Check And Com pare May's... Prescriptions For Less. It's wise shopping to com pare quality and price before buying. Should prescription shopping be any different? We don't think so. May's invites you to com pare our prescription prices with what you may be paying elsewhere. We're sure you'll realize a big difference in May's because we sell for less. When you get quality pre scriptions at lower prices, why shop anywhere else? Com pare for yourself and save with May's Drug stores. We are a participating phar macy for most prepaid in- insurance RX programs. UfatJnnnr Mnct Third aivvvt • ••••%* Party Prescriptions MAY'S REGULAR 36c Lady Scott Facial Tissue 200-ct PLANTERS i ̂ ^22 ̂ MAY'S REGULAR 44c Planter's Peanut Butter CRUNCHY OR CREAMY 12-oz. jar rcotto balls MAY S REGULAR 86c Curity Cotton Balls I'AGE l l t'l.AINDKAl.KK-VVKDNKSbAY.SKFTLMBER 4. 1974 MAY'S REGULAR 74c Classic 9" White Paper Plates is MAY'S REGULAR $6.99 Wahl Clipper SINGLE CUT s Sells For Less Shop And Save On Plastics From May's A mcs v D R U G W» R»s«fve The Right To Limit Quantities "Our Prica Protection PoHcy guarantees these price* to be effective from Wednesday, September 4th, through Tuesday, September 10. 1974, regardtoss of cost Increases " COMPUTE SELECTION Of EVERYDAY CMOS lAtefazpA MAY1 ̂ REGULAR $127 Shredded Foam Bed Pillow 17" x 2J Fruit of the Loom Blend Men's Underwear Men s Orion Crew Socks •*§38*3882 oauuDo u -PDQai , MAY'S REGULAR $1.77 Deluxe Laundry Basket RECTANGULAR PLASTIC MAYS REGULAR $2.99 44 Quart Waste Basket PLASTIC - SWING TOP MAY'S REGULAR $1. 17 Quart Plastic Pail W/Spout DELUXE MAY'S REGULAR 44c 69-Oz. Plastic Pitcher MAY'S REGULAR 89c 14 Quart Dish Pan DE LUXE RECTANGULAR PLASTIC MAY'S REGULAR 79c 14 Quart Plastic Pail W/Spout MAY'S REGULAR $1.49 30 Quart Plastic Waste Basket MAY'S REGULAR 79c 13 Quart Plastic Waste Basket RECTANGULAR MAY'S REGULAR 99c V/2 Bushel Laundry Basket ROUND - PLASTIC MAY'S REGULAR $1.59 Plastic Bowl Brush Holder CAT OR DOG DESIGN llllls- i!!f SINE-AID FOR SINUS HEADACHE MAY'S REGULAR $1.60 Sine-Aid Tablets II 6 (!) O Schick 1 r---s MAY'S 4^^ REGULAR $1.47 Schick I Injector Blades 119 I f*9 1 of 8 MAYS REGULAR $1.171 Kaopectate 8-oz. | btt. Liauor Dent. MILLERS BEER 6 PK.-12 OZ. CANS $119 Calvert Whiskey 86 PROOF - THE SOFT BLENDED AMERICAN WHISKEY iiMh 3.99 Paul Masson Vermouth 21°,, ALCOHOL - A GREAT VERMOUTH FROM CALIFORNIA fifth 1.29 Canada Dry / Gin ^ 90 PROOF - AMERICA S FINEST t . f th 3 .39 Canada Dry Vodka 80 PROOF - DISTILLED FROM 100% AMERICAN GRAIN .43 quart House of | Stuart Scotch | *tunH. 86 PROOF - 100°° IMPORTED SCOTCH WHISKEY 4.19 86 PROOF BLENDED WHISKEY Imperial Whiskey 80 PROOF - DARK OR LIGHT IMPORTED FROM PUERTO RICO Ron Rico Rum 3.69 3.89 80 PROOF - THE VELVET SMOOTH CANADIAN (,)th Black Velvet Canadian 4.29 80 PROOF - A FINE IMPORTED MEXICAN TEQUILA Montezuma tequila f i f th 3.69 80 PROOF - A GREAT CALIFORNIA BRANDY Barclay's Brandy 3.59 MAY'S REGULAR 88c Freezer Tape DISPENSER PACKAGE BY 3M W x 1100" each MAY'S REGULAR Masking Kodacolor Film Processing VIP BORDERLESS SILK FINISH PRINTS 2 SQ26 (SQUARE PRINTS ONLY - SORRY NO FOREIGN FILM) OFFER GOOD SEPTEMBER 4TH THRU SEPTEMBER 9TH ban MAY'S REGULAR $1.5l| Ban Roll-On Deodorant REGULAR OR UNSCENTED MAY'S REGULAR $1 Gillette Dry Look REGULAR OR EXTRA MOLD 11-OX. aerosol MAY'S REGULAR $1.81 Alberto Balsam Hair Spray REGULAR ANO EXTRA HOLD vaseline MAY'S REGULAR 68c Vaseline Intensive Care Baby Powder ' 9-oz MAY'S REGULAR $3.58 Unicap M Plus Iron Vitamins 30 FREE MAY'S REGULAR $1.03 Rise Shave Cream Unicap M nr Rk h Mont I it*" 11-oz. of 120 NETREX MAY'S REGULAR 38c Pentrex Motor Oil 10WJ0 quart STB? Pentrex Automatic Transmission Fluid A D R U G 4400 W. ROUTE 120 - McHENRY MAY'S REGULAR 38c Gold Tone Glassware Sale CELERY DISH. FOOTED COMPOTE. BCRRY BOWL UTILITY BOWL OR BON BON DtSH your MAY'S REGULAR $1.97 | Bugs Bunny Children's k Vitamins $444 bti. of 60 MAY'S REGULAR $1.12 Right Guard Anti-Perspirant 7-oz. aerosol "RilsaniJ Sh.mip"-- . MAY'S REGULAR $1.28 Everynight Shampoo & Rinse BALSAM, LEMON, HERBAL STRAWBERRY, RAINWATER RINSE 0