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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jan 1975, p. 1

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J Musin' and Meanderin' When the City Council overruled a Zftf i ing Board of Appeals recommendation last week. Youth, Inc. , of McHenry gained the^tipport needed to get( i!s program beyond young dreams. Only detai ls -- ad­ mittedly some important ones l ike insurance -- remain to be set t led before the recreation program gets under way. The movement gained public at tention many months ago, spearheaded by students, most of them from East campus. I t is an emotional subject that does not lend i tself to calm discussion Young folks and their backers have vehemently defended their plans. Many adults are equally vocal in expressing their concerns. Maybe this is an opportune t ime to look at the pros and cons. We are not acquainted with 'most of the young people in­ volved, but they come highly recommended by some up­ standing adults who are, and we' l l buy their t rust Of their s inceri ty there is no doubt. We had the opportunity to visi t with the president of Youth, Inc. , some t ime ago and she convinced us that other members shared her en­ thusiasm and her deter­ mination to succeed. They know what they want and they*-" have perseverance. Also, they have the sub­ stantial backing of adults . All these are to the good. Unfortunately, there are cons and they add up to serious considerations. We are not referring to the questionable location which will be the first home of Youth, Inc. , on Main street . This is temporary, and while problems thefe seem evident, they will not be for long. The real questions seems to be whether a program of this type can be operated with some state of decorum for any length of t ime in the best location. The past record, to be sure, provides a gloomy prospect . Youth, Inc. , members want to assume responsibil i ty for their own recreation Ac­ cording to r / the president , a personable, bright young gir l , they will depend heavily upon peer group pressure to remind the membership oi j that responsibil i ty^. Will this be sufficient? Unfortunately, there are always outsiders who prefer that , s tatus. There is much more sat isfaction to therh in acting the rde of the spoiler In the past they have contributed to the demise of s imilar (Continued on page 14) Open Heart Drive Offer Blood Pressure Screening At Courthouse V The McHenry County Heart associat ion will sponsor Blood Pressure Screening free of charge between the hours of 9 a m and 3 p.m. Friday, Jan. 10, at the McHenry county cour­ thouse, 2200 N. Seminary, Woodstock, to launch the month long nation-wide Heart Fund campaign. Mrs. Eileen Hansen, Blood Pressure Screening chairman, made the an­ nouncement In announcing the Blood Pressure Screening. Mrs. Hansen reported that this year 's goal for McHenry county is $30,000. Heart and blood vessel diseases kil l more than one mill ion Americans annually. The toll is greater than al l other causes of death combined. The Heart associat ion needs public support in i ts f ight to conquer the nation's number one kil ler . During February, local Heart fund volunteers wil l visi t their neighbors to distr ibute heart saving information and collect contributions for research education and community service dedicated to combating cardiovascular diseases. Conservation Awareness Night Scheduled Jan. 9 The Universi ty of I l l inois Cooperative Extension Service, in cooperation with the Con­ servation agencies of McHenry county and the McHenry county 4-H, are sponsoring a conservation awareness night Thursday, Jan: 9, from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at the Farm Bureau building on McConnell road in Woodstock. Do you know what ASCS or SCS is0 Do you kriow what they do' ' Are you a young person who w{)uld l ike to part icipate in conservation activi t ies? Are you a parent who is interested in working with young people in conservation activi t ies such as tours and l istening to guest speakers? Those wttu f ind any of the above questions interest ing are invited to at tend. The Agriculture Stabil izat ion and Conservation Service, the Soil Conservation Service, the (Continued on page 14) Newly elected officials of the Chain of Lakes - Fox River commission discuss the commission's goals with State Sen. Jack Sehaffer (R-Cary). Left to right are Vice Chairman William J. Bolger, McHenry; Chairman William E. Brook, Antioch; Commission Secretary Rita Zeleny, Highland Park, and State Senator Jack Sehaffer, R-Cary. The expanded commission was created by legislation sponsored in the Senate by Senator Jack Sehaffer. The goal of the commission is to upgrade and protect the Chain of Lakes and Fox river. The ( ' l iain of Lakes Fox * River commission, which was created by an act of the 78th General Assembly has met in " recent reorganization. The new commission has assumed responsibil i t ies for the stretch of the-A^ox. r iver between the McHenry State dam and the Algonquin dam. This expansion of the com­ mission's area was brought about at the suggestion of State Senator Jack Sehaffer <K Cary) who argued forcefully that the interest of the people l iving on and usin^ the Fox river above and below the McHenry dam would be better served with a unified effort to improve "and maintain the Chain O'Lakes and Fox river Will iam E Brook, Antioch, was reelected chairman of the commission. Will iam J. Bolger, McHenry, was elected vice- chairman, State Rep John Matyevich. < D-Waukeganl; was al to elected vice-chairman and Rita Zeleny, Highland Park, was elected secretary. (Continued on page 14) 38-Year Career Of City Clerk Comes To A Close Earl R. Walsh, right, sits quietly as Mayor Joseph Stanek reads the city clerk's letter of resignation after thirty-eight years of service. In photo at left, aldermen sit in silence as the surprise announcement is made. Nearest camera are Mrs. La Verne Hromec and Edward Datz. At Mrs. Hromec's left are William Bolger and Donald Howard. STAFF PHOTOS - BARBARA GILPIN Following the an- n o u n c e m e n t o f resignations by the ci ty clerk and ci ty treasurer at Monday night 's Council meeting, Mayor Stanek asked Tuesday morning for applications for the two posit ions He urged in­ terested persons to send resumes to him at 1316 N. Millstream, McHenry. Major qualif icat ions are for applicants to be residents of the ci ty and bondable. THOMAS F. BOLGER CITY TREASURER Earl Walsh resigned Monday night as City Clerk of McHenry after thir ty-eight years of uninterrupted service. He had never missed at tendance at a meeting. Aldermen and Mayor Joseph Stanek sat in stunned si lence and looked at Walsh with disbelief after his let ter of resignation was read at the close of the f irst City Council meeting of 1975. Alderman Edward Datz said, "This is one. of the biggest shocks I 've had " Alderman George Harker, who recently broke his leg in an automobile accident, remarked, "I t 's almost as bad as breaking my leg." Walsh told couneilmen, "I t 's been coming. I have been (working hard, and I think f inancial ly i t would be very foolish for me to continue since I have many ret irement benefi ts coming." He said he would l ike to take a few tr ips, especial ly to Florida where he might be able to stay "a l i t t le longer at the White Sox training camp". Walsh's let ter of resignation stated:" "Gentlemen. "After much soul searching over a period of t ime, I have made the decision to resign as ci ty clerk and city collector, effective at the end of the current f iscal year. "My ret irement benefi ts wil l exceed the net pay I receive from the ci ty by a substantial amount. "I t was my intention to resign as of Jan. 1, 1975, but didn' t have the heart to place the complexit ies of present election laws and regulat ions in the lap of a new City Clerk before gett ing acquainted with the duties. "I t is my understanding that the vacancy can be fi l led by appointment This should be checked with the City Attorney. "God will ing, I wil l have completed thir ty-eight years of continuous service as ci ty clerk at the end of the f i scal year My associat ion with elected of­ f icials , appointed officers, loyal employees, and the general public*throughout the years has been pleasant . Writ ing this let ter has been equally as hard as making the decision to ret ire. "Sincerely, "Earl R Walsh" Walsh told aldermen it took (Continued on page 14) Northern Pump Has Entries In Denver Classic Northern a Pump Co., McHenry, has entered seven head of Herefords in Register of Merit competi t ion at Den­ ver 's 1975 National Western Stock show. A total of 476 Herefords have been entered in the National Western, a record number for the past several years. The Denver classic has for many years been the most influential show for the Hereford breed. In addit ion to the Register of Merit halter judging, the carload bull show, the largest and most spectacular event of i ts kind, wil l feature some 1,000 head in competi t ion and for sale. Singers Start Rehearsal For Spripg Season With gloomy news dominating the media, the McHenry Choral club has selected the theme, "The Happy Times", for the spring program which will be presented May 3 and 4 Rehearsals begin Monday, Jan 13, in the East campus music room. Anyone over high school age will be welcomed to join the f if ty-plus member singing group. Practices begin immediately for the program and are held at 8 o 'clock each Monday night . Special sections will be devoted to music from "Car nival", "State Fair", "Kismet" and "The Gypsy Baron" John M Johnson is president of the club and may be contacted for further information. Crash Takes Life Of Former McHenry Gir l BARBARA JEAN KOLB A one-car accident three blocks from her home in Champaign, 111 , took the l ife of Barbara Jean Kolb of 5612 Woodland drive, Pistakee Highlands, on Jan. 1 The 22- year-old senior at the Universi ty of I l l inois was a 1971 graduate of McHenry high school. * Miss Kolb was driving alone when her car struck a viaduct . After completing three years of college studies, Miss Kolb left school for one semester last fal l to t ravel to Europe with mends She was working and was lo return for her last year at the universi ty, majoring in psychology, with plans to teach deaf mutes. During her high school years, ( l ie young woman was active as a member of the band, chorus, American Field Service, Girls Athlet ic associat ion, Ski club and French club. She was born Dec. 9, 1952, in Chicago, daughter of Jerome G and Helen Rett inger Kolb. Her mother and a brother, Ronald, survive. Services were conducted from the Hamsher funeral home in Fox Lake at 1:30 Saturday, with private burial . The coll ision of two snowmobiles Friday night about 8:20 on Johnsburg Public school property at 2117 W. Church road, Johnsburg, resulted in injuries and t ickets for both drivers. Paul M. Rogers of 4316 W. Shore drive and Gustave J . DeBuck of 820 N Green street , both of McHenry, were taken to McHenry hospital by the Johnsburg Rescue squad. DeBuck was admitted to the hospital and Rogers was treated in the emergency room. Both were t icketed for operation of unnumbered snowmobiles and operating snowmobiles on priva/e property. f Deputies reported thri t^lf ie snowmobiles coll ided after both had crossed Wilmot road and entered school property Lights on both vehicles were in operation at the t ime of impact . When Supt. Duane Andreas of Johnsburg Public school was notif ied of the incident, he told deputies that no one had per­ mission to r ide snowmobiles on school property Richard K Leisten of 3304 W. Fairway drive, McHenry, escaped injury last Friday morning about 8 o 'clock when his car crashed into a uti l i ty pole. Leisten was east bound on (Continued on page 14) Unify Lakes-River Improvement Effort Review Successes, Unmet Coals Of 1974 Set Bond in Orchard Beach As McHenry embarks upon another year with goals outl ined, many residents are looking back on the ac­ complishments and disap­ pointments of the last twelve months. H was just a year ago t i iat poli t ical act ivi ty was beginning to leave i ts mark with an an­ nouncement that a con­ solidation of elections would bring more voters to the polls on primary day. " The first two months were most crucial for the gasoline shortage, and there remains a vivid mental picture of long l ines of cars wait ing at the pumps. To rel ieve the energy crisis , daylight saving t ime went into effect Jan. 6, producing numerous com­ plaints . A help for drivers came when important new stop l ights were instal led on Rt. 120 at the in­ tersections with Meadow lane and Industrial drive. The next month McHenry City Council welcomed i ts f irst lady alderman in the person of LaVerne Hromec. She was elected to represent the fourth ward in Lakeland Park, I Residents learned that when the McHenry hospital relocates to the planned Northern Il l inois Medical center on Rt. 31 and Bull Valley road, the present facil i t ies wil l be dedicated to serving unmet needs of the area. These were pinpointed as gefif i tr ic , psychiatr ic, alcoholic and rehabil i tat ive care, among others. ^ The long awaited i im­ provement in t ransporation service came in March when service by the O'l^are Wisconsin l imousine became -effective .on a daily basis . Ground breaking for per­ manent facil i t ies of McHenry County college took place March 10 on the si te of two buildings to be erected on U.S. Rt. 14, near Lucas road, outside Crystal Lake, Later , s tr ikes delayed construction and pushed up the total cost . The following month, after almost a year in which property for a park was sought, the City Council entered into an option agreement with Kenneth Petersen of 4112 W. MeCullom Lake road, to buy about 33 acres of land on the south side of the road for $3,000 an acre. I t was also in the spring that the Chicago and North Western Transportat ion company began i ts long feud with the commuter public. I t was named in a Citat ion concerning commuter train operations on i ts run between the junction south of McHenry and the vil lage of Richmond. Later , in com­ peti t ion which at tracted media at tention throughout jt he country, a bicyclist beat the evening commuter, t rain in a race between the McHenry stat ion and Lake Geneva. In April also, the Il l inois Department of Transportat ion, Division of Highways, an­ nounced , plans for the im­ provement o^ Rt. 120 from Greenwood road easterly to the Ringwood-Draper road, west of McHenry. This was a project that was not to have i ts s tart in 1974 An effort of eight years for permission to erect an electr ic- traffic signal at the intersection of Rt 120 and River road won apprt iwal. Although there are equipment indications that the projecji wil l be carried out , there; jwas no visible progress lasUvfcar. sUvfcar. 19/4; was the year an effort was niade to secure a potential vbuyer for east campus high school so that future expansion (Continued on page 14) THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER "SERVING -THE CHAIN-O-LAKES REGION SINCE 1875 VOLUME 99 - NUMBER 45 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8. 1975 20 PAGES - FIFTEEN CENTS Burglary; Hold Juveniles Earl Walsh Resigns • -- -- i • . i i -- • -- -- Donald Bockhorst of 715 N. Center street and Robert Mueller of 4500 Parkway avenue, both of McHenry, were arrested for burglary last Wednesday night by county deputies. Bond for each was set at $2,500. Two juvenile ac­ complices were referred to juvenile authorities for their part in the crime Deputies were informed about 10:15 last Wednesday night that there was a burglary in progress at the home of vacationing Charles Conway at 2118 Orchard Beach drive, McHenry A neighbor became suspicious when • he saw an unfamiliar vehicle at the residence As Deputy Sheriff McFadden approached the area, he saw two youths running from the scene. He succeeded i,n taking them into custody and proceeded down the road toward the Conway residence. As he did, McFadden saw a vehicle matching the description of that at the scene approaching his car south­ bound 0 1 1 Orchard Beach road. He blocked the road and took the two occupants of the auto into custody. The offenders are to appear in .court Jan. 23. Four summer homes in the West Shore Beaeh area were entered last weekend. The homes of Frank Borski at , 5210 Westshore drive and Anna Krol at 5106 Westshore drive, were ransacked but i t cannot be determined if anything was taken unti l the owners arrive to check the premises. Two other homes, one at 5104 and the other at 5102 Westshore drive, were also burglarized in a similar manner. Investigation is continuing by sheriff 's detectives. A 12 gauge automatic shotgun was taken from the Scott Schroeder residence at 2821 Shorewood, McHenry, last Wednesday afternoon Entry was gained by forcing open the front door. A„burglary at the home of vacationing Roy Beaman, 2411 Country lane, McHenry, was discovered by a neighbor who saw the rear door of the home standing open. Taken from the home- was a 22 cal iber t automatic r if le , 20 gauge bolt act ion shotgun and an 8-track tape player Further inventory will be made when the^liwner returns. ' Swanson Chalet at $211 N. River road, McIIfenry, was entered during the early morning hours Dec. 29 and an undetermined amount of coins were taken from six coin operated machines. Entry was made by breaking a washroom window. -•» Ronald Frohling of 7405 Pioneef" road, Richmond, reported f 'o authori t ies that sometime after Dec. 24, someone stole about 200 bushels of corn from the corn crib on a farm he operates ' at 8002 N. Route 31. Richmond Evidence indicated the corn had been shoveled into a truck which had been backed up to the corn crib. The summer home of Bruno Kozimor at 2203 N. Willow lane, McHenry, was broken into Dec. 29 A neighbor discovered the glass of the front door broken, al lowing offenders to gain entry Evidence indicated the home had been searched but i t (Continued on page 14)

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