. ft 4 DR SEDAN 3111." 2*42." GRAN TORINO " " 3270." 2147." TORINO WAGON 3710." 3134." GRAN TORINO WAGON 3902." 3298." GRAN TORINO SQUIRE 4268." 3381." (FULL FACTORY EQUIPMENT) TRUCKS F100 PICK-UPS, 8 FT. BOX F250 PICK-UPS, 8 FT. BOX F350 PICK-UPS, 8 FT. BOX E100 ECONOLINE VANS 105.5 E100 ECONOLINE BUSES 105.5 3163.00 3548." 4051.00 3162.00 3791.00 1350.- 2883." 3332." 26S8.** 31*4.M C502 '74 AMERICAN CS05 >74 AMERICAN ROAO $3566.48 C504 '74 AMERICAN ROAO $4097.29 ROAO $3940 88 FIFTH $5659 29 TRAVEL $3892.82 TRAVEL $3664 01 AMERICAN ROAD $3864 33 '80,000°° IN NEW 1974 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES WILL BE SOLD AT COST *40,000°° IN NEW 1973 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES AT FAR BELOW COST C 62>^73 TRAILER C A) '73 C 513 '74 AMERICAN ROAD $3637.20 CgftSAIR TRAVEL C530 '74 AYR WAY CAP C531 '74 AYR WAY CAP C532 '74 AYR WAY CAP C533 '74 AYR WAY CAP $411.40 $411.40 $411.40 $411.40 C506 ' 7 4 WHEEL C509 ' 7 4 TRAILER C510 ' 7 4 TRAILER C512 ' 7 4 CORSAIR CORSAIR CORSAIR C514 TRAILER $2779.32 Syi.LE."'"""' "'.St,, C „ TEXSON SLIDE-IN SU """" <"» " IN r s 17 '74 STEURY TRAVEL $2023.54 TRAILER $5220.25 C 1,0 73 SWINGER SLIDE IN C52* '74 TEXSON CAP $251.33 $109* 90 CS27'74 TEXSON CAP $243 *5 C $7 '73 STEURY TENT SLIDE C53* '74 OIAMONO MINI HOME IN $2*51 95 $1*66.05 C >7 '73 TEXSON CAP C 22 '73 STEURY TRAILER C-25 '73 STEURY TRAILER $207.75 TENT $1310.17 TENT $1244 65 C 74 C 27 '73 STING RAY TRAVEL CAP TRAILER $2595 70 C 75 C 29 '73 FOUR SEASONS TRAV. CAP TRAIL $3734 50 C 79 C 48 '73 STEURY TENT VAN TRAILER ' $1390 42 C 81 C 51 '73 STEURY SLIOE IN $2642.06 C 58 CORSAIR TRAVEL $2584.17 TEXSON SLIDE IN $2299.50 ROYAL RANCHERO $318.80 ROYAL RANCHERO $311.M TURTLE TOP CONV. $6027.6* SWINGER SLIDE IN $1188.70 73 STEURY SLIOE IN $2*51.95 '73 SEE WHY WE HAVE OVER 40,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 1973 FORDS Will Be Sold At Below Cost GALAXIE 500's *2902* LTD's $3016* COUNTRY SEDANS 6 Pass. *3165* COUNTRY SQUIRES $3353* " Fully Factory Equipped 73 FORD DEMONSTRATORS Will Be Sold At Hundreds Of Dollars Below Cost GONLON-COLLINS I CAR CITY LARGEST CAR DEALER IN McHENRY COUNTY AND SURROUNDING AREAS*ROUTE 14 ONE MILE EAST OF CRYSTAL LAKE•815-459-8200 •