Lakemoor-Lilymoor Alma Hueckstaedt 385-5689 Final Plea For Civil Defense Benefit Sale I his is the final printing asking for donations for the civil defense junque and hake sale If any reader has any articles or baked goods to donate, either take them to the Municipal Building on Rt 120, in Lakemoor or call Mrs Hyatt at 385-4007 and make arrangements to deliver or have the items picked up Here's hoping this sale is so successful that we have the best equipped Civil Defense Unit in the state. LADIES LEAGUE The ladies met on Wednesday, Aug 21, for their business and social meeting. Winners of the bunco games were Joan Delatorre with the first prize. Mary Crudele with second, Connie O'Rourke won third, and Marie Hyatt won the fourth prize. Booby prize winner for the evening was Viola Arbogast. Hostesses were Eunice Tobey and Sophie Patterson GUESTS Eunice and Roy Tobey were happily surprised on Sunday, Aug. 18, by Steve Caho and wife, Sandy, and daughter, Jennifer, from Glenwood. Steve is the son of long time friends of the Tobeys. LOST RESIDENT In these days of super hi- ways, expressways and toll roads it is very easy for a person to get lost, if you don't believe it ask Eunice Tobey. On Monday, Aug. 19, Eunice started out for Plymouth, Wis., to visit friends. On the way there she got lost, she finally ended up at her destination. She visited with Harold Hinze, a patient in a local hospital, also visited with Elmer and Lil Hinze. After leaving there she headed for Sheboygan where she visited with Esther Gustafson and Edith Teske. While there Esther and Edith took Eunice out to dinner. At the end of that day Eunice beaded for home and got lost again. She asked directions on both occasions and both times she had been given wrong directions. When she finally reached Rt. 120 near Waukegan she breathed a sigh of relief because she was in a familiar area but instead of driving west on 120 she drove east due to losing her sense of direction. When she finally made it home she admitted to being one scared gal, because I don't think there is any thing worse than getting lost when you are all alone. /* c SURPRISE, SURPRISE! Sunday, Aug 18, began the same as any other Sunday in the Curt Freeman home. Curt left for work, Ruth went back to sleep she woke up to a surprse breakfast complete with "Hillbilly Gravy". The breakfast was made and enjoyed by approximately fourteen relatives of Ruth and Curt The reason for the breakfast was a belated birthday gift for Ruth A good time was had by all VIRGO BIRTHDAYS Those celebrating birthdays in the first half of September are: Holly Hager who will be 8 and Dick Mumma on the second, then Laura Skelton and Pat Freeman on the third, Anita Kunz on the fifth, Eunice Tobey on the seventh, Scott Mumma who will be 4 on the eighth, Patty Withrow on the ninth, and l^arry Turner on the tenth Then Heidi Hager will be 7 on the eleventh, Shirley Jones and Lonnie Wilson, Jr. , on the thirteenth, and last but not least Jim Wilson on the fourteenth. May all of the above have a very special day and may their birthday wish come true. ANNIVERSARIES James and Kathy Kelly will celebrate another year together on Sept. 5 as will Arden and Pat Heald on Sept. 13. Here's hoping both couples will share many years together with their respective mates. SKATE-A-THON Rusty Hueckstaedt had a Muscular Dystrophy skate-a- thon. Ruth Freeman helped get sponsors without Rusty even asking He collected over $70 all totaled. See you next week. THE FISH Fish is trying to help the Robert Krueger family of Lakeland Park, whose home was gutted by fire Sunday, Aug. 18 The following items are stil l needed in spite of generous donations already made by the people of McHenry: plastic and glass glasses, silverware, large bowls, an iron, can opener, coffeepot, teapot, measuring cups, platters, kitchen clock, clock radio or alarm clock, dish towels, twin and full size sheets, pillows, spice rack, laundry baskets, shower curtain, can goods, curtains and rods, wastebaskets, lamps for all rooms, vacuum cleaner, table linens, shades, cleaning aids, broom and dust pan, toys for their four li t t le girls, ages 1 through 8, girl 's clothing, sizes 7 and 8 (especially parts and tops), and possibly some pictures and other items <o add a lit t le cheer. Most important of all is a home for the family of six. They are in great need of a house to rent while insurance matters are settled and as they begin the slow process of putting their home back together. Mrs. Pat Norton, a neighbor of the Kruegers, can be contacted regarding a house for the family or any of the items listed above. She has generously donated her garage for storage of household goods until a home can be found for the Kruegers. Her phone number is 385-7269, and her address is 1706 Knoll This is a chance for all of us to be good neighbors.. . let 's use it! FACTORY AUTHORIZED CLEANS SHAGS! I NORMAL LOW HIGH SHAG Model M9*5 CLEANING T00IS INClUDtO AT NO EXTRA COST !!!! CAREY APPLIANCE 1241 N. Green Street McHenry, Illinois 385-5500 •imported^H BEEFEATER •GINH BEEFEATE m ION DO* Dl?nil •DRYGINI r &o I fio - Pllj ' l) Fifth What A Super Low Bell Price ! IMPORTED CANADIAN LORD CALVERT PASSPORT STOTUt Imported PASSP0I SCOTCH 1 * 9 Quart 6 Year Old ANTIQUE WHISKEY AntiQU* OlfD PmicKv wwjg kxmbon One Of The Finest Bourbons Ever Bottled 86 PROOF OLD GRAND DAD WHISKEY 4 Fifth California Finest Repeat Sell-Out Fine California Wines At Low Prices! EL MONICA WINES Pink C-hablis - Rhine Sauterene - Vin Rose Burgundy - Chanti - Vino Rosso Your Choice S B Gallon ireat Wines For Table Or For Picnic's From The Vineyards That Gave You Lancers Now Comes VINYA ROSE WINE 29 Bttl. Brewed By Falstaff HANLEY LAGER BEER > f 1! 01 * Bttls. t Premium Only HAMMS 12 0z. ¥ I Cans HAlVLtV L BALLANTINE BEER N.R. Bttls. Premium PRICES EFFECTIVE Aug. 28 thru WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO UMIT UNEXPECTED FALSTAFF BEER 12 0z. Cans FALSTAFF Reg. Or Draft MEISTER BRAU 12 Oz. Cans Sept r BILL i LIQUORS1 HOME Of I RAZE PRICES \ BELL LIQUORS 46(0 W. RTF. 120 MeHENRY, IU. Phone 385-3200 PEPSI BUBBLE UP 16 Oz. Bttls. BLACK LABEL; V GETTLEMANS BEER