f PAGE 2-PLAINDEALER • FRIDAY, MAY 17,1974 Court Joyce Kilmer Hoicks Annual Mother's Day Dinner Officers of the McHenry chapter of Sweet Adelines are shown standing in back at last week's charter presentation and installation dinner. They are. from left, Maria Guettler treasurer ; Adeline Chaps, recording secretary; Darlene Navarroli, president; Yvonne Wynveen, vice-president and Pam Ryden, corresponding secretary. In front, from left, are Dottie Kaufman, chapter founder, of Woodstock, and Ruth Deibler, Chicago, past regent. STAFF PHOTO-WAYNE GAYLORD Sweet Adelines Are Chartered McHenry chapter of the Sweet Adelines received its official charter last week at the McHenry Country club, where about sixty-five persons gathered to celebrate Sweet Adeline day. Following dinner, Miss Ruth Deibler, regional competition chairman of Region 3, opened the ceremonies with the reading and presentation of the charter. President Darlene Navarroli then presented founder's pins to Director Pat Gattone and Dottie Kaufmann, each of whom had been a member of a sister chapter in a different location. Membership pins were received by the following newly Chartered ladies: Lorraine Blom, Mary Jane Boelens, Adeline Chaps, Grace Cook, Gail Dughi, Cathy Gattone, Maria Guettler, „ Barbara Halthen, Sandi Heffelfinger, Loretta Kenney, Ann Matthesius, Pam Messel, Darlene Navarroli, Pam .Ryden, Lynn Tomlinson, Shirley Toole, Jane Umbarger and Yvonne Wynveen. ' Miss Deibler installed new [officers in a very effective ^candlelight ceremony. All ^committee chairmen were 'called to stand and promise to ^fulfill their duties to the best of •their ability. 1 'The First Edition", a newly 'formed quartet in the McHenry -chapter, sang "Pal of My •Cradle Days" and "I Feel a Song Comin' On". Members are Dottie Kaufmann,' tenor; Darlene Navarroli, lead; Yvonne Wynveen, baritone and Mary Jane Boelens, bass. Hie chorus then performed several selections for their guests. The finale for the evening was an appearance of "The Note Abouts", a men's quartet from Chicago. Some may remember their performance at McHenry chapter's Dixie Debut which was held last spring. Coming" -events for the McHenry chapter include a performance at Fair Diddley in Woodstock at 1 p.m. May 49. Long range plans call for an appearance at the Marine day events and a "Walt Disney in Song" production in the fall. Whispering, Oaks Club Will Hear Talk On Plants The Whispering Oaks Garden club will meet May 21 at 9:30 a.m. at the Community center. Members will drive to Longpond farm near Harvard, where they will hear a lecture on the use of herbs, fancy geraniums and rare plants. Glen Allen will tell of the many uses of these for dried bouquets, pot-pourri, seasoning and medicines. The club will have luncheon before returning to McHenry. mmmmmwEVERY FRIDAY NITE******** DANCE OR LISTEN TO THE NORM STANTON REVUE & MODERATELY PRICED DRINKS McHENRY V.F.W. DANCING 3002 W. RTE. 120 10:30 PM • 1:30 AM PUBLIC ALWAYS WELCOME DON'T MISS THE SEMI - ANNUAL CHICKEN DINNER sponsored by the McHENRY AMERICAN Is LEGION AUXILIARY \ t m in f •; |fl SUNDAY MAY 19th Serving from Noon to 4:00 p.m. AT THE McHENRY AMERICAN LEGION HOME ON RINGW00D RD. Tickets may be pucchased at door Adults. . .2.75 Children Child. 6-12. ;. 1.25 6 Two From Area Take Leads In Play Offering All the sunny tenderness of youthful romance and true love glows in the courtship of Tom Jones and Sophia Western, the two leading roles in the Townsquare Players, Inc., production of "Tom Jones" on May 17, 18, 24 and 25. Both of these demanding roles are performed by McHenry residents, Frank Harrison as Tom and Pam Messel as the lovely heroine. Pam was active in theater throughout her high school years, appearing in "Bells are Ringing", "Pajama Game", "Of Thee I Sing" and "Anything Goes" at McHenry On Monday evening, May 13, members of Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, and their friends attended the court's annual Mother's day banquet at. St. Patrick's hall. Hostesses for the social hour were Mrs. Lillian Bogler and Mrs. Sue Devereux. Out of town guests were Miss Eleanor S. Quinn, national third vice-regent; Mrs. Lucille Marcheschi, district deputy; Mrs. Betty Lucas of Court Immaculate Conception, No. 996, Miss Loretta Foley and Mrs. Beryl Dougherty, regent of Court Elgin No. 1195. -- The Reverend Edmund Petit of St. Patrick's lead the invocation. Highlights of the program were reading of tributes to their mothers by Ruth Pierce, Juai Clause, Robin Irwin, Michelle Rehberg, Heidi Schmitt, Robin Glosson and Peggy Glosson of the Montini Primary school and songs by Mrs. Mary Ann Wegener, accompanied by Mrs. May Ann Sharp. Mrs. Wegener sang the theme song from "The Sound of Music," "Only a Rose", and "I'll Never Walk Alone". Mrs. Marie Vales and Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson shared in the honor of being the oldest mothers present and were presented with flowers by Regent Bertilla Freund. Short, incentive talks were made by Miss Quinn and Mrs. Marcheschi. Charter members who were present were Miss Laura Weber, Mrs. Dorothy Weber, Miss Nellie Doherty, Miss Genevieve Knox, and Mrs. Gertrude Weber. The hall was decorated in the Catholic Daughters Colors, purple, white and gold. The committee for the evening consisted of Mrs. Helen Grenkowitz and Miss Lee Schwarz as co-chairmen, Mrs. Sue Devereux, Mrs. Lillian Bolger, Mrs. May Maloney, Miss Carolyn Bauer, Mrs. Constance May, and Mrs. Dorothv Adams who were ably assisted by Miss Laura Weber and Mrs. Bobbie May Mistress of ceremonies was Mrs. Mary Jean Lahs. The next important and final event in the court's program for the year is the Day of Recollectioh scheduled for Tuesday, June 25, at -the Viatorian Villa on Pistakee Bay, with Father Lutz conducting the day of retreat. Any member or friend wishing to attend should contact Miss Bertilla Freund or Mrs. Mary R. Freund. Transportation will be arranged for if needed. Miss Bertilla Freund, Mrs. Mary R. Freund, Mrs. Jean Driscoll, Mrs. Mary Agnes Hartmann and Mrs. Mary Jean Lahs attended the three-day state convention held recently in Rockford. Mrs. Mary Maloney, Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch, Mrs. Oleva Clucas and Mrs. Alvera Nye drove down for the Friday evening Mass, civic reception and informal reception that followed. At the 32nd biennial state convention of the Catholic Daughters of America, held at the Hotel Faust (Tebala Towers) Rockford, delegates from fifty-two courts representing 6,742 members in the state of Illinois, elected officers for the next two years. Miss Eleanor Quinn, DeKalb, third vice-national regent installed the new officers. Reports and awards based on the sevenfold program of Involvement, namely, Personal, Ecumenical, Civic. Social, Educational, Charitable and Involvement for Youth were awarded by the state chairman to courts with highest achievement ratings. • The state court of Illinois will present its bid to host the national convention in Chicago in 1980. The grand ballroom was the setting for the banquet held Saturday evening. The Most Rev. Arthur J. O'Neill was featured speaker of the evening. VASA dancers of the VASA lodge entertained with several dances of Swedish origin. Hie convention was hosted by the courts of the Rockford diocese. Mrs. Cheryl Benson of Belvidere was general chairman^ assisted by Mrs. Loretta Henning, Aurora; Mrs. Beryl Dougherty, Elgin; Mrs. Pat Corwln, Batavia; Mrs. Rosemary Kollman, Galena; Miss Bertilla Freund, McHenry; Mrs. Ethel Ellithrope, Savanna; Miss Frances Sharick, Oregon; Mrs. May Lou Newquist, DeKalb and Miss Rita Angner, Galena. Mrs. Jean Driscoll and Mrs. Mary Agnes Hartmann of McHenry served as greeters at all functions. The 1976 state convention will be held in the Joliet diocese. The national convention will be held in Los Angeles next year. H high school. She made her community theater debut with the Townsquare Players in last fall's production of "Pajama Game". She also finds time to sing with the Sweet Adelines. Curtain time at the Opera House is 8:30 p.m. Call 675-2066 for ticket information. May 18 is* Opera House restoration benefit night. Install McHenry Woman As Sorority President Matrimony Matrimony is the only state which allows a woman to work 18 hours a day without any over time pay! Alpha Theta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma installed ^Catherine Kohrt as president when members met at the Branded Steak house last week. Sixty-six members were in attendance. Other officers are Mary Vieck, first vice-president; Janet Vierke, second vice- president; Ferol Tomlinson, recording secretary and C a t h e r i n e S m i t h , corresponding secretary. President Marie Patton conducted the meeting. Ethel Raue had charge of the impressive services in memory of Eleanor Foley, who died in April. She had been a member since 1943. A memorial was given in her honor to the scholarship fund. Eleven members attended the state convention in Chicago March 29-31 and they reported on their experiences there. An interesting and informative program was presented as part of the Founder's day observance. Kids' Korner Feature Of Sunday Fair Diddley NANCY VERDUNG ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Announcement has been made of the engagement of Ms. Nancy Verdung of Cary and Ronald Schaft of Ringwood. The prospective bride is the former Nancy Halleran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Halleran of Downers Grove, III. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Schaft of Ringwood. A July 20 wedding is planned. BALD KNOB s? RESORT Now Under New Management Ray Pries, New Owner • Boat Launching • Boat Slips • Good Food 516 Bald Knob Road Pistakee Bay Kids' Korner, featuring new and nearly-new infants' and children's clothing and accessories, will be among the booths lining the Woodstock City Square on Fair Diddley day, Sunday, May 19, from noon to 6 p.m. Providing all the fun and excitement of an old-fashioned country fair, Fair Diddley is sponsored by the Women's auxiliary of the Family Service and Mental Health Clinic for McHenry County, with all proceeds from the fair benefiting the clinic. Chairwoman of the "Kids' Korner" is Barbara Andrew, who promises, "We will have very nice clothing at reasonable prices." A number of articles for the booth have been donated by McHenry county merchants, Mrs. Andrew said. Area residents wishing to donate clothing which is in very good condition, preferably permanent press, or infants' accessories, may obtain information by calling Mrs. Gary V. (Marilyn) Adams, McHenry. Other booths at the fair will feature white elephants, books and records, plants and flowers, toys and games, and baked goods. Entertainment from the bandstand will be provided by the Hartland Express band, the McHenry chapter of the Sweet Adelines; the Harvard Milk Center Squares, a square dancing group, and Barb Perdue of Woodstock, returning to Fair Diddley for the third year to sing and play the guitar. Rounding out the fair will be refreshment stands, rides and games for the younger set, and a craft bazaar and artists' nook, featuring over 100 amateur and professional exhibitors from Chicago and the northern Illinois area. Good Question Trying to rest after an ex ceedingly hard day. poor father was being bedeviled by an endless stream of un answerable questions from little Willie. "What do you do down at the office?" queried the youngster. "Nothing," shouted the father. I t l o o k e d a s i f t h e b o y had been shut up for a while, b u t n o t f o r l o n g . A f t e r a t h o u g h t f u l p a u s e , W i l l i e asked, "Pop, how do you know when you're through?" Smile! It's always best to smile, be cause other people may be taking you at face value. MR. AND MRS. GREGORY MAYER \ Deborah Hansen, Gregory Mayer Wed In McHenry Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran church, McHenry was the scene of a pretty spring wedding Saturday, May 4, when Deborah 1 Hansen exchanged nuptial vows with Gregory Mayer in a 5 o'clock candle light service. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen of 709 W Oriole trail, McHenry, and her bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mayer or 3820 W. Waukegan road, McHenry. Debbie Pankiewicz attended the bride as maid of honor. Other attendants were Carol j D r a k e a n d K i m N u g e n t o f ' McHenry. Little Kimberly; Simon of McHenry, served as • flower girl. -. Serving as best <rian was. Lloyd Simon of McHenry, Groomsmen were Sandy Vereschagin, Douglas Mayer, the groom's brother, and George Hansen, all of McHenry. JamefaKIoth of Fox Lake, the bride's nephew, served as ringbearer. Immediately following the services, a recepiton was held for 200 guests at the American Legion Home. The young couple left for a wedding trip to Florida. The bride and groom are graduates of McHenry Community high school. She is employed as a cosmetician and he works as a salesman. Hold May Crowning A combined meeting of adult and junior members of St. Agatha Court No. 777, National Catholic Society of Foresters at Johnsburg, is planned for Tuesday evening, May 21, in the Community club hall. Mass, corporate communion, and May crowning by the junior members will begin at 7:30 p.m. Mothers of junior members are especially invited to attend. They need not be members. Mrs. Carl Neiss is chairman of the refreshment committee. Assisting her will be Mrs. Cletus Lafontaine, Mrs. Phil Bartmann, Mrs. Richard Huemann, Mrs. Clarence Smith, Mrs. Martin Weber, Mrs. Jos. Jacques, Mrs. Wm. Beutel, Mrs. Dorothy Adams, Mrs. J.C. Majercik, Mrs. Donald Bentz, Mrs. Ernest Papecek, Mrs. Jack Pierce, Mrs. Gerald Thiel and Mrs. Vincent Tonya n. Hl0tenry cPlai nJealer Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385 0170 McHenry. Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois^ • By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Larry Lund • Publisher Adele Froehlich Editor rnrrm? ypQz NATIONAL NEWSPAPER -M50CUTI0N ""'""Bl NNA SUSTAINING *M,, _S MEMBER - 1974 SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year.... $9.00 1 Year $12.50 In McHenry and L.ikr Outside McHenry and County Lake County APRIL 30 thru MAY 26 Kiss OP Make Up COMEDY STARRING BARBARA COLTON Starting May 28 - ONCE OVERNIGHTLY with our Professional New York Company riKri HI 3 MILES W. OF MARENGO ON U.S. 20 PHONE: 815-568-7218 Sat. $4.25, Matinees $3.00, Wed. thru Fri. & Sun. $3.75 CURTAIN TIMES: Sat. 7 & 10, Wed. thru Fri. 8:45 & Sun. 4:30, Tue., Wed., & Thur. Matinees 2:00 PRICES: Restaurant Opens at 11:30, Shops at 12:30 KID'S DAY IS THURSDAY AT LANGD0N STUDIO SPECIAL PRICES 459 0308 65 WOODSTOCK ST. CRYSTAL LAKE