I Deaths BRUCE A. RUDOLPH ^ Bruce A. Rudolph, 12/5718 South street, Richmond, died Jan. 3 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. He was born June 16, 1962, in Woodstock, the son of Russell and Darlene Harris Rudolph, Jr. A sixth grade student, he was a member of the Community church in Richmond and Cub Scout Pack 349. Among his survivors are his parents, Russell Rudolph, Jr., Silver Lake, Wis., and Darlene Rudolph, Richmond; one sister, Debra; three brothers, William, Ronald and D^vid, all at home; his paternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rudolph, Sr., Spring Grove; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Harris. Rich mond; two maternal great- grandmothers, Mrs. Josephine Harris. McHenry, and Mrs. Millie Overton, Wauconda. The body rested at the Ehorn- Adaips funeral home where services were held Tuesday afternoon at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Glenn Mensing of ficiating. Burial was in McHenry County Memorial Park, Woodstock. LEONA BASSI ) Leona Vera Bassi, 75, of-$01 N. Southgate, died Jan>5 at Pistakee Bay Nursing home. Mrs. Bassi was born in St. Louis Nov. 7,1899, the daughter of Horace and Ada Flannery Thompson. She had lived in this area for 33 years. Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Stanley (Jane) Mann, Cincinnati, Ohio; a son, Victor R., McHenry; twelve grand children and four great grandchildren; and a brother, Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 19TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS PROBATE DIVISION ESTATE OF MICHAEL SPLENDORIA Deceased, FILE NO. 75-P-2 Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 194 of the Probate Act, of the death of the above named decedent and that letters of Administration were issued on Jan. 2, 1975, to Jeseline Dober, 108 W. Bay Rd., McHenry, Illinois, whose at torney of record is Thomas M. Daly, One N. LaSalle St., Chicago, 111. ^laims may be'filed Within 6 n^Qfp|hS from the dat issuance of Letters ̂ and t any oteim not fil ^ period is barred as f^Tfl^est which is inventoried within ti period. 1 Claims against said esta should be filed in the Probat office of the Clerk of said Cour County Court House, Wo< stock, Illinois, and cpp thereof mailed or delivered to said legal representative and to said attorney. MARGARET O'NEIL Clerk of the Court (Pub. Jan. 8, 15,22,1975W George Thompson, Clearwater, Fla. Her husbajrd,^ Victor F., preceded her in death, Nov. 15, 1963. Visitation was scheduled after £ p.m. Tuesday at the Peter M. Justen and Son funeral home. A funeral Mass will be offered Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock at St. Mary's Catholic church, with burial in the church cemetery. MADELON BARTEN A five year resident of Mc- Cullom Lake, Madelon Barten, 62, of 5308 W. Park View, died Jan. 2 in Chicago. Whe was born March 17, 1912, in Chicago. Among her survivors are her husband, Walter S.; two sons, Robert Roalsen, McHenry, and Walter A. Barten, Chicago; one sister, Mrs. Jacqueline Todd Of McCullom Lake; three brothers, John Jarvis, Chicago, Anthony Jarvis and Louis Jawin, San Gabriel, Calif. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen and Son funeral home, where services were held Monday at 11 o'clock with burial in Woodland cemetery. JOSEPH GAWLIK Injuries suffered in a serious fall in his home, Dec. 18 caused the death of Joseph Gawlik, 83, of 1601 W. Vale Street, McHenry, Dec; 27 at McHenry hospital. Born Aug. 2, 1891, in Poland, he came to the United States in 1913. He served in the army in the first World War and was a retiree from the International Harvester company. He had lived in McHenry for the past three years. Among his survivors are his cousins, Victoria Nowicki and John Gawlik of McHenry; •Chester Wieckowicz, Lillian" Ciciora, Chicago; Ted Wieckowicz of Wisconsin, Alice Weber of Florida. He was preceded in death by his wife, Sophie, in 1956 and a daughter, Lottie, in 1959. . The body rested at the Poterek Funeral home in Chicago. Interment was in Irving Park cemetery HELEN LOW A funeral Mass was offered at 11 o'clock Monday, Jan. 6, in St. Patrick's Catholic church for Mrs. Frank (Helen) Low. Mrs. Low, 52, died Thursday, Jan. 2, in Memorial hospital, Woodstock. She was born in Polo, 111., May 23, 1922, a daughter of John and Lina (Wasser) Kilday.- Mrs. -Low was educated locally, and on May 24, 1941, was married in McHenry to Frank Low, who survives. She also leaves four sons, Michael of Hoffman Estates, Timothy of Woodridge, Thomas and Kelly, both of McHenry; two grand children; four sisters, Mrs. Robert Smith and Mrs. Richard Blake of McHenry, Mrs. Ed- *ward Hogan of Chicago and Mrs. Edmund Lay of Lombard; also a brother, Robert, of McHenry. Her parents and an infant son preceded her in death. The body rested at the George R. Justen & Son chapel until the time of the Mass. Burial was in St. Patrick's cemetery. M O HE N R N PI _ -VIA DEALER THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Established 1875 3812 West Elm Street Phone 385-0170 McHenry, Illinois 60050 Published Every Wednesday & Friday at McHenry, Illinois Second Class Postage Paid at McHenry, Illinois By McHENF*Y PUBLISHING COMPANY und Publisher Adele Froehlich -- Editor ( 1974 *\~7 lO * NATIONAL NEWSPAPER MiBcuTim rnUti rnf fr»t Prfii j=| NNA SUSTAINING ¥ M MEMBER -1975 SUBSCRIPTION RATES r..^ $9.00 l Year $12.50 In McHenry. and Lake Outside McHenry and ^ County Lake County ^ * V iijli.iliii McHENRY SAVIIsfeS OFFERS YOU ABSOLUTELY Tl4E HICHEST RATES IN TOWN! 7 3a y CERTIFICATE v/ OF 4 7o DEPOSIT *5000 MINIMUM • 72 MONTHS CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT 1000 MINIMUM 48 MONTHS 6 2 % CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT '5000 MfNIMUM • 1 YEAR 5 ! % CERTIFICATE OF 4 /® DEPOSIT M000 MINIMUM • 3 MONTHS 7 1 0/ CERT,F,CATE 2/0 0F DEPOSIT •5000 MINIMUM 48 MONTHS 6!% ^ q / CERTIFICATE 4 /© DEPOSIT '5000 MINIMUM 30 MONTHS OF 6% CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT MOOO MINIMUM 1 YEAR 5 1 0/ 4 /0 PASSBOOK SAVINGS ACCOUNT nn M c H E N R Y S A V I N G S y -- STILL TIME TO JOIN OUR 1975 CHRISTMAS CLUB -- * ' *• l^rn Heffulations Hequire Thit Cert»fir«t«8 Aithdra-n F'rior To Maturity f-arn HeffuUr Pissbor* Interei^ Minus 90 !*y» SERVING AIL OF GREATER McHENRY COUNTY McHenry Savings ̂ W'. ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION 1209 North Green Street, McHenry, Illinois 60050 815-385-3000 * Savers Hours: 9:00«m - 4:30pm Mon., Tues., Thurs., Sat. 9:00«m - 8:00pm - Frt. Wednesday Drive-In 9:00am to ?:OOpb0i. w NELLIE C. HICKEY Mrs. Nellie C. Hickey, 92, of 1110 Pleasant, Oak Park, died Jan. 4, at the Crystal Pines Nursing home, Crystal Lake. She was the grandmother of Mrs. Leonard (Dolores) Hodgson of McHenry. Mrs. Hickey was born April 8, 1882, in New York state. Her husband, Frank, > and a daughter, Dolly Wagner, preceded her in death. She leaves only the one grand daughter. It was in lj>20 when Mrs. Hickey went'to work as a clerk 'in the election commissioner's office in Chicago. Later, she worked in the city clerk's office as a police woman and was also assigned to what was then the Morals court. In 1938 she became supervisor of bailiffs in what is now the Municipal division of the Circuit court. She was the first woman precinct captain in Chicago. Visitation was held Monday evening at the George R. Justen & Son chapel. Services were conducted Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, with burial in All Saints cemetery, DesPlaines. MATHIAS A. PETER Mathias A. Peter,' 91, 7410 Barry avenue, Spring Grove, died Jan. 1, in McHenry hospital. He was born April 6, 1883, in Hungary, the son of Wilhelm and Elizabeth Seehorsch Peter. Mr.. Peter was a barber by trade, retiring at the age of 89. He Was a of the Jan. 31 Deadline F6r Campaign Disclosure •' • When in doubt, file with your local county clerk in January. That's the advice Michael E, Lavelle, chairman of the State Board rof Elections, gave to anyone who has been or is in volved in politics on a local level in Illinois. He offered the advice because the state's new Campaign Disclosure law goes into effect for many persons here in January. "The effective date for existing local political com mittees and local candidates who may be defined as 'local committees' under the law is Barbers Union and St. Peter's Catholic church. Survivors include his wife, Rose, whom he married in Hungary, Feb. 10, 1907; two daughters, Mrs. Douglas (Anne) Southworth, Mt. Prospect, and Mrs. Dolly Scott, Omaha, Neb.; one son, Joseph W., Niles; six grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by three brothers and one daughter. The body rested at the Ehorn- Adams funeral home, Rich mond. A funeral Mass was offered Saturday at 10 o'clock at St. Peter's Catholic church, with the Rev. John J. Kilduff officiating. Burial was in St. Joseph's cemetery, River Grove. < t Jan. 1," Lavelle said. "The deadline for filing is Jan. 31." He said that the Campaign Disclosure law, enacted by the Illinois General Assembly in September, is comprehensive and has far-reaching ramifications so individuals may be considered "political committees" even if they are indirectly involved in collecting funds that may ultimately be used to support or oppose candidates or questions of public policy"!" "Since the law contains criminal penalties for non compliance, it is essential that citizens and groups concerned with election campaigns examine the requirements of the law for their own protec tion." Lavelle said. 4 Lavelle also pointed out that the State Board of Elections is sending out a specially-trained task force to work with clerks throughout the state, assisting them in interpreting and ad ministering the new law. This task force already has held a series of special training seminars for county clerks during December in DeKalb, Normal, Macomb, Charleston, Carbondale, and Edwardsville. "In addition to our field staff, trained personnel will be available to answer questions on the new law in both our Springfield and Chicago of^ PAGE 3 - PLAINDEALF.R-WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1975 Change Name Of 19-Year-Old Health Agency The National Cystic Fibrosis Research foundation! represented locally by the Northern Illinois chapter, has changed its corporate name to Cystic Fibrosis foundation. The move, announced by Robert D. McCreery, president of the nineteen-year-old health agency, will effect no alteration in current program and policy. The foundation, a member of the national Health council, will retain its primary goal to conquer cystic fibrosis through research and to provide exemplary care for children suffering C-F and other lung- damaging diseases. Cystic fibrosis, identified in the late 1930's, is today the number one genetic killer of children. It affects the lungs and digestive system and is so far incurable., Last year the cystic fibrosis Breath of Life campaign and other fund-raising efforts brought $5.3 million for foun dation programs These programs include support of fices," Lavelle said. The Springfield office of the State Board of Elections is at 110 lies Park Place. The phone number is (217) 782-4140. The Chicago office of the State Board is at 100 N. LaSalle St. the number there is (312) 793- 4980. 110 centers in teaching hospitals and) universities where children with lung- damaging diseases afe treated or referred; p/ograms of education foryYung-damaged patients and families and for the medical and lay com munity; and for research. Programs conducted locally by the Northern Illinois Chapter include research and therapy at Chicago area C-F centers such as Children's Memorial hospital, Nor thwestern University Young Adult Chest clinic, the University of Chicago -- Wyler Children's hospital, and Illinois Research and Education hospitals (University of Illinois); a patient care program, directed by a nurse- coordinator, to help C-F families at home and at C-F centers with diet, psychological and medical counseling, and physical therapy; a chapter summer camp program for C-F youngsters; a chapter cook book, C-F Cookery; and a public education and in formation program. Charity December is a popular month for charity Fact is the virtue has now turned into an industry. One outfit collected over $3 million-- without a telethon or a disease for publicity. Good Humor? Kids overheard in a serious con versation: Boy: "Kiss me." Girl: "NO." Boy: "Kiss me." Girl: "Ifio." Bqy: "Kiss me and I'll give you half mv ice-cream bar " Girl "OK." DOLLAR DAZE ! ! JAN, j JAN, 10 JAN, II JAN, 12 JAN, 13 THURS. fftl. SAT. SUN. MON. MEN'S I. JEANS ENTIRE SELECTION (NOT INCLUDING DENIMS) 2. M£N'S,j WOMEN'S, CHILDREN'S WINTER COATS and JACKETS ENTIRE SELECTION MISSY SLACK SUITS and CO-ORDINATES SIZES 8-20 14^-24^ -MEN'S, WOMEN'S, CHILDREN'S 4. GLOVES and MITTENS ENTIRE SELECTION 4 FOR THE PRICE *• OF ONE YOU PAV FOR THE HIGHER PAIR Yt OFF Y, OFF % OFF RES. PRICE REG. PR I CE REG. PRICE MEN'S 5. SWEATERS and SWEATER VESTS ENTIRE SELECTION SIZES S-M-L - CHILDREN'S & LADIES 6. , SUPPERS & SNOW BOOTS BOY'S 7. JEANS SIZES 8-12 MENS . 8. a OFF t % OFF REG. PRICE REG. PRICE 2 FOR THE PRICE . OF ONE ENTIRE "SELECTION Ss b y, OFF RE6. PRICE MANY OTHER IN-ST0RE SPECIALS NO RETURN ON SALE ITEMS ----- ALL SALES FINAL STORE HOURS: M0N.-THURS.-SAT. - 9 to 6, FRI. - 9 to 9, SUN. - 9 to 2 BANKAMERICARQ 1219 N. Green St. LnDSTDNE Iff n St. 385-0182 McHenry, Ul.