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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jan 1975, p. 12

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* PAGE 12 - P! I^UN DEAI.KR-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1975 v t y l. :• '•> »::<»• nrecnun> u.p. lgp&£S&^ SS^feffl:. CC5MO 'Grohom-Whife | 1 » 1HMMI »•**"» «bh» •*»{ *«** » !¥:*• % I tZcfibntC/ayf INSURANT ^ UST5 **- .MENT I UNDf 'Sft^ ^h, Mdewski, to*. >5 fomnn No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam,. Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To and Garage Sales ML'ST be paid in advance. The Plaindealei is .lot responsible for errors in clas­ sified ads after tiic first insertion. --Cheek your ad after the 1 ir•>t insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. • i')l I K K IIOUItS: MON.-FRI.;, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline * WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AC«**NfSTRATO$ .E PM f: 8 Hcrtt VYAffct. £*zx. IAMCKMG* p. IHANOVSR AGENCY mm . . . . . . . KZL^nt' TSN OPENiNOS <»» «< - * t mm CIA1MS . **.&{ ADMINISTRATOR fcXPAN*>lUi>t IMAinaGIMENT y»>«* **** »»Bt >»•* p H 0 N E 3 8 5 0 1 7 0 1970 Scout, 4 wheel drive with Hydro turn. 385-8672 1-8 1-15G '71 Chevrolet 3/4 ton pick up, with Winnebago top, heavy duty rear end, 4 speed, 24,000 act­ ual miles with snow tires, like new condition. 385-3854 1-8 1-15G 1973 DODGE, excellent running condition, body needs work. Call after 3:00 pm. 385-4431 1-8 1-15G '65 Dodge Coronet, p.s. p.b., excellent tires, perfect running condition. $295.00 312-497- 3581 1-8 1-15G 1973 CADILLAC Customized Coupe De Ville, red,white vinyl top, white leather interior, red carpeting, loaded, low mrteage, new radial tires and snow tires $5,500.00 Firm. 815-653-9798 1-8 1-15G 1974 Dodge Maxi-Van, power steering, power disc brakes, auto. $3,800.00. 385-5844 after 6. 1-3 1-10G 1967 Plymouth Station Wagon, runs, needs work, $125.00 815-385-3815 after 4:00 pm. 12-6TF 1972 Opel GT, 4 sp. 1900 cc 3Q m.p.g. AM-FM 8 track, Like new $2,600.00 385-5258 1-3 1-10G 73 CHEVY CHEYNNE 10, all power, air, camper cab, under 10,000 miles $3,250.00 385- ( 4301 -12-31 1-8G 1971 Plymouth Fury III 4 dr^+iardtop, p.s., p.b., air one owner $1,300.00. 385-4808 1-8 1-^15G 1071 Cadillac Coupe DeVille, excellent condition, low mil­ eage, many extras. Call 385- 3901 1-8 1-15G * • <® 1973 Ford Grand Torino, 4 door, excellent condition, low miles VS auto, p.s.p.b. $2,975.00 815- 053-9277 1-8 1-15G MOTORCYCLES' 71 BULTACO 175 cc, street legal $450 385-1190 «•; . 1-8 1-10 Must sacrifice 1973 Yamaha TX 750, with matching fairing, perfect condition under 4,500 miles, Asking $1,300.00 or best .offer. 385-6627 1-8 1-15G BUSINESS SERVICES SNOWMOBILES - TUNE 1JPS and repairs. 385-1321. \ ' 1-3 T'T-21 Performance starts with power! That's why Johnson puts extra everything in their great line of snowmobiles! And it's all made in America. So mainte­ nance is simple, easy and readily available - if it's ever needed! If service is needed you can rely on our quality control engineers and Johrtton't 51 years of outboard succrat „ ien you need 'help . . . you can t - : Y • * depend on us! TRI MARINE 4019 c,. Lake Shore Dr. Wonder Lake (815)653-3000 11-27 1-8 pooooooooooooooooooc REMODELING CONTRACTOR •Full additions •Basements Finished •Reasonable •Satisfaction Guaranteed v" Call after 5:00 p.m. or weekends T.R. MCMILLJ\N CONSTRUCTION 815-653-4276 »eooo* FREE PICK-UP of junk cars and trucks, night and day, except foreign and small cars. 459-0081. 1-3 TF1-2 SNOW PLOWING- reasonable ; rates-rural driveways $3.00 to $7.00- Farms $7.00 to $10.00 ? Call Louis Pogany 815-678- 1-4303 12-27 1-8 j* We remove junk cars and trucks FREE. One day ser- 2," vice. Ca'l anvtime. 38.J-5156 p 1-3 TF1-2 J-Snow Plowing. Commerical and Ctresidential. Immediate service 385-4351 or 385-4632 " ?! 12-27TF1-2 f'LDH SNQW PLOWING & Road if Sanding. Parking Lot, Sub- as" divisions, Call 385-5878or 312- It687"6092 !-8 4.W ^ 1 WHATS THE GOOD OF A GOOD THING IF NO- ONE KNOWS ABOUT IT? i ADVERTISE ^ i I'ITIT*^^ 70 tn nlace ad. BUSINESS SERVICES DON'S DAIRY FROST Will begin delivery service after 4:30 everyday thru the winter CALL 385-9734 12-27 2-7 SHIP SHAPE CARPET CLEANERS Uses foam extraction Beautiful results Any living room up to 300 sq. ft. only $26 - McHenry 815-344-0722 10-30 1-22TF1 FOR SALE Model Home Display. Washers, dryers & Refrigerators, all at reduced prices. Phone 385- 5500. Carey Appliances, 1241 N. Green. Street , McHenry. 1-8 Single bed, complete. Phone 815-728-0085 Wonder Lake. 1 - 8 Sears 309 cc snowmobile $200. 385-7013 1-8 1-15G • DECORATIVE PAINTIN( "STANLEY" CUSTOM PAINT Homes - Offices - Farms All work guaranteed f SPECIAL CHRISTMAS PACKAGE" Call Today 815-923-2232 11-27 1-8 SNOWMOiLEl REPAIRS WEST SHORE MARINE SERVICE I 3302 I W. WAUKEGAN ROAD! McHENRY ILL. | 815-3440416 Pick Up & Deliver! 111*2 9 1 - * 0 c NEED SOMETHING DONE ! • Carpentry • Cement Work • Patios • Foundations • Rooting • Siding • Painting -• Additions No job to small or unreasonable CALL j. S. BLAKE Construction 385-5593 i •>_ 11 1«99 II cu. ft. Frigidare w/freezer compartment. Excellent cond­ ition. 344-0649 1-8 1971 Artie Cat EXT. New 650 Red Baron. Good Condition $500.00 312-587-6092 » i - 8 1971 Polaris Snowmobile with cover and trailer, ex^llent condition. $500.00 385-7782, 1-8 1-15G Crown double oven gas stove^ 2-800 x 16.5 6 ply truck tires, 19" vanity with sink and fau­ cets. 385-8672 1-8 1-15G Seasoned Firewood Delivered and stacked $35.00 4x8 cord or ton: $45.00 for 4 x 16 cord 385-1321 1-8 1-31 Old bedroom set from the 40's Vanity instead of dresser. To all who like to antique furn­ iture. Best offer. Call 385- 4863 1 - 8 Full size oak bed frame and headboard, excellent condition $25.00, baby crib complete. $20. 385-6837 1-8 1-10 Snow Prince 71 good condition 18 HP, 2 cylinders, excellent for woman or kids. $200.00 or best offer. 815-385-5789 1-8 1-15G 1974 Skidoo, TNT 400 Free Air perfect condition, trailer and cover plus extras 815-675-2575 1-3 1-10G WOOD FOR FIREPLACE, ready to burn. $35M ton. Cair any­ time 385-3269 or 653-9075 Free Delivery. 12-24 1-10 SEASONED FIREWOOD, ready to burn. $45.00 per cord. Free delivery and stacked. 385-4351 or 385-4632 12-27 1-2TF is -- A.T.V. Tracker all sport, good condition, asking $650 or best offer. Call after 5 pm. 815- 338-4686 ' '• * ^ 1-8 1-10 WANTED TO BUY Wheel chair in good condition. Reasonable. Mail replies to Box 562,\ in care of McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry, Illinois 11-22TF PET> TOR SALE- 2 Registered poodle puppies, male, 9 weeks old, Apricot color 385-3083 1-8 1-10 7 German Shepherd Puppies, 6 weeks old, $10 each, no paper 385-6514 after 3 pm. 1-8 PUPPIES, all kinds, 1 year guarantee 385-7897 1-8 1-31 Riding Lessons, expert in­ struction. Beginners through Advanced. Group rates, indoor arena. Our Farm, McHenry 111. 815-344-0951 1-3TF 1-2 FOR RENT 2 bedrooms, 1% baths, fully carpeted Condominium, with one car garage, located in McHenry. $265.00 per month Call between 8:30 - 5:30 385- 1346. After 6 385-7226 1-8 1-10 Garden Quarter apartments now renting 1 and 2 bedroom apart­ ments, from- $195 00 per month Call 385-21£l 1-8 1-10 Modern 4 room furnished a- partment, most reasonable, se­ curity deposit required. Call 385-1917 1-8 Mobile home, lV2 miles north of McHenry. Call 815-385- 4349 after 5:00 P.M. or on weekends. 1-8 1-10 , i ftii mi i 1 y 4 room furnished or unfurnished Coach House apartment with tee ,§ay privileges, air and utilities furn- available immediately. Al$o 3lrqcfm$buse on a farm furnished*' or Unfurnished. For Information Call 385- 0342 1-8 1-10 Wonder Lake. 2 bedroom home. Basement, stove & refrigerator carpeted front room, 653- 9618 1-8 1-10 2 bedroom house, Wonder Lake Basement, garage. $188 month 815-344-1674 or 815-728-0120 1-8 1-10 4 room apartment, one bed­ room in McHenry, newly decor­ ated. Adults only 385-8190 or 653-9641 1-3 1-10 Waterfront deluxe 1 bedroom apartment, carpeting, stove, refrigerator, immediate occup­ ancy, adults, no pets. 385- 3493 12-27 TF1-2 2 or 3 bedroom house, fenced in back yard, available Jan. 1st. Newly decorated Johnsburg school dist. Security deposit. 675-2435 1-3 1-10 G : 7*- Immediate occupancy 3 bed- ro6m ranch living room with fireplace, attached garage, nice; yard, convenient location. $250. 00 per month T.P. Mathews, Gallery of Homes. 459-4800 12-31 TF1-2 FOR RENT Office space for rent, panel­ led, "carpeted and air condit­ ioned. Conveniently located on Rte. 31 $65.00 and up 455- 0320 1-3TF1-2 Small furnished apartments and sleeping rooms, 385-0266 1-3TF1-2 In McHenry, 2 bedroom home. 2 car garage, fully carpeted, stove, and refrigerator,$225.00 per month 385-1457 12-31 1-8G McHenry, new 3 br. home, 2 car garage, references and se­ curity deposit $375 month. Call eve. 385-5925 1-3TF1-2 2 BR. APARTMENT IN McHenry, $185 includes wall to wall carpeting, refrigerator, stove, air conditioner. Plus security deposit. 385-1980 1-3TF1-2 Office for Rent. Immediate occupancy at 4719 W. Rte. 120 McHenry, Illinois. 385-4619 1-3TF1-2 Two br.apt. heat furished $215 carpet, range, ref. 1 yr. lease. Call weekends 12 to 5, no pets 385-8042 1-3 TF1-2 SITUATION WANTED Will care for elderly man or woman in their home, live in. 385-6263 1-8 1-10 Experienced plumber needs odd plumbing jobs, available anytime. Reasonable. 385-1796 1-8 1-31 HELP WANTED Southgate Apartments 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. Fully carpeted, private decks, stove, refrigerator, air conditioner furnished One year lease. One bed­ room $180.00. 2 bedrooms ri210.00. Apartments shown by appointment. Lee J Coonev ~ Call^385-4345~ 12-4 1-15 CARD OF THANKS iT We would like to thank all our friends for their prayers, cards, gifts and the many blood doners. Also the Johnsburg Rescue Squad, the staff of the McHenry Hospital and Dr. Bautista. The Walter Coari Family 1-8 1-10 PHONE 385-0170 TO PLACE YOUR AD. m :Wx« NOTICE GARAGE SALE Moving Sale, Friday and Sat­ urday, January 10 & 11. Misc. articles, 1817 N. Beach, Lake­ land Park, McHenry, , , 1-8 1-10 4 bedroom home in Genoa City No dogs, References. 414- 279-3402 12-27 1-10 For Rent McHenry, Condom­ inium, 2 bedroom, washer and dryer, dishwasher, garbage disposal, central air condition­ ing, water softener, and gar­ age. Carpeted and draperies, no children or pets. Yearly lease to responsible party $225. 00 per month 815-338-3004 or 414-248-8263 l-£ 1- NOTEE TO ALL ORGANIZATIONS Have your Bake Sale Art Show ... or any special display or project at HORNSBYS We will furnish space, tables and complete provide you with thousands of our customers on any given weekend. We will support your event in our advertising at no cost to you. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MANAGER AT 2 Br. furnished apt. on Pistakee Lake $175 month Call 385-5034 1-8 1-10 NOTICE HOUSEHOLD & GARAGE GOODS MOVING Everything must go 1110 Hilltop McHenry Shores 385-6735 STtLL HAVE OPENINGS FOR ADULT ART CLASSES To be held once a week evenings, starting Jan. 13th They will include instruction in drawing, perspective and portrait sketching in a variety of mediums for beginning artists who just want to learn basic drawing technique. CALL LORI WILHELM, for further inform­ ation. Ten week course 3 hr. sessions; $35.00. 385- 8111 Days or 385-3815 after 5:15 P.M. and weekends 12-18 TF 1-^ AVON Suffering from "Housewife-itis?" lie an Avon Represent­ ative. Get out-meet people have money for something special. Win prizes loo. Sound §ood? Call: MRS.<s8AUER 385-5385 REAL ESTATE New 4 bedroom, l-V2 baths, 2 car attached garage, split foyer. In Sunnyside. $1,500.00 down $225.00 per month to qualified buyer. ,312-262-8880 1-8 1-15G JUST REDUCED By Owner, 5 br. brick home, plastered walls, lg. kitchen w-sliding doors to lg. deck; living room w-frplc.. dining room, 2 baths, lg family rm. w-bar, fireplace & sliding doors leading to roof­ ed patio, finished rec. room, large lot. $46,500. Call for appt.y after 5:00 or weekends. SIS- OS 3-4276. NO BROKERS tf 1-2 For Sale by Owner, 3 bedroom ranch, 1V2 baths, family room with fireplace, 2V2 car attached garage, full basement, on V2 acre lot in Lakeland Park. Low 30's Call 385- 8836 1-3 1-10G REAL ESTATE Fantastic starter home, 2 bed­ rooms, 1 kitchen, living room, 1V2 car detached garage, located less than 1 mile from McHenry shopping. Lot size approximat­ ely 75' X-T50'. $17,000.00 By Owner 385-2107 i_i5G MORTGAGE AVAILABLE New four bedroom, two bath house fpr sale or lease in Spring Grove, III. Owner Builder. GRAY BUILDERS 815-675-2541 1-8 1-1U ' 1-8TF1-2 Real Estate Sales Associates. Join the fastest growing, professional real estate sales organization in McHenry County. We have openings for aggressive people in our McHenry, Woodstock, and Crystal Lake offices. We will train. Let's talk about it. Call Chris or Dave Byrnes. Byrnes Bros., Inc. Realtors. 459-5400 11-8-TF 1-2 Sell Auto Insurance PartTime 312-395-6648 1-3TF 1-2 FEMALE HELP WANTED Dental Assistant, experienced preferred but not necessary. Call 385-2433 1-8 1-17 Saleswoman for specialty shop, experienced preferred. Write P.O. Box 86 McHenry, Illinois 1-3 1-8 PARTTIME - EVENING HELP Apply in Person to MRS. E. MARSTON McHenry Hospital Snack Shop 3516 W. Waukegan Road-McHenry, III. MALE HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 212 Acres highly productive corn land with another 26 acres of wooded pasture. Large barn with milk­ ing parlor, 3 silos, modern home. Located in Jefferson County Wisconsin. Priced to sell at $685 per acre. $74,000 Land contract available at 7%. March poss­ ession. STADE REALTY Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin 414-563-8033 1-8 1-10 I >i It'i 1 >'i I I'n I >ln 1 i'i I I .MJili'.l.l.l.'. I 1 get the job done vr-iiffi«""ri,inno(>n»(rff(BiKtm^<wtwrioan.'ni>iKiOTMf«ririirrn-r-n-liWiO(nafr~irfWit- 4400 W. Elm, McHenry Daily 9-9; Sunday9-6 1-3 1-isT Retired man, previous retail experience desired. Part - Full time retail sales in store McHenry's Favorite Sport Center PET CENTER got A p£T Fqr yoo -' nn/Tr A WAV GIVE AWAY Loveable puppy-lab and Short hair, 2 months old. Call after 3:00 385-4431 1-8 2 year old dog, good with c.iildren, housebroken, Call 338-1059 after 4. Good home only. 8 week old Cock-a-poo male, \ Paper trained. Good with children. 385-7907 J 1-8 1-8 1-10 MALE HELP WANTED DRAFTSMAN Gearmaster Division of Emerson Electric is currently interviewing for a Mechanical Draftsman Responsibilities of this position will include: * Preparing detail drawings of mechanical parts. * Preparation and revision of bills of material. * Drawing and mat^ial standardization. * Mirtor layout. Previous work history consisting of two (2) to three (3) years drafting experience. Basic knowledge of cast­ ing design, shaft design and miscellaneous, mechanical parts such as bearings, shafts, gears etc. During this period of economic uncertainty why not join an organization that offers stabinty and growth potential plus the backing of a billion dollar corporation For an interview send resume to GEARMASTER . 1809 South Rt. 31 McHenry, III. 60050 Phone 815-385-7020 An Equal Opportunity Employer. 1-8 1-10 FOR RAPID R E S U L T S PHONE ( 385-0170 - TO PLACE YOUR AD

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