1 PAGE 18 - PLAINDEALER-FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1975 Eastwood Manor Mary Ann Bellak 385-5705 Dianne Smith Wins Award In Public Speaking Dianne Smith of Manor Lane received a first place cer tificate of excellence in the public speaking competition at the Northern Area Future Business Leaders of America conference held at West Campus Saturday, Feb. 1. Dianne was also elected Northern area president. She will compete at the state Come in and browse, you' l l get ideas for furnishing your bath and discover many charming gif ts . \ ITS 3012 W Kte. 120, McHenry Hast of New Bridge - Free Parking 385-0048 Mon.-Thurs. 9-5:30. Fri . 9-9, Sat . 9-5 Complete planning and instal lat ion of f ixtures and accessories. conference in Springfield March 7 and 8. Dianne is an honor roll student with a 3.8 average for the semester. Sharing the spotlight with Dianne is Kathleen, her sister, who completed her second quarter with a 4.0 average being straight A s. Kathleen is a freshman at East campus. Their family and friends are extremely proud of both girls. Good luck to Dianne at the state conference! ANNIVERSARY Happy anniversary to Pete and Geri Smith of Manor Lane in Eastwood Manor who will be celebrating number 17! on the fourteenth of March. HOMEOWNER'S MEETING This past Thursday evening, Feb. 27, we had a Homeowner's meeting at Faith church in our subdivision. Several Eastwood Manor residents attended the meeting, but we still need more, so please join, just give me a call. I will briefly tell you what went on at the meeting. First of all I called the meeting to order at approximately 7:55. George Marcotte read minutes from previous meetings to give Shoppe SENIOR CITIZEN'S DAY EVERY TUESDAY 10%OFF ON ANY PURCHASE IF YOU ARE 65 OR OLDER (Does not apply to sale merchandise) " . . . a * HALF SIZES • MISSES • JUNIORS THE FASHION SHOPPE 1007 N FRONT ST (RT 311 McHENRY (8161386 7747 the new members some idea of what went on at that time. Glen Messer, a long time resident of Eastwood Manor, also attended the meeting, taking time out from his very busy schedule to help us get going. Then officers were elected. The new officers are as follows: President, Mary Ann Bellak; Vice-President, Terri Melone; Secretary, Pat Marach; and Treasurer, Debbie Hoffmann. The three trustees are Mary Ann Bellak, George Marcotte and Glen Messer. We then went on to discuss the gravel pit on Chapel Hill road, along with the problems of water hydrants and dogs running loose. I set up a committee of ten people who will be canvassing the area for three different concerns all at the same time. In fact by the time you read this in the paper the job should have been already completed. I have had several reports that the residents have been extremely helpful and I'm deeply grateful. The three areas were: 1. Objections to the proposed gravel pit on Chapel Hill road, I know of several residents who attended the hearing Thursday, on March 6, who will voice the objections of Eastwood Manor. 2. I will be sending another letter out for having the water hydrants in good working order and to have them serviced properly. 3. Something I have been trying to do for a long time now and that is to make Eastwood and Manor a three : point stop. ? My volunteers for canvassing are Mr. Barr, Karen Walsh, Terri Melone, Debbie Hoff mann, Ginny Howard, Linda -Derby, Pat Marach Mrs. Rodrigiz, Sandy Hunt and myself. We are just starting out, we have a lot to learn about run ning meetings, but we will learn and we will get things done. Once these three petitions are out of the way, I will be working on getting us a place to meet, learning Robert's Rules of Order. Finding out the exact amount we have in the treasury, and also I would like to have an. Easter Egg Hunt for our children in Eastwood Manor. Now all these projects will take time and effort of many people not just one pr two, if you would be willing to help out please give me a call, we can use all we can get. I have a good outlook and am hoping for 'an active Homeowner's Association xzzn Agency Drugs rJV, y Jnite~l/a£u£, HARDWARE STORES "YOUR PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS" 1327 N. RIVERSIDE DR. McHENRY 385-4426 RIES UNBREAKABLE SUNGLASSES Assorted Styles & Colors & 65 OR OVER? SAVE! WITH OUR SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT PRESCRIPTION PLAN! JUST ASK US SAVE 30% FREE EXTRA PRINTS Regular 69* BAGS OF ASSORTED WORKSHOP SCREWS Net Net Weight 1 lb. DISCOUNT PRICE Regular $19.95 NORTHERN HUMIDIFIERS 2 Gallon Capacity DISCOUNT PRICE no" mm with tacn bet Of Kodacolor W Receive One 1 Extra Set Absolutely free H1 1 1 FREE FILM J Regular $2.95 PUSH BROOMS FOR THE GARAGE KODAK (110, 126. 127. & 620) WITH FILM PROCESSING 8 OR MORE PRINTS KOOACOLOR (Exc*pt Coupon Spociola) DISCOUNT PRICE Reg. $1.31 7 Oz. Regular or Mint Discount Price iSfe*79 ' r -i LIMIT 1 Coupon Expires 3-13-75 i VlCKS Discount LIMIT 1 coupon INFLATION [(•IITLR COL PON : SAVE i $1.20 Reg. $2.49 • HEET ANALGESIC SPRAY ; 5 Oz. : m Discount $1 29 I Price X t 'm * LIMIT I Coupon Expires 3-13-75 £ Reg. $2.49 • HEET ANALGESIC SPRAY ; 5 Oz. : m Discount $1 29 I Price X t 'm * LIMIT I Coupon Expires 3-13-75 £ i m m mini*" m Reg. $2.49 • HEET ANALGESIC SPRAY ; 5 Oz. : m Discount $1 29 I Price X t 'm * LIMIT I Coupon Expires 3-13-75 £ : mrmri ildddUldCXXnS CX3XXX3 Reg. $1.45 EXCEDRIN 60's Reg. $1.85 CLAIR0L HERBAL ESSENCE SHAMPOO 8 Oz. Reg. $1.69 C«J"CH herbal essence mpoo ndtu'di exote n Discount Price Discount Price a Discount Price LIMIT 1 Coupon Expires 3-13-75 LIMIT 1 Coupon Expires 3 13-75 rmr LIMIT 1 Coupon Expires 3 13 WW MM wy INTLATIOIN-I-IGIIIKH COITON HARDWARE STORES Agency Drugs "YOUR PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS" 1327 N. RIVERSIDE DR. 385-4426 McHENRY , WITHIN 2V2 MILE RADIUS^^^ Business wise as well as social. Anything that should come up of importance I feel the residents should know I will put it in my column. If at any time you have any questions please free to call, if I don't have the answers I'll make sure I find someone who does - until next time!! * . JAYCEE'S WOMEN'S AUXILIARY The Jaycee's Women's Auxiliary will be selling tickets at a local eatery for lunch with the EASTER BUNNY -- hamburgers and potato chips will be on the menu. What a nice idea for our children !!- Terri Melone from Fairview Lane will be one of the women selling tickets. Once again if you have any questions I'll be happy to answer them for you. VOLLEYBALL Several women have been playing volleyball up at Hilltop School for about a month and really enjoying themselves. Thee has been much talk of getting an Eastwood Manor team together to play the other subdivisions who attend, to make it a little more exciting. Terri Melone and Sandy Hunt will be playing with us shortly, by that I mean with myself as well as Ginny Howard and women from other areas are more than welcome to come. SOFTBALL TEAM (12") In the near future I will have an article going into detail about Jerry's ball team please look for it in the near future. Just recently Norby Adams stopped by to say hi! He is one of our fine ball players who is anxiously awaiting the new season. SMALL PARTY Just recently we had a small party entertaining the newly elected officers of the Homeowner's association. Debbie Hoffmann along with her husband, Roy, Pat and Mike Marach, Terri and Ron Melone, along with our other guests who were Jerry and Karen Walsh, Terry and Ginny Howard, John and Vicki Wild, and Len Burt. For the most part were all Eastwood Manor residents. We really had a good time, at least I did, ha!! Later in the evening I served Tacos which everyone seemed to enjoy. MARCH BIRTHDAY On March 11,1975 Joy Kasper will be celebrating her seventeenth birthday, many more happy birthdays to you Joy! DOGS Please keep your dogs on your property, nobody wants your dog on his property, there has been talk of fining these residents who let their dogs go wherever they may please and other ways which wouldn't be very pleasant. It would help you out too, you would be in better standing with your neighbors and it is most cer tainly the considerate thing to do. This past week on my way into town on Chapel Hill road, in our subdivision, there was a dead dog laying on the side of the road, that was really sad, but it is something that happens when dogs aren't contained properly. I'm not saying that was the case, only how very sad it was! And to do something about the situation before it's too late for more reasons than one! ILLEGAL PARKING My title just about covers the situation, it is illegal to park your cars in the street over night, each and everyone of us has a driveway for this very purpose, please make use of them! SNOWMOBILES I have had several reports of people driving their snowmobiles through people's backyards, residents simply do not care for this and will take serious action if it does not come to an immediate halt. B.K.T. HOUSES Please tell your children to stay out of the B.K.T. vacant houses on the way up to Hilltop or any other time as well. They are very dangerous and need a lot of repairs! Camp Fire Girls In Fund Raising Program C O L N MAM0* Mrs. Marilyn Torstveit, McHenry county finance chairman for the WaKiYa council of Camp Fire Girls, has an optimistic outlook for favorable results in regard to the organization's fund raising. This she stated at the Feb. 18 assembly of adult volunteers who are involved in their an nual two-week candy sale beginning March 7. According to Mrs. Torstveit, the climate is good for a cooperative public as they are made aware of the distribution of funds collected from the sale. Camp Fire Girls, with a membership of over 600,000 nationally, enjoy fun, friend ship and high ideals in learning togetherness--a sometimes impossible feat to achieve without a program such as the Camp Fire Girls offer. Members ranging in ages from 6 to 16 will be selling three kinds of boxed candy. The sale of candy results in proceeds going for girls' program and camping activities. The Council operates from only two income sources: 1, the Elgin and Crystal Lake United Way allotments and 2, the members' sale of candy. The candy sale is the group's primary fund raising activity and those in volved will be making every effort to sustain and improve the quality of the Camp Fire program. The WaKiYa council does not own camp grounds but rents the Boy Scout-owned Camp Big Timber in Elgin for a two-week day camp held each year during August. Through an i n t e r - c o u n c i l c a m p i n g agreement, WaKiYa council members may attend other Camp Fire Girl resident camps in Illinois and Wisconsin. Having worked on the candy sale planning committee, Mrs. Torstveit noted that along with many prizes for various amounts of candy • sold, a member would also have the opportunity to earn a tuition- paid week at one of these camps. Members selling a total of 300 boxes could choose from a list including tape recorders, sleeping bags, or a week at camp. Additionally, groups will be offering candy for sale at business locations on weekends during the event and door-to- door in their neighborhoods. Missed your box of candy? Call Mrs. Torstveit at 459-8981. Want a second box? Call Mrs. Marilyn Godwin of the com mittee at 459-4850. PUNCH LINE OF THE WEEK WE'R£ OUT OF REMEMBER THE GOOD OLD DAYS WHEN YOU WERE ONLY PAYDAY MOVING SOMETHING? DOLLIES MAKE IT EASY! Rent one of our Appliance Dollies FOR EASY HANDLING •Refrigerators •Washers - Stoves •Dryers - •Pianos etc. TRAILERS and PADS, Also Need it? Rent it! tUe Rexi 385-3232 904 N. FRONT ST J american rental association MCHENRY. ILL.