TELLER 12 - PI.AIXDKAI.KH WKDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1975 Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO /Taken from (he files of March 19, 1925) Six new windows have been added to St. Patrick's church in this city making a total of nine. The donors of the windows are Mr. and Mrs. George B. Frisby in memory of their sons, Thomas and Francis; Miss Etta Powers, in memory of her sister, Anna; Edward Frisby, who passed away recently; Mr. and Mrs. George J. Sayer of Chicago; Young Ladies odality and Miss Eleanor Soda HMcG IcGee in memory of Dr. and Htors. c.H. Fegers. Rev. M.J. *§IcEvoy is pastor of St. .Patrick's church. Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'tlasmussen of Streator, 111., »tiave moved to the Schiessle TTWT^ * ^Fashi flat'on Main street and will make their home in this city. Mrs. Rasmussen was formerly Miss Anna Wolff, the daughter of Mrs. A. Wolff of this city. The McCucken Vander Heyden company, a Milwaukee concern, was the lowest and successful bidder for the two paving jobs which are to be put in here during the coming summer. The Main street section will be the first to be undertaken after which work on the Riverside Drive section will be started. .Joe Barbian is going to join the orchestra and play the drums purchased out of the orchestra funds. .Jesse Whiting of Ringwood had the misfortune to get his leg broken while playing on Shoppe SENIOR CITIZEN'S DAY EVERY TUESDAY 10%OFF ON ANY PURCHASE IF YOU ARE 65 OR OLDER (Does not apply to sale merchandise) HALF SIZES • MISSES • JUNIORS THE FASHION SHOPPE 1007 N FRONT ST (RT 311 McMENRV (8161 MB 7747 basketball at Elgin recently was taken to the hospital at Woodstock Monday night for more examinations. We are now ready to contract for 1925 crop of pickles. The L. Woodward Pickle company, W. McHenry. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of March 21, 1935) State police have con centrated in McHenry County this week in a drive to collect 1935 state auto licenses. Of ficers assigned to work in the county include William Sullivan and John Stanton of Belvidere, Lester Bacon and Phil Quinto, McHenry, psmir Olson, Woodstock, and1 Am brose Galvin, Harvard. The three investigators are Higgins of Marengo, Pratt of Wayne and Dunn of Elgin. Mrs. Harry Clark died at her home in Chicago March 19 after a short illness. Mr. and Mrs. Clark and son lived in McHenry about seven years ago when Mr. Clark conducted a bowling alley and pool room in the building now occupied by William H Althoff. At the request of his many friends in Ringwood, Leonard Franzen is opening a barber shop there this week. He will be located in the Hepburn building. Mrs. Ralph Bennett was guest of honor at a post nuptial shower given by the girls of the local telephone exchange at Bickler's hotel The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Conwayv was baptized, Ronald Earl, Sunday. Mrs. Robert Weber and Harry Copway were sponsors. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of March 30, 1950) Housewives of McHenry and the surrounding community will be called to their front doors during the first two weeks in 'April by the knock of the. census takers from the * United States Bureau of the Census. Maurice's candy shop on Green street has again reopened after several weeks of remodeling. Robert Patzke, 48 years old, who resided in McHenry most of his life, passed away at Hines hospital where he had been a patient since last November. During April the American Cancer Society's Crusade will begin in McHenry under the chairmanship of Mrs. Vale Adams. A goal of $900,000 has been set for Illinois. McCullom Lake will remain unincorporated as (he result of Saturday's election at which 178 residents went to the polls. Sixty-five voted in favor of incorporation and seventy- seven against it. There were thirty-six spoiled ballots. Walter Richardson is en joying a 20 day stay enroute from army duties at Ft. Belvoir, Va. He will leave soon for the Far East to complete eighteen months of training Little Susan O'Brien, daughter of the William O'Briens, is recovering nicely from serious injuries which she suffered two weeks ago when she fell from a moving car. The pre-teen club held its meeting at the Toddler Shop at which time the second lesson in the b^by sitting course was given by Mary Kauss. Girls taking part in it adopted the slogan, "Keep Them Happy, Keep Them Safe." TEN YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of March 25, 1965) Richard T. Lawler, 68, of Wonder Lake, died at his home March 26 following a long illness.. Earle B. Brown of Beverly Way, Spring Grove, was recently elected first vice- president of the Industrial Editors Association of Chicago. Mr Brown is a staff specialist in employed communications for Warwick Electronics, Inc., Chicago, where he edits Warwick News. Robert Grom was recently named manager of the meat department in the Jewel Food Store in Antioch. Previously he was assistant meat department manager in the Jewel store, Barrington. Grom is a seventeen year veteran of Jewel. Grom and his wife and children live at West Country Lane, McHenry March 27 the German Wirehaired Pointer club of America will hold its third annual field trial at the Wing and Fin club near Volo. The basketball players from Plywood Minnesota's ANNUAL pmm ARPETING $295 $C95 JUTE-BACK OR FOAM-BACK per sq. yd. Over 80% of our carpeting falls in this range. • Every single yard in stock is reduced. • Carpeting for every room in your home. • Nylons, polyesters, ac m\f». PLAN SCHOOL CONCERTS -Representatives from McHenry county school districts participating in the county-wide conductor-in-residence program discuss arrangements for March 20 and March 21 in-school concerts. The concerts will be attended by the 10,000 fifth through eighth graders of tH* county. Dr. Elmer Thomas, conductor-in-residence who is head of the division of Ensembes art* Conducting at the University of Cincinnati's College Conservatory of Music, will conduct selected members of the Chicago Civic orchestra in McHenry at the McHenry West campus Thursday, March 20, and in Crystal Lake at the high school fieldhouse Friday, March 21. From left are Nancy Schultz, in-school program coordinator; Carl Kohrt, McHenry; Gordon Treifenbach, Crystal Lake; Nancy Trout, Richmond; George Trout, Hebron; Celeste Janega, Montini Middle grade school, McHenry ; Greg Murray, St. Mary's school in Woodstock; Dennis Windier, music coordinator for the in-school program, Woodstock District 200; Mrs. Keith Brown representing Wonder Lake and Huntley schools, and Laurie Wujcik, Prairie Grove. the North Suburban conference will be among those honored at an awards banquet April 14 by the Coca-Cola Bottling com pany of Chicago in cooperation with the Chicago Tribune. It will be held in the Grand Ballroom of the Sheraton- Blackstone hotel. McHenry's /wo athletes to attend are Ken Lawrence, Senior, forward, and Richard Smith, Senior, guard. The infant daughter of Estelle and Willie Klapperich is scheduled to undergo heart surgery in a Chicago hospital early this week. There was an excellent turnout for the open house at the Ringwood school. The four teachers, Mrs. London, Mrs. Mecklenberg, Mrs. Lumber and Mr. Smejkal were all in attendance to visit with the parents and friends. County Health Group Offers Scholarship The McHenry County Health Improvement association, an organization to promote better health among rural residents of McHenry county, is again this year making available a nurse scholarship to a high school graduate. This scholarship covers expenses for training in the profession of nursing for a girl or boy from McHenry county. Tuition and other expenses will be paid by the association Name Schaffer To Membership On State Boards Illinois Senate Minority Leader William C. Harris, R- Pontiac, has announced the appointment of State Senator Jack Schaffer, R-Cary, to membership on three im portant state boards. He said the appointments, which all expire June 30, are to the Mental Health Planning board, the Legislative Com mission to visit and examine State Institutions and the Legislative Advisory Com mission on Public Aid. In making the appointments, Senator Harris said, "As the new minority spokesman of the Senate Committee on Public Health, Welfare and Correc tions, it is particularly ap propriate that Senator Schaffer be appointed to these social service review boards. No person will be better equipped to determine the needs of our for training a McHenry county boy or girl in any accredited School of nursing in the state of Illinois, as a registered nurse. In the selection of the ap plicant, consideration shall be given concerning the need for financial assistance, the rating as a student and the general qualifications for the profession of nursing. These applications must be returned by May 1, to Mrs. Florence McCauley, 200 Roosevelt, Harvard, 111., 60033. human resource agencies through membership on these panels and then respond to those needs through, ^in troduction of meaningful ,, 'apd effective legislation." , ,<j Schaffer, who is serving/jiis first term in the Senate, Wa» a member of the Public Health, Welfare and Corrections committee during the ?8th General Assembly, and was elevated by Harris recently to the position of minority spokesman for the 79th General Assembly which will end in January, 1977. The Cary Republican is also a member of the Senate com mittees on Education, and Executive Appointments and Administration. r--rJk* Instant PANELING 50c OFF panels s400 to s6" 75c OFF panels s700 to s1000 S1.00 OFF panels SJQ00 or over SPECIAL PURCHASE! Panels from $2.99 to $4.00 are specially purchased and priced for this Sale. Hundreds of finishes, styles, colors, textures. • Largest stock of paneling in Midwest. KITCHEN CABINETS GLENWOOD WALNUT by Kil< I it >n Kompjct IXL SHENANDOAH PECAN ( X L CAROLINA OAK by Weillnghouie • One square yard of Congoleum Shinyl-Vinyl floor with every running foot of kitchen base and wall kitchen cabinet combination and countertop you buy at our regular low discount prices during the Sale. Note If you want kitchen carpeting instead or do not need a new kitchen floor, your Plywood Minnesota salesman wil l arrange an equivalent substitute Prefinished, preassembled, cartoned like fine furniture. We fit any kitchen! Bathroom vanities 17"x20" Bath Vanity off-white, gold hardware] with cultured marble top. 0nly$44 Phone 338-1440 225 E. Calhoun Street Woodstock, Illinois Faucets Extra 9:00 HOURS: Monday & Friday 8:30 Tues., Wed., Thurs. 8:30 -- 6:00 Saturday 8:30 -- 5:00 Closed Sunday Looking for a home under *27,000 - but don't want to give up modern conveniences? You ought to see Somerset Condominiums. SOMERSET a IN CRYSTAL 1AKE, IU.V--J -ROBINOLADD-- If you've never considered owning a condominium home, you owe it to yourself to see Somerset. Your beautiful new home includes 1100 square feet of living area, two bedrooms, two baths, central air conditioning, double wall soundproofing, wall to wall carpeting, paneled living room wall, completely equipped kitchen and laundry, and you can choose your own color schemes. Condominium living lets you have all the advantages of a home without the work. We do all the maintenance -- you enjoy the Clubhouse, pool, sauna and game room. Why pay rent? Build equity and security for the future with your own home. Homeowner deductions save you money on your income tax while inflation and real estate appreciation increase the value of your property yearly. Come out and say hello. Browse through the models. We'll tell you about our rent-while-you-buy<plan. Models are open daily. Only $500 down can move you in. 95 per cent financing available. Homes priced from $25,900. You'll like Somerset Condominium Homes. Directions: Rt. 31 to Virginia Road. I^eft on Virginia Road to Berk shire Drive and Somer set Models. Phone: 815-459-8742 /