f PAGEi 14 - PLAIN DEALER-WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 1975 y'-<y :-Vs* ' "* fir nr w rr <» «. t ^a-'.WBIWW tfcfibn,M/ay w u-p. p *M «!» **»#* » ^ ; ^̂ mmmmarn̂ M.r"® mm&mm mmmmrn w»*a, msmmm <> OJ»«* ,:* Hi Sfe38i:̂ «aiW* RATOP TEN ft**:!:*!* :K::::;::::::x«:::fW>x:::w<>:;:̂ NOTICE FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT P H 0 N E No cash refunds on prepaid ads. Cards of Thanks, In Memoriam, Situation Wanted, Wanted To Rent, Wanted To Buy and Garage Sales MUST be paid in advance. . The Plaindealer is not responsible for errors in clas sified ads after the first insertion. Check your ad after the first insertion and call our attention to any mistakes. OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SAT. 9:00 a.m. to Noon. Classified Copy Deadline WEDNESDAY PAPER-MONDAY 4 P.M. FRIDAY PAPER - WEDNESDAY 4 P.M. PHONE 385-0170 AUTOS 1973 MACH I, power steering and brakes, automatic, must sell. $2,400.00 or best offer. 7108 Johnson Road, Hebron, Il linois after 5:00 P.M. 3-19 1969 Pontiac Convertible, 400, runs good,$350.00 or best offer 385-5788 3-19/3-26G 1970 TRIUMPH G.T. 6-4 speed $1300 or offer. Call Joe 385- 3841 3-19 May we help you reduce your Auto Premium? Call us for a quote. Sunderlage Insurance Agency. 815-338-3328 3-19/3-21 1974 Dodge Dart Sport, 6 cy linder, automatic, radio$2,850. Days 312-247-4721, Evenings 815-344-1223 3-19/3-26G 1967 PONTIAC WAGON with 1970 350 motor $350 385-7013 3-14/3-21G 1973 Duster, 6 cylinder, 3speed great gas mileage, Bronze. Af ter 10:00 P.M. 653-9643 3-14/3-21G 1973 Dodge Charger, special edition, gold w/white vinyl roof, gold interior, full power, power windows, air AM/FM stereo multiplex, new steel belted ra- dials, 26,000 miles. Forced to sell. $2,800.00 Call 815-385- 1869 after 5:00 P.M. : 3-14/3-19 1974 PINTO 3 dr. runabout 5.200 miles $2,600.00 firm. Call 385-7460 G3-14/3-21 1973 Ford Van, low mileage, new radial tires, excellent con dition. Call 815-728-0549 or 335-4400. G3-14/3-21 '61 CHEV 3/4 ton pick-up com pletely rebuilt, 6 cyl. engine, bedv good, tool boxes $300 firm 8J5-344-1225 3- 12/3-19G '69 Chevy Van, needs work, $550.00 or best offer. 385-5959 call anytime. G3-12/3-19 '€7 CHEVI WAGON, good tires, ljuns good $350 385-8295 3-14/3-21G 1,970 Mercury Marquis, must (Sell, make offer. 385-4908after 5:00 P.M. 312/3-19G AUTOS 1971 Ford Station Wagon, air conditioning, p.s., p.b., radio $1,175.00 1964 Cadillac Con vertible $425.00 344-0880 or 385-6314 3-7-TF-1-2 1971 El Camino with rally wheels andair conditioning,p.s. p.b. radio, good tires $1,475.00 344-0880 or 385-6314 3-7-TF-1-2 1969 Jeep Commando, 4 wheel drive, with plow, excellent con dition, priced to sell 815-653- 4056 3-12/3-19G 1968 Mustang, 302 engine, air, stereo, new exhaust system. A-l engine. $475.00 After 2, 385-9528 G3-12/3-19 1-1971 Chevrolet 3,4 ton 350 V-8, 4 speed. 2-1972 Chevrolet :,4 ton 350 V-8, 4 speed, p.s., brakes, radials, tool boxes, heavy duty. 1-1974 Monte Carlo Chevrolet 10,000 miles, excellent con dition. Many extras. Lawrence & Ahlman, Inc. 312-669-5264. 3-19 3-21 LOOKING FOR A SPECIAL! |SERVICE? CHECK THESE! CLASSIFIEDS. BUSINESS SERVICES FREE PICK-UP of junk cars and trucks, night and day, except foreign and small cars. 459-0081. 3-5-TF-1-2 NEUMANN PAINTING SER VICE. Free estimates. Call 385-4219 3-12/3-21 FARMERS OR PART TIME FARMERS See us for any •FARM EXPENSES •CAR •TRUCK or •MACHINERY LOANS PRODUCTION CREDIT ASS'N 333 E. Jackson St. Woodstock, Ih 338-0334 ,?-14 3-28 I , 1 TO PLACE A YOUR AD PHONE V v :« isaps: 385-0170 GET RESULTS!!!!! r HALL FOR RENT Have your party, reception, shower or banquet at AMERICAN LEGION HALL 2505 Ringwood Rd. Ample Parking Call 385 0867 or 385-0652 3-5/3-19TF-1 BUSINESS SERVICES =>iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu i J. & R. CEMENT i | CONTRACTORS | = • Patio • F oundations EE | • Driveways » Sidewalks | = #Flat Work E • Septic Systems and Back= s Hoe Work = = Call 1 1 815-385-3840 J or i 815-385-8604 I siiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiuiiiiiiE 3-19-TF-1-2 Russell Rhoton Blacktop Service • Driveways • Parking Lots •Seal Coating •Free Estimates 385-6445 _ _ ^ _ 3 - i 2 / 4 - 2 3 i™B™™PUJMBIN^i SERVICE-REPAIR- REMODELING Frozen pipes, thawed electrically | New 3 bedroom 2 bath home with garage. Sunrise area, Wonder Lake. Near Lake. $300.00 month T.P. MATHEWS, REALTORS Wonder Lake, 111.815-653-2061 3/21 500 sq. ft. store or office. Center of McHenry, Air condi tioned $175. Call 815-385- 1327 3-5-TF-1-2 Business property, space flexible. 385-3093 2-26-TF 1-2 S0UTHGATE APARTMENTS Available now 1 bdrmfrom $185. Fully carpeted deck, stove, refrig. & air cond. furnished. Adults. 1 year lease & sec. dep. required. No pets Apts. shown by appointment. Call LEE J. C00NEY 385-4345 3-5-TF-1-2 1 Washer, Dryer Hookups • Sump Pumps I Water Heaters Free Estimates I 385-3823 I POWER SEWER RODDING I SERVICE | 2-13/3-26 BUSINESS SERVICES INCOME TAX SERVICE Competent, confidential anc convenient. Your home or mine Robert Belzer 385-0705 3-5-TF-1-2 REMODEL Old Bathroom to look like new 1-5' cast iron 14" tub with tub and shower valve. 1-24" Vanity with faucet 1-Closet combination with seat#Ceramic tile tub area 6' high COMPLETE JOB Labor and material $995.00 Call Bob. 815-385-4632 3-19/3-28 Snow Plowing. Commericaiand residential. Immediate service 385-4351 or 385-4632 3-5-TF-_l-_2 Reduce safe and fast with Go- Bese Tablets & E-Vap "water pills" Bolger Drugs. 2-12 TF-1 We remove junk cars and trucks FREE. One day service. Call anytime, 385-5156 3-5-TF-1-2 VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR, on all makes. Hoover, Eureka, Electrolux, Kirbejj, G.E. etc. $6.95 plus parts. 60 day guar antee, Carey Appliance*, Inc., 1241 N. Green St., McHenry, 385-5500 3-19/3-28 - NEED SOMETHING DONE? • Carpentry •Roofing • Cement Work # Siding • Patios • Painting • New Homes • Additions No Job to small or unreasonable ^ CALL J.S. BLAKE CONSTRUCTION 385-5593 T B 1 PAINTING - DECORATING DRYWALL REPAIR 385-8412 C, 3-19/3-21 3-7/4-18 WALLER'S Guaranteed Precision Sharpening SAWS SCISSORS 385-1544 McHenry 3-19/3-21 BUSINESS SERVICES I ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ I GUARANTEED I WANT ADS I Just Call 1 1 385-0170 6 -times I I 0NLV I I-- l\j I r>ni\o lai WE ARE NOW TAKING ORDERS. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER & SAVE! I I I I I VERY MODERN light industrial bldg. 3,000 sq. ft. on route 12 Volo Call 815-385-4004 at 8:30 a.m. 3-14/3-19 2 bedroom apartment, l^baths, stove. refrigerator, dish washer, air conditioned, car peting, drapes, pet allowed. 338-7671 after 4:00 3-7-TF-1-2 DIRECTORS CHAIRS 4 black leather and steel. Suitable for dining or rec. rooms $20 each; Odyssey TV game like new $50 385-9439 3-19/3-21 White antique bedroom set,in cludes dresser, chest, dressing table, corner grouping-desk and 2 chests, twin size canopy bed and night table, excellent cond ition. Best offer. 385-3096 3-19/3-20 Gold colonial sofa and chair; two new tires, one used tire with rim sz. , 4.90/4.00x12, chrome dinette set with four chairs, overstuffed rocker, needs recovering. Best offer. 385-7421 3-19 1969 PONTIAC CATALINA:air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, good tires; 1973 Skiroule snowmobile RT 300 Excellent condition $425 815- 653-9283 3-19 ATTENTION GARDENERS Garden Plants available again! 6" to 10" Hybrid, bare root, field started. Popular varieties averaging 3 cents and 4 cents each. Call 385-9432 3-19/3-21 Big 15% Easter Savings on all Vanda Beauty C'ounslors Cos metics in Stock 385-2725 3-19 3 piece Gold Mediterranean couch and 3 tables to" match. All for $550.00 385-1734 3-19/3-26G APPALOOSA MARE, 10 yrs. old, good riding horse $225 Call 728-0533 after 5 p.m. G3-14/3-21 New men's 10 speed Columbia bicycle $75.00. Call 653-9529 after 5:30 p.m. G3-7/3-14 1974 Artie Cat, Cheetah, 440, low mileage, excellent condition Call anytime. 385-2177 3-14/3-19G Tyco freight train, village, switches, on 4'x8' board $60.00 # Eclipse reel self-propelled mower $35.00. 385-1185 3-14/3-21G Porch Sale - Any time. Elec. Fireplace - Large Rug.Base CB - Toboggan - Portable Washer. Clothing & Misc. 385-8958. 3-19 3 ROOM APARTMENT, security deposit and referen ces. 385-1298 3-19 3-21 1 bedroom apartment in town. $150.00 per month. Call after 5, 344-1863. 3-19 3-21 To Sub-let 2nd floor apartment in Crystal Lake, 2 bedrooms, appliances, dishwasher, air conditioning, shag carpeting and drapes, $235.00 month. Days 568-8011, evenings 459- 3205. 3-19 3-26G Two br. apt. heat furnished $215.00 carpet, range, ref. 1 yr. lease Call weekends 12 to 5 , no pets 385-8042 3-5-TF-1-2 Office space for rent, panel led, carpeted and air condit ioned. Conveniently located on Rte. 31 $65.00 and up 455- 0320 3-5-TF-1-2 McHenry, new 3 br. home, 2 car garage, references and se curity deposit $375 month. Call eve. 385-5925 3-5-TF-1-2 1 bedroom apartment with fire place $200.00 month,2bedroom apartment $230.00, both have all appliances, laundry, rec. room and swimming pool. 385- 7599 3-7-TF-1-2 New Quadro home in McHenry, 2 bedrooms 1% baths, fully car peted, colored appliances in kitchen, 1 car garage with stor age space, private patio, in park like setting. $265.00 per month Call between 8:30 and 5:30 385- 1346 after 6:00 P.M. 385-7226 3-5-TF-1-2 3 bedroom house, large kitchen, family room, 2 car garage. $325.00 per month. 344-0880 2-28-TF-1-2 2 BR. apt. l'/2 baths, refrig erator, stove, dishwasher air. cond. pool rights andpetallow- ed $235.00 month 344-1788 after 4 P.M. 3-5-TF-1-2 JWHARTON BLACKTOP PAVING] | COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL | SERVING YOUR AREA - • 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE V V | ( -Call anytime for FREE ESTIMATE-- GRAYSLAKE 312-223-5634 - LIBERTYVILLE 312-367J)676^,^^ •• 0 - rrir* 1974 Honda CR 250, $750.00. Single snowmobile trailer $100.00, Epiphone Guitar $300.00. After 5:00 385-4526. 3-19 3-26G REFRIGERATOR FREEZER 15 ft. G.E. coppertone, good condition $100. 815-385-4472. 3-19 3-26G Garage Doors - like new 16 x 7 $100.00, 8 x 7 $55.00 also 10 x 7's Garage door section re placement $30.00, Electric gar age door opener $70.00 385- 4010 3-17-TF-1-2 HJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiJ SPIN ON | OIL FILTERS i ( $1.98 ( = With this ad = Waterfront deluxe 1 bedroom apartment, carpeting, stove re., immediate occupancy, adults no pets. 385-3493 3-5-TF-1-2 New 2 bedrm. iVi bath apart ment with refrig - range - dishwasher and disposal. Fully carpeted-private patio and att ached garage $275.00 a month Call 385- 2769 3-5-TF-1-2 Modern office in professional building, panelled, air condi tioned," heat and utilities in cluded. $100.00 per month. 385- 5572 or 385-5200 , 3-14/3-21G New 2 bedroom house, utility room, in McHenry area. For more information "call 653-9553 3-12/3-19G 3-5-TF-1-2 = I i $10.90 $5.00 Saw *5.<>Q -llllllllllillllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllF, TAX RETURNS Established For 20 Years With ^ An experienced staff to handle your indivi dual problems. s • Computer verification at no extra charge. Phone 385-4410 * FOR AN APPOINTMENT WITH Paul A. Schwegel & Company 4410 W. ROUTE 120 McHENRY 3-5/3-28 COMMUNITY 1 | AUTO SUPPLY | I 385-0778 = 3-14/3-19= 5iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin= Apartments of McHenry Now renting 1 and 2 bed room apartments, from $195.00 per month. In cludes deep pile shag car peting, stove,refrigerator, master T.V. antenna and pool 2 bedroom units also equipped with Hot-Point dishwasher. Children and pets permitted. Walking distance to downtown Mc Henry and North Western Commuter station. Management by McLennan Co., Realtors 815-385-2181 or 312-631-6400 Lecithin! Vinegar! B6! Kelpt now all four in one capsule. Ask for VB6+ Botgers Drugs 2-19 3-21 FOR SALE i ALUMINUM PLATES 25' A Plate - 6 Plate Minimum Size 23 * 35 .009 Thick Inquire At THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER 3812 W. Elm St.-McHenry Phone: 385-0170 3/19-4/30 MALE HELP WANTED | EXPERIENCED | I SERVICE STATION \ MAN NEEDED j | 4207 Wilmot Road \ McHenry, III. £ 3-19/3-21: FEMALE HELP WANTED TELEPHONE ANSWERING in your home 385-7771 3-14-TF-1-2 NOTICE TO ALL ORGANIZATIONS Have your Bake Sale Art Show ... or any special display or project at H0RNSBYS We will furnish space, tables and complete cooperation...plus provide you with thousands of our customers on any given weekend. We will support your event in our advertising at no cost to you. PLEASE CONTACT YOUR MANAGER AT HORNSBYS 'tmi./y ( t - n r c f s 4400 W. Elm, McHenry Daily9-9jSunday9-6 ^™^97?-28 Business Opportunity Responsible mature WOMAN for inner - office secre 'tarial duties. Typing, book keeping, filing, recor keeping essential. Short hand helpful. Write resumej stating qualifications to " v Box M3 I c/o McHenry Plaindealer j i McHenry, III. ( 3-19/3-21* W36XX363063CS^636XXXX96S6S63C6 - YOU CAN GET {* that extra income without {* leaving your home. Be your ° own boss, work your own O hours, and own your own business, complete with O machines, dyes and pack- < > aging material. Can be set < > up in small area of space < > in garage or bsmt. < > For more information call " 815-385-8411 3-19/3-21 n o o o < > < ) < > o < > O o FEMALE HELP WANTED McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP NEEDS R.N.'S AND LP.N.'S 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. Full Time or Parf Time Full benefits including hospital insurance and retirement plan. Excellent working conditions Apply 1209 N. Green St. McHenry, III. or call personnel 385-1050 !•••• 3-19/3-21 Sell Auto Insurance Part Time 312-395-6648 3-5-TF-1-2 Dental Assistant, experience preferred, but not necessary. Write Box M-4, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry. 3-19/3-21 Vooooooooooooooooooiom Dental Assistant, experience preferred, but not necessary. Write Box M-4, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St. McHenry. 3-19/3-21 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT air conditioned, heat furnished $175 Call (815)385-1327 3-19/3-21 Large 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom furnished apartments, applian ces, carpeting, fireplace, all utilities furnished. 385-7574 or 385-9872 3-19/3-21 WOODSTOCK - large 3 bedroom home, stove and refrigerator included. References and se curity deposit 1 yr. lease $240 month, no pets. Call 815-653- 9200 3-19/3-21 2 bedroom Colonial Ranch, V/2 baths, 1 car garage, no children or pets. lohnsburg area. $225. 385-4389 3-19/3-21 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT large rooms, fireplace in dining room $165 Call (815)385-1327 3-19/3-21 WANTED YOUNG WOMAN for local business office, 5Vi day week. Typing and aptitude with figures necessary. Will train right individual Write: McHenry Plaindealer Box M5 McHenry, 111. 60050 3-19/3-21 EXPERIENCED AUTOMOBILE BILLER for local dealer. 5% day week. Send resume and salary expected to McHenry Plaindealer Box M6 McHenry, III. 60050 >oooooooc ooooooooooo< > 3-19/3-21 • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3-19/3-21 * COOK WANTED HETTERMAN'S Call 385-1787 AVON Is TV the most exciting part of your life? Avon offers an exciting al ternative. Sell quality pro ducts in your own Ter ritory. Excellent earn ings. too. Call: MRS. BAIJER 815-385-5385 3-5/3-28 HELP WANTED SHIPPING DEPARTMENT Lead Man-Woman If you have several years previous experience, in all phases of shipping (including the paper work) and can effectively lead the employees working for you, we have such a position available. For an interview send resume or outline of past and present work history to: Box M 7, c/o McHenry Plaindealer, 3812 W. Elm St., McHenry ° ' . 3/19-3/21