ftiffi&ifi! MODEL HCH500 TO CHANGE YOUR CELLAR to a pleasant work-play area, you mutt first replace your old-fashioned boiler. According to the National Better Heating-Cooling Council, today's hydronic (modern hot water) home heating boilers are small and at tractive, and are much more efficient than the older ones. In fact, you'll save so much on fuel that the change will pay for itself in a few years. like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY Home Office: Bloomington, Illinois HOTPOINT COMPACTOR HCH500 Select-A-Panel inserts (in cluded) in Harvest, Copper- tone, Avocado and White let you change compactor's appearance in minutes. Built-in installation requires no costly alterations--com pactor fits same space as any 15" base cabinet. I loLpxrLnJb PUSHBUTTON COMPACTOR PUTS THE SQUEEZE ON TRASH! MODEL HCH500 • ComprMMi household trash to less than X of its original volume in IMS than a minute. • Compacts a whole WMk's trash for an average family of four into one neat little bag. • Mashes almost anything -- paper, cans, bottles, plastic containers, boxes, wrappings. and sweepings. • Easy to operate -- just push a button. • Plugs into any adequately-wired 115-volt outlet. • Waterproof disposable trash bag stays strong even when wet. • Protective Easy-Lift Sling makes bag-handling eesier. • Compactor Spray helps control odors. • Select-A-Panel inserts (included) in Harvest. Coppertone. Avocado and White let you change compactor's appearance in minutes. • Designed for free-standing or undercounter use • Built-in installation requires no costly alterations. Compactor fits same space as any 15" base cabinet • Grooved cherrywood cutting- board optional at extra cost. W5 Lee & Ray Bectric 1005 N. FRONT STREET (South Rte. 31) 385-0882 McHenry, HI. Free Parking PAGE 15-McHENRY PLAINDEALER-FREDAY, MARCH 15, 1974 Industrialist foresees benefits stemming from 'energy crisis' "This energy crisis is the best thing that's happened to the American people v since the Depression Era produced Social Security, which has benefited the lives of so many millons of people,, we almost have to be grateful for the depriva tions of the depression." So says Mr. Frank Gorell, Chairman of the Board of Season-all Industries. Mr. Gorell looks at the current energy crisis as a" seeming tragedy which will produce benefits for all of us all out of proportion to the minor inconveniences it will charge us. Must conserve "We'll be forced to con serve. And, as all of us know, moderation (while we don't like to practice it) is indeed the proven ingredient of all of the best things we ac complish," he adds. Mr. Gorell explained that we'll be forced to conserve our natural resources, which will leave some of them available for our grand children, or, at least until future, more enlightened generations can find sub stitutes for the dwindling supply of materials we de pend on for our very exist ence. He also theorized on how our forced conservation will help us clean up our at mosphere so that we will all live longer, healthier, happier lives. He cited the automotive fuel shortages as an example. Lett* contamination "Fuel scarcities will cur tail unnecessary driving and make smaller cars with lower horsepower engines more popular . . . resulting in less contamination of the atmosphere with exhaust fumes," he said. But there is one aspect Of the energy crisis, close to Mr. Gorell's daily aware ness as Chairman of the Board and President of the world's largest manufactur ing facility for replacement windows, which he thinks should not be overlooked. Mr. Gorell is enthusiastic in exploring the idea that the energy crisis, coupled with high finance charges Mr. Frank Gorell, whose thoughts on the energy crisis are expressed in the accom panying inter view, is Chair m a n o f t h e B o a r d a n d P r e s i d e n t o f Season-all In dustries of In diana, Pennsyl vania, a firm he founded 27 years ago which is now one of the world's largest manufacturers of re placement windows, impor tant to Home Improvement. on new construction, is making it necessary for homeowners to make im provements which produce multiple benefits they may not even realize they are getting. Household heating and cooling energy is scarce and becoming more expensive daily. "Among the major ways to reduce fuel con sumption," Mr. Gorell points out, "is to remedy the ma jor cause of heat and cooling loss . . . worn-out windows. Rapid growth "Most of the homes in this country are more than 10 years old. And most win dows of that age are worn out. To be able to afford to heat and cool their homes, people are installing an unprecedented number of replacement windows. Cellar work starts with boiler "The rapid growth we have realized in the manu facture of our NuPrime and Thermal-Gard replacement windows attests to the fact that these are being in stalled in record numbers which set new records each month." Mr. Gorell explained why he feds this necessity, while appearing to be just an other unexpected household operating expense, is really a three-fold benefit to the homeowner who buys re placement windows. "Not only do our products reduce heating and cooling costs, but they also improve •the lives of people. People with good windows are more comfortable in winter, have milder doctor and drugstore bills for curing draft-caused colds. They enjoy greater convenience in being able to open and close windows again. They are better able to keep cool in summer . . . and keep insect pests and noise and dirt and pollution outside. Surprise benefit "The third benefit is real ly a surprising bit of good news to most people," Mr. Gorell says. "Replacement windows are not an expense in any sense. They're a very profitable investment." Mr. Gorell continued, "We buy thousands of copies of a Government publication which talks about ways to reduce heating and cooling costs, which we make avail able free of charge to any one who requests it. "In this booklet, the U.S. Government states that the investment a homeowner makes in insulating glass will completely recover it self, including interest at 6%, within eight years and then continue to pay the homeowner something on the order of 13% interest on the already fully paid back original investment. "So, you can see . . . even if people have to borrow, not only does this invest ment pay an extraordinar ily high rate of interest but it keeps on paying this phenomenal rate of interest after the savings in fuel costs have actually given back the total original in vestment." Optimistic view Mr. Gorell concluded, "I know of no other invest ment of any kind, anywhere, that keeps on paying inter est after the principal has been withdrawn. "I think with all the pes simism that attends this critical situation of short ages and increasing prices, we should at least be opti mistically aware of some of the benefits that our pres ent dilemma will produce." The Government Book let on ways to reduce heat ing and cooling costs is available without cost or obligation upon request from Season-all Industries, Inc., Indiana, Pa. 15701. Open hutch to display fine possessions The desire to display the few fine possessions brought to the New World spurred the demand for the open hutch among early Ameri can settlers. The hutch, or china cup board as it is sometimes known today, is derived from the French word, "huche," a chest or cabinet with doors, usually on legs or atop a buffet or sideboard. As in centuries past, it utilizes storage space logi cally without sacrificing beauty. The first hutch was man ufactured in America in the early 1700's. At that time, a few cherished pieces of dinnerware, glassware and coin silver flatware were displayed with pr ide by the early American home steader. And the open hutch is still used for displays. More people insure their homes with State Farm than with any other company. That's because they've found State Farm offers the best in service, protection and economy. Give me a call. I'll be glad to give you all the details. DENNIS CONWAY 3319 W. ELM ST. McHENRY, ILL. 385-7111 The WwUPs Number One Homeowners Insurer