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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Jun 1974, p. 2

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PAGE 2 - PLAINDEAl l.H-l KIDAY. JUNK 14. 1*»71 MR. AND MRS. HERB JOHNSON MARRIED - Miss Annette Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul pooper of 6610 W. Rt. 120, McHenry, and Mr. Herb Johnson, son of Ir. and Mrs. Herman Johnson of 2807 N. Magellan drive, .tcHenry, were married June 1 in Shepherd of the Hills church in a | o'clock ceremony. Both young people are graduates of M.C.H.S., le bride in 1973 and the bridegroom one year previous. The new .Irs. Johnson is attending Sawyer Business college in Waukegan. ler husband is employed by Carbetta Construction Co. £. convention will be given during the business meeting. Mrs. Paul Pitzen, Mrs. Richard Dehn, and Mrs. Carl Neiss were the delegates attending the convention at Glesburg, 111,, June 9, 10 and 11. Mrs. Gene Hughes was a guest of Mrs. Alfred Oeffling a national director of the society. Mrs. Stanley Schmitt is chairman of the committee for the Tuesday evening meeting. Assisting her will be Mrs. Leo Schaefer, Mrs. Glenn Moehling, Mrs. George Schmitt,. Mrs. Jerry Wakitsch, Mrs. Regina Michels and Mrs. Robert Freund. Agatha iourt Meets lext Tuesday 5t. Agatha Ct. No. 777, iational Catholic Society of foresters at Johnsburg, will [»eet in the Community club all Tuesday evening, June 18, At 8 o'clock. A white elephant Aame is on the agenda following the regular business fleeting. All members ^tending are to bring a Strapped white elephant. A report on the Illinois state eaier Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street " Phone 385-0170 McHenrv. Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENRY PUBLISHING COMPANY Adele Froehlich Editor Larry E. Lund Publisher NO/ NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION f »••<«< 1IM ~ / M £ M B E R ( 1 9 7 4 NNA SUSTAINING MEMBER - 1974 fret Press A Key SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 Year $9.00 1 Year $12.50 In McHenry nnd L.ike Outside McHenry and County Lake County GRAND PRIZE WINNERS AY 22 MARC HOME DECORATING HELD A WALLPAPER WORKSHOP Pictured Above (From left to right) Are *WALLY CONRAD - Manager * NORMAN DANKO - 1st Prize Winner *MRS. T.R. MEYERS - 2nd Prize Winner * ROSE MARIE PINTOZZI - Owner I axe cH oniE *J^£coiatinq 4400 West Rte. 120 -McHenry Market Place Shopping Center Mon thru Sat 8:30-5:30 As Of June 14 We Will Be Closed Friday Evenings. Summer Wedding Unites McHenry Couple June 8 A pretty summer wedding was solemnized in St. John the Baptist Catholic church Saturday, June 8, when Pamela Pechous became the bride of Robert Wickenkamp. The Rev. Leo Bartel officiated at the 1:30 afternoon service in a church decorated with bouquets of assorted summer flowers. Miss Pechous is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pechous of 4005 N. Hillcrest place, McHenry, and her bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Wickenkamp of 4316 Clearview, McHenry. The bride's uncle, W. Bochat, was organist for the ceremony. Special music included "We've Only Just Begun". For her wedding day, the bride chose a dainty gown of silk faced sata peau and Venice cotton daisy lace styled with a scoop neckline, empire bodice and a double ruffle at neckline which formed a cap sleeve. The semi-full skirt swept in an attached chapel length train accented by a deep ruffle flounce at the hemline. Garlands of Venice cotton daisy lace trimmed the skirt and neckline while a yellow checked ribbon gave color at the waistline which fell into a bow and streamers at the back of the gown. Her tiered veil edged with matching lace was held by a Venice bandeau profile cap. She carried a bouquet of white orchids and stephanotis. Attending the bride as maid of honor was Donna Pintozzi of McHenry. Bridesmaids were Debbie Pintozzi, Sherry Pechous., the bride's sister, and Susan Wickenkamp, the groom's sister. Sally Rokola of Minnesota, the groom's godchild, was flower girl. The attendants were attired in formal length gowns of canary yellow checked organza over yellow checked cotton. Their yellow picture hats were banded with matching checked ribbon streamers. Each carried a yellow basket of white and yellow daisies accented with baby's breath. Norb Kwiatek of Florida served the groom as best man. Groomsmen were Roger Pechous , the bride's brother, and David and Steven • Wickenkamp, brothers of the groom. Darren Bochat of Chicago, the bride's godchild, served as ring bearer. The bride's mother wore a mint green halter dress with matching jacket and matching accessories. The groom's mother chose a light aqua blue dress and coat ensemble with matching accessories. Following the ceremony, a reception for 150 guests was held at the McHenry Country club. Upon their return from a wedding trip to Florida, the young couple will make their Community Calendar JUNE 14 & 15 Rummage Sale - 218 Ronda Street, Country Club Estates - Sponsored by First Baptist Church Youth Group - Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Saturday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. C.D. of A. To Conclude Season With Pot-Luck JUNE 13-14-15 Senior Citizens Sewing Group Meeting - Home of Alice Wilke, 9:15 a.m. St. Mary's Christian Mothers 11th Annual Rummage and Bake Sale - Montini Middle School Gym. Thursday and Friday. 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. JUNE 17 McHenry Senior Citizens Club "Kitchen Band" - Genoa City Old People's Home - Genoa City, Wis. - 1 p .m. JUNE 18 Parents For Youth Club - Regular Meeting - Home of Mrs. Diane Murphy, 103 Sheridan Road, Lakemoor - 1 p.m. "EASY CARE" HAIR CUTS FOR gals on the go * Layer Cuts • Shags • Naturals $10.00 JAXE'S 385-7771 Weathervane Shop SPRING SALE Mi OFF on Many Needlepoint & Crewel Kits l/i OFF And Better on select Crochet and Knitting Yarns By Reynolds Bernat Spinnerin Columbia Minerva DON'T FORGET Our classes,year round in Needlepoint,Knitting & Crocheting 1313 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry,III. OPEN 10 to 5 Mon. Thru Sat. 815-3850884 Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America, will hold its last meeting of the 1973-1974 schedule Thursday, June 20, at 6:30 p.m., in the K.C. hall, 1304 N. Park street. Hostess for the pot-luck supper will be Mrs. Leo Winkel, who will be assisted by Mrs. Helen Mauch, Mrs. Leona Rauen, Mrs. Catherine Clark, Mrs. Elearnor Freund, Mrs. Rosalie Doherty, Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, Mrs. Clara Slegar and Mrs. Emma Foy. After a short business meeting, the members present will play games, with prizes for the winners. Plans for the annual Day of Recollection have been completed by Mrs. Mary R. Freund, chairman of the Personal Involvement. The Reverend Lutz of the Viatorian Villa will conduct the day of prayer at the Villa on Pistakee Bay. Ladies who are interested should contact Miss Bertilla Freund or Mrs. Mary R. Freund for reservations. Cars will leave St. Mary's parking lot at 9 a.m. and return is scheduled for approximately 3:30 p.m. Lunch will be served at the Villa. If enough ladies are interested, a trip is planned by bus to see the Zion Passion Paly at Zion, during the summer. The performances are put on only during July and August. Anyone interested, please contact the vice-regent, Mrs. Mary Jean Lahs. Prayer Seminar Leader Speaks To Women Aglow The Reverend Howard Peckentaugh will be the speaker at the regular monthly luncheon of Women Aglow in Christ, to be held at the John JUNE 20 Evans Inn, located on Rt. 14, Christian Mother's Meeting - two miles nw of Rt. 31, across St. Peter's Parish Hall, Spring Crystal Lake Plaza. Ornvp - r n m Buffet luncheon will be served L a k e a t 1 1 a m - T h u r s d a y , J u n e 2 7 . Grove - 8 p.m. M c C u l l o m Conservation Club Meeting - 8 p.m. Lakeland Park Community House, 1717 North Sunset Drive. Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573 C.D. of A. Pot-Luck Supper - K.C. Hall. Whispering Oaks Association Quarterly Meeting Whispering Oaks Community Center - 7:30 p.m. JUNE 21 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM Meeting - Oak Room - St. Mary's - 7:30 p.m. home in Garden Quarter apartments. The newlyweds are both graduates of McHenry Community high school. She is employed as a dental assistant and he works as a carpenter. Prior to the wedding, the bride was honored at two showers, the first party was hosted by Jane Hjertstedt of Chicago and Sue Wickenkamp of McHenry, the groom's sister. Another was given by the bride's aunts, Mrs. W. Bochat of Chicago, Mrs. R. Freund and Mrs. F. Johnson, both of McHenry. The Rev. Peckentaugh, minister at St. Martin's in Des Plaines, has conducted seminars on prayer, youth retreats, quiet days, and Bible studies in churches of various denominations in the greater Chicago area. "Begin to Live" will be the focus of his message. Angela Amici of McHenry, who has given her talent exclusively to Christain work, will proclaim the joy of Christ in song. All reservations and cancellations must be in by Monday, June 24. They may be made by calling Mrs. Walter (Ginny) Ulick, McHenry. Women Aglow in Christ is an independent, non-denomination Christian organization, whose only aim is to bring more of Christ to more people. All are welcome. Opening Day For McHenry Country Art Fair - 12 noon to 10 p.m. Parkland School, Ringwood Road. jJUNE 21-22 Rummage Sale - St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Friday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. - Saturday, 9 a.m. to 12 noon - Green Street & St. Paul's Avenue. JUNE 22 McHenry Country Art Fair - Sponsored By Auxiliary To McHenry Hospital - 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. - Parkland School. ' JUNE 23 Annual Summer Social, Chicken Dinner - St. Peter's Parish Hall, Spring Grove - 12 Noon to 3 p.m. McHenry Country Art Fair - 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. - Parkland School. Luncheon, Card Party - St. John's Blessed Virgin Sodality • MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM F. MEYER MARRIED MAY 25 - Francine Mary Wegener and William F. Meyer were married May 25 in St. Peter's church, Volo, followed by a reception at the V.F.W. clubhouse, McHenry. Miss Wegener is ihe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy E. Wegener of Volo and the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. William H. Meyer of Wauconda. Upon return from a wedding trip to Florida, the couple is residing in McHenry. The former Miss Wegener is employed by ;he McHenry Medical Group and Mr. Wegener by the National Tea company in Cary. We Must Be Out By June 30th STORE-WIDE CLEARANCE % OFF AND MORE - A GREAT TIME TO SAVE- ALL SIZES NAME BRAND GIRLS-INF. THRU 14 MERCHANDISE BOYS-INF. THRU 8 3430 W. Elm Daily - 9:30 - 5:30 Friday - 9:30 - 9:00 385-0746 McHenry, III. MR. AND MRS. KEITH HUTCHINSON WED MAY 11 - Miss Patricia Freund and Mr. Keith Hutchinson of McHenry recited nuptial vows in a lovely ceremony solemnized In St. Mary's Catholic church Saturday, May II. The new Mrs. Hutchinson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Freund of 3713 W. Lee street. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Hutchinson of 2514 W. Lincoln road. The couple left June 3 for Moscow, Idaho, and are now residing within a mile of the University of Idaho in Moscow, where the bridegroom will continue his education. - Johnsburg Community Club - 12 Noon. Holiday Hills Women's Club - - Craft and Flea Market - River and Dowell Roads - 9 a.m. until ? St. John Lutheran Church Choral Group - Bake Sale - At Church - Proceeds To Buy New Gowns - 10 a.m. - JUNE 24 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria. Program - Hobby and Antique Show. JUNE 25 Court Joyce Kilmer No. 573 C.D. of A. - Day of Recollection - Viatorian Villa, Pistakee Bay - Leave St. Mary's Parking Lot 9 a.m. JUNE 26 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Bus Trip To Arlington Park Race Track - Bus Leaves McHenry State Bank Parking Lot at 1:45 p.m. JUNE 29 St. Margaret Chapter of NAIM - Card Party - Oak Room - St. Mary's - 7:30 p.m. Strawberry Festival By Pioneer Club - 10: A.M. -- Court Yard Off Broadway, Richmond - Rain Date, June 30. JULY 1 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Executive Committee Meeting - 3 p.m. - Landmark School. JULY 8 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria. JULY 13 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Picnic for Members - Veterans Acres - Crystal Lake Blacktop. 1954 McHenry High School Class Reunion - Johnsburg Community Club - 6 p.m. JULY 14 1954 Class of McHenry High School Family Picnic -- Johnsburg Community Club Grounds - Noon 'Til Dusk. JULY 20 Griswold Lake Hills Home Owners Association - Special Fun Night - Casey's Hall - River Road - 7 p.m. McHenry Senior Citizens Kitchen Band - Ringwood Methodist Church, 7:30 p.m. JULY 21 Annual Chicken Barbecue - wood Methodist Church - 11:30 to 2:30. JULY 22 McHenry Senior Citizens Club Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - East Campus Cafeteria. ELAINE KIUBER ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT - Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Kiuber, R.D. 5, Amsterdam, New York, announce the engagement of their daughter, Elaine, to Thomas E. Evans, III, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Evans, Jr., of McHenry. Miss Kiuber, a graduate of Lynch high school, attended Elmira college, Elmira, New York, and graduated from State university of New York at Albany. Mr. Evans is a graduate of De Pauw university, Greencastle, Ind., and is a graduate of De Paul university, College of Law, Chicago. The wedding will take place Aug. 10 in Amsterdam, New York. SUSAN JANE SNADER ENGAGED - Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Snader of 424 Eugene court, Crystal Lake, announce the engagement of their daughter, Susan Jane, to Thomas William Barger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barger of 609 N. Mineral Springs drive, McHenry. Susan is a 1972 graduate of Crystal Lake high school and will be a senior at I.S.U. Her fiance is a 1972 graduate of McHenry high school. He attended M.C.C. for one year and is now farming in Pittsfield, III. A June 7, 1975, wedding is planned. Fish Fry Friday 5 until 9 PM. Public Always Welcome Chicken and Steak ALSO SERVING Whole Channel Cat Fish, Shrimp, Scallops Lunch 11 AM to 2PM Dinner 5PM to 9PM Pistakee Country Club 815 W. Bay Road (Rte. 134) Phone: 385-9854 [44 FROM ilCflt 110" THE IWMI Ur 1408 N. Riverside Drive COMPLETE BARBERING & STYLING FOR MEN AND BOYS WE SPECIALIZE IN LAYER CUTTING Call for an appointment 385-8373

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